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Chapter 5 – Preparations for Interception

Over 100,000 monsters massed together in the deepest parts of the Jana Forest are approaching Meilgrad.

Alana called it a “monster stampede.”

The horde of monsters was about 200 kilometers from their current location. Although their speed varied depending on the terrain, they were moving at an average rate of about 10 kilometers per hour.

The distance from their current location to Meilgrad is about 100 kilometers.

Since the horde was about 300 kilometers from their location, simple calculations indicated that it would take them 30 hours to reach the city.

“…you have to take into account that the speed of their march will increase once they come out of the forest.”

“Then it would take them 20 hours to get through the forest and 4-5 hours from there to the city.”

Yoichi corrected himself to the groaning musings of Alana.

“Is it common for so many monsters to run amok?”

“Umu. There have been several such incidents since the settlement of the frontier began, and even before that, there are records of the kingdom being attacked by monsters from the southwest, so if you think about it, they would also count as monster outbreaks coming from the Jana Forest.”

In the Kingdom of Sansrival, which includes the frontier city of Meilgrad, there are scattered records of powerful monsters swarming and attacking from the southwest.

This was before the frontier city of Meilgrad was established. And in those records, it was thought that the group of monsters that would emerge from the Jana Forest would be automatically culled as they would pass through the Wilderness of Death, making the need for a fortification in that direction unnecessary.

And they were right to some extent, as, at that time, the monsters coming from the southwest were reduced to a level that could not be called a monster stampede.

On the other hand, they were wrong about the part where the fortifications were unnecessary because the damage would always be massive whenever they were attacked from there.

This was because the remaining monsters, though reduced in number, were their strongest, at least enough to cross the Wilderness of Death, not to mention that they attacked in groups.

“For this reason, the Salis family, who were merely frontier lords at the time, were given the title of Margrave, which is close to the highest peerage. They cultivated the Jana Forest, developed the frontier, founded Meilgrad, and defeated all the monsters that came from there.”

Since then, monster attacks on the kingdom from the southwest have greatly diminished. Therefore, it was natural to assume that there was a connection between the presence of the frontier city and the lack of monster outbreaks from then on.

And since it was a natural thought that the lords who ruled the frontier should be given high positions to protect the kingdom from foreign enemies, the Salis family, who ruled the city of Meilgrad, were duly anointed with the title of “Margraves.”

Of course, there were many intrigues and conspiracies that led up to this point, and Yoichi, who was interested, tried to look further into their history with [Appraisal+]. But he quickly decided to stop because the more he read about them, the more depressed he became.

“The last time was about five years ago. I was part of the interception back then.”

Coughing to regain his composure, Yoichi turns to Alana, who begins to reminisce about her past.

“Were there this many before?”

“No, the monster stampede was only 20,000 to 30,000 at the most. But even so, it was still quite a big deal. Although we stopped them from entering the city walls, more than 10% of the several hundred adventurers who took part in the interception lost their lives.”

(If ten percent died, the number of those who deserted the front due to injury would be more than double that).

With an overall loss of more than 30%, it is safe to say that the situation was devastating.

“The number of adventurers has increased to nearly 1,000, but the quality of the workforce has not improved enough. Simply put, we only have twice as many forces compared to last time.”

(On the other hand, this time, the enemy’s strength is three to four times that of the past… This won’t be easy).

“Sorry, Mister Yoichi, but I have to report this to the lord and the guild master as soon as possible.”

“I understand. But one last thing.”

“What is it?”

“Is it safe to conclude now that an inherently unlikely combination of monsters like the one we just saw could also be the result of the monster stampede?”

“Mu? Hmmm…”

Alana raised her eyebrows at Yoichi’s question, then crossed her arms and began to groan.

“While there have been times when a pseudo-herd has formed within a dense group of monsters… I don’t think it’s very likely that a species far in between, no matter how separated they are from their respective groups, would form a herd like the one we just saw.”

“So you think there is more to these monsters?”

“Maybe, but our priority now is to report the stampede.”


Yoichi should have made a more detailed assessment of the outbreak of the monster group at this point, but because Alana rushed him and then got caught up in preparing to intercept the stampede, he inadvertently neglected to make a detailed investigation, even forgetting the whole matter altogether.

Little did he know that this move would cost him a great deal later on, enough almost to claim his life and that of his companions.


As soon as the TOKOROTEN arrived in the city, they immediately assigned themselves roles.

“I’ll go to the Adventurers’ Guild.”

“I’ll make all sorts of preparations on my end as well, see if I can get some weapons from Earth. What about you, Karin? Misato?”

But before the two girls could answer Yoichi’s question, Alana interrupted him.

“I’m sorry, Yoichi. But I want Karin and Misato to come with me. I want them to learn as many spells as possible that will be of use in the Mage Guild.”


“I-I understand!”

With that, Alana, Karin, and Misato separated from Yoichi after [returning] directly from the forest to the town’s inn and immediately ran out of the room.

“Well then, I’m counting on you too, Charley.”

Meanwhile, Yoichi, who had been left behind, [returned] to “Grand Court 2503” and contacted Charlotte as soon as he got back to Earth.


[So many heavy weapons… are you going to start a war or something?]

This is Charlotte’s answer to Yoichi’s transmitted request.

“Well, I can’t deny that it’s something like that.”

[So you’re really going to use them all?]

“More or less. Just in case I need them.”

[Then I refuse.]

“Is it too difficult to prepare?”

[Not really. Or rather, we can prepare it for you. But the problem is, the moment you use it, you’ll be exposed, and if that happens… well, then we’re as good as involved, aren’t we?]

“That won’t happen. I’ll use it where no one will find out.”

[There is no such place on Earth.]

“Don’t worry, it’s not on this planet.”


“No, I’m pretty sure you already have an idea, right? The ‘translation device’ I entrusted to you. Who in the world could have made it? Is there any person or institution on this Earth that has the ability to create such a thing? You’ve done all the research you can, but what was the result?”


“Please! We’re running out of time! Charlotte is the only one I can rely on!”

[Muh… But I still can’t trust you. So I’m sorry.]

“I understand. But can I at least see you in person? You’re still at Ed’s hotel, aren’t you?”

[Well, yeah…]

“How about we meet in the container?”

[In two hours.]

“Great. Make sure you come alone, okay? It’s no use hiding from me. Even today, I know that Charlotte is wearing magenta lace panties and a Japanese brand panty liner!”

[Wha…!? Y-you HENTAI!]

With these words as the last, the other party ended the call in a disorderly manner.

“Two more hours… there’s no way I can wait that long.”

After confirming once again in his [Appraisal+] that Charlotte is moving according to his intentions, Yoichi [returned] to [Frontier’s Home] and went straight to the Adventurer’s Guild.

“Is Alana still there?”

He asked the receptionist as soon as he arrived at the door.

“ Eh, ah, yes. She’s in the guildmaster’s room.”

“Thank you. Coming through!”

“Huh? Wait, you…!”

When Yoichi suddenly burst in, the receptionist tried to stop him. However, maybe because she was intimidated by his threatening atmosphere, she just froze and stood still.

Since the other three members of the same TOKOROTEN had visited earlier, there was no problem. However, it was still common courtesy to make him wait at least once and then ask the guildmaster’s permission to let him in.

However, due to the confusion that will ensue later on, she received no punishment for this.


“Hm? Mister Yoichi?”

When Yoichi entered the guildmaster’s office, he found Alana, Karin, and Misato sitting on the visitors’ sofa, talking to Celestin, who was facing them on the other side.

“Ah, how did the report go?”

“Uh, I just finished reporting to the guildmaster, and afterward, they’re going to inform the lord.”

Real-time communication between the guild and the lord’s mansion is now possible using a special magical device.

“Yoichi, I’m gonna be direct. Are you sure about the monster stampede?”

“Yes, I am sure. There is no doubt.”

Yoichi confidently answered the guildmaster’s question.

“What makes you so sure?”

“I have one of those “Skills” to achieve this.”

“Skills… you say?”

“Yes. With my ‘Skill,’ I can ‘know’ just about anything I want to know. For example…”

Yoichi put his left hand on his waist and pointed with his right hand into the empty space.

“Hey there, pretty lady! Want to go hunting with me?”


Celestin blurts out in Yoichi’s direction.

Meanwhile, Alana and the others tilted their heads suspiciously as Yoichi suddenly uttered something incomprehensible, along with an even more incomprehensible gesture.

“Mister Yoichi, what the heck is that?”

“All right! I believe you!”


Alana looked at Celestin, whose face was flushed with panic, unaware that Yoichi’s line was a reenactment of their grandparents’ actual first meeting hundreds of years ago.

“Ueeehehem! So, what do you want?”

“I have to get out of the city.”

“Well, why don’t you get out then? In another hour, I will make it so that it will be impossible for anyone to get outside.”

“No, that’s… about that. We didn’t get in properly this time, you see.”

In Meilgrad, entering and leaving the city is strictly regulated by ID cards, such as guild cards and fiefdom resident cards.

If a person who has left the city once tries to leave again without a record of their entry, they are certain to be questioned.

“I see. Then go and take this with you.”

Celestin quickly wrote a letter, put it in an envelope, and handed it to Yoichi.

“Thank you!”

“No, it is I who should thank you for your valuable information.”

As soon as he had received the envelope, Yoichi spun on his heel.

“ Mister Yoichi!”


“Are you all right by yourself?”

“Ah. Yes. I just had to do a little preparation.”

“I see. Take care.”


“Yoichi, don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”

“P-please be careful.”

“Un. That goes for all of you, too.”

After being allowed out safely by a document written by the guildmaster, Yoichi took out his dirt bike from the [Infinite Storage+] a short distance from the city and throttled it towards the forest.

“Let’s see… calculating the route based on the course we’ve been on and the terrain we’ve covered since then… and the time it takes once they leave the forest… it’ll be somewhere around… here.”

After two hours of riding at the highest possible speed, he arrived at the border between the wilderness and the forest, where he expected a massive horde of monsters to march.

“Okay, let’s set this as [Home Point] and then go home.”

After [Returning] to Grand Court 2503, Yoichi immediately took out his smartphone and called Charlotte.

“Hello. Are you there already?”

[Yes. I just arrived].

“Then I’ll go there now. Take two steps forward and turn around.”

[Sigh. Where are you?]

“One… two…”

And the line was cut off.


The next moment, Yoichi suddenly appeared in front of Charlotte’s eyes.


Charlotte was speechless when Yoichi suddenly appeared out of thin air.

In front of her, her eyes wide open and her mouth agape, Yoichi placed his hand on the container and put it the whole thing entirely into the [Infinite Storage+].

“What…!? Huh…!? How…!”

Charlotte choked again as the familiar 20-foot container she had duly prepared disappeared without a sound.

“Oh, you’ve got ammunition, fuel, and other supplies for us. And I was thinking I wouldn’t get anything this time.”

What Yoichi had told Charlotte earlier was to put every kind of arsenal she could get her hands on into the container, and as many as possible, as he would need every single one if the need arose.

This was, of course, a request that went far too far, so he had also prepared something to persuade her.

What he hadn’t expected, however, was that she had actually packed ammunition and other consumables into the container, as much as she could afford at the moment, just to comply with his request.

But even though it was a reasonable burden, it was a small price to pay for a loan of magical equipment beyond the manufacturing capabilities of this world.

“Heave, ho!”


And then the container reappeared.

Although it was not visible from the outside, it was now empty, as all of its contents had been transferred directly to the [Infinite Storage+] via its looting function.

“Well, it’s up to you to believe it, but there is a world where this kind of magic is commonplace, and I can come and go as I please between that world and this one.”

Strictly speaking, what Yoichi was using now was not magic but a skill, and even lower-level [Storage] skills are already rare, so it was not quite right to say that it was “commonplace,” but he felt no need to explain that detail here.

“Things have gotten pretty bad over there. That’s why I need Charlotte’s help.”

“Uh… huh? Wait… can you at least give me a moment?”

Charlotte, trained as a spy, is not easily upset by most things, but what had just happened in front of her was obviously much more than she had expected, so she was still unable to regain her composure.

Surprisingly, this kind of thing might be more easily accepted by the modern Japanese, who are more peace-loving and fantasy-oriented.

“Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words.”

“Wait. What are you…”

Seeing that the other party was still dazed, Yoichi took Charlotte’s hand. After making sure the place was safe, he [returned] to the border between the forest and the wilderness.

“Huh? What just… And the scenery just… Uuuuugh”

Charlotte was at first confused by the fact that a person had appeared out of nowhere, a huge container had disappeared and then reappeared, and even the surrounding landscape had changed, but soon she was clutching her chest and gasping for breath.

“Ah, right. Magic sickness… Um, here if you want.”

Remembering Karin and Misato, who had fallen ill and vomited as soon as they had arrived, Yoichi offered Charlotte a plastic bucket he had prepared on the grounds that it would be handy if he needed one.

Charlotte sensed this intention but refused, turning her right hand towards Yoichi while holding her chest with her left hand and shaking her head in a wobbly way.

Charlotte’s breathing gradually calmed down, and after a few deep breaths, she seemed to regain her composure.

“Oooh, as expected from a female spy agent.”

“Hmph. Also, I’m not a spy agent, just a hotel employee.”

“Ah, yes.”

Still looking a little pale, Charlotte scowled slightly at Yoichi, who was looking at her with a strange expression.

The reason why Yoichi wore an indescribable expression when he received a sharp look that seemed to interrogate him was probably because her outfit was too out of place.

Facing the strangely shaped forest, Charlotte was wearing a tight-skirted suit, the uniform of the casino hotel.

It was undeniably strange for Yoichi to see her wearing a uniform that was one size smaller to emphasize her large breasts, buttocks, and plump thighs deliberately. But it was also impossible for him not to smile in awe at her pale but earnest attempts to grasp the situation.

“So where are we?”

“Another world.”

“And I’m supposed to believe this nonsense? On what basis?”

And yet. Charlotte somehow understood that she was in an unusual situation.

Yoichi appeared out of nowhere, containers disappeared and reappeared, and the landscape suddenly changed. …….

And that wasn’t all.

She had experienced many unusual situations that ordinary people would never experience.

She is not a little girl who is simply confused by a situation that makes no sense.

At the very least, she had never seen a terrain that clearly separated the forest from the rocky desert that stretched before her, and even the plants in the forest looked somewhat unrealistic.

When you are told that this is another world, like a planet different from the Earth they live on, you can understand that this might be a possibility. But that does not mean that you can accept it easily.

You need to give them another push, hard enough to knock their thinking out of the box.

“I heard that the sickness you were feeling just now is called magic sickness.”


“Yes. The world we live in didn’t have it, but this world is full of mana… or rather magical energy. To put it simply, it is the element that Earth lacks to produce magic in the world. And it seems that suddenly moving from a place where there is no mana to a space filled with mana will initially cause physical problems to one’s body.”

“After all that has happened, are you going to show me your magic next to make me believe you? Or is the illusion from before magic in itself?”

“Ah, I said magic earlier, but it’s actually called ‘skill,’ and unfortunately, I can’t use magic.”


“But if Charlotte used it herself, it would make a lot of sense, wouldn’t it?”


So, Yoichi briefly explained the principles of magic he had learned from Alana and how to use it. Then, using Misato’s magic as an example, Charlotte collected water vapor from the air to create a mass of water and used magic to break it down into oxygen and hydrogen, collected it, ignited it, and exploded it.

“Ha, haha… magic… I just did magic… nuuh…”


After casting the same explosion magic as Misato, Charlotte collapsed, causing Yoichi to rush over and take her in his arms.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“Ugh… I feel a bit dizzy…”

Yoichi immediately looked at Charlotte, who looked worse than when she first arrived. Then, she checked her status.

(Lack of mana… a kind of mana poisoning? And it’s caused by consuming all the mana in the body at once… But Misato, who used a lot of magic spells in the Mage Guild, is fine… I get it now!)

After confirming that the abnormal state of magic poisoning had occurred based on the results of the [Appraisal+], Yoichi continued to check Charlotte’s skills.

There was no [Healthy Body β].

(And she recovered from the first magic sickness in that short time without [Healthy Body β]? That’s really impressive of her……)

“I’m sorry, my body, my strength…”

“I’m sorry, too. It seems I made you do something reckless….”

Feeling sorry for Charlotte, who had repeatedly taken a leap of faith in both mind and body while she was still getting used to it, Yoichi [estimated] how much longer she would recover.

(Karin and Misato had [Healthy Body β], so it was only a few minutes…… What, 2 hours!?)

Under these pressing circumstances, there was no way he could wait two hours for Charlotte to recover. Still, he also did not want to give up on her cooperation.

(What is a quicker way to recover? For example, a magic potion……? Hm? Transferring mana through bodily fluids? …and the approximate recovery time from performing an act with a [Health Body α] holder is…?)

After checking the method of efficiently healing Charlotte with [Appraisal+], a list of mana transfer methods was displayed in the appraisal results.

However, what was shown was only the transfer through bodily fluids and how it would be performed by the [Healthy Body α] holder, Yoichi, in order from the quickest to the longest time for a person like Charlotte to recover.

While skin contact such as handshakes and hugs, kissing, and blood transfusions are among the entries, the one that provides recovery in the shortest time was–

“Again, what kind of adult game setting is this?”

――It was none other than a vaginal ejaculation.


Semen has magical powers.

Even in the world where Yoichi lives, where magic and witchcraft do not exist, this is a hypothesis that has been passed down since ancient times.

But at least in this world, the concept seems to be true.

And the most efficient way of absorbing semen, which contains a lot of magical power, seems to be vaginal ejaculation.

This is because the vagina is primarily the organ designed to receive the male organ specifically, and the uterus is the organ designed to store the semen for the same reason.

“So you’re saying… that I should have sex… with you?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Charlotte interrupted Yoichi, who was explaining the means of recovery in a roundabout way, with a snap.

After a few minutes, her breathing calmed down, but she was still pale, and her body was not very strong as she leaned against Yoichi.


In such a state, Charlotte languidly raised her arm, put her hand on Yoichi’s shoulder, and slowly stood up, only to fall back down again.

“Uwaa… huu… ehe.”

Charlotte smiled thinly as she was held by Yoichi, who quickly leaned forward to catch her.

“Fufu… then I’ll leave the rest to you.”

The next thing he knew, Yoichi was in a position where he was lying on top of Charlotte’s body.

“You’re okay with this?”

“Yes. Or rather, I don’t mind if it’s your very hard cock.”

Feeling no small amount of apology, Yoichi, who had decided it was an emergency, just took out a mattress right next to him and laid Charlotte on her back on it.

“Fufufu…what a convenient skill…”

“Again, I’m sorry, but I’ll make this quick.”

Answering Charlotte’s slightly dazed look in a hushed tone, Yoichi unzipped his trousers, revealing only his meat pole through the front opening.

Perhaps in anticipation of the coming fight, Yoichi’s cock was already hard.

Leaning back on the mattress with his knees up and his legs slightly spread, Yoichi rolled up the casino uniform and tight skirt and pushed the panties to the side.

He then placed the head of his cock against Charlotte’s crack.

The warmth of her body heat transferred from there, but he noticed that she didn’t seem to be wet yet.

(…I knew it. Foreplay is still necessary…)


As Yoichi was about to sit back down, Charlotte called to stop him.


Immediately after that, she wrinkled her forehead and looked like she was concentrating on something. Then he felt mucus clinging to the tip, which was lightly buried in the petals.

Apparently, Charlotte can control the secretion of her love juices at will.

“Nfufufu… this is a common practice for a lady.”

“What kind of practice is that?!” Yoichi protested mentally, but instead of answering, he pushed his hips forward to the innermost part.


Despite some resistance, Yoichi managed to penetrate all the way to the base, and although he knew it would be difficult for Charlotte, whose vagina had not yet fully relaxed, he began to move his hips vigorously to ejaculate as quickly as possible, even if only for a second faster.

Nn……n……n……n……n……nhh……Ahhhhhhh! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!”

Charlotte was slightly distressed at first, but within a minute or so, her expression relaxed, and her voice began to be laced with rapture.

The walls of her vagina began to loosen. Then, thanks to the increased secretion of love juice, the friction between her and the rod became smoother, thus also increasing Yoichi’s pleasure at an accelerated rate.

“Aaah!……! Ahhh! Deeper! Go deeper…!”

The stimulation of the now slippery wet membranes caused the penis to swell and stiffen to its maximum.

“Hhhhiin! Nnnnnaaaaaaaa!! It’s ramming me in my deepest part…!”

The strokes of Yoichi’s hips grew louder as the two crotches collided, the tip of his penis piercing the cervix with increasing force.

Charlotte’s vagina also tightened to these movements, which also contributed to an increase in speed, as if Yoichi was enjoying her tightening even more.

“Nnnn aaaaahh! It’s so intense…!! I’m going to break!!”

Using the muscular strength and almost inexhaustible stamina developed by [Healthy Body α], Yoichi continued to move back and forth.

The obscene sounds of his thrusting echoed until they disappeared into the barren wilderness, where there was no one but the two of them.

“Aaahhh!! Yesh, big brother’s big cock, please rub it even more in this Charley’s nasty pussy!!”

Charlotte was still breathing heavily, but this time, it was not only from physical discomfort but also from excitement.

Yoichi checked up on her again, and when he saw that she was absorbing the mana from the semi-transparent liquid pouring out of his tip, as well as the sweat pouring from his body – which also seemed to speed up her recovery, albeit slightly – he went all out.

“Charlotte, I’m about to…!”

And less than three minutes after insertion, Yoichi reached his limit.

“It’s all right, big brother…! Fill this Charlotte’s pussy with lots and lots of your cum!”


――Splurt, splurt, splurtt!!

“Nhuuuuuu… big brother’s seed… it’s being pumped hard into this Charley’s pussy…”

After lifting her head slightly, her eyes almost going up in delight, Charlotte looked down at the junction and stroked her lower abdomen lovingly.

But Yoichi didn’t focus on that and continued to pulsate his rod, which was embedded in her vagina from root to tip, until he had released the last drop, wanting to transfer as much of his mana as quickly as possible.


“So why did you tell me all this? If I… told Ed, for example, you’d be in big trouble, wouldn’t you?”

Charlotte, who was back to normal about five minutes after the deed was done, was now slumped in the camping chair that Yoichi had prepared for her.

She was still leaking semen into her vagina, which had now stained her panties and even her skirt. Still, she decided not to worry about it for now, as she had heard that she could clean it up afterward using Yoichi’s skills.

They sat across from each other at the table that Yoichi had also brought out, and coffee was prepared in front of them.

“First of all, we don’t have the time. Secondly, because of our mutual interest. I mean, that trinket was a great help to you, wasn’t it?”

Yoichi pointed to the necklace around Charlotte’s neck – the magic tool for communication he had given her.

Yoichi’s ability to move things in and out at will, to travel at will, to obtain tools that cannot be reproduced by modern science, and above all, to travel to and from a world full of unknown resources and civilizations is of immeasurable value.

It is hard to imagine what Ed, connected to the center of a major world power, would do to him if he found out.

“But you know, I can come here from whatever state I’m in, or worse, I can retreat to this world completely. No one on that side can catch me. Then the ‘battery’ of this magic tool will run out, not to mention that you’ll lose the only supply you have of this object.”

The magic tool currently stores magic power as its power source. Still, if you continue to use it on Earth, where there is no mana or magic power, it will stop working after about six months.

“In other words, if I want to continue using this tool, I have to cooperate with you?”

“That’s right. But I think the most important thing is that Charlotte seems trustworthy.”


Charlotte’s white face turns slightly red at Yoichi’s words.

“Are you an idiot? Have you forgotten what I did to you?”

“What you did to me? ……Oh. Well, that time was…”

“What’s with the pause…? You…!”

At first, Charlotte wanted to say that she had investigated Yoichi by digging through his trunk at Ed’s request. Still, the foolish man in front of her seemed to be thinking of something else.

To be more precise, he was thinking about what happened after that.

“Y-you pervert! Idiot! HENTAI!”

And when the thought occurred to Charlotte, she blushed even more and spat out.

She had seduced many men with her own techniques, and normally, she would not be upset by something as trivial as this.

But the series of abnormal situations must have created a gap in her mind for her to be so open now.

“Well, I mean, even before that, you were…”

“That was for treatment!!”

The other day, in the casino hotel, Yoichi, Charlotte, Karin, Misato, and Alana had a rather unusual fivesome after the unidentified aphrodisiac (at least from Charlotte’s side) had robbed the girls of their normal state of mind.

Whatever the case, the level of shamelessness she had expressed at that time was far too much for a lady who was only using sex for the sake of treatment.

“Still, didn’t you have a good time back there? If I remember correctly, you even shouted ‘big brother~ big brother~! Or rather, wasn’t that what you called me in the last part this time?”

“Ugh, shut up!”

After saying this, Charlotte, who was breathing heavily for a while with a red face, soon caught her breath, and then, after clearing her throat, she changed her expression.

“‘Now then. Can I hear more about the current situation?”

To Charlotte, who was back in good shape, Yoichi then explained in detail not only the current situation but also his past and skills.

Or rather, he was so well drawn into the conversation that he found himself talking about everything.

(As you might expect from a female spy, she is a great talker. I don’t mind being led on, though. ….)

“I see… So the [Infinite Storage+] skill has no weight or volume limit?”

“No, it does not.”

“Can you store within 10 meters even if the object is not visible…… from outside a closed room?”

“If I combine it with [Appraisal+].”

“My goodness…” “But that means you can get all sorts of things no matter where they are.”

“Then you’ll help me?”

“In return, if there’s anything we want, too, we won’t hesitate to tell you, okay? Like this, for example.”

Charlotte said as she lifted the magic tool around her neck.

“I understand. I’ll help you as much as I can.”

“In that case, let me start right away. Do you have any skills to hide your appearance?”

“Oh, I don’t have that skill, but it sounds like they have some kind of magic tool for that.”

What Yoichi had thought of was the recognition-inhibiting magic tool that Alana had prepared and used in the casino city.

“Can you prepare it immediately?”


With that answer, Yoichi took Charlotte and [returned] to [Frontier’s Home].

Charlotte’s casino hotel staff-like dress would make her stand out from the crowd, so he gave her the old cosplay robe he no longer uses because he bought a new one, and they left the inn together.

“The atmosphere of the city has changed a lot.”

More than two hours had passed since he had visited the Adventurers’ Guild earlier and met with Charlotte to explain the situation.

Perhaps there had been some kind of announcement about the monster stampede while they had been away, for many of the townspeople were hurrying off to the upper districts with their belongings.

“For now… I think it’s best if we go to the Mages’ Guild.”

After reporting to the Adventurers’ Guild, Yoichi had expected Alana and the others to visit the Mages’ Guild to help Karin and Misato learn more spells, and his prediction was correct.

“Hm? Mister Yoichi? And this is…”

“Ah. Charley!”

“G-good to see you again.”

Karin and Misato, accompanied by Alana, were in the process of entering their spells into the grimoire at the reception desk.

There, Yoichi explained the details of the process so far, including his request for Charlotte’s cooperation.

“A magic tool to prevent recognition? If that’s the case, I might have something here.”

“Is this the most effective one?”

“Well, somewhere above the middle.”

“Get me the best you have.”

“If you say so.”

This was the conversation as Alana turned to Clara, the receptionist.

Apparently, the Mage’s Guild also deals in magic tools.

“How many do you want?”


When Yoichi answered her question, Clara retreated behind the counter and returned a few minutes later with two bracelets.

“They’re a bit bulky, but they’re the best ones here.”

“Thank you! How much are they?”

“I’ll put it on your credit, handsome man. You’ll pay me back with your next paycheck.”

“Oh, thank you very much!”

The magical tools had an adjustable size feature so that once fitted, they could fit snugly on any wrist.

“How convenient…”

After that, Yoichi [returned] to the container with Charlotte, who was still impressed by the object on her wrist.

From that point on, Charlotte took him to various facilities and procured as many weapons and ammunition as he needed.

Also, around this time, several anti-social organizations and their reserve forces lost their weapons, and security in the country improved a little, albeit temporarily and in a limited area.

They also borrowed some supplies from a military facility, which Charlotte said she hoped would be able to balance the books at a later date.

“If I had a few more days, I could have had one of the tanks ready for you.”

“No, no, this is enough. I don’t need to wipe them out all by myself. If I can reduce them by 20 to 30 percent, it will already be a great achievement.”

The city of Meilgrad is said to have nearly 1,000 adventurers and about 100 knights.

The difference in numbers alone is nearly 100 times greater. Still, in a world of magic and skill, it is not necessarily true that all people are equal in every way.

But even if that were the case, Yoichi thought it would be appropriate to approach the matter with the mindset that he would seek as much help as possible.

“It’s our hometown, so at the end of the day, we have to protect it ourselves.”

“That’s also true. We still have some time, so let’s do what we can.”

With about 10 hours left before the horde of monsters would leave the forest, the two stopped gathering supplies. They [returned] to the border between the forest and the wilderness.

Then, taking into account the supplies they had on hand and Yoichi’s abilities, they spent several hours preparing for the interception under Charlotte’s direction.

As an agent, she naturally had the upper hand when it came to tactics with modern weapons, so she suggested several measures that Yoichi, who had spent his life in peaceful Japan, would never have considered.

“Although it’s a pity to leave now, I think it’s time for me to go.”

It would make a big difference if there were another person who could handle modern weapons. Still, Yoichi knew that Charlotte also had her circumstances.

“No, it is I who should thank you for staying with me so far. You’ve been a great help.”

“Fufufu. You’re welcome. But still, you can feel the ground shaking, even though it is still quite some distance away.”

It is less than an hour before the front of the stampede leaves the forest.

A few hours earlier, a low rumbling sound had been heard. Now, it was clearly audible, with low rumblings and tremors comparable to a small earthquake on the horizon.

It’s really scary now that it’s close, isn’t it?

“If you’re in danger, don’t force yourself and run away immediately.”

“I’ll do that.”

And just like that, Yoichi [returned] Charlotte to the usual container at the docks.

“Take care. I wish you good luck.”

“Yes. And many thanks.”

“Also, I’m going to borrow this for a while, okay?”

With that, she showed Yoichi the bracelet with the recognition-inhibiting effect.

“Of course. I’ll be off then.”

“Again, be careful. I look forward to seeing you again.”

After a warm farewell from the “hotel staff,” Yoichi once again [returned] to the other world.

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