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Chapter 3 – Bravery, Bluff, Recording

What the hell does she want?

After informing the two women that my supply of adult toys had run out, our after-school ‘training’ sessions ended that very day. And that was a couple of days ago.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve run out of toys or because I’ve run out of something to connect with her, but the minister’s daughter also stopped talking to me regularly.

It was as if she no longer had any use for me.

To be honest, I find it a bit sad, but… anyway, what does the bully girl want with me now? Just what is her purpose?

Well, whatever it is, I’ve eliminated all factors that could be used against me, so I can say that my safety is already set in stone.

At about the same time as the bully leaves my seat, the minister’s daughter opens the classroom door. As usual, she greeted her classmates with a “Good day to you”, so full of freshness that it was hard to believe she had several adult toys in her body.

First period, history. Not knowing Andersen’s detailed story, I could not answer correctly when the teacher asked me a question. Perhaps the occasional silence in the classroom and the faint sound of giggling distracted me from concentrating.

After a few moments, this time, the minister’s daughter was called.

“Hah-iin. The heroes of our country are… for the third time in our history.”

There was something seductive about the way she answered, and even the shimmering gold vertical rolls looked enchanting this time, which was a strange sight.

I could hear the students whispering among themselves, “She’s gotten sexier lately,” or “She must be in love,” but I wonder if their romantic fantasies would be shattered if they knew she was merely wearing an adult toy.

Although the young lady looks perfectly normal to the naked eye, if I focused on one of the cameras under her desk to look up her skirt, I’d be able to see the contents of her underwear wriggling around. And if I moved my focus to the side to look at her desk, I’d see her make the occasional sigh or cough, but not to the extent that it would be considered abnormal.

It’s almost like she’s a soldier on the base.

After that, the young lady would go to the toilet between classes and change her underwear whenever she got the chance. By then they were so wet that they dripped profusely if she stayed in her seat. And that’s not all. She is so thorough that she always keeps a soft drink by her side to stay hydrated.

When all the lessons were over, the minister’s daughter went to the toilet, removed her toys, and returned home without incident.

Having recorded all this, I take a deep breath.

I guess this is goodbye to this school.

With this deep emotion, I opened the classroom door and headed home.

“Wait a minute.”

――or rather, I was about to, but someone stopped me. It was the bully girl.

I had no intention of running, but she grabbed me by the collar of my sailor’s uniform, as she had done on other occasions.

“I told you to stay after school. So stay.”

Oh yes, I had forgotten.

When I entered the classroom, the bully girl stared at me and said nothing, as if waiting for the other students to leave. As for me, I wondered what on earth she was going to do to me this time.

“Well, everyone has left. So? What do you want?”

I looked around the classroom and saw that it was just the bully girl and me. Because the winter solstice was approaching, the sun was already setting outside the window.

“You already know without me telling you, right? I… I want you to put it inside me again, your springy model dildo…”

“Why? I’m sure other toys would be more comfortable for you by now. You don’t need the dildo anymore. Isn’t that why you stopped?”

She is a woman who says strange things.

“No… it’s not like that… ahh, that’s not good… I…”

I don’t know why, but the bully girl lowered her eyes to her feet and fell silent. But after a few seconds, she raised her eyes again as if she had made up her mind, though only to my stomach level.

“You know, I think… I’ve come to like you…”

I see. You like me. Huuh?

“That’s why you, you already know, right? And even though I don’t know what’s going on about you and how you got into this school, I don’t care anymore. All I want is to be one with you now…”

“Those words… Are you serious?”

I was so shocked that I started to speak in a manly manner. But the voice was still that of a girl.


Her answer was small but clear and full of sincerity. Her eyes, looking up at me fearfully, showed none of the meanness they once had.

Or rather, when she said it like that, I immediately felt that this bully girl was lovely. No, she is a girl with a pretty face to begin with, but that is not the point. Even though she’d been mean to me at first – no, it was because she’d been mean to me that I began to feel a special emotion towards her trembling, thin shoulders.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t answer your feelings.”

But I was no child to give in to such feelings. The truth is, I can’t stay here at the academy, and I’m not even a real student. I am a traveling merchant. I know what I can and can’t do.

“Why? I’ll do whatever you say. I know you don’t like me. I mean, it’s sudden, and I already know that. Just, just this once. Give me a chance, okay?”

Please stop. When you throw such lovely lines at me, I will feel like hugging you.

“How can I put it… I just got tired of it, that’s all. We’ve both had enough fun, so I don’t think we need to get involved any further.”

My icy words brought tears to the bully girl’s white cheeks.

“Y-you’re horrible…”

With that, the bully girl ran out of the classroom and left.

I feel the same way. And it’s best to forget such a horrible person.

The next day, no longer needing to go to the academy, I went to the waterworks in the castletown with my fishing rod, which I had no hook on it attached. This was to think peacefully and reconsider my plan for the forthcoming dinner with the Minister of Finance.

The record of a day in his daughter’s life is certainly a powerful weapon, but I am sure he is not so weak that he will give in to my demands with it. If the line where he should accept or refuse isn’t well communicated, I’m sure he’ll just say, “Do what you want”. If that happens, we will both suffer, but I will get the bigger end of it. After all, it is unthinkable that a person holding a public position as a cabinet minister would so easily sell out his country for personal feelings.

It is better to think of the scandal involving his daughter as a wedge to get me into business negotiations. If I could offer terms that would not be bad for the country, and show him a picture of the profits, even the most cautious ministers would be willing to nod their heads at my proposal.

It is also imperative to review Andersen’s list of general contractors and tariff rates (although I have already looked at it to the point of poking holes in it) just to be sure. After all, who knows when I’ll need the flexibility it offers in our negotiations.

Many things have happened in this land, but with my iron spirit, I have never allowed myself to become sentimental about such things. Meetings and farewells are common for travelers and even more so for merchants.

In other words, I am used to it.


Time passed slowly as I pondered the situation, and the night of the dinner with the Minister of Finance finally arrived. I went out one last time to see with my own eyes the place in front of the castle where the walls were to be built. I could not sit still.

It was then that I realized once again the sheer scale of Andersen Castletown. The walls surrounding it, currently just a public works project, will surely become a huge undertaking.

Just as I was beginning to get into the swing of things,

That’s when it happened.

The Minister of Finance, accompanied by an entourage, came to inspect part of the walled city. Perhaps he was making a preliminary inspection of the project. His blond hair was blowing in the wind, and he stroked his golden beard with a serious face.

He seemed to be muttering to himself. Perhaps he’s about to say something important about the city walls.

I, who have a pseudo-mind-reading ability, quickly watched the movement of his lips.

[Ahh, I can’t wait to take my daughter for a bath after this.]

Anyway, tomorrow will be my showdown with him.

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