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Chapter 14 – Hero, I

The holy knight is unable to move because of the restraints on her hands and feet, yet her cock-seeking hips with the afterglow of being teased and her desire for an orgasm is unstoppable.

The man called Hero looked down at her and said as if he was going to vomit.

“Holy knight. I am disappointed in you. I didn’t know you were such an unprincipled, corrupted woman. You are extremely unqualified to be a member of the party of heroes.”

“Huh? I-it can’t be! I’m sorry, Sir Hero… No, you’ve got it all wrong!”

The holy knight looked startled and immediately began to apologize, but as she was bound, she could not conceal her orifice, which opened and closed as she spoke.

I see, the holy knight was a subordinate of the current hero. If that’s the case, then the hostility I felt earlier was that man’s hostility.

However, the same hero is now glaring at the holy knight that was supposed to be her ally just now.

“Just so you know, I watched the whole thing from the sky. It would have been better if you had been humiliated, but to think that you would say such things in that situation… even as an excuse, I won’t accept it. So would you please stop looking at me with your filthy eyes?”

“Ahh, my apologies, my apologies, Sir Hero!”

Seeing the holy knight sobbing and apologizing like that, I can’t help but step in.

“Hey, hero. Isn’t that a bit too harsh? Even though I’m the one who made her like that, I can tell you that at least she didn’t speak out of loyalty and obligation to you.”

“Oh, so you must be the merchant!”

The hero exclaims, shedding any and all of my revulsion.

“Ghh, what the hell… hey, listen to me…”

“Hey, I heard a big noise, so I―― is that the hero? For real!?”

The female warrior comes up from the bottom of the ship at the worst possible moment.

“Yes. I am indeed the hero, the incarnation of justice.”

The hero’s confidence seemed to ooze from his pores as he puffed out his chest. His red armor reflected the sunlight and hurt my eyes.

“I understand that you are the hero, but why are you interfering with my business?”

“Please, there is no need to fuss over these minor details. All I want is for you and the female warrior over there to be my companions.”

“Huh? Isn’t that a bit too much for a greeting, Sir Hero? Besides, it won’t do you any good to have me as a companion, apart from the female warrior. I won’t be of any use to you.”

“No need to be so modest. I have heard that you have received an order for magic ores from the Minister of Finance. I think that alone is enough proof that you are a very skilled merchant. And altogether enough evidence for your usefulness to my party.”

“But I never said I wanted to join your party. More importantly, you still haven’t explained why you prevented me from coming to Newland.”

“There are two reasons.”

The hero went on, brushing back his wavy blond hair.

“One is that I am essentially hostile to the Minister of Finance, so I need you to dissolve your contractual relationship with him and sever your ties with the Minister altogether, before I make you join me in my party of justice. To do this, I must prevent you from obtaining the magic ores for his order.”

“Hmm? You’re from Andersen, aren’t you? Why are you at odds with the Minister of Finance? Also, isn’t he the one who supported you?”

“It is true that I owe the Minister of Finance a debt of gratitude for lobbying the Papal Court to have me installed as a hero. But in the end, it was only in Andersen’s national interest.”

“Of course, it was. And what’s wrong with that?”

“If anything, that minister thinks only of the country’s state and not of humanity as a whole. The same goes for the others, and that is the main reason why people fight and quarrel with each other. In this era, humanity should take this opportunity to remove national boundaries and ties and unite as a whole so that we can eradicate these evil Demons from the earth. Only when we do that will the world be brought to a new light.”

The hero stares at me as if to say, “What do you think? My justice is cool, right?”

I see, so that’s why he attacked even the Demon cities that had little to do with politics and economics.

“Another thing is that this was also a test for the female warrior and that holy knight over there.”

“Wow, me? How was it? How did I do?”

The female warrior asks, jumping up and down when she is mentioned.

“You were wonderful, Mister Merchant and Miss Female Warrior. You passed with flying colors. I really want to invite you to the party. But sadly, in exchange, I no longer want to have anything to do with that prostitute. Even now, I don’t want to see her face.”

The hero snorts and looks contemptuously at the trouserless holy knight.

“Now that I’ve explained my part, come with me and let us lead this world into a new light. Your help will be necessary.”

The hero ended his request with a sculpted smile.

But I let out a sigh.

To be honest, I’m feeling nauseous.

“Well, you know what? Eat my ass.”

“Huh? Why? Why would you reject the path of justice?”

The hero’s eyes widen as if he can’t believe anyone would refuse his invitation.

“There are two reasons for that.”

I replied, imitating him.

“One is that I hate people like you.”


“I get sick when I see people who think that their own ‘justice’ is absolutely ‘right’ for other people. Do you know? The definition of justice is different according to one’s origin and position in society, and it develops only in the cooperation of a mass of people in order to survive in peace. So only a nation, a religion or an ethnic group has the right to implement at least a minimum of this “justice” and to make people live within this framework, not some elected flag-bearer like you. But this also makes it impossible for such a huge unit of humanity to unite as one, as they will now have different beliefs, laws and histories that form the basis of their “justice”. So, for you to say such a thing, like you are the incarnation of this and plan to unite humanity as one, without even considering their ‘justice’, is just the height of arrogance and should not exist”.

“Hmph. What an outdated way of thinking. Can’t you see that’s what’s holding humanity back? Once the Demons are eradicated, people will no longer have to be bound by these ‘individual inconveniences’, and they can build a free and equal world through reason as much as they want.”

“As a hero, you overstep your bounds and your thinking is too shallow, ignoring such problems and classifying them as ‘individual inconveniences’, which also shows that you don’t really understand anything. But from your narcissistic attitude alone, I think you won’t believe me no matter what I tell you, so I’ll say something else that even you can understand―― I don’t like the way you mock the Finance Minister and Miss Holy Knight, who should be on your side.”


“Not that I am defending them. I mean, I almost became their enemy, but I still think of them as respectable people who care more about what they belong to than their own personal interests. It’s not pleasant to be humiliated by the enemy, yes, but the real reason you’ve been mocking Miss Holy Knight and calling her a whore for some time now is because of the values of the Messianic Faith, isn’t it? Doesn’t that mean that you yourself are trapped in the same framework of the Church, the same “justice” that has failed to unite humanity as one? Besides, I don’t find it disgusting; instead, I find it quite lovely, this erotic side of Miss Holy Knight. As a matter of fact, I could say she’s super cute”.

Upon hearing this, the hero squeezed the sheath of his sword in its red scabbard with both hands and snapped his head back.


That… wait, did that make this hero guy angry?

“So, what’s the other reason? You said there were two reasons. Tell me.”

It’s not a loud rant by any means, but an intimidating feeling rumbles in my gut.

This is bad, this is bad, this is bad. I got a little too angry and made too many insults. If I were to be cut down by the hero here, my chances of surviving for a second would probably be two percent or so. Should I apologize and get down on my knees or something? But he asked about the second reason, so I might as well answer first.

“The other reason is that I can’t go back on my contract with the Minister of Finance. If the contract is not honored, the merchant loses his credibility and, with it, his livelihood. No matter how much of a superstar Sir Hero is, I can’t just say, “ Okay, I’ll stop” and give up procurement when asked, even if it’s in exchange for my life!”

Wait. That isn’t right. Fuck.

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