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Chapter 11 – Departure

Later, when I returned to the hospital, the doctors, nurses and other staff were very angry with me. It was as if they had seen someone who had no regard for his own life.

And they were right up to that point. Now, things have changed.

Because of the meeting with the Lecher Beast, I have now been given a chance to live. And because of that chance, I now had to fulfill the contract I had signed with the Minister of Finance.

And to do that, I had to recover from my injuries.

I was so bored in the hospital that I longed for someone to visit me, at least to alleviate my boredom, and surprisingly two people came.

One was my senior.

“When I heard about it, I was so surprised.”

My senior was dressed in a beige blouse and white trousers, looking immaculately clean.

“Is everything all right now?”

“Yes, I’ll be leaving the hospital in a few days.”

“I see… Um, speaking of which, a client told me that hospitalization can be very… stressful.”

“Hm? Stressful?”

“Yes, that’s why! That…”

Blushing, my senior looks at the area under my stomach.

“Really, though. What are you talking about?”

“Y-you don’t have to hide it. You are ‘that’ kind of person. That’s why… this…”

My senior’s beautiful black hair touched my cheek as she lay on the bed. Then she gently took my hand and said.

“So… here, use this.”

Then she hands me a small box and walks out of the hospital room.

When I opened the box, I found that it was a male adult toy called “Fleshy Abalone”. This… this is what she meant? Seriously?

The other visitor is the Minister of Finance. However, he did not seem to be in the mood to pay me a get-well visit.

“First of all, I want to thank you for saving my life.”

The Minister bowed deeply, to which I replied.

“It was nothing, Minister. In the first place, I did not do it for the minister’s personal life. Because if the minister dies, Andersen’s market will become unstable, so I at least need you alive.”

“Oh, I knew you would answer that,” said the Minister. “I’m sorry you had to go out of your way to save me, but frankly, I really wished you had died like that.”

I noticed that the Minister was looking at me with eyes that were not friendly at all. However, the blue irises in them seemed to contain something other than hostility.

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate you. It’s just that… I’m appalled. You may not have done anything wrong this time. I can also say that the negotiations that led to this mistake were nothing more than me being naive. But all in all, I don’t sense any humanity in you. You seem as heartless as a machine. Enough to make me fear you more than that lecher beast or that powerful priestess.”

Yes, the look in the Minister’s eyes was none other than fear. A fear that cannot be compared to the young lady’s eyes when she looked at the lecher beast when her life was in danger.


By the time my wounds had healed, and I was discharged from the hospital, the new year had begun.

The newspapers reported that the State Church supported the building of the wall, and public opinion seemed to be moving in that direction. Strangely, there was no questioning the fact that the bids for its construction were to exclude the cost of the magic ore, which would be imported directly by the government through a single merchant.

I am now carrying my personal belongings and staring at the school gate of the Andersen Girls’ Academy.

This was on the way to the gate of the castle town, so I had no choice but to pass by.

It seemed just in time for classes to be over, as the school gate was filled with students leaving the premises, wearing winter coats over their sailor uniforms. And, as usual, a black carriage was waiting conspicuously in the middle of the crowd.



Suddenly someone shouted from behind me. It was so sudden that I felt my heart almost jump out of my chest.

“What the… it’s only you, Miss Priestess.”

I thought you were the police.

“Don’t worry. If you’re worried about the minister’s daughter, she’s fine. In fact, she’s living a full life of masturbation.”

“I’m not worried. I was just passing by and saw the girls.”

“You’re lying.”

“I’m not lying. I have neither the right nor the license to worry about them. Someone told me something the other day. I’m as heartless as a machine, and I can’t help but agree. Machines don’t have the heart to care about people.”

“Are you an idiot?”

The priestess sighed, as if mocking me from the bottom of her heart.

“How can a human become a machine?”

At the same time as she said this, I saw the minister’s daughter coming out of the school gate. She was smiling as she got into the carriage.

“Well, that’s that, Miss Priestess. Those magical ores won’t stockpile without me, so I’m leaving this town. Thank you for looking after me.”

“Before I go… there’s a rumor on the streets… that the shopkeeper at Doujin Shunpon is ready and waiting to get her new store up and running again. Will you be coming back?”

“Oh, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about her. See you later.”

I said, and the priestess left.


“Well then. Looks like it’s time for me to go.”

I said to myself as I lit a cigarette.

“Wait a minute.”

But just as I was about to pick myself up and leave, someone called out to me from behind without warning, and my heart almost jumped out of my chest again.

Has it become a fashionable trend to scare people by shouting at them from behind? Besides, what kind of creatures are they that I cannot detect their presence?

With this thought in my mind, I turned around and was even more surprised.

“Finally… found you…”

It was the bully girl, looking at me with tears in her eyes.

“I knew you were a man.”

“Huh? Sorry, but you’ve got the wrong guy.”

“No, I’m sure of it. I won’t let you get away this time.”

“You shouldn’t do that. I think you will be happier if you take over your dojo and find a proper husband instead of chasing a man like me.”

“See! I knew I had the right man.”

Oh, crap. I suddenly blurted out without thinking.

To think she’s smarter than the stupid women I’ve met…

But since it has come to this…

“Ah! Hey, stop! I said stop!!!”

I ran away with all my might. The bully girl was no slouch, but she was no match for me, an escape specialist with a track record of running away from numerous monsters.

As soon as I reached the gate, I called out to the person in charge of the carriages.

“I’m in a hurry. Can you… Oh, brother.”

When I was in the middle of my request, I discovered that the receptionist was asleep.

“Damn, I’ll just write it down and take it with me!”

With no other choice, I wrote in the book, got into the carriage, and set off, wishing the bully girl was still far behind.


I left Andersen’s castle town in a hurry.

But about an hour into the journey, the clouds suddenly turned suspiciously dark.

“I hope it won’t snow.”

I muttered to myself as I looked up at the sky.

Then, out of the blue, I heard a rattling sound from above the carriage.

“W-what is it this time?”

I hope it’s not a ghost. There’s nothing I can do about ghosts.


But when I looked into it, it was not a ghost, but a person.

And it was someone I knew.

“What are you doing… I mean, of course, you’d be cold dressed like that! Come down!”

It was none other than the female warrior. Since she was wearing her blue armor, she was practically naked in the middle of winter.

But after handing her a blanket and a cup of instant coffee, I suddenly had an epiphany.

I spoke to her.

“Hey. Are you the reason the carriage attendant was asleep?”

“Yes. It was me.”

The female warrior says nonchalantly. She didn’t even deny it as she rubbed her thighs, now covered in blankets to hide her goosebumps.

“Your belongings?”

“I left them.”

“Why were you on the carriage?”

She turned away and didn’t answer.

I was at a loss. I couldn’t tell her to get down now that I’d come this far. Even if it is a road, the area is far from the settlement. Apart from the surrounding trees, there was nothing else to see.

“I guess I have no choice. Suit yourself.”


“You don’t want to?”

The female warrior smiled brightly.

“So, where are we going this time?”

Did you follow me without knowing? How free are you?

“Do you really want to know? I won’t turn the carriage, even if you say you don’t like it.”

“Of course not. I’m happy anywhere.”

It was the place that produced the most magic ore in the world. And the place where I spent so much time that I missed Andersen’s years of early boom.

“It’s Newland, land of the Demon Lord.”

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