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Chapter 3 – Strange Occurrences 2

“Something’s still not right.”

After finishing today’s business at the Adventurers’ Guild, I made my way home.

Even so, today was full of strange occurrences.

Since then, I have only seen female adventurers at the reception, not a single male adventurer. And it wasn’t just the adventurers. The staff of the Adventurers’ Guild had also been changed, and before I knew it, the guildmaster and I were the only two men in the guild. The rest of the staff were all women.

The attitude of these female employees was also somewhat strange.

When I was carrying a heavy load, they would say, “Ryou, I’ll carry it for you~” and some even said, “By the way, would you like to go out for a drink with me later? It’s all on me!” they would all call out to me as if it was nothing.

Did I look so bad that these new co-workers were worried about me? Should I go to the temple and receive healing magic?

I collapsed in the examination room and had some strange dreams. I wonder if I was under a lot of stress without realizing it.

“Speaking of strange dreams… it was after I had that fairy dream that things around me became strange.

I remember what the fairy said in my dream.

I think she said something about using magic to make me irresistible to the opposite sex.

“I think it was just a dream. I didn’t feel like I became irresistible at all.”

At the very least, the women around me aren’t fascinated by my presence. Even though their gender has suddenly become the majority.

I looked at the sky. It’s still early. But it’s been a while since I’ve been dismissed on time, so I might as well celebrate. All right, let’s have a few drinks for a change before we go home.

Deciding to do so, I took a turn off the main road into a street closer to the entertainment district. Then I went to the tavern-cum-inn, where I occasionally drop by.

It was early in the day, so the street was quiet. I stopped in front of the tavern I was looking for, The Silver Branch, and pushed on its old, heavy oak door.

With a clang, the bell attached to the door rang, and the door creaked open.


Huh? Is it not the husband who is the bartender today, but the wife?

Well, never mind. Let’s take a seat at the bar first.


All of a sudden, I thought I heard a familiar voice.

I looked in the direction of the voice, and to my surprise, I saw the female warrior from “Rosenkreuzer” over there. She was sitting with the silver-haired elf from the same party at a table at the back of the tavern.

It was the warrior who raised her voice.

They seemed to be drinking alone, perhaps after exploring the dungeon. I bowed to them and sat down on a stool by the bar.

Sitting on the stool, I wondered what I should order.

But what is it? This tavern is usually full of men, but today, like the guild, it is all women. I feel uncomfortable at the sudden attention I’m getting.

I wonder if they have started a ladies’ day today?

“H-hey! Carla!”

Someone shouted from the direction where ‘Rosenkreuzer’ was sitting earlier.

What is this, a fight?

Curious, I turned to see that the warrior from earlier had just got up from the table she was sitting at.

Then she turned and came straight at me.


“Hey Carla, you’d better not…!”

The warrior’s name was Carla, apparently.

She walked up to me, sat down next to me, and greeted me awkwardly while the elf following behind her held her head with an “Oh crap, she’s done it!” look on her face.

“Iris, don’t get in my way! He’s a man who’s been kind to an ugly woman like me. Maybe there’s a chance for me?”

“He’s a guild receptionist, so it’s only natural that he’s kind! I knew it. You drank too much, Carla. All I can see is you getting hurt again!”

“Even so, at this point, I have to make the best of it, no matter how minuscule the chance! Just… go away, Iris, if you don’t want to see me fail. You’re a hindrance!”

“It won’t do us any good if you fail!”

“Uh, um…?”

I was unsure what was happening, so I called out to the female warrior and the elf.

From what I could see, the warrior seemed to have drunk a lot. She was sitting next to me, but I could already smell the scent of alcohol on her lips.

With a worried look, the elf reluctantly returned to the table where she had been.

“H-hey. Have you finished your work already?”

“Yes, I’m done for the day. Um… Carla, is it? Have you been to the Dungeon of the Hungry Wolf yet?”

“Oh, that… we’ve just surveyed the place today. Oh, owner, give him some ale, will you?”


While we chatted without understanding what was going on, Carla, the female warrior of the Rosenkreuzer, somehow ordered ale for me. She even gave the waitress the coins so that I would not have to pay.

“You even went to the trouble of ordering a drink for me. Sorry to have bothered you.”

“No, it’s okay. In fact, I’d like to propose a toast, if you don’t mind.”

Carla smiled, if a little awkwardly, and pointed her own mug at me.

I couldn’t have asked for more. I took the ale that had been brought and clinked my mug with Carla’s.

To think that ‘Rosenkreuzers’ could be this kind…

They’re an S-rank party, but they’re willing to buy drinks for me, a single, humble guild member.

I’ve heard that the higher the rank of the adventurer, the more difficult the person is to deal with, but she has an amazing personality. I think I’m going to be a fan.

……I only have one thing on my mind.

Carla is… kind of stealing glances at my body, almost to the point of licking me with her gaze.

I am also concerned about her elf companion, who is sitting far away at the table behind us. She is looking at me with a troubled expression.

Well, whatever. While I worried about such things, I continued to talk to Carla.

As an S-rank party from the royal capital, her story was very interesting. From my point of view, as someone who has lived in this rural town since birth, all her stories sounded like a dream.

And it must have been around the time we exchanged about three pints of ale.

Carla suddenly muttered these words.

“Oh, you see…”


“I’ve got a room upstairs. Would you like to come up with me?”

Her face was extremely red.

But it was obvious that it was not from the ale.

“Ah, n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no, I didn’t mean anything weird! I just thought maybe we could go somewhere quieter to drink instead of this noisy place!”

“I’m fine with that. No problem.”

“Right, you don’t want to be with an ugly woman like me… eeeeh!?”

Carla stares at me, eyes wide open.

And behind us, Ms. Elf also mumbled the same “eeeeh!?”

Did I give the wrong answer?

But that should be all right.

Because even though Carla is nice, she is acting too weird. Or rather. She was too weird from the start.

She came to the reception twice to ask for a map, bought a beer for a lowly guild member like me, and even invited me up to her room.

In other words, Carla probably has something she wants to discuss with me, a guild member, in secret. And it was something so important that it could only be discussed in a secluded place.

I guess the responsibility of being a leader has made her act awkward. After all, she’s trying to get a person of the opposite sex to come to her room.

But I knew the truth.

If it was just a virgin man, he might mistakenly think, “She’s interested in me, isn’t she?” Then there would be a big misunderstanding that would end up traumatizing him.

But I am not just a virgin!

There is no way that a beautiful S-rank warrior lady would invite a plain and boring guild clerk like me into her room unless the values of the world were turned upside down! I’ve grown up enough not to make the mistake of dreaming of such a possibility!

Now I’m getting sad just thinking about it!

“R-really? Are you really okay with this?”

“Yes, I’m fine with it. Or do you not want to?”

“Owner! Give me the room key now!”

Carla shouted at the owner’s wife, demanding the room key.

The owner’s wife hurriedly threw the key to Carla.

W-was her situation so serious that it was enough to make her so nervous?

Had there been a serious outbreak of advanced monsters in the Dungeon of the Hungry Wolf?

I better keep my wits about me and listen to everything they have to say.

“So, shall we go?”

I asked Carla when I had made up my mind,

“Ah, y-y-y-y-y-yes!”

And Carla nodded her head so fast I thought her neck would snap.

“No way… how…?”

Meanwhile, as we went up to the second floor, the silver-haired elf who had remained alone in the tavern saw us off with a somewhat stunned expression on her face.

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