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Chapter 2 – Infiltration at the All-Girls Academy, II

“I-is that so? I don’t really find anything different…”

Even though I said that back, the minister’s daughter kept staring at me in my underwear.

“It’s not the same. Other people don’t have such clear skin.”


“See, it’s so smooth…”

“H-hey. Don’t touch me like that. It tickles.”

The Minister’s daughter traces the line from the nape of my neck to my spine with her finger.

“Oh my, I’m sorry. I just…”

With her hand over her mouth and apologizing for her misbehavior, she quickly changed into her gym clothes.

After I had finished changing, the next thing that awaited me was a group of girls in sensational sportswear called “bloomers.”

When I first saw the bloomers, I thought it was some kind of a joke.

The dark blue, vertically lined bloomers designated by the Andersen Girls’ Academy only managed to cover enough area to hide their buttocks and underwear, exposing their plump thighs and allowing the viewer to judge the degree of fullness between their legs.

It is to the extent that the way they cover their underwear, which sometimes protrudes from their hips, will easily soothe even the hearts of soldiers who’ve had a rough time on the battlefield.

“New student!”

“W-What is it?”

The minister’s daughter is staring at my crotch.

My cock has been kept in minimal mode by my strong mentality, but I must say that it is still a very heaped crotch for a girl.

“No, no… it’s nothing.”

Somehow, she seemed to have decided that it was not unnatural.

Oh dear, it was heartbreaking.

When I returned to the classroom, prepared to go through the ordeal of changing clothes again, I was astonished to see my desk in disarray.

On the surface of my desk, I found a series of abusive words scribbled in magic marker. I was shocked to find that my desk had been transformed and that I was now a “flesh-eating toilet,” “sexually transmitted disease patient,” and other nonsensical words scrawled on the surface of my desk.

“Oh my, some people really do terrible things.”

One of the women approached my seat and said.

She has short chestnut-colored hair, possesses a cocky look in her eyes, and along with it, lips tied in a gloating smile.

Basically, she is a girl who is full of ego.

“But I guess that’s what happens when some people get too cocky.”

She continued with nasty after-remarks.

Yes, it was obvious that this woman was leading the bullying of me.

Whenever I get into this kind of situation, she always comes over to me with a blithe pretense to implicitly convey the message, “Don’t get carried away.”

As for the other students, they seem unable to go against her wishes, while some usually try to stay out of her way.

It’s hilarious and pathetic that a man over 20 years old is being bullied by a little girl like that.

Though I say a little girl, these girls are already over 18 years old. But even though there is a little difference in age, their caged environment caused them to be somewhat more immature.

In short, they are still brats.

I am naturally angry at this brat… but the reality is that she is getting in the way of my work.

Well, I didn’t say anything in response to the bully’s provocation so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After a while, I sighed as I watched the bully girl’s back as she walked away with a “hmph.”

Beside me, the minister’s daughter lowered her eyebrows in concern.


After all the lectures were over, after school.

I was a little depressed.

Because my work is not progressing at all.

I had been trying to gather information about the minister’s daughter for a week, but I have yet to collect anything.

I’m currently a bullied child, so no matter who I talk to, I can’t get into a conversation with them.

Aah, I’m so stressed out, that I can’t wait to smoke a cigarette once I leave

Smoking is prohibited on campus, so I can’t smoke until I left the premises.

A short time after leaving the campus, I realized I had left my bag in the classroom.

I could have left it behind since it wasn’t really necessary to bring it home, but I had my cigarette pack inside.

I had no choice but to turn back.

When I returned to the gate, I saw the Minister of Finance’s carriage still waiting for its passenger.

And today, several men were hanging around the carriage.

There was an elderly man in a butler’s uniform, two men in strong-looking armor, and a blond man of medium height and build.

It was obvious that the blond man, in particular, was no ordinary man.

Not only is the suit he is wearing of the highest quality, but his graceful manner, commanding presence, and smartness are visible to the naked eye.

I wondered what was happening, so I listened closely as I walked by.

“Minister, please return to your carriage. It is not safe for you to be outside.”

The man in a butler’s uniform said to the blonde man.

I knew he was the Minister of Finance of Andersen’s castle town.

Because his aura overflows with a sense of brilliance.

I then recalled, my goal was to to get a public works commission from this man.

The Minister of Finance then replied to the man in the butler’s uniform.

“Shut up! I’ve long awaited to meet her at the early opening of the assembly. As soon as she comes out, I will give her a big daddy hug and kiss. How about you guys wait in the carriage instead!”

There goes his majesty and dignity.

I felt so strange that I’d been trying hard to gain commissions from this man.

I told the guard I had forgotten something, and when I entered the premises, there was hardly anyone to be seen.

The sun had not yet set, but the empty corridor gave me a certain eerie feeling.

Hearing my footsteps echoing in the corridor, I made my way to the classroom.

“How long will she put up with this? I can no longer stand it!”

As I put my hand on the door to enter the classroom, a loud, emotional voice rang out from inside.

It was the minister’s daughter.

The fact that the carriage was waiting at the gate inevitably meant that the Lady was inside.

I quickly use my Hiarin spell to make sure I can hear the sounds inside the classroom.

“It’s because esteemed sister is always caring about that new student!”

This voice was the voice of the bully that hated me.

The voice was unexpected because I had never seen the minister’s daughter and the bully girl talking to each other.

But what’s with the “esteemed sister”?

They can’t possibly be sisters since they are in the same grade and don’t look alike enough to be twins.

Are they fraternal twins?

“No matter what you do, it’s gonna be futile because I won’t give up on her! I told you to forget about me already.”

“But, sister, it doesn’t mean the new student will accept you.”

Accept? Accept what?

I don’t understand their conversation.

Are they using some kind of code now?

Don’t tell me they’ve noticed I’m using hearing magic or something!

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