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Side Story – Merchant Style Dungeon Crawling, II (LN Exclusive)

The voice was a bit far away, so I had no choice but to run through a bunch of traps.


I was speechless when I reached the bottom.

A woman’s buttocks were protruding from a stone wall.

“What were you doing that you ended up like this? Are you all right?”

“Ah, someone’s here! Thank goodness!”

The woman said in a voice that sounded a little languid in the impenetrable dungeon.

“I still don’t know if I can save you or not. How the hell did this happen to you?”

“Um, you see, I found this hole in the stone wall. I was searching this floor, wondering why there were no stairs leading down, then I came across this hole. It looked suspicious, so I looked in. When I looked at what was beyond the hole, I saw a shiny ball inside, so I thought, “This is it,” and dove in. But just as I thought I had the ball in my grasp, my body got stuck.”

“Oi oi oi. That was too sloppy. How did you make it to the ninth floor like that?”

“I had a friend with me, but… one of the traps got him.”

“I see…”

“So please help me. At least pull me out of this hole.”

The woman said, then waved her big, jeans-wrapped ass in a fidgeting motion.

“Looks like I have no choice.”

I grabbed her bum.

It was a young, firm and plump bum.

“H-hey, where are you touching?!”

“I had no choice. The only way to pull it is to grab the most protruding part here – which is your bottom.”

So I stroked her bum more through her jeans with a subtle touch.


And yet this woman sounded happy for some reason?

“Hey! Stop joking around and pull me seriously!”

“But I’m serious. I’m physically examining where and how I should grab it to pull it efficiently.”

“I-is that so? T-Then it’s all right, I suppose?”

Come to think of it, I have encountered many situations in my travels where I have had to help stupid women in various ways. What’s worse is that helping them usually ends up being a waste of time and effort.

Each time I had to sacrifice some of my precious goods just to save the woman, and all I got in the end was a “thank you for your help”.

It was the epitome of injustice. But I am still a good person. As long as their lives are threatened, I will continue to help them.

However, after repeated setbacks from helping them, I had set my own price, and that is “infinite sexual harassment per help”. Because fuck you for wasting my time and money. Suffer first before I help you.

As I stroked the woman’s ass, remembering the unfairness of the world, I noticed a pair of beige panties sticking out of the back of her jeans.

I pulled on the garter of the beige panties and then released them with a snap.

The corners of my lips curled up as I gave the woman a wedgie.

“Ow! I knew you were sexually harassing me!”

She shouted, but I just whistled and played ignorant.

But this is kind of fun!

If this were one of those “doujin shunpon” books, I would have stuck my dick in her pussy right away, but I still have that decency in me.

I also know that I can’t let her stay like this forever.

I cast Transparens to see behind the stone wall.

There was indeed a cavity in the wall, and a small glass ball was attached to the back of the wall.

“Hey, you! You said you grabbed the ball in there. What did you do with it?”

“Well, I grabbed it once, but it slipped out of my body. So I tried to grab it again, but my body got stuck the moment I caught it.”

“Then try letting go of the ball just this once.”

The moment I said this, the woman may have followed my instructions, but she was immediately thrown off the wall.

Did you see that? A stupid woman. Again.

Only she could not get out because she was still holding on to the ball that was placed inside.

“Aahh, finally! You saved me back there!”

The woman’s forehead was covered in sweat as she said this.

Or rather, what the hell? She was surprisingly beautiful.

I had expected her to be ugly because she sounded stupid, but if she was that beautiful, I probably should have stuck my dick in her.

“So, what is your profession?”

“Me? I’m an archaeologist. But I can also fight.”

Archaeologist is a bit of a surprise to me.

She must have been a very lucky archaeologist to have made it to the ninth floor with her stupidity.

But an archaeologist is an archaeologist. So there’s no harm in asking.

“So, what do you think of this floor without stairs?”

“Well, by my estimation, there should be a tenth floor, but if nothing is found after all this searching, perhaps the ninth floor is the end of this dungeon?”

“I see. In that case, I’ll turn back for now. It would be best if you turned back as well. Let’s go home together.”

“No way… A-are you hitting on me? You’re probably going to sexually harass me again.”

“I don’t know about that. But you are a pretty girl, so I might get carried away.”

“I can see through your lies, idiot. Ufufufu.”

But even though she said that, she looked happy.

I had a good time with her on the way home that day.


At a later date.

I was back in the ninth basement of the dungeon.

I had kept it a secret from the archaeologist, but when I rescued her, I was made aware of the existence of the tenth floor.

“As far as I can remember, it was on this floor… ah, found it.”

In that “butt hole” – it was quite funny to say, but where I came to on the ninth basement floor was the same hole in the wall where the archaeologist’s butt got stuck.

It was all because of how suspicious that shiny ball was in there.

Then why didn’t anything happen when the woman grabbed it, apart from her getting stuck?

It was because the woman was always pulling it by the balls… I mean the ball.

This time I pushed the ball forward.

And what do you think happened? The floor around me shook and moved downwards.

I said to myself, “I’ve done it! I found it! The hidden floor!”

This floor around me was like a lift. The ball was not something to grab, but a button to push.

After a while, the floor below appeared on one of the walls. It was the tenth basement.

The sight took my breath away.

It was too open to be the ground floor of a dungeon, and the ceiling was unusually high.

It was more like an underground city, with several palaces built into one huge space.

This was where the Cretans had lived a long time ago.

There were no more traps, let alone monsters.

I walked alone through the uninhabited underground city.

Stone monuments were erected everywhere, describing the customs and history of the time.

But I immediately made my way to the throne room of the largest palace I could find.

My goal was not to check the history, but to find the ‘Sword of the Sun’.

My heart was pounding, and I could feel my pupils dilating.

“What the hell is this?”

But to sum up, there was no Sword of the Sun.

In the place where the throne was supposed to be, there was a more recent stone monument.

It bore the following inscription:

“A merchant from the East, with the Sword of the Ancients in his hand, in the year 2xxx”.

The year was 500 years ago. The Cretans were ancient, but these people who lived 500 years before the Cretans were even more ancient.

It was a great story, but I was totally disappointed.

The only consolation was that it was a merchant who had conquered this dungeon five hundred years ago.

A merchant like me.

When I returned to the ground, I was so frustrated that “I found the tenth floor!” I bragged to the archaeologist.

“And how did you get there?”

“That’s a trade secret.”

“No way. That’s not fair!”

“But I made a note of all the monuments in there. I’d be happy to sell them to you.”

She bought the note with a snort.

Other detailed information about the floors beyond the fourth floor was also sold at a high price to adventurers who were conquering each floor, so more or less, I had made a lot of money by that time.

I didn’t get the Sword of the Sun, but I made a profit in the end, so it was all good.

“I think I’ll go back to the university for now. What are you going to do, Mr. Merchant?”

“Well, I’ll have to go to the nearest town here and get some information, for starters. I’ve been in this remote place for almost a year now, so I’m not really aware of what’s going on outside.”

“In that case, can I come with you?”

“Only if you don’t mind my sexual harassment of you.”

“Mou, you really are a naughty boy. Ufufufu.”

Again, for some reason, Miss Archaeologist looked happy with my company.

After that, I had a fun road trip with her… until I learned that a “hero” had finally been chosen by the Pope.

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