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Chapter 10 – After the Battle 1 ※

When Yoichi woke up, he found Alana straddling him, swinging her hips in a single back and forth motion.

Her huge, white breasts also bounced and swayed vigorously in sync.

Looking over to the side of the bed, he saw that the clothes she always wore had been taken off and placed in a disorderly fashion in a corner.

There was a loud squelching sound coming from their joined parts, and Yoichi’s crotch was stained with mucus.

This mucus was bubbling white from repeated penetration, but there was also a cloudy white substance tangled in his pubic hair.

(Could it be that I had already cum a few times when I was asleep?)

“Ahh, ahhh! Mister Yoichi’s… In my pussy, it’s gotten big again…!”

He could feel the princess knight’s vagina tighten as she shook her hips and screamed enchantingly.

Finally, as his head began to clear, his brain began to clearly perceive the stimulation coming from the meat pole as pleasure.

“Ahhhaaahaaahaaa! Cumming! I’m cumming!!”

And just as he was about to enjoy himself, Alana quickly reached her climax.

“Nn… hu… hah… hah… Mishter… Yoichiii…”

Alana looked at Yoichi with vacant eyes, and that’s when a faint smile appeared on her relaxed expression.

Then she began to speak.

“I’m sorry… After the battle was over and all that remained was to clean up the aftermath, I quickly came to visit you in person. But there, I found Mister Yoichi’s condition and, um… your member standing so vigorously… So I couldn’t help my emotions and jumped on it…”

Seeing Alana’s embarrassed reaction, Yoichi couldn’t help but think that there’s something else into it.

(Is this the survival instinct that happens on organisms when they are about to die? Trying to reproduce to preserve their species when they feel like they are in danger? Then I must have been in a really bad state…)

“Nfufufu… I wonder why I did it… I used to handle my libido pretty well…”

Alana smiled as she said this.

“Maybe I got so lewd because of you, Mr. Yoichi.”

And with that slightly mischievous smile, the princess knight lightly poked Yoichi in the forehead.

Then she exhaled in relief.

“Fuuh… well, I’ve calmed down now, so I’ll be going. Please rest well, Mr. Yoichi. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

With those words, she lifted her hips. This caused the meat stick to be pulled out, causing translucent mucus to spill out of her vagina.

But then, when it had reached the bellend, Yoichi raised his upper body and placed both hands on Alana’s shoulders.


While holding both shoulders of the princess knight, who was surprised by his sudden action, with all his strength, Yoichi thrust his hips up with all his might.


Alana, pushed down and penetrated to the deepest part of her body, let out a shrieking gasp and arched her back.

The princess knight’s entire body shook as she drooled from her half-open mouth, her eyes wide open.

“I came… Even though I just came… I came again…”

Yoichi then wrapped his arms around Alana’s quivering back and held her tightly in a face-to-face sitting position. There he began to move his hips, which had stopped for a moment.

Obscene sounds of fluids were heard and a pair of huge breasts shook magnificently before his eyes.

“Ahhh, aaaahh! No more! I jhushht came, sho… if this continues… I will gho cwaazhhyyy…!”

“Shut up. I haven’t come yet.”

“No way… Nhaaa! Ahhh… but, my stomach… so many times already… nhieeeeee!!”

“I don’t remember, so they don’t count!”

As if he was unleashing a post-battle lust, Yoichi continued to thrust into the princess knight vigorously.

The fact that he doesn’t remember ejaculating so many times inside Alana is also felt a bit frustrating for him.

Determined to burn this one into his memory this time, Yoichi pushed Alana down and coveted her from above.


There, he shook his hips with a beastly scream, scraping the inside of the princess knight’s vagina over and over again.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Misther Yoichiiiii! I’ve been cumming for a while now… If you ram me so hard… I’ll go chrazhyyyyyy!”

“That’s good, Alana! Keep going crazy!”

“Cumming, I’m cumming…! I’m coming again!!”

Alana screamed in a half-crazed state, squeezing Yoichi’s cock and holding on to it even tighter. But since the wall of her vaginal canal undulated in waves, this increased the pleasure received on both sides even more.

Yoichi, who moved his hips faster and faster with long strokes, finally reached his limit.

“Alana, I’m going to let it out in you!”

“Yes, let it out! Cum all over this princess knight’s slutty pussy!”

In the end, he pulled out his rod completely and, with increasing momentum, penetrated from the vulva to the innermost part of the vagina in a single stroke.

――Blururuuururut!! Slurururururut!! Splurururt!!


As the semen was released from the tip of the rod with great force, the screeching and enchanting voice of the princess knight echoed in response.

“Aahhh… Ohhh…! Nnnn…! Oohhh…! It still keeps on comiiingg! So much, so much… cum!”

Alana screamed with pleasure, her vagina violated by intermittent pulsations with each release of cum, and she continued to shake and writhe.

“Nnh… ahh… the penis… it slipped out…”

Only after Yoichi pulled his hips back and pulled out his meat stick, did the princess marvel regretfully with hollow eyes.

Perhaps because it had been in there for so long, the vaginal opening remained sloppily open just as it had been when it was pulled out, and sperm poured out from its depths.


After taking a deep breath, Yoichi remembered Karin and Misato.

“If it’s Karin and Misato, they’re… in the next room…” Still with a blank stare and out of breath, Alana spoke next, as if she knew what he was thinking.

“Fufu… it’s easy… as soon as I see your face… I’ll understand right away.”

After saying this, Alana extended her hand to Yoichi.

The hand glowed faintly, and Yoichi’s slime-covered body became clean, as if he had just taken a shower.


She must have cast a [Cleaning] spell on him.

When Yoichi exclaimed in admiration, Alana sniffed a bit proudly.

“I’m going to… take a little nap… so you… take your time… with these two… suu… suu…”


Yoichi chuckled lightly at Alana, who started to breathe in her sleep as soon as she finished saying this.

The Princess Knight, lying on her back and covered in bodily fluids as she had been earlier, slept comfortably, moving her sweaty breasts up and down as she breathe.

Yoichi put on his usual work clothes and grabbed a towel from [Infinite Storage+].

“Oooh, looks like I can use my skills now.”

Relieved to be able to use the skill safely, Yoichi took out another towel and wiped Alana’s body.


As he wiped her breasts and groin, she reacted a little, but showed no signs of waking up.

He was able to clean her up to some extent, but as far as her crotch was concerned, there still seemed to be some semen left in her vagina, and every time she leaned over, a little of the thick, white mucus would start to come out, so he gave up on the idea of going any further.

“Maybe we can take a bath together later.”

He put the soiled duvet in [Infinite Storage+] to remove the dirt and draped it over Alana again.

Yoichi then kissed the sleeping princess lightly on the lips and left the room.


“First of all, where am I?”

When he stepped out of the room, Yoichi immediately knew that this was not the [Frontier Home] where they had been staying on a regular basis.

He thought it might be a guild-related medical facility or something, but he denied it to the last mute because the walls and furnishings in the hallway looked strangely expensive.

“Maybe it’s an expensive inn or something?”

After muttering to himself, Yoichi knocked on the next room.


A quiet answer came from the room.

“Um, this is Yoichi, the adventurer.”

“Ah, yes, yes. Just a minute~!”

First, there was the sound of approaching footsteps, then it stopped, and from there, the door was unlocked and opened from the inside.

“Ufu, welcome.”

The person who greeted Yoichi was Hortense, the guildmaster of the Mage Guild and Alana’s mother.

“Uhm, hello.”

“Come in… is what I want to say. This isn’t my room, though.”

The brown-skinned beauty stuck out her tongue with a mischievous smile.

This woman was Alana’s mother, but she didn’t look like it because of her youthful appearance, which was a characteristic of her race.

Compared to Alana, who was usually calm and collected, let alone when she was disheveled in front of Yoichi’s rod, Hortense seemed rather younger to him.

“H-hello, Yoichi.”

He looked at the new voice and saw Karin with her upper body up on the bed. It reminded him a bit of a similar scene he had seen somewhere before.

“My, my. Looks like the prince has finally arrived.”

It was another dark elf woman sitting next to Karin who said this.

This woman, with silver hair pulled back in an updo, brown-skinned looks, and dressed in loose-fitting clothes of a calm, light color is Francois, Alana’s grandmother and the former guildmaster of the Mage Guild.

“M-Madame Fran, please, enough of the teasing…”

Karin said shyly, shrugging her shoulders.

Apparently, François and Karin had become close friends after fighting side by side in the monster stampede.

“Um, once again, I’m Yoichi Todou. Thank you for taking care of Karin for me.”

Yoichi and François had only met briefly when they were in the middle of their battle preparations, so they hadn’t really introduced themselves. Yoichi started by greeting the other party again.

“Oh my goodness, how polite of you.”

Then François stood up quickly, turned to face Yoichi and put an arm on her chest.

“I am François,” she said and bowed slightly.

Then she looked up and smiled.

“I will always be grateful for all you have done for my granddaughter and my husband.”

“Ah, no…”

“Ufufufu, what an unreliable-looking man. But I wonder if that’s the type Karin likes?”

“Uu… mou, M-Madame Fran….”

Karin’s mouth hung open as she was told, then she stood up, picked up François’ skirt and waved that hand in protest.

It was rare to see Karin being pampered like this by an older woman – even though she looked about the same age on the outside – and Yoichi couldn’t help but smile, thinking he had met the right person.

“Now that the prince has arrived, I think it’s time for me to leave.”

“Huh? M-Madame Fran, you’re leaving?”

Still with her hand on her skirt, Karin looked up at François with a childlike expression.

In response, François smiled gently and patted her head several times in a reassuring manner, then leaned down slightly to hug Karin’s head.

Karin’s face was buried in her breasts, which were as full as those of her daughter and granddaughter, though she was not sure if this was a racial trait or simply genetic.

“I’m sorry. But that man is probably having a hard time right now, so I need to help him as soon as possible.”

By “that man,” it referred to François’ husband, Celestin, the Guild Master of the Adventurers’ Guild.

It was easy to imagine that as the Guild Master of the Adventurers’ Guild, he was busy dealing with the aftermath of the monster stampede.

François is already retired, but since it was an emergency, she probably thought of helping her husband.


Karin replied ruefully, and when she let go of her skirt, François got up from her seat.

“Well then, Yoichi, you can take care of the rest now.”

“Leave it to me.”

“And Hortense too.”

“Yes, yes.”

François left the room, leaving Yoichi and Hortense to take care of the rest.

“Karin, I’m glad to see you’re doing well.”

After saying goodbye to François, the first thing Yoichi did was to say these words.

“Huh? Ah, ah… yeah…”

Karin turns her head down in embarrassment and clams up.

Maybe she was a little embarrassed about being teased earlier.

Yoichi wanted to tease her as well, but decided against it for now.

Perhaps relieved that Yoichi did not want to mention anything in particular, Karin quickly calmed down.

“I’m fine, but Misato is… she’s not up yet.”

Misato was fast asleep on the bed next to Karin.

“Ufufufu. By the way, Yoichi, how was it? Did you have fun with our daughter?”

While he was looking at Misato, Hortense suddenly interrupted and looked into Yoichi’s face while saying these words.

“Huh? Ah… well… that’s…”

Yoichi winced and then looked at the wall that separated this room from the one next door.

“I’m sorry… did you hear all that?”

“Nope~. This is a very high-class inn. The [Soundproofing] here is solid.”

Later, he was told that after the monster stampede died down to some extent, the town volunteers offered free meals and lodging to the adventurers and knights who had fought so hard.

This inn seemed to be one of the most luxurious among them, and since it was frequented by wealthy merchants, if not aristocrats, it was designed to protect the privacy of its guests.

“Eh? Then how?”

But then a question arises. How was Hortense able to find out what her daughter was doing?

The answer to that question immediately came out of Hortense’s mouth.

“Because that child is really horny. I thought that if Yoichi woke up, she would definitely attack him first.”


Unable to say that he had really been attacked before he woke up, Yoichi scratched his cheeks and smiled amiably to cover it up.

Karin’s silent, half-closed eyes of suspicion hurt him as well, so he quickly changed the subject.

“Oh, um, is Misato going to be okay?”

“Yes, don’t worry. Her body is fine now.”

Unbeknownst to Yoichi, Misato had sprained her wrist and dislocated her shoulder from the impact of firing a large caliber pistol without mana strengthening.

These injuries and her exhausted strength were properly treated by Hortense, who arrived later after them.

“But because she forced herself for too long while suffering from mana exhaustion, it will probably take some time for her to regain consciousness.”

“I see…”

Then he shifted his gaze to Karin’s side.

Karin caught his gaze, but tilted her head and opened her mouth as if she was a little worried, sensing what Yoichi was about to say.

“Um, I had that mana exhaustion thing too, but… I don’t know what to say. You said it’s something to do with having a different type of [Mana Manipulation]? So I’m not sure if I’ve recovered at all, or if I’m still recovering…”

“Let’s see… to put it simply, little Karin here is good at kneading the surrounding mana inside her body, while Misato is good at taking it out of her body.”

The names of these skills are distinguished by [Mana Manipulation A] and [Mana Manipulation B], where “A” is good at releasing and manipulating mana outside the body, and “B” is good at circulating it inside the body.[1]

It is said that “A” is good for mages and alchemists, while “B” is good for martial arts and physical labor.

Thus, those with “A” can release mana unconsciously, while those with “B” will try to store it in the body.

At that time, both women did their utmost to save Yoichi, causing a shortage of mana in their bodies, but because of the way Misato’s [Mana Manipulation] works, she remained in that state until her [Healthy Body β(Beta)] was restored.

Karin, on the other hand, was able to circulate the recovered mana in her body, even if it was only a small amount, so her lack of mana was not as long lasting, and her recovery was quick.

“I think that’s about it. Is there anything else you want to ask?”

“Let me think…”

Since it seemed that he would have to wait until Misato woke up, Yoichi decided to ask her about what had happened since his collapse.

“Did the monster stampede end?”

“Mm-hm. The adventurers left about half a day ago. The Knights are still working on the aftermath, though.”

“Then how long was I asleep?”

“Alana dropped you off at the defensive base, and within half a day the monster stampede began to subside, so… I’d say a full day?”


Yoichi was a bit surprised to wake up unexpectedly early. After all, the Demon had torn a hole in his stomach, so he expected it to be at several days to a week at minimum.

According to the administrator, the situation was quite dangerous, but whether he was just lucky or not, it seems that [Healthy Body α(Alpha)] did a great job.

“Then Misato should be… soon, too, right?”

If Yoichi’s condition has returned, then the [Healthy Body β] he put into her should be working normally as well.

Then the depleted mana will be restored soon.

“I don’t know… Maybe she’ll stay like this for a few more days?”

“Eeehh!? But isn’t it true that once your injuries are healed and your mana is restored, you’ll wake up normally, right?”

“Not really…”

“What do you mean?”

“I told you earlier that Misato had suffered for a long time from what was basically a drawback of lack of mana. Because of this drawback, she won’t wake up even if her mana recovers a little.”

“I see… but as long as we wait, she will wake up eventually, right?”

“Yes. That has always been the case. But…”


While Yoichi looked worried, Hortense looked somewhat amused.

“There are ways to wake them up faster, you know?”

“Um, and how do I do that?”

“You just have to pour all your mana into her at once.”

“All at once? Maybe you can do that, Mrs. Hortense?”

“Oh, no, no, no. That’s your job, Yoichi.”

“Me? But… I don’t know how to let mana out of my body…”

“But you have mana inside you, right?”

That’s why I find it even more frustrating!

“Then you’ll be fine! All you have to do is pour something full of mana directly into Misato’s body.”

“What is this ‘something’ that contains mana?”

Yoichi looked at Karin and saw her blush a little, as if she had immediately thought of the answer.

“Wait… this sounds vaguely familiar… Could it be?”


While Yoichi mumbled, Hortense brought his face close to Yoichi’s.

“If you already know the answer to that, then hurry up and get on with it!”

“Wait, you tell me to hurry, but I still have no idea…Auuh~”

Suddenly, Hortense grabs Yoichi’s crotch and a strange voice escapes.

“Uhm, M-Mrs. Hortense!?”

Karin noticed and was surprised, but Hortense ignored her and started to whisper in Yoichi’s ear.

“All you have to do, Yoichi, is put this dick in your sweet little Misato’s pussy, fuck her senseless, and pump all your cum into her. Then she’ll wake up moaning and screaming for you. In pleasure, of course.”


Yoichi was rendered speechless by the vulgar words of his girlfriend’s mother.

“My, my. Look at you. Your son is quick at getting ready.”

But the body is always honest, needless to say, as the dick dangling between his legs quickly began to swell and throb.

Whether it was because he was touched by a beautiful dark elf or because he was imagining the act with the love of his life, he didn’t know.

Well, I’ll leave the rest to you! Oh, right. Why don’t you try it, too, little Karin? One shot won’t hurt.”

“M-me? One shot…? aaAAahh!?”

Karin covers her face, flushed with shame as she realizes Hortense’s words.

Not caring about such things, Hortense removes her hand from Yoichi’s crotch and walks with light steps towards the entrance, but stops at the door and turns around.

“Oh, and by the way, the shorter the coma, the better it will be for Misato. That’s why…”

Then she raises her fist, which have the gesture of her thumb between her index and middle fingers, towards Yoichi and smiled a very refreshing smile.

“Get on with it. Okay?”

After saying this, Hortense opened the door behind her with a smile on her face and walked out of the room.


After Hortense left, the room was filled with a strange atmosphere.

“Well… that… um… should I leave?”

“No, it’s too late for that now. Besides, you’re not fully recovered yet, so I think you should rest.”

Yoichi will have sex with Misato now.

But because of the situation, Karin, who was in the bed next to her, would see him do it.

“Yes, I know that, but… is it really okay? For you, I mean.”

“I don’t have any problems with it, but if Karin doesn’t feel comfortable, I’ll ask for another room or something.”

“No, no, I have no problems with it either. Or rather, isn’t that… you know, what we’ve always been doing?”

Yoichi and the other TOKOROTEN members had enjoyed having threesomes and foursomes many times since the founding of their party.

In fact, even Karin herself had been involved in Yoichi and Misato’s invitations many times.

“Ah. Maybe you want to go in first?”

But at Yoichi’s suggestion, Karin shook her head.

“The sooner she recovers the better, isn’t that what Madame Hortense said? So please give it to her first.”

Having said that, Karin lay down on the bed beside him with her back to him and pulled the covers over her.

“I’m a little tired from our long talk, so I’m going to bed. So, really, don’t worry about it.”

“I understand.”

It was obvious that this was just Karin’s excuse, but Yoichi decided that further questions and answers would be a waste of time, so he turned to Misato.

First, he pulled off the sheets that covered Misato, who was breathing peacefully in her sleep.

“A kantoui, huh…”[2]

And she seems to be wearing one that perfectly covers her head, the type that cannot be barred from the front of the dress.

Since taking off a sleeping person’s kantoui gown was a bit inconvenient, Yoichi touched the clothes and put them away with [Infinite Storage+].

“She’s not wearing any underwear…”

Yoichi paused for a moment. Then he thought that the bra, panties, and other undergarments were probably removed for her medical treatment.

After taking off her kantoui gown, Misato was completely naked.

Yoichi climbed onto the bed and tried to cover Misato.


A voice came from the next bed.

Karin, who had half of her face covered by the blanket, turned her head and looked at Yoichi as if she was peeking at him.

“Wh-what is it? Can’t get to sleep? Do you need anything?”

“I-I’m fine, don’t worry. But besides that, you should take off your clothes, too.”


“If only Misato was naked, it would be embarrassing when she wakes up, wouldn’t it?”

After saying that, Karin turned over and faced the other side of the bed, pulling the covers back up to her head.

(W-well, Karin was right…)

Thinking this, Yoichi undressed himself. Then he climbed onto the bed and straddled Misato.

First, he reached out and gently squeezed her small breasts.


But Misato did not react, only breathing softly, even though he was already applying a little pressure and pinching her nipples.

(No, that’s not it. Her nipples are becoming erect).

She did not gasp or struggle, but her light brown nipples swelled when he touched them.

He then rolled his tongue at the nipple, but there was no further reaction.

(I think it’s time. Let’s go lower…)

After stimulating her breasts for a while and getting no particular results, Yoichi lifted one of her limp legs and exposed her crotch.

He reached into the tightly closed crack and brushed the flesh with his fingertips.

The folds of flesh behind the crack were dry, but after a few gentle finger rubs, they began to get wet, albeit gradually.

However, there were no other reactions such as moans or body shaking.

(Her body does react in one way or another, though.)

Yoichi continued, this time spreading Misato’s legs and burying his face in her crotch.

He could see the folds of flesh peeking out from behind the slightly opened crack, trembling slightly.

As if to brush through those folds of flesh, Yoichi extended his pointed tongue and began to lick the mucous membranes in the back.

As he flicked his tongue, he noticed that her love juices gradually increased and a sweet and soon sour smell began to waft faintly, soon tickling his nostrils.

Yoichi continued to stimulate Misato, this time on her clit.

The small bud swelled under the gentle stimulation, and when he parted the foreskin with the tip of his tongue, which he hardened and pointed slightly, the full extent of the bud was revealed.


Her breathing was still the same, but whenever he licked the clit, he would sometimes feel a slight tremor in the lower back area.

The amount of love juice that flowed out increased even more, and eventually the vulva opened and the wet lining began to squirm.

This showed that Misato’s hole seemed to be moving in search of a man, regardless of her state of consciousness.

“Here I go, Misato.”

Yoichi knew she could not hear him, but he told her anyway, before placing his hardened rod against her inner part.

The sticky wet membrane caught the glans and moved slightly, stimulating Yoichi as it made contact.

(At least the mouth down there is honest…)

Yoichi slowly pushed his hips forward as the membranes moved invitingly inside.

Squelch, squelch, squelch, the meat stick entered sloppily and was pushed all the way to the base without any particular resistance.

“I’m going to move now.”

Since the other party won’t react anyway, the sooner he injects his seed into her without waking her up, the better, Yoichi thought.

Feeling a little guilty about having sex with an unconscious woman, Yoichi began to move his hips.

Squish… squelch… squich….

Since there was no reaction, his movements inevitably became monotonous.

But even though Yoichi was moving his hips indifferently, it wasn’t as if he didn’t feel good.

Rather, Misato’s body seemed to know what he wanted, as the wet membranes inside her vagina sucked on the rod more than usual, encouraging him to ejaculate.

“Nnn… ahh… mmh…”

A few minutes after insertion, a voice escaped Misato’s mouth.

“Misato? Misato! Can you hear me?”

“Nn.. nn…”

But there was still no response to Yoichi’s call.

On a side note, there was still some semen in his urethra from when he had just had sex with Alana, and it had mixed with his pre-cum and flowed into Misato’s vagina, where it was then absorbed by her.

Yoichi did not understand this, but he felt that there was no doubt that Misato’s condition would improve if they continued having sex, so he accelerated the movement of his hips.

“Ahh aah aaah aah aaahh…”

Misato’s body trembled slightly as Yoichi’s hips moved, and small gasps escaped her half-open mouth even though she had her eyes closed.

“Misato, wait for me…I’m already…!”

At the end, Yoichi reached his limit and ejaculated, shooting vigorously into her depths.

――Blurururut! Blurut! Blurururut!!

The throbbing of the pole pulsed and sperm flowed in torrents.

“Nhaaa… ahhh… something’s throbbing… in my stomach…”

“Misato? Oi, Misato! Are you awake?”

Not long after the sperm had entered her vagina, Misato woke up.

Then the eyes that had been closed opened dully.

“Nmm… my stomach, so hot… eh… Y-yoichi…?”

Realizing what it was, Misato opened her eyes and lifted herself up slightly on her elbows on the bed.

“Why am I… naked…? Huh? My crotch, something is in there… ah, no way…!”

There, Misato lay back on the bed again and covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

“Why, how did it come to this… ahh, it’s so embarrassing…”

She awoke to find the man she loved lying on top of her. In addition, he had inserted his meat stick all the way into her depths, and that he was ejaculating vaginally from the heat and pulsation, which was also the reason she woke up. It was no wonder that she was flustered.

“I’m sorry, Misato. Mrs. Hortense said this was the best way to regain your consciousness as soon as possible, so…”

“You’re lying…”

Misato covers her face and turns her head away.

“No, it’s true… You see, the transfer of mana through bodily fluids… ah, still, it would be shocking if someone did that to you while you were sleeping. Sorry.”

“I hate you. I don’t want your apology.”


But after saying that, Misato turned to Yoichi and removed her hands that were covering her face.

Then she broke into a bewitching smile and reached out her hand as if seeking him.

“But if you do it again… maybe I’ll forgive you.”

With these words and this attitude, Yoichi’s meat stick regained its hardness.

“Ahn… it’s getting big inside me again…”

And when he was completely hard, Yoichi began to shake his hips violently.

Thanks to the repeated rubbing during her sleep, Misato’s vagina was sufficiently relaxed. This allowed her to actively entangle herself with Yoichi’s pole, as if she herself was seeking pleasure from his movements.

“Aaahhhh…!! Yes, that’s it! Yoichii, it feels so good!”

Maybe it was the heat of her body that drove her to cum, or maybe her mind was subconsciously aroused during sleep, but from the outset, Misato let out an intense cry of pleasure and turned her head away from the pole.

Semen was also poured into her vaginal opening, and since the in and out movements of the pole didn’t stop, the fluids that were now in her vagina were stirred up.

However, the white muck that overflowed from the junction was gradually diluted by Misato’s newly secreted clear mucus.

“Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahaaa!!! Yo…ichiiihh…hug me…please!!!”

Misato begged with a sad expression and tears in the corners of her eyes as she held out her hand in front of her.

Yoichi, seeing this, stooped his upper body to be hugged by the lady’s outstretched arms that went all the way to his back.

Yoichi also hugged Misato in return.

The arms were held tightly with all their strength.

Their skin, wet and sweaty, were pressed tightly against each other, and the small breasts of the woman were squished and reshaped by the man who also held her tightly.

Yoichi’s hips resumed to buck wildly as he felt the warm, soft skin on the tightly pressed parts.

“Yoichiiihh! I am coming! I’m coming! Nhaaaaaaaa!!”

Misato’s vagina tightened as she neared climax, her soft and wet insides wrapping tightly around the rod.

“Misato, I’m going to cum too…”

“Yes, cum! This Misato’s pussy, fill it to the brim with Yoichi’s cum! Fill it with lots of iiiitt!!”

While Yoichi thrust hard into her cervix, the arms he had wrapped around Misato’s body tightened around her entire body.

Misato also put all her strength into her arms around Yoichi’s, tensing her body so as not to miss out on the pleasure, almost digging her nails into his back.

――Splururururururuurt!! Splurururt!! Splurtt!!

At the same moment, Misato’s vagina climaxed, causing the tightening of her orifice towards Yoichi’s ejaculating dick to intensify. As a result, Yoichi was squeezed even more of his cum.

“Ahuuuunnn! Mmmh… mmmh… so much is coming out inside…”

Misato moaned, trembling with pleasure as her cervix was attacked by the intermittent release of white fluids.

“Fuuhh… mmhh…”

Them the rod was pulled, and sperm overflowed from the unclosed vulva. it ran down Misato’s buttocks and onto the bed.

It was a magnificent sight.

Translator Notes:

[1]. I checked the raws in the previous chapters, and yep, I found an inconsistency. In the earlier chapters, BOTH Karin and Misato have [Mana Manipulation Type A]. What they differ is in the way they are “sensing mana,” which is the skill [Mana Perception Type A] (In Misato, which allows the user to more strongly perceive the mana floating in the surroundings) and [Mana Perception Type B] (In Karin, which enables the user to more strongly perceive the mana circulating inside their bodies). Now they both have different mana manipulation skills, [Mana Manipulation Type A] and [Mana Manipulation Type B].↰

[2]. A Kantoui (貫頭衣). Defined as a simple type of clothing consisting of a large piece of cloth with a hole cut in the middle for the head. It literally spells Pierce(貫kan), Head(頭tou), and Garment(衣i) (Pierce-head-garment). It’s ancient clothing, equivalent to the tunics in the Western hemisphere.

Here are some designs of the “modern version” of it.↰

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