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Chapter 6 – Dark Elves A, B, and C I ※

According to the data provided by the silver-rimmed glasses guy, these three dark elves are 142, 137 and 156 years old respectively. Unlike humans, however, they do not age easily, as evidenced by their absorbent brown skin, which shows no signs of deterioration. And because they’re a race with a much longer lifespan than humans, they’ve been resold a few times, but their prices haven’t gone down. In fact, they’ve actually gone up quite considerably.

Furthermore, some studies claim that the sexual sensitivity of elves is dozens of times greater than that of humans. Simply put, they are born with bodies that are more receptive to sexual pleasure.

I see. Add to this the fact that they are slightly smaller than humans, that their ears are slightly pointed, that their blue eyes shine like jewels, and that their wheat-colored skin is always smooth and healthy, and combine this with the fact that they have a long life span and show no signs of aging. It is not hard to see why humans covet these unique and exotic beauties. And with the matching bodies of such mystical beings being naturally sensitive to sexual pleasure, it was like a package deal; it probably gave the men who bought them dreams, hopes, and even a sense of romance.

I suppose that’s why mister silver-rimmed easily misunderstood me when I tried to bring the Dark Elves back to my place. 

However, the Dark Elves have one characteristic that many people don’t pay attention to. It is their high innate intelligence.

Yes, there was once a hypothesis that Dark Elves were generally intelligent.

However, no one would take the time to confirm this, mainly because they have other things on their minds when looking at their race. And so, sadly, the hypothesis remains just that, a hypothesis.

So I want to take this opportunity to test and confirm it. And what would be of more ‘use’ to me, their intelligence or their mystical appearance? Now that I’ve been given a chance, let’s find out.

“First of all, have a seat.”

I pointed to the table and chairs provided by the inn and gave the three dark elves my first order.

“Master, what would you like us to do?”

The rightmost Dark Elf with the smallest tits – probably about an A cup – was the first to ask.

“Now? Well, I am going to make you undergo something called an intelligence test.”

“Aren’t we going to do something naughty?”

This time the dark elf on the left, whose tits are well developed for a dark elf – about a C cup – asks.

“I told you, didn’t I? We’re doing an intelligence test.”

“Eeeeh, but we want to do something naughty.”

The last dark elf in the middle, with about B-cup tits, complains.

“Well, you’ve probably been trained by the humans you were born with to think of everything as sex, so it’s probably inevitable that you’re not interested in anything else. But dark elves have the intellectual potential to…”

“I don’t want that! I want a cock, now!”

Said the B-cup Dark Elf, acting spoilt.

“I want sex, too…”

The Dark Elf A-Cup also joined in.

In the midst of all this, Dark Elf C Cup, with the most intelligent-looking face, opened her mouth.

“Master, perhaps you didn’t know, but we were treated like luxury goods on the ship and kept in cages all the time.”

Is she trying to get my sympathy? Well, I tell you, it’s no use to me.

“That means we haven’t had sex for weeks. We’ve managed to get by by comforting each other, but… to be honest, we’ve reached our limit! So please, we beg you! Give us a cock now!”

“What the hell?”

“Yes, yes. She’s right! Please give us your dick!”

“Master, please!”

Dark Elf B and A also cry out.

Is this the class disorder I have heard so much about?

“All of you, be quiet!”

I warned them, but the next thing I knew, three of them huddled together and started whispering about something.

“Hey, what are you up to?”

I asked, and all three of them turned to me and grinned.

“You guys in? Just follow the strategy and we’ll be fine!”

Dark Elf C said something along those lines, and A and B nodded.

Oh? Are they really going to do it?

No matter how weak I am, I’m not weak enough to fall behind those dainty-looking Dark Elves――


――but I guess I was weaker than I thought.

First, Dark Elf B jumped in, stark naked. I was able to deal with that and hold her down easily. But then Dark Elf A seemed to take advantage of the situation and came up behind me, putting her hand inside my trousers.


My trousers were pulled down without a second thought, exposing my cock in all its glory.

“What the, hey!”

I tried to restrain Dark Elf A, but this time Dark Elf C appeared beneath me.


She opened her tiny mouth wide and sucked on my cock.

“Haaa, haaa, penis… lick, slurp.”

Dark Elf C’s mouth was soft and warm, and soon my cock grew big.

“Aaah, his penis is so good… it makes me want to suck it more…”

“How envious…”

“No, stop it!”

Saying that, I tried to stop Dark Elf C.

However, while I was doing so, Dark Elves B and C took the opportunity to grab my shirt and unbutton it with impressive speed.



Then, through the open front of my shirt, Dark Elf B began to lick my right nipple while Dark Elf A began to lick my left.

“Ahh, not my nipples. Especially the left one… I said stop it now!”

“But why, though? Seeing how Master’s cock is so rock hard right now, you’re also feeling good, right?”

“Master is clearly in a naughty mood~! It’s bad to hold things back!”

“Mmhhh… yeshh, she’s wight… haamu… slurp, slurp…”

These guys look so innocent, yet they act like they have a hundred battle-tested tricks up their sleeves.

But it’s no wonder, now that I think further about it. These elves are much older, so they do indeed have much more experience than I do.


The two dark elves’ saliva-covered tongues and lips continued to play and suck on my nipples as if they had no shame, pressing directly into the sensitive spots as if they knew my body better than I do. Below the two was the one sucking my cock, and with this sensation coming from three different directions combined, the pleasure inside me intensified, leaving me with no strength to pull them away.

“Okay, okay. I’m going to put my cock inside you, so at least let me rest for a bit.”

“Really? Yay!”

“Wow, thank you. Master.”

Dark Elves A and B squeal with delight, while Dark Elf C smiles as a mixture of saliva and my juices drip from her mouth.

On the bright side, these Dark Elves are so cute that just looking at them makes my heart flutter, so there isn’t really enough reason for me to refuse to have sex with them.

However, it would be a complete loss of honor as their master if I just did what they said. So I decided to do the following.

“Look, there are a total of five different intelligence tests that I have prepared. In each of them, I’ll stick my dick into the one that scores the highest.”

As this happened, the three naked bodies that had been acting in such solidarity earlier began to stare at each other throwing sparks at each of their gazes.

“Dick! Dick!”

“Long time no dick… I will not lose.”

“Five tests… That dick will be mine all five times.”

Judging by their reactions, the intelligence tests with cock as bait went very well. And for the first time since we met, the girls were actually very serious.

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