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Chapter 9 – At Sea II


The female warrior points the Blue Dragon Sword at the Holy Knight with a broad smile on her face.

“Kuh. Kill me.”

“Eh? K-kill you? As if I could! Wait, can I?”

The female warrior is stunned by the grace of the holy knight, but if she kills her, I’ll be in trouble too.

“Wait, don’t kill her.”

“Of course, I won’t kill her. It’s bad for my reputation as a warrior.”

“You were contemplating earlier.”

“Y-You’re just imagining things!”

The Holy Knight’s eyes widen when she hears this.

“Why? Even though I tried to kill you.”

“Because I’m a proud warrior――”

“Because we can’t kill you until you tell us who this ‘noble’ is who ‘ordered’ someone as big as you to do this blockade.”


The female warrior’s words were cut off in the middle, causing her to pout sourly.

“Don’t make that face. The reality is, we can’t let this one go until she gives up what she knows, can we?”

“Well, yeah.”

She finally agrees, boorishly.

“I won’t say anything!”

But the holy knight remained stubbornly tight-lipped.

No matter how much we tried to assure her of her life after her confession, “I’m not afraid to die, so do your worst,” she would just insist.

“Hey, could you go down to the bottom of the ship for a minute?”


“Well, for one thing, she needs someone to treat her wounded pegasus. The guy’s going to die if I don’t. I want you to treat him with some of the medicinal herbs we have on board.”


“Another reason is that when it comes down to it, I’m going to have to torture this holy knight into spitting out what she knows. It’s not something I’m prepared to do, but you don’t need to watch.”


As I applied the magical restraints to the Holy Knight’s hands and feet, the female warrior descended to the bottom of the ship with the Pegasus in her arms, her eyes cast down.


“I will never confess, no matter what you do to me!”

The holy knight, barely able to move with her hands and ankles tied behind her back, still managed to say such a manly thing.

But if you look closely, you can see that her shoulders, surprisingly slender for a knight, are trembling slightly.

Well, I did say that I was going to torture her, so it was only natural that even the strongest woman would be frightened.

“You needn’t be so afraid. I’m not capable of violence against women.”

The holy knight breathed a sigh of relief as I said this, only for her eyes to immediately widen in surprise a few seconds later.

“If you try to rape me, I’ll bite my tongue and clog it in my windpipe!”

“I wouldn’t rape you either, so don’t do that, please.”

When I replied in this way, the Holy Knight had a question mark on her head.

“Then how would you torture me?”

“Well, about that, I’ve never tortured a woman in my life, so I wouldn’t know what to do.”

This is the stage where my talent for torture is put to the test.

After thinking for a while, I put one of the chemicals from my bag into a syringe and walked behind the holy knight.

“It’s not safe to move, so just stay still.”

With that, I probed her left wrist through one of her bound limbs and stabbed the syringe. Actually, I don’t know if this will make her confess, but let’s do it first.

“H-hey, what did you just inject into me?”

“Oh, don’t worry, it’s not particularly harmful. In fact, it’s good for your health.”

“So what is it?”

“It’s a diuretic.”


“What’s a diuretic?”

The holy knight tilts her head in that direction, her mature bobbed hair swaying gallantly.

She was sitting with her arms and legs are tied behind her back, and was fidgeting too much, indicating she finds the position uncomfortable.

Well, if your right wrist is tied to your right ankle and your left wrist is tied to your left ankle, and then both are tied together, it will be hectic just to sit up straight. After all, it forces you will be in a seiza-like position, constantly keeping your back straight as far as it will go.

This alone is enough to cause a great deal of stress, and now, perhaps the diuretics have taken effect, greasy sweat is also beginning to form on her forehead.

*fidget* *fidget*

The holy knight begins to wriggle her thighs, feeling herself in a difficult position. The sound of the cotton of her white trousers rubbing against each other seems to indicate her frustration.

“What is it? Is something bothering you?”

“No, nothing at all.”

“Is that so?”

The knight concealed the fact that she needed to urinate, but it was clear that this would only be a temporary solution.

With her range of motion severely limited, the holy knight continued to twist from side to side, ultimately losing any semblance of composure.

“U-um… toilet…”

She finally says in a hushed whisper.

But for once, I pretended not to hear her.

“Um! You see… I need to go to the toilet.”

“Toilet? What are you going to do?”


“Don’t tell me, you want to pee?”

The holy knight pulls back her sharp-jawed chin, eyes downcast.

“No? Then you don’t need to go to the toilet, do you?”

Saying this, I light a cigarette with a slow gesture.

“I need to pee…”

“You have to what?”

“I need to pee! Please let me go to the toilet!”

“Oh, I see. If that’s the case, you should have told me earlier.”

The holy knight’s expression softens in relief as I say this.

“Sadly, I can’t allow that. Sorry.”


“Because, you see, going to the toilet means taking off the restraints, doesn’t it? I may look like this, but I’m weak, and if I do that, you’ll run away.”

“I’m not going to run away. I won’t run away, so please!”

“Even if you say so…”

“What should I do then? What should I do for you to make me go?”

“Well, you can just tell me who your superiors are who ordered you to stand in our way. Then I won’t care if you get away from here.”

The holy knight’s expression immediately changed to one of desperation when she heard this.

“N-no, I can’t tell you.”

“I see. Then I’ll just have to ask you to try and hold back your pee until then.”

“It can’t be!”

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