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Chapter 7 – Demon Lord, VII ※

As soon as her small lips touched mine, the priestess immediately pulled her face away and looked down.

Her cheeks turn bright red as if steam were escaping from her face.

But from her downward gaze, she lifts her head and looks at me with tear-filled eyes.

I don’t know how to react.

Or rather, what am I expected to do here?

For me, it’s more embarrassing when you get this upset, especially over a low level of kiss that boys and girls only do in their early stages of puberty.

Or rather, how much easier it would be spiritually if you just gave me a more sexual and deeper kiss without hesitating.

And then, this priestess tilts her head here as if to ask: ‘Do you like it?’

To be honest, I don’t like it.

I’m so embarrassed that my face is getting hot, and I also hate that the demon lord is making a gloating face from behind her.

But if I said something like, ‘I don’t like it, so stop it’, this priestess would probably start crying.

So I made up the best fake smile as I could.

I don’t mind being cried at by someone who would normally cry, but being cried at by someone who wouldn’t normally cry is very hard to take.

“Well, I guess I don’t hate it.”

When I said that, she relaxed her expression and stuck out her tongue, which didn’t seem very long, as far as it would go.

Then she started licking my cheeks.

“Hey, what’s with the licking?”

“That… like I said, I’m going to lick you. From your pretty face to your toes.”

Ah. Surely she had said something similar to that before.

On the other hand, it feels… strange.

I’m being licked in places I’ve never been licked.

And what feels more strange is that the priestess, who is with a smaller tongue and lips, is licking my face in a cheerful way – far from her usual behavior.

To be honest, it didn’t feel very naughty.

But it gave me a feeling of petty animal loveliness, and it made me giggle a little.

She could only lick a little at a time, so it took a long time, but she really did cover everything.

My forehead, my eyelids, my ears, my chin, and everything else was traced by her soft tongue and lips, and it made me feel the warmth of her body.

When she had finished licking my face, the priestess moved on to my neck.

And since the neck is one of the most important erogenous zones for men,

“Kuh, uu…”

I couldn’t help but moan a little.

Hearing this, the priestess looked at me with a very happy smile.

She immediately moved her tongue to my shoulder.

Damn, it’s kind of frustrating.

When I see a girl trying so hard, I can’t help but want to pretend that it’s not working at all.

So I put all my strength into my restrained limbs and endure the moaning.

I could feel a small tongue crawling over my shoulder and saliva slideing down my body.

But I have to be patient – I have to be patient, me.

“Ha-ha-ha-ha, it tickles, Miss Priestess.”


But the will to do so was broken when her tongue reached my sides.

Once I felt the tickle, I couldn’t fight it anymore, and I writhed and gasped as she licked my inner arms, waist, stomach, and chest.

“Hou… you are quite good, Priestess. Look at him. He’s so happy.”


“Yes, he must have liked it very much to see that he is laughing and all.”

“D-Don’t be ridiculous!”

And that’s when I glared at the demon lord.

It isn’t because it was a lie, but because I saw the secretary standing behind her.

She is holding a magic camera.

Ahh, so that’s it… I get it now.

The demon lord plans to record the priestess’ erotic activities and then report them to Andersen’s State Church – or maybe to the press or something.

Once that happens, she will be removed from her position, no matter how good a priestess she is.

Because the priestesses of the church must remain pure and untainted. As they are a symbol of the Church’s faith.

This must have been a ploy by the demon lord, who was surprised by her arrival.

But to think that she could set up a super-weird honey trap in such a short time, she’s not a ruler for nothing.

“Priestess! You’re being filmed!”

When I shouted this, the priestess seemed to be startled as well and looked back at the demon lord.

“Don’t worry. I’ll put a mosaic on your face.”

“That’s right.”

But after the demon lord and the secretary told her this, the priestess put her face on my chest again.

“No, no, no, don’t believe her, she’s usi–, uuu-aa–, aa—–a?”

I tried to explain to the priestess, who was so strangely gullible at the moment, but I was at a loss for words.


When I looked up, I saw the demon lord pointing her right forefinger at me, grinning and smirking wickedly.

It seemed that I had been magically silenced by her magic.

“Still, you’re licking him pretty meticulously, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am. After all, I am what is commonly known as a ‘devoted woman’.”

“But, priestess, wouldn’t it be a pity if we don’t pick up the pace? I think it’s time you took advantage of his weakness.”

“Yes, I suppose that’s true.”


“Hmm? He seems to be trying to tell me something.”

“I’m sure he wants you to suck him as soon as possible. Over here.”

The priestess then placed her mouth on my left nipple, my biggest weak spot, as the demon lord urged her to do so.

I was already distracted when her fine breath caressed it, but when her wet tongue began to flick the nipple in a steady rhythm, I was completely ruined.

The erotic sensation from licking the nipples – especially the left one – it caused it to fire something like electric shocks to my body, running and spreading from the tip of the protrusion to my toes, before going up and reaching and melting my brain from the inside.

Then it forced something to rise in the back of my throat, something other than my voice.

Then it caused me to experience into another mind-blowing sensation enough to stop my head from thinking.

Or at least, that’s how I felt it.

“Gosh, he sounds better than when I sucked him off. I don’t like it.”

Spoke the demon lord, who was watching the entire thing, and for some reason, she seemed to be in a sour mood.

It is true that it feels better when the priestess does it than the demon lord. The demon lord’s caresses should have been more enchanting and intense, but why is that?

No, this is not the time to think about that. I must tell the priestess to stop violating me further.

But I can’t say a word.

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