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Chapter 17 – Face-to-Face with Nara

Lezieune entrusted Nara to me.

Well, the Scylla is an endangered tribe, so I would have dealt with them anyway even if she had not asked me to.

Still, when Lezieune, who is also the older sister, officially said she would entrust Nara to my care, I felt even more enthusiastic.

After putting Lezieune to bed, I left the mansion and returned to the inn to tell Ada that the Oni princess had conceived safely.

“I see. I was worried because you hadn’t come home for a few days, but I’m glad to hear that.”

“I’m sorry… I should have informed you in one way or another. And now I wasted your time here…”

“No, it’s okay. I mean, it’s not like I’m making a loss in overstaying, as there are plenty of business opportunities around here. It’s part of the royal capital, after all. In fact, I made a lot of money this time.”

Ada smiles proudly as she says this.

Just shows that she is a peddler with a strong business spirit.

“But I have to go home soon. What about you, Alf? Do you want to come with me?”

“Thanks, but I have to pass. I still have some business to attend do.”

“I see. Good luck.”

After parting with Ada, I asked the innkeeper if she knew where Nara was, and I was told that she was staying at the mansion.

“Miss Nara? Well, Miss Nara is the exclusive attendant of the princess, so it is natural that she has her own room in the mansion.”

After arriving at the mansion, I asked the maid where Nara was, to which she replied.

Normally, this place is off-limits to outsiders, but apparently, I already had some sort of ‘free pass’ from the events last time, so I was able to enter, or rather, I was even escorted to the front of a certain room.

Unlike the other rooms, this one had a wooden door instead of sliding doors or shoji screens typical of a traditional Japanese household.

I knocked on the door, and a response came from inside.

“It’s Alfred.”

“Come in.”

When I opened the door and entered the room, I found that, like the door, the interior was also the same – a western-style room with wooden flooring instead of tatami mats.

It was a large room of about 20 tatamis (approx. 33 square meters), complete with cabinets and a desk.

At the back of the room, a bed could be seen.

“Wow, it’s pretty tidy.”

No, it is not so much tidy as it is extremely empty.

It also gave the impression that it had been cleaned up recently rather than being cleaned up on a regular basis.

“Nara, are you leaving?”


Nara answered with a sad smile.

“Big sis… she’s now at where she’s going to be fine without me.”

A crestfallen Nara spoke this.

“Oh, come on, what are you talking about?” I rebuked. “You’ve been living together all this time, so why not stick together until the end?”

“But won’t my presence disturb her? I don’t want to interfere too much with my sister’s happiness.”

Ah, it seems that Nara is mistaken about something. I have to clear this one first.

“I impregnated Lezieune, so I will be the father of her unborn child, but I will not become her husband.”


Come to think of it, I haven’t told her about my mission properly.

So, I explained to Nara that I was a holy knight and that I was on a mission.

“Ha… haha… what the…”

After listening to me, Nara fell into a heap.

Apparently, she thought me and Lezieune were going to get married and live happily ever after.

“I see… big sis’s child… in that case, my help is needed more than ever. Ufufufu. But since it’s her child, then it’s guaranteed to be naughty.”

“Your help is needed? No, what are you saying?”

“Eh? But it should be hard for her to raise the child on her own. So I was thinking I must also…”

“I know it’s a lot of work, but what are you going to do with your kids in the meantime?”

“My…kids…? Eh? What? I’m sorry. I couldn’t understand…”

“What I’m saying is, Nara, you’re going to have my baby, too.”

To what I said, Nara gasps, and her eyes widen.


She froze for a moment and then let out a startled cry.

“Wait, I’m going to give birth to Alf’s…child? Why?”

“Why, because that’s my mission?”


“Well, regardless of that, with a beautiful girl like Nara, I will still want to have sex no matter what.”


The moment she hears the word “sex,” Nara’s expression clouds over with depression.

“Fufufu… that’s right. If we’re going to have a baby, we have to have sex….”

“What’s the matter? You don’t want to be with me?”

Nara shook her head at my question. Then she looked up and gave me a self-deprecating smile.

“No. I am happy to be held by someone like Alf. Even more so since it’s the same person who was loved by my sister.”

“Then, shall we do it?”

“Fufu. Okay.”

With that smile on her lips, Nara’s expression seemed to become all the gloomier.

And with such a grieving smile, Nara put her hand on the hook of her skirt.

“I’m glad you said you wanted to do it with me. But…”

The hooks became undone, and the skirt fell down with a snap.

“Can you look at this and still say you want to have sex with me?”

From there, it fully revealed Nara’s lower body, which had been hidden by her long skirt. Her waist below was surrounded by several octopus-like tentacles, undulating around as if they have a mind of their own.

Fufufu… any man would be crestfallen if he saw this grotesque image of mine ――eeeehh!?”

Nara laughed at herself and looked down… only to see my cock down there, already fully erect.

Nara took off her skirt, so I quickly took off my pants and trunks to match hers.

“H-how? All the guys I’ve met so far have been so grossed that they all shriveled up.”

“Well, I’m a sucker for tentacles.”

And I’ve dealt with tentacle stuff many times in my previous life wanking.

Naturally, or maybe it’s because of this, I came to like the entanglement of tentacles and women, and perhaps because I’m used to it, I didn’t find her disgusting at all.

“But you know what? If anything, it’s because Nara wants me so bad that this one is getting hard, you know?”

“S-surely you jest…”

Though she said this in denial, Nara was unable to take her eyes off my crotch.

“Now then…”


I turned my back on her, and Nara made a regretful noise.

I grinned a little at that and got on the bed and lay on my back.

“I’ll leave the rest to you to work it out from here, Nara.”

I didn’t do this out of spite.

But I think that this ladylike maid probably likes to be aggressive. That’s what my holy knight’s intuition is telling me.

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