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Chapter 2 – The Town of Tokus

One day, a young man suddenly disappeared from the town.

Naturally, relatives were concerned and looked around for him, and even asked the guilds and the town guards to help in the search.

After six months to a year, however, the person wandered back to town.

When the man returned, he was asked what happened, but he did not remember anything during the time he was lost.

Such incidents had been happening one after another for several years now.

“What’s strange is that everyone who has returned from this incident eventually became a distinguished person in one way or another.”

“In what sense do you mean by “distinguished”?”

“I mean it in every possible way. Many of the men who have been victimized seemed to have obtained muscles, stamina, and vigor when they came back, and then they would go to work diligently, have multiple wives, and have many children!”

“What the hell…”

“Thanks to this, the town of Tokus has been growing rapidly since the incident, especially when they discovered that some of these people who had become successful in the capital originally came from this town.”

“What can I say? Isn’t this a good thing… except for the fact that these people would go missing first, of course.”

“Yes. So now some people are moving to Tokus, hoping to become “spirited away” as well, and because of that, the town is flourishing.”


But what am I supposed to do with this story?

“Kohon! So, here’s the main question.”

The staff member, sensing the confusion on my face, cleared her throat and changed her expression and tone of voice.

“Just the other day, we heard that one of them still had a few of his memories left when he returned.”

“Uhuh. And?”

“He seems to have forgotten all about it now, but when he was still vaguely remembering, a person saw him muttering something in his sleep.”

The employee cut off her words as though she was embarrassed and then opened her mouth again after taking a few breaths.

“Succubus, he said.”


I immediately set out for the town of Tokus.

It takes about 10 days from the royal capital to this town by foot, but I rented a Greathorse that was exceptionally fast and had it galloping along.

As expected of a holy knight, I was able to ride the horse without any difficulty because of my [Horsemanship] skill.

While healing him with magic, I drove the horse as fast as I could and rode all the way to Tokus in just one day.

You may think this is too fast, but there is a bit of a trick to it.

To start, horse-drawn carriages run at a speed of about 10 to 15 kilometers per hour since they mostly move slowly to protect the luggage or the passengers.

Moreover, they can only run along the streets, passing through various towns along the way, and at best, they can run for half a day as it is much safer when there is still daylight.

On the other hand, I was driving an exceptionally fast horse, and the passenger was me, a resilient holy knight. So without worrying about the luggage, the horse was able to unleash its full potential, running at the maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour, with an average speed of probably 80 kilometers per hour.

In addition, I was able to ignore the roads, making me drive the shortest possible distance, and using magic to relieve our fatigue and bypass the need for a break, I was able to arrive at my destination at an impossible speed.

It was about 1,500 kilometers from the capital to Tokus.

But even though I had just left before sunrise, I was able to arrive just before the sun had set.


“Welcome to Tokus, the Town of those who have “Spirited Away”!”

I passed through the gate of the town, receiving a welcoming greeting from the gatekeeper.

By how he talked, t seems that the town’s “Spirited Away” Incidents have already become a tourist attraction.

(It’s no wonder the town is growing at such a rapid pace.)

I muttered to myself as I walked through the town basked in sunset.

The town’s size may be about the same as Kejisa, but the number of people is incomparably larger.

There are quite a lot of buildings, but they all looked hastily made, probably due to the sudden increase in the number of people, and there was no sense of unity in the streetscape.

But this was a symbol of the town’s vitality.

I went to the Adventurers’ Guild and asked them to gather information about the mysterious disappearances.

Afterward, I asked the staff to recommend an inn, deposited the Greathorse at the stables, and headed for my room.

“I’d like to get things done in a hurry if I can, but at least today, I need to rest.”

No matter how much magic can heal fatigue, it can’t relieve the moodiness from long hours on the road.

Even so, the body of a holy knight is with excellent resilience and regeneration, so I will be in great shape after a night’s sleep.

After a hearty dinner at the inn’s dining hall, I returned to my room and lay on my bed.

“Did the Succubi do it, or…”

I looked at the ceiling and mumbled my thoughts.

They kidnap young men and suck their sperm for food or for procreation.

However, as succubi have to coexist with other species, they cannot just suck the vitality out of the men they kidnap.

On top of that, they could not hold these men forever. Like I said, every man here is now precious in this world. It would be troublesome for them if the other party were to start a full-scale search if one of the victims was detained for a long time.

Maybe that’s the reason they would send the man home in a period of six months to a year, which is neither long nor short, I guess.

But how does that make these victims all kinds of “distinguished” people?

If a succubus sucked you off your sperm, you would literally become dried up, but maybe these girls in this world are a little different from what I think they are.

To think that after having sex with Succubi many times, not only were they not dried up, but they were also able to gain stamina and develop some kind of vigor.

“…also, what’s with the muscles?”

I heard that the men who returned came back two or three times bulkier than before.

Even skinny men, not to mention men of medium height and medium build, all turned out to be macho.

It is true that sex can build up muscle to some extent, but…

“Did they do some kind of fitness training? Nah. I mean, how could that possibly happen…”

I have seen some of the men from the rumored “spirited away” group in the royal capital. Moreover, when I went to the Adventurer’s Guild earlier, there were also a few of them present, to which the staff told me about them.

They were uniformly toned and had great muscles, but you don’t get that body type from just having sex.

“‘Huh… Well, we’ll figure out the rest tomorrow.”

Right now, there is still too little information to go on.

I went to sleep, expecting to hear more about the local guilds than I had in the royal capital tomorrow.

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