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Chapter 5 – With Emmy… Part 3 ※

I believe this was the greatest amount of semen I ever let out in one go.

It was so much that those which could not enter immediately overflowed from the gaps, making loud squelching sounds.

“Haaa… haaa… Emmy…”

“Mmmh… fuuh… Alf… I love you…”

“Me too, Emmy…”

“If only we could be together… even if… our children….”

I interrupted Emmy’s words by placing a hand on her shoulders and pushing my body slightly away from her.

“…Alf? What is it?”

Instead of answering, I smile gently at Emmy, who is now looking at me with a puzzled expression.

“We can have it now.”

…? Have what?”

“A child. We can now have a child.”


“Gigliola, no, the Goddess of Love and the Arts… has given me a new blessing. We can now have children.”


Emmy’s eyes began to be filled with tears.

My darling, mouth trembling, moaned slightly, and then she hugged me tightly.

“Aaaaaaaaahh! Uaaaahhhhhhhh…!!”

There, Emmy started bawling and crying like a child.

She probably didn’t even know why she was crying.

Emmy, who had lost her parents early, grew up in an orphanage, and upon living with them, she desired to have a family, like the one she had lost.

But then, she discovered she couldn’t have one with me.

She felt bitter when we were together, but lonely when we were apart.

Then, we met again, and there, she told me she wanted to be with me still.

Even if it means we won’t have kids in the future.

I think it was a very painful decision. A heavy decision in her life.

But how did she feel when she heard it was now possible for her to bear my child? I don’t think she was simply happy with all that she’s been through.

That’s probably why she could only raise her voice and cry – she didn’t know what she should express anymore.

“Uuuuu… uuuuu… hicc…”

I held her tightly and kept patting her head gently, and little by little, Emmy calmed down.

“Emmy, let’s have lots of kids.”


“Because of that, from now on…”

I put all my strength into my arms and hugged Emmy as hard as I could.

“We’re going to have a lot of sex.”


We made love over and over again.

We just wanted each other so badly that we lost all track of time.

We covered our bodies in our fluids and made a mess everywhere, not only on the bed but also across the whole room.

We kept having sex as the sun rose and set, and eventually, Emmy passed out like a string that had been cut.

Of course, I was getting pretty tired, too.

I knew that I could not use the Divine Skill to have sex with Emmy, so I expected not to last long like I did with the succubi and the others.

Even so, this tiredness that made my whole body feel heavy… I felt it was rather pleasant.

“I think I’ll clean up just a little bit.”

I was already quite sleepy, but I mustered my remaining strength and cleaned each other’s bodies and the bed area with Holy Purification, and then I pulled the covers over Emmy and myself.

“Mmm… Alf… I love you…”

After stroking Emmy’s head several times as she slept happily beside me, I also let go of my consciousness in slumber.


When I awoke the next morning, I saw Emmy, who had been sleeping next to me, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

Her golden hair, slender shoulders, and small, shapely breasts were dazzling in the morning sun shining through the window, and I involuntarily squinted my just-opened eyes at the sight.

I couldn’t see her face because of the shadow cast by her slumped face.

“Good morning, Emmy.”


Emmy looked up, and there I saw her face.

She was smiling even more radiantly than ever.

There, she pulled the covers up to her rib cage and stroked her stomach, not removing her gaze at me with her light green eyes. A single tear spilled from the corner of her eye.

“I’m pregnant.”

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