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Chapter 2 – In Search for Strength ※

After the monster stampede had come to an end, the four TOKOROTEN members who had been resting at Grand Court 2503 for various reasons had a simple breakfast in the dining room kitchen the next morning.

Then, over a light cup of tea after the meal, Yoichi explained to the women what the Administrator had told him about the Demon’s involvement.

“I see… to think that Mister Yoichi is put into such a dangerous state…”

The skills that Yoichi possesses, including [Healthy Body α(Alpha)], are somewhat out of the ordinary, so Alana thought that he would be able to handle anything that came his way.

However, this way of thinking changed after listening carefully to the story about Yoichi being on the verge of death because his soul had been directly damaged by a Demon Person.

“I don’t want to see Mr. Yoichi in such a state again.”

Alana stares weakly into the void and shrinks back.

Unaware of his true condition, Alana was unable to suppress her lust for the erection that had grown on Yoichi as a function of an organism on the verge of death, and as her instincts dictated, she devoured Yoichi.

No wonder she was ashamed of herself.

“Isn’t that also a form of affection?”

While Yoichi thought about how to comfort the apologetic and shrinking Princess Knight, Misato began to speak in a soft manner.

“I don’t like to think about it, but if Yoichi had died back then…”


“Haha. But really, I don’t like to think about it too either.”

Misato’s mouth became a little heavy as she put into words a scene she did not want to imagine, and Alana’s eyebrows also furrowed at the assumption she did not want to hear too much.

A dry laugh escaped Karin, who had already experienced separation via a break-up with Yoichi, albeit a spontaneous one.

“Still, Alana could have been carrying Yoichi’s child.”


“Ah, I see.”

At Misato’s next words, Alana blushed and involuntarily patted her lower abdomen.

It was because she felt that what Yoichi had poured out yesterday was still inside her.

Then Misato continued, seeing that her words seemed to get through to Karin.

“You know, when a man is about to die, he gets an erection.”


Alana was startled by Karin’s words, her eyes widening as she stuttered over her own, but Misato just nodded silently.

“If I remember correctly, it’s part of a male’s instinct? I’ve heard that when they die, men get erections in an attempt to leave their offspring behind.”

“And the female instinct not to lose the genes of the superior male probably kicked in and pushed Alana to do it, is that what you’re saying? I wonder if it’s really difficult to go against such a biological desire.”

These are the amateurish thoughts of Karin and Misato, who are neither experts nor anything else.

But it seemed to have held a persuasion power to the others.

After all, not everyone in the room knows much about what living organisms are or how their bodies actually work.

“If we go by that, then even if it had been Misato or me in there instead of Alana, we would have done the same thing. So you don’t have to sulk anymore.”

“Misato, Karin…”

The conversation had taken a strange turn, but as long as Alana’s emotional burden was lightened a little, this kind of what-if theory was not bad for once; Yoichi thought as he clapped his hands to change the atmosphere.

“Alana, did it feel good?”


Yoichi asked out of the blue. At which the Princess Knight couldn’t help but make a strange noise.

Then she cautiously opened her mouth and wiggled her fingers in front of her downcast face.

“It felt… really good. No, it was the best I have ever felt in my life.”

“I see. I felt good too.” “Huh? Ah, no, that’s…”

“We both felt good. That’s all that matters.”

Alana’s eyes widened at the words, but moments later, her expression relaxed, and she exhaled in relief.

“Yes, you’re right.”

Misato smiled reassuringly when she saw the state of the two, while Karin giggled a little in dismay.

“Well, we’d better get back over there. We’ve got some reporting to do and stuff.”

And just like that, the four of them got ready and [returned] to [Frontier Home].


“Haa… uuu… kuh…”

“Uuu… what… is this… it feels like I want to puke…”

Shortly after arriving in their usual room in the other world, Karin and Misato suddenly began to feel uncomfortable.

“Karin, Misato? What’s wrong?”

“Are you two alright?”

As they called to them, Misato held her chest and shook her head.

“I don’t… know… but it feels… uncomfortable…”

Karin’s symptoms seemed a little milder, and although she could speak, albeit haltingly, she seemed incapable of understanding what had happened to her.

Her complexion quickly turned blue, and sweat began to appear on her forehead and cheeks.

“Haaa, haaa… nhh…”

“Fuuh… mm… I can’t breathe…”

Their breathing became more and more intense, as if they were searching for a little oxygen in a place with thin air, but as it went on, it became shallower and shallower, albeit faster at the base, and eventually weaker and weaker.

“Aguu… mmhh…”

“Oops. Caught you.”

Yoichi quickly picked up Misato, who was about to collapse from her knees.

Misato in his arms was breathing shallowly with her mouth half open.

The eyes that looked at Yoichi also moved restlessly without a fixed point of view, and his arm that supported her body felt tremors that were close to convulsions.


Despite the fact that she is sweating profusely all over her body, the body temperature transferred from her body in contact with the thin garment is surprisingly low.

No matter how you looked at it, her condition was quite serious.

“Sorry… Yoichi… I too… can’t stand up any longer…”

Karin had also reached the limit of standing and leaned against Yoichi.

“A-anyway, let’s go back once!”


Confirming that Alana was touching him as well, Yoichi activated [Return +].

“Nfuuh… that was tiring…”

“Mm… fuuh… haaa… haaa…”

Back in Japan, Karin’s and Misato’s worried expressions relaxed, and their breathing, though still a little ragged, gradually calmed down.

“Are you two all right?”

“Yes… much better… than before… auu…!”

“Whoa! Don’t overdo it, Karin!”

Karin let go of Yoichi’s leaning body and tried to stand on her own, but she wobbled, so Alana, who was at her side, supported her.

“…I’m okay now…I think…”

Misato replied, too, trying to reassure them, but her forehead was too much in sweat to make them believe her.

Yoichi held Misato up while Alana lent her shoulder to Karin and went to the bedroom to lay them both on the bed for the time being.

“What the hell is going on?”

“It’s… similar to the one I had… when I first went over there…”

“‘Umu. Magic sickness.”

The first time they went to another world, Karin and Misato were exposed to the mana that filled the space and became temporarily ill.

“But you looked more in pain than before…”

But this time, the symptoms seemed much more severe.

“Mother might know something, but if we go back there and the same symptoms reappear, it could cause long-term suffering for both of them if left untreated.”

Karin and Misato have [Healthy Body β(Beta)], so they should gradually recover if nothing serious happens to them.

However, they will have to suffer until they recover, and at the moment, it is hard to imagine how long that will take.

Alana’s mother and the guildmaster of the Mage Guild, Hortense, may be able to make a proper diagnosis and provide the appropriate treatment, but as she may have to clean up after a mass outbreak of monsters, it is not clear when they will be able to see her.

It is possible to use [Return+] to bring her here when Hortense is free, but it would not be a good idea to show off Yoichi’s skills too much to anyone other than the TOKOROTEN members.

Still, if they continue like this, they will have no way to find out what is happening to the two.

“Yoichi… appraisal… do it… ….”

“Are you sure?”

Even though the girls have been [Appraised] many times in the past, it was done without telling them or before they were fully aware of the effects of [Appraisal+], so they used the skill without paying much attention.

Now, however, the members of TOKOROTEN have been told about the skill in detail, so Karin and the others already know that they can even see a person’s background by using [Appraisal+].

At Yoichi’s question, Karin and Misato nodded silently.

“Okay. I’ll try my best not to look at unnecessary parts.”


Condition: severe mana intoxication due to excessive supply of mana.


“Oversupply of mana?”

Yoichi goes further into the past logs to check the details.

Apparently, one of the reasons for this magic intoxication is the sudden increase in the maximum amount of mana that Misato and Karin’s bodies could hold. As for the reason for this change, it was due to the repeated use of mana until it was depleted in the previous battle, then Yoichi pouring a large amount of a substance containing mana directly into their wombs, further inflating the mana vessel in them.

If they had been resting in the other world, there would have been no problem, but because they went to Japan instead, where mana is non-existent in its entirety, their bodies, which should have been taking their time searching for mana to supply their bodies, went into a state of overdrive due to the scarcity. This state of overdrive lasted until they returned to the other world, and because their bodies were desperately reaching out and doing whatever it took to acquire mana, this caused a sudden and huge surge of it to enter their bodies upon their return, causing them to feel this discomfort.

“Umu. So the cause is the body’s attempt to fill an oversized vessel as quickly as possible?”

“Something like that.”

“What is the treatment?”

“Once mana is restored to its maximum level, the discomfort will go away.”

In other words, if they want to heal quickly, it would be better to go back to another world.

Although it will take a full day of discomfort, the symptoms will subside, and after two to three days, they will fully recover.

“Of course, there’s also the option of staying here and relying on my skills. You won’t feel any discomfort, but since I am the only source of mana here through [Healthy Body]‘s connection, your recovery will take longer, about ten days.”


Misato stood up after he said that, although it was obvious at that moment that blood had already been drained from her face just looking how pale she was.

Yoichi quickly held Misato’s shoulders and laid her down on the bed.

“There’s no need to rush to get better, is there? Just take your time and rest.”


“Mister Yoichi is right. Besides, Misato was with mother at the time of the incident, so there’s no need to inform her about what happened to us, as she probably already knows.”

“Misato, at times like this… it’s only right to be overly pampered….”

It was Karin, sleeping next to her, who reassured Misato, who still looked somewhat unconvinced.

She has a history of almost destroying her body by overexerting herself.

She was not aware of it at first, but now that she has been reunited with Yoichi and has regained some of her health, she finally understands how devastated her body was at the time.

Instead of pushing herself and worrying Yoichi and Alana, it would be better for both of them if she listened and took her time to heal.

“Yes. Karin is right. And I’ll also be happier if you decide to let us pamper you for now.”

“…… I understand.”

The result was that Karin and Misato were left to rest in Japan while Yoichi and Alana returned to the other world.


“Yoichi, you did a great job this time. And for that, we thank you.”

Celestin, the Guildmaster of the Adventurers’ Guild and Alana’s grandfather, said as he bowed deeply.

He and Alana had come to the Adventurers’ Guild to report, but now only Yoichi remained.

Alana, who had left earlier, was on her way to report to her father, Lord William.

“Oh, no… I just did what I could…”

In front of the flustered Yoichi, Celestin lifts his head and smiles softly.

“But what you just did was too extraordinary. Thanks to you, the civilians that got hurt are zero.”

During this monster stampede, more than 1,000 adventurers and knights sacrificed their lives to save the city.

Although lives were saved, a significant number retired with irreversible injuries.

However, had it not been for Yoichi’s active role, the number of casualties would have been even greater.

In particular, if the Greater Land Turtle Emperor had not been dealt with, the city would have been heavily destroyed, and a considerable number of civilians would have been killed.

“But are you sure? If we were to suddenly become B-rank….”

“What are you talking about? Just defeating the Greater Land Turtle Emperor single-handedly is an S-rank accomplishment, you know? If I had the authority, I’d raise it even higher.”

In response to this too great an achievement, the Meilgrad Adventurers’ Guild decided to promote Yoichi, Karin, and Misato to B-rank in one fell swoop.

“Oh, come to think of it, I remember being told that an exam was required to become D-rank or higher….”

“Up to B rank, it is at the discretion of the Guild Master. As for the exams, many other adventurers besides you will be exempted from the exams and will be promoted to higher ranks for surviving the monster stampede. Don’t worry too much.”

“Is that so? Then I will gladly accept it.”

Although money and other rewards had been promised, Celestin said that they would be given out much, much later, as their first priority was to compensate the families of the dead adventurers and the cost of medical treatment for the injured. Naturally, Yoichi had no objections to this.

“Ah, now that I remember….”

Celestin scratched his cheeks and went on.

“…the training we talked about the other day. You can do without it if you don’t want to.”

The other day, Celestin had suggested to Yoichi that he would give him some training soon.

However, this was partly an outburst of resentment at having a beloved grandchild taken away from him, and thar it was expected that he would be treated more “tenderly“, but it seemed that this incident was enough to make up for it.

“No, no. Or rather, if the Guildmaster is willing to give up his precious time to train me, wouldn’t it be a waste for me to refuse?”

Yoichi remembered the final stages of the battle.

He realized how helpless he was in a melee where he couldn’t use his guns properly.

At that time, he thought, “If I had learned even one sword technique, I might have been able to fight him more.”

That way, when he fought the Demon Person, he would have been able to resist better, especially if he had a powerful weapon made in this world.

“Hmm. But you can fend well even now, can’t you?”

“No. That’s not the case. I can only use powerful weapons. Fighting to me is something else entirely.”

When he first came to this world, he thought that as long as he could use a gun, he wouldn’t need to train in any other fighting method, but now he wants to punch his former self in the face.

After a moment’s stunned silence, Yoichi raised his head and looked into Celestin’s eyes.

“I want to be strong. Personally.”

If Alana had arrived a little later, not only he but also Misato and Karin might have been killed, and in the worst possible way.

He was reminded of the harsh reality that it is not enough to rely on weapons and skills alone to protect what is important.

Of course, this didn’t mean that he had realized what he had to do in the future.

But Yoichi thought that by asking Celestin, whom Alana respected as a warrior, to teach him, he might be able to grow, even if only a little.

“Hmm. I won’t go easy on you once we decide to do this.”

“Of course. Or rather, that’s what I want.”

Having been told this, Celestin crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and began to think.

“Okay. For now, let’s decide it with this.”

After a slightly dazed look, he placed a dagger on the table.

Celestin must have taken it out with his [Storage] skill because Yoichi didn’t see him reach into his pocket.

The dagger was a thick, single-edged dagger with a blade of about 20 centimeters, but when Celestin placed it on the desk, it made an unexpectedly loud thud.

“Pick it up.”


Yoichi grabbed the hilt and tried to lift it, almost breaking his knee in the process.


With this size, he expected it to weigh 300 grams, 500 grams at the most, but the dagger was much heavier than he expected.

He felt that the dagger weighed no more than one or two kilograms. It’s not so heavy that it’s impossible to lift, but it won’t be easy for someone who doesn’t know how much it weighs and just picks it up carelessly.

He checked the weight of the dagger to be sure, and to his surprise, it weighed more than ten kilos.

“Oh? You seem to have some muscle in you. With its shape and weight, it’s to be expected that some people won’t be able to lift it properly at first”.

The dagger was made of gravitite, one of the materials used in Alana’s two battleaxes, and was much heavier than it looked.

“If you are able to use this like a normal dagger, you will usually be able to break the enemy’s defenses with the first blow.”

In fact, if a strike that is thought to be light turns out to be unusually heavy, it will take the opponent by surprise, and the heavy strike would be able to overwhelm the opponent along with their defense with that single blow.

…which makes the weapon very suitable for Yoichi, whose muscular strength can be increased without limit thanks to his [Health Body α(Alpha)].

“If you channel mana into it, you can make it up to ten times heavier. Isn’t that interesting?”

If he could deliver a 100-kilogram blow from a small dagger, it would certainly be interesting, but unfortunately, Yoichi is unable to emit mana outside of his body.

As he explained this, Celestin crossed his arms again and began to mumble dazedly.

“Hmmm… should we give it an enchantment that forces it to suck mana from its owner? But then it would always remain heavy and consume mana the longer it is held… then what if we control this function with some kind of switch? In that case, I should consult it with Sam…”

After thinking for a while, Celestin looked up.

“I’ll teach you the basic forms and postures and how to swing for now.”

Celestin then took out another dagger and handed it to Yoichi.

This time, it was an ordinary single-edged dagger weighing about 500 grams.

Yoichi put the heavy dagger on the table and picked up the normal one.

“First, you hold it with your backhand… yes, and then you lower your hips… hmm, not a bad first stance.”

From there, Yoichi is taught how to swing and a simple form that he can practice on his own.

“The first thing you have to do is check your movements, and it’s best if you see it in front of a mirror or something, to ensure you have them right. Young people nowadays tend to ignore forms and postures, but this is a bad move. Because they are the crystallization of the knowledge and experience accumulated by those who have gone before us.”

“In other words, should I start with this easier one first?”

“Yes. When practicing forms and postures, you need to concentrate on the accuracy of movement anyway, so you shouldn’t carry heavy weights. But at the same time as practicing forms and postures, you should also practice swinging with the heavier weight so that you can get used to it quickly.”

“I understand. But now that I have noticed it…”

Yoichi then decided to ask a question that suddenly came to him.

“Um, why do you hold it the other way around?”

At that time, Yoichi’s mind was filled with videos showing the art of fighting with knives.

There are a number of such videos on video hosting websites, and there he learns that there existed forehand grip and backhand grip factions.

In many cases, such as military-style close combat training videos, the knife is often held in the backhand grip.

However, according to the forehand grip faction, holding the knife in the backhand grip is only in fiction, such as in movies and dramas, and cannot be applied in real-life situations.

“Like this, for example….”

Yoichi switched from holding the dagger in his backhand to his forehand, faced Celestin with a short distance between them, and repeated the stabbing motion he had seen several times.

“…And stab the vital points such as the chest or throat as a priority.”

He continued by twisting his wrists slightly and swinging down to slash close or showing the movement of slashing upwards from a slightly lower position.

“Wouldn’t it be more effective if it’s like… slashing at the wrist or the inner thigh?”

In a video that looked like an amateur knife fighting course, it explained that the prime use of the dagger was to hold it in the forehand and thrust or slash at the nearest vital point.


After Yoichi’s explanation, Celestin tilted his head in curiosity.

“Isn’t that how rapiers and sabers are supposed to be used in battle?”


“I don’t see the point of using a weapon with a deliberately short range like a dagger to fight in the way you describe, but is such a thing popular in the world of the Hero?”


Then it occurred to Yoichi that he had forgotten a certain fact… that in his world, swords had become obsolete.

(I see, if the only blade that can be carried as a weapon is a knife and it is used by an amateur, then the forehand fighting technique is the most effective as it allows the user to gain as much reach as possible).

However, in this world where swords are an option, the significance of the dagger or knife is different.

“A dagger should be seen as an extension of the bare hand.”

The normal dagger was left on the desk, and Celestin held the heavier one in a backhand grip with his right, and with a fluid motion, he launched a slightly slower hook at Yoichi’s face.

If he were to twist backward, he could dodge the fist, but would be cut in the face by the blade in his backhand, so he raised his left arm and placed it at Celestin’s wrist to catch the right hook.


But almost as soon as he was caught, Celestin opened his right hand, dropped the dagger, caught it in his left hand, held it in a forehand grip, thrust it up, and drove the tip just before it reached Yoichi’s throat.

“That’s why it is not right to be too particular when using daggers, or whether when using a forehand or a backhand grip… or rather, if we only want to imitate sword techniques and then apply them to a dagger, then it would be better to choose a sword in the first place.”

Pulling the dagger away from Yoichi’s throat as he broke out in a cold sweat, Celestin twisted his wrist to turn the dagger upside down and pinched the blade.

“In the meantime, train yourself to be able to lift this heavy dagger normally. I can’t attend to you one-on-one at the moment.”

Yoichi accepted the dagger offered to him and immediately put it into [Infinite Storage+].

“This is not the kind of thing you can teach in an instant.”

“Ah, thank you.”

What followed was a lecture consisting of practicing forms and postures and swinging while holding a 10-kilogram weight.

The lecture lasted less than half an hour, but he was left quite exhausted.

Especially after the last blow, where Yoichi felt his mental exhaustion set in all at once.

“Ah yes. I had a message from Alana from the lord’s residence.”

“From Alana?”

“Yes. She said she’ll be busy for a while, so she wants you to go home first and look after the two.”

“I see. I understand.”

Celestin must have guessed that ‘the two’ were Karin and Misato. For he looked sharply at Yoichi with a slightly grim expression at the words.

“Don’t skip your form and posture training and your swing, okay? Otherwise…”

Yoichi left the Adventurer’s Guild that day with a slight chill in his heart, knowing that he would be in big trouble if it turned out that he really had skipped a dagger day.


“Oh, welcome home.”

“Yes, I’m back… wait, you haven’t slept, Karin?”

After leaving the Adventurer’s Guild and [returning] to “Grand Court 2503” from a secluded place, Yoichi was greeted by Karin, who was relaxing on the sofa in the living room and watching TV.

“I wasn’t in bad shape the whole time, you know. I’m still a bit tired, but not so much that I can fall asleep.”

Karin, dressed in a red tracksuit that had somehow turned into loungewear, leaned back on the sofa, seemingly lazy.

However, she did not feel very sleepy, and since she found it too difficult to lie in bed, she spent her time in the living room watching TV to pass the time.

“Where is Misato?”

“She’s asleep.”

It has been half a day since he went out with Alana in the morning.

Misato has not woken up once in that time.

“What about your meals?”

When he asked Karin as he sat down next to her, she gave him a small shake of her head.

“I don’t have any appetite.”

“I see. How about this one then?”

Saying that, Yoichi took out a jelly drink from the [Infinite Storage+].

“It wouldn’t be good if you didn’t eat and drink.”

“Hmm. I think this will work. Thanks.”

Yoichi opened the lid and handed the jelly drink to Karin, who took it, put it in her mouth, and slowly began to suck the contents.

It normally takes about 10 seconds to finish the drink, but more than a minute passed before she had downed the whole bottle.

“Phew. Thanks… for the drink…”

“‘Ou. You can always tell me if you’re hungry.”

He took the empty jelly drink container from Karin’s hand and put it into [Infinite Storage+] once, to be thrown away later.


All of a sudden, Karin leans her body lazily against him.

“If we stay here… what will happen?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like, will you restore our mana or something?”

“Hmm. Sorry, but that’s not going to happen this time.”

After leaving Karin and Misato to go to another world, wouldn’t they be able to recover quickly if mana was transferred to them via bodily fluids?

That’s what Yoichi thought at first, but then he discovered that after [returning] to the other world, Karin and Misato’s bodies remained in a state of overdrive, frantically searching for mana, even though they were already on Earth.

This means that their mana absorption efficiency is still abnormally high, and if he tries to pour his bodily fluids containing concentrated mana into their bodies, it will worsen their symptoms.

(Plus, of all things, there’s the problem with [Healthy Body β]).

Yes. Upon closer examination with [Appraisal+], Yoichi discovered that even if he forced his bodily fluids into Karin and Misato, it would have no effect because the mana would be prevented by [Healthy Body β] that was now in their bodies. This was a prevention made by the skill to keep the symptoms from worsening, and it will continue until the current state abnormality is cured.

In that case, why didn’t it prevent them from absorbing mana from the environment when they [returned] to the other world? Well, it was classified by the skill as something close to natural healing.

To put it simply, the skill chose to allow temporary pain that the body could bear in order to speed up recovery, instead of relying on a foreign substance that would cause something like a thermal shock, or rather a mana shock, to the patient. As for the pain, it’s something [Healthy Body β(Beta)] can’t do anything about, as it’s a natural part of our bodily functions.

“I see. So it will just be normal sex then.”


Yoichi felt Karin’s head move slightly on his shoulder, and he looked down to look at her.

Their eyes met.

They stared at each other in silence for a while, but eventually, Yoichi put his arm around Karin’s back and shifted his position, holding her close.

Knowing what Yoichi wanted, Karin adjusted her position slightly as well, and their faces were brought closer together from both sides, their lips overlapping.


For a while, they just lay there with their lips on top of each other.

“Haamu… mlem… nchuurup…”

Finally, Karin couldn’t stand it any longer, and her tongue came out, searching for Yoichi’s. While accepting Karin’s tongue in his mouth, Yoichi also tongued her fiercely.

The sound of their breathing and their tongues swirling around each other was loud enough to be heard, even though it was quieter than the sound coming from the TV.

“Nhaa, mmh… nchup…”

Wrapping their arms around each other’s bodies, they continued to kiss furtively and intensely.

But Karin, even though she was not yet in perfect physical condition, became more and more aggressive in her demand the longer the time passed. As such, as the two intertwined, they gradually changed positions and found themselves in a posture where Karin was straddling Yoichi.

“Nuhh… ahhn… ahhh…”

When Yoichi touched her breasts, Karin arched her back and moaned.

She was not wearing a bra, making him feel the softness of her plump, puckered nipples behind her tracksuit in his palms.

“Ooh… ohh… ahhhhn…”

Yoichi continued, this time gently rubbing her breasts and occasionally her nipples as he stroked the fabric of her tracksuit.

It was a little softer than direct touch, but soon Karin’s body shook with a jolt.

“Mmh… my tits, touch them directly…”

In response to Karin’s request, Yoichi unzipped her tracksuit jacket.

She did not seem to be wearing a camisole or anything underneath the jacket, so her breasts were easily revealed through the opened bosom.

Yoichi put his hand through the gap and cupped the breasts, and the warm body temperature of Karin’s body was transferred to the palm of his hand.

“Aahh… mmh… it’s so good… hyaaan!?”

While he directly rubbed the soft breasts, which were changing shape gently with a light touch, and occasionally deliberately pulled the jacket over them and rubbed the nipples through the fabric again, Karin panted a little louder and ‘shook’ her body.

“No, that… my voice, it’ll come out…”

“If you make your voice too loud, you’ll wake Misato.”

Saying this as if to tease her, Yoichi rubbed the nipples through her fabric a little rougher.

“Hyaaaa――nmmm…!!! Mfuuhh……!!”

Karin covered her own mouth just after the scream and turned her resentful gaze to Yoichi as she resisted the pleasure.

“Mmm… you’re a meanie… nhaaaaahh――hmmmghh… uuu…”

In the middle of Karin’s moaning, Yoichi reached between her legs.

“Uwaa… it’s practically a flood here.”

“Uuuu… you don’t have to say that…”

And there, he discovered that her crotch, touched through her tracksuit, was sticky and wet with love juices.

“Undress me… please…”


Thinking that it would be inconvenient to undress her normally, Yoichi put Karin’s tracksuit bottom and the panties she was wearing underneath directly into the [Infinite Storage+].

“Fufufu… really, that’s a pretty handy skill….”

Karin, wearing only the top of her red tracksuit and naked underneath, smiles glamorously as she utters these words.

As soon as the coverings on her lower body were gone, a sweet and sour smell spread throughout the room.

Yoichi looked down at the source of the smell and saw again a pussy with pubic hair that was wet with love juices.

He reached his hand through her shirt to caress one breast, while his other hand reached between her legs, which were not covered by anything.

Then, after running his fingers over the private area, he traced the pubic hairs covered with love juices underneath.


Karin moaned a little, feeling good as her partner placed a finger against the meltingly wet crack. He only bent the tip slightly, and it slipped into her without much effort.

“Ahh… nhuu… ahhhh…!”

About the time his finger was buried to the second joint, Yoichi began to wiggle his wrist. He kept it this way until his finger was buried all the way to the base.

There, he bent his finger slightly until he reached a slightly rough texture inside, and upon reaching it, he began to rub the spot by pressing a little harder.

“Hiiyaaahh!? T-that spot… nnhh… haamu… mmchuru… mlem…”

Karin, strongly stimulated by the rubbing of the weak spots indicated by [Appraisal+], embraced Yoichi and, in order to suppress her voice, covered her own mouth with his lips and began to entwine her tongue with his to escape the pleasure.

“Njurupu… mlemlem… chuup, jupp… shlurrp…”

Having had enough inside her vagina with his middle finger, Yoichi now touched her clitoris with his thumb.

“Mmm! Nhaaa… hammu… mem…”

The clitoris was still covered by the foreskin, but it was already quite sensitive, and every time his thumb touched it lightly, Karin’s wobbly hips trembled hard.

Then, after removing his other hand from her breast, he pulled the tracksuit jacket back on and began to rub her nipple over it.

“Mmm! Mmhhh!! Nhaaa… no, not there… no more…!”

Karin, who had been attacked between her legs and her nipples at the same time, soon recoiled. She stiffened and began to spasm slightly.

“Ahh… ahh… no… it’s coming out…!”

And then, after a short while, pshapsha! Warm liquid spurted out and splashed onto Yoichi’s palm, which was busy cupping her secret area.

“Mm… haaa… haaa… mou, Yoichi is so mean…”

After the spraying had stopped, Karin looked at Yoichi with resentment and leaned back in his arms.

“Hey… put it in…”

Hearing this, Yoichi put his own clothes into the [Infinite Storage+] and became completely naked.

Karin was still wearing her tracksuit jacket, but as she leaned forward, the front of the jacket was flung open, and now that the work clothes and underwear that had prevented them from touching were gone, her soft, sweat-soaked breasts made direct contact with his chest.

Yoichi wrapped his hands around Karin’s waist and adjusted the position of his penis, which was now erect and dripping with clear juice.


The tip touches the most precious part of her body.

Karin, who had held her upper body close to Yoichi and raised her hips, slowly lowered her hips when she saw that the tip was touching her orifice.

“Nhuu… it’s in… finally…”

After the rest are inserted, the two remained in close contact, not moving for a while.

“Haaa… haaa… haaa… haaa…”

Karin’s ragged breathing soon came repeating in Yoichi’s ear.

Each time he heard her breathing, Karin’s shoulders moved up and down, and her breasts, which were in close contact, expanded and pressed against Yoichi.

Her vaginal opening opened and closed slowly and repeatedly, and the wet insides entangled in the rod moved languidly as if to match its movements.

“Haaa… haa… sorry, Yoichi…”


“I don’t think… I can go any further…”

“I see.”

It appears that Karin, who is not yet in a good physical condition, is having difficulty moving on her own.

“But if possible, I’d like you to move slowly …… or else I’ll…”

Karin is still weak.

She was so weak right now that if he were to push up in her current position, the movement would be quite violent and Karin would probably scream and become disorientated.

And that would probably disturb Misato’s sleep.

Of course, Yoichi was not without the desire to enjoy the sight of Karin suppressing her voice as he had done to her earlier, but since she did not seem to be in a perfect physical condition, he decided not to push her any further.

“Let’s change positions for a moment.”

Yoichi wrapped his hands around Karin’s back again and pulled her into a hug.


The angle of the rod in her vagina changed, and a voice came out of Karin’s mouth.

Yoichi slowly changed positions and laid Karin on her back on the sofa.

“Hey, if it’s too hard for you, we can stop now. No need to push yourself.”

But when he suggested that there was no need to have sex when she was sick, Yoichi felt Karin, who was clinging to him, shaking her head as she swayed.

“Noo… Please… go on… until the end…”

Yoichi, for his part, is not willing to stop halfway through something he has already started, so if Karin insisted, he would be more than happy to continue.

But this time, he decided to go slowly so as not to put too much strain on Karin.

“Nfuuh…. Haaa, mmh…”

Slowly he pulls his hips back, and with a slick, the meat pole follows. And because Karin is tight, it seemed as if her insides would turn inside out when he pulled back.

Just as the head was about to be pulled out, he pushed it back again, this time inserting it slowly, as if he wanted to check every inner fold.

“Mmm… nhaa… mmh…”

Squish… squelch… the two soaked organs slowly rubbed against each other, and ragged breathing and low, small gasps escaped from Karin’s mouth.

To Yoichi’s ears, the sound is very loud, but it is actually lower than the volume of the TV, which is left on, so it will probably not reach his bedroom.

They hug each other, their sweat-drenched skin close together, only their hips moving slowly.

“Nnmm… haan… ahhh… mmmhh……”

Occasionally, Yoichi would rub the weak points indicated by [Appraisal+] lightly as they intersected.

They went on like this for more than an hour. Not changing positions, just repeating the monotonous movements as if he were a machine.

“Haaa… Yoi, chiih… not good… something is…”

“Kuh…! Me too, I’m about to…”

The slow, repetitive movements seemed to have no end, but the pleasure was building, and they both felt a great wave coming.

As the sensation rising from the center of their bodies intensified, Karin’s arms tightened around Yoichi’s back.

“You… ichhii… I’m scared… hold me, please…!”

Karin begged, and Yoichi hugged her tightly.

Their skin, covered in sweat and hot from the prolonged contact, pressed even harder against each other’s, and their chests, which were now touching, transmitted each other’s heartbeats, which were getting faster and faster.

Despite this, Yoichi did not increase the speed of his hips but repeated the same movements slowly and monotonously.

“Aaah… aaahh…!”

Karin’s body stiffened in his arms as she let out an almost inaudible gasp.

At the same time, her vagina tightened and began to squirm violently, as if inviting a foreign object inside.

The sensation rose from deep within her body and soon became a torrent of pleasure that hit both of them.



–Blurt…………!! Splurt!! Splurrt!! Spurururut!!

The sperm flowed out like an overflowing dam and filled the deepest part of Karin’s vagina.

Each pulsation seemed louder than usual, and even the sperm that shot from the tip felt more powerful.

Karin stiffened in his arms, opening and closing her mouth convulsively, but she dared not to utter a word until she finally lost consciousness.


Yoichi, who had watched Karin fall asleep like a puppet with its strings cut, also felt his consciousness fading.

If he resisted, he might be able to stay conscious, but for now, he wanted to let himself fall into this slumber.

But if he fell asleep now, he would be covered by Karin’s body, so he changed his position on the narrow sofa.

Just as he was about to do so, his pole slipped out, and a large amount of semen flowed out from the back of Karin’s orifice. The fluids, which could no longer be contained by the vaginal opening, left soft, dripping stains on the furniture, which is yet to close from the recent activity.

Soon their positions changed, and they lay down facing each other.

“Sleep well, Karin.”

He said to his partner, who was now breathing happily in her sleep, before succumbing to his dreamworld shortly afterward.

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