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Chapter 3 – Venussa, III

“Hey, do you trade slaves too?”

“Hm? No, I don’t.”

“Good, good.”

The warrior breathes a sigh of relief. But she seems to be misunderstanding something, so I continued on with an explanation.

“No, it’s not that I don’t trade slaves because I feel sorry for them. It’s because it’s a difficult business to make a profit in. While they cannot compete with monsters in terms of commodities, it is difficult to keep humans from dying. Once they are weakened, they are useless. And they need to be in peak condition. Otherwise, they won’t sell. For example, if they are manual laborers, they need to eat and exercise; if they are women or young boys who will serve as attendants, they need to maintain their skin tone and obedience. All in all, it is not very cost-effective… and there she is, not listening again”.

I don’t know when she did it, but when I turned around, I saw that the female warrior was not in the small boat.

I looked at the surface of the water to see if she had fallen in, but there was no sign of waves.

Then suddenly, I heard several human screams.

I looked in that direction and saw the female warrior heading toward the slave trader’s ship.

But how was she moving in this city, with the water all around her?

Well, she was using the small boats scattered here and there as stepping stones. So it is natural that there should be screams.

Still, her physical prowess is as absurd as ever.

And then, the female warrior landed on the wharf in front of the slaves and slave traders.

“Hey, it’s terrible to enslave people! What do you think you are doing?”

She shouted gallantly.

“What’s going on here, and who are you?”

The slavers’ boss comes out and looks at the female warrior with a dubious expression. I have never done business with him, but I know him by sight. Well, he always wears his silver-rimmed glasses and is neatly dressed like an interior decorator, so it’s hard not to notice him.

I could see this was going to be a problem, so I quickly went down to the docks and listened to what was going on from the shadows.

“Release the slaves, you bastard! What you’re doing is illegal!”

“We conduct our business in accordance with international standards and the laws of each country. So please don’t make false accusations.”

As expected, an argument ensued, followed by a fruitless shouting match.

“If you insist on not releasing them, I will take them by force.”

At these words, the slave trader boss bursts out laughing.

“Hahaha! You are a funny person. But by resorting to violence, you’re revealing your true intentions, young lady! I’m afraid I’m going to have to dash your hopes and make an example of you. Otherwise, it won’t be good for my business! So, my good sirs, I’ll leave her in your capable hands!”

Then, at the call of the slave trader boss, a huge man with a mohawk and a big axe, who looked like a warrior from every angle, and an old man in a black robe, who looked like a mage, left the ship. They must have been the so-called “bouncers” the guy had hired.

“Boss, which one should we kill?”

The man with the mohawk asks.

“That funny-looking girl over there. But it would be best not to kill her. Because it would be seen as retaliation instead of self-defense, and I would lose my social credibility”.

“Huohuohuohuohuo, isn’t she a fine beauty? In that case, I don’t mind being patient with her. There are more… constructive ways to enjoy her than killing her.”

The old man, who seemed to be the mage, spoke next. Judging by the way he spoke, is he a warlock or something?

By the way, the fight that is about to start in the city without filling out a duel registration form is a scene that can only be seen in Venussa.

In an ideologically conservative state like Andersen, the rule of law and order is respected, and the police, military, and church will not tolerate fighting in the streets.

However, Venussa’s over-reliance on trade to run the country has led to an influx of too many different values, forcing its small government into a laissez-faire system that could almost be described as a puppet state.

As a result, traders visiting the country couldn’t help but see it as a convenient terminal.

But at the same time, it made them acutely aware of the need to protect their property themselves.

In other words, although this mohawk guy here and this old wizard look like joke characters, their abilities should be at a very high level.

Well, they should be. After all, the fact that these two are the only ones in Venussa in charge of a merchant ship of this size shows just how confident they are in their abilities.


With a shout, the female warrior first unleashes a slash at the man who looks like a mage. Since she is weak in magic, it is not a bad idea to deal with those who seem to be able to use magic first. With a roar, she swings her huge, crude sword at the man’s shoulder.

The sorcerer-like man, however, did not seem to be intimidated by the attack.


That’s because in the middle of the attack, shockingly, it was the female warrior’s sword that broke from the middle.

“I-it can’t be…!”

As this happened, the mohawk guy swung his axe down from behind – or so it seemed, but he was mumbling something as if chanting an incantation.

“Huh? My power… it’s decreasing…”

The female warrior muttered, belatedly realizing the spell that had been cast against her.

Unprotein – a spell that makes you lose power.

“Kuhahahaha. You assumed our roles based on our looks, didn’t you? Actually, I am the mage, and this old man is the martial artist.”

In response to the mohawked man’s words, the mage-like man took off his robes, revealing a protector and his well-trained body inside.

To be honest, I was fooled by him too.

“Let me tell you something else: we don’t take you for a fool. Your young and beautiful appearance may have fooled some of us, but we’re not so stupid that we can’t tell from your blue armor and your gait that you’ve been in fights like this before.”

The old martial arts master said with a smile on his face, his muscles flexing. He then twisted the powerless warrior’s left hand and pushed her down, pinning her to the ground.

“Hey, I’ll hold her ass still. You want to do her first?”

“Huh? I’ll go first? Are you really sure?”

“Of course. After all, you always took care of me. Think of it as a goodwill gift to a friend who wants to show you a good time.”

“Old man…”

The mohawk man, looking touched, then rolls up the female warrior’s fur coat, exposing her almost bare buttocks. As she was forced to lie face down, her buttocks stuck out behind her, making a suitable position for penetration.

“Huh? Y-you, what are you doing! No way, are you…”

“Damn, you weren’t kidding when you said she was beautiful. I mean, her body alone is a feast! Uhyahyahya!”

The mohawk guy was in a frenzy, rushing to undo his trouser belt and zip to get his cock out.

“No, stop! You can’t!”

And so the female warrior screamed in defiance, trying to hit the old martial artist with her right hand, the one that was not tied. And she barely managed it, but with her arm strength reduced by the spell and the loss of her weapon, it was obvious that she couldn’t make any impact.

All right! I’ll take some of that ass, thank you!”

The mohawk guy, now with his cock, which was rather crude for his huge frame, at the ready, he grabbed the female warrior’s hips to stop her from struggling.


The female warrior shook her legs in retaliation, but it was a futile act as it only makes her crotch stick out more.

Meanwhile, the mohawk guy’s cock was getting closer and closer to the female warrior.

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