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“Woah there.”

“Papa! Wowk?”

A girl with chestnut hair ran to me with a thud and clung to my legs.

Her head was turned up as high as it would go, and her olive-green eyes reflected mine.

“Yes, it’s work, sweetie.”


I picked her up, and she let out a happy squeal.

I pecked her ivory cheeks and tweaked her slightly pointed ears, and she squealed and giggled even more.

“Hey, Amber! Don’t do that! You can’t interrupt your father on his way out.”

Emmy came running from the back of the house, wearing an apron, to which I left Amber in her care.

Conceived not as a holy knight, but as a regular human, not in the acts of the Divine Skill, but in real, unsupported intercourse, Emmy gave birth to a sweet little girl who looked like half of both of us, one who inherited my blood.

“Noo! I still want papaa! Don’t wanna!”

“Yes, yes, don’t be so violent.”

Emmy held Amber in her arms and patted her back as if to soothe her.

Amber, who had been squirming for a while, began to calm down.

“Then, honey. Have a safe trip. Amber, say goodbye to your dad too.”

“Auu… papa, gwoodbye~.”

“Ou. Emmy, Amber, I’m off.”

I left the house and walked around the town in the morning.

How many years it has been since I came here? When I realized it, this town had become a very lively place.

“Oh! It’s Tommy! Good morning!”

“Good morning, Dad!”

“And Abel and Ziggy, too! Good morning to you guys as well.”

As soon as I arrived at the temple of the Fertility Goddess, Abel, Karina’s son, and Siegfried, Alma’s son, came running up to me.

It’s early in the morning, so there are still few people in the chapel, and besides the two children, only Alma, the priestess, and Clarissa, the mayor of the town, are there.

Karina, you’ve forced Alma to babysit for you again…

“Look, Kyle,” Clarissa spoke. “Say hello to your father.”

A slightly frightened-looking boy emerges from Clarissa’s shadow.

“G-good mowning…”

“Ou. Good morning to you, too, Kyle.”

I walked up to Kyle and patted him on the head.

By the way, his mother is… as you have guessed, it’s Clarissa.

The day before we left Lambda town, we had a big party, and I was caught in the middle of you-know-what.

“Sir Alfred, by any chance today… is it because of that?”

“Yeah. This time it’s with the Adventure Princess.”

Alma stood up and stood before me, her hands raised in front of her chest and her fists clenched.

“Then I wish you the best of luck!”

“Ah, un. I will do my best.”

I flinched a little in front of the priestess who was giving me a strong gaze.

The first time I met Alma, she had a ladylike image, but since the birth of her child, she seems to have grown much tougher.

《Yohoo~! Where are we teleporting today?》

As the usual routine, Xaneela spoke to me as I stood before the statue of the goddess.

(In the royal capital.)

《Ah, so we’re doing the Adventure Princess you were talking about this time. I see…》

Adventure Princess is the nickname of the first princess and the eldest daughter of the current king.

She was a tomboyish princess who excelled at martial arts from a young age.

Due to her whims, she became an adventurer, and now she has risen to the top ranks and easily handles difficult requests, where from there, she was then known as the Adventure Princess.

《It took a long time to get there, didn’t it?》

It all started when her father, the king, who was worried that it would be too late for her as she was about to turn 30, came to me crying because he wanted to at least see the face of his grandson from the adventurous princess.

But by then, the Holy Knight’s fame was already well known, and rumors grew ears and tail to the extent that a woman could get pregnant just by making eye contact with me.

There’s also the problem that the Adventure Princess disliked men, so naturally, she avoided me, all the more with the spreading of rumors. But, the thing is, if I made eye contact with her now, it would activate Divine Skill just by “crossing gazes,” so it wasn’t actually far from the truth.

(But it seems she’s finally getting into the swing of things.)

Yes. Because I had been having a lot of sex with the succubi, it had raised my Divine Skill to another level, and now I have a new condition for Fascination: activation just by [Staring] at them.

At best, I could only look at her from a distance, but that was enough for me.

《Even if the other person doesn’t notice, Isn’t it foul play to stare at them and suddenly, they become interested in you?》

(Why are you asking that when it’s you who gave me the skill?)

It took a lot of effort, but as a result of collecting information on the adventure princess on where she will appear, chasing her around and staring at her, I finally received a reply saying that I could meet her.

In other words, the Divine Skill worked, and I knew that even though she didn’t like men, she wanted to have children. So, I’m off to the temple in the royal capital now.

《Good luck! The future of our children depends on your penis!》

The king promised me that if I succeeded in having a baby with the adventurer princess, he would give me a huge chunk of his child-rearing budget. That’s why this is a battle I can’t lose.

(Ou. You can count on me.)

《Okay~! To the royal capital, let’s go!!》

I didn’t do much in my previous life and died doing something stupid.

But since I came to this world, I’ve met many people, been able to help them, and been supported by them in return. I also had many children of many different species.

But I’m not done yet. Though my mission is over, that’s merely just the minimum quota. There are still countless people in the world who want to have children but were unable to.

As long as there is even one such woman, my actual mission will never end.

―― that’s why I, who was reborn as a holy knight, will work hard to make babies today for the sake of reviving this other world.

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