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Chapter 4 – The Meaning of the Request

“It’s our fault. It’s because we pushed the princess too far.”

In the tatami room of the place that had been prepared for us, I was listening to the woes of the women from the Oni clan.

There was me, Ada, the person who had just shown me around the entrance of the mansion, and several other women who told me about their past history.

It seems that Lezieune is the princess of one of the noblest families of the Oni and is the last survivor of her bloodline.

She had tried hard for the past few years to have children in order to keep the noble blood alive, but the results were not good.

“If the blood of the ogre tribe is diluted, as in our case, then we can mingle with other races without any problems.”

But because Lezieune has the blood of an ancient Oni tribe in her veins, it made her body different from that of the average Oni today due to her ancestry.

To put it simply, they are big.

“Umu. I’ve met her in person a few times, and I get the impression she’s a head taller than Alfred.”

If Ada’s words were not exaggerated, she would be about two meters tall.

Indeed, from what I could see behind the blinds, it looked like she could be that much.

“It’s just that… since they have big bodies, their… vessels are also of considerable size….”

Another woman from the Oni tribe tells me but in a manner as if she is having trouble saying it.

I see… so that’s why they are asking for someone with a big dick.

“If it were a man of the Oni tribe who also is of an ancient bloodline, he would be able to reach her vessel, but unfortunately, those men died in the last war….”

There may be some Oni men with ancient bloodlines left on the continent, but so far, they have not managed to find a single one.

So they put out a call for other races to join, thinking that if the thing was big enough, they might be able to manage.

And so Lezieune had unwanted relationships with several men, but still, no results.

Then one day, she started rejecting men.

“Later on, we found out that some of the men were heartless and verbally abusive to her. Of course, she still put up with it for the sake of her family, but she must have reached her limit.”

That much is obvious. It was painful enough to have sex with many men, all of whom you don’t even know, but to be treated harshly even? It was no wonder she started hating men.

“If only we had been more attentive to the princess’s feelings, this would not have happened…”

The women nodded as they said this, some with tears in their eyes.

I did not have good feelings toward the princess when she suddenly turned me away, but after listening to her story, I finally understood.

She is a victim, isn’t she?

“But why didn’t you withdraw the request?”

If Lezieune had no intention of meeting a man, the request would have been meaningless.

“In case… the princess should change her mind, I thought we might keep a record just in case…”

“A record?”

“Yes. Normally, we record the size of the… thing of the person who came to see the request form. Then we can contact them later if necessary.”

“I didn’t get measured, though.”

“But you were referred to by Ada.”

In other words, normally, I would have been asked to return home with only the size of my figs measured, but because I was introduced by Ada, who is also a friend of the Oni tribe, I was able to directly meet with Lezieune.

Perhaps they not only record the size but also examine the personality of the person responsible.

“Uhm, we’re sorry for the rudeness, but… would Sir Alfred…be able to serve as the princess’s partner?”

“Yes, I am confident in that. If only we could talk… no, at least, if only we could meet face to face without the curtain, I think I could get her in the mood.”

“Ooooh,” the women of the Oni tribe cheered in low tones.

As a result of having held many women in the town of Kejisa, the level of Divine Skill has been increased, and “eye contact” has been added as a new condition for “Fascination.”

In other words, as long as our eyes meet, [Divine Skill] can be triggered.

However… is it really okay?

For me to do such a thing… it would be equivalent to forcing the princess to procreate.


No, wait. The Divine Skill won’t activate in the first place if she refuses a man’s embrace, making her bear a child even out of the window.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Ah, no… it’s nothing.”

I’ve made a big show of it, but I may not be able to make her feel that way when we face each other.

…… but it can’t be helped if that happens. Rather than forcing her, it is better to give it up.

After all, forcibly impregnating a woman who does not want children is an act that is not in the way of a holy knight.

“Speaking of which, who is that maid?”

I asked what was on my mind.

Among the kimono-clad oni, that attire is clearly foreign to the rest of the race.

Who in the world is she?

“Ah, that’s Nara. She is the princess’s personal attendant and a childhood friend.”

Nara’s parents left for war before she could remember, and she was raised by Lezieune’s relatives.

I was told that Nara is the daughter of a friend of Lezieune’s parents.

Nara’s parents too left for war before she could remember, so she was raised by Lezieune’s relatives.

As a result, they have been together since they were small children and became as close as sisters.

“That girl, she isn’t an Oni, is she?”

“Yes. To be more specific, Nara is a survivor of the Scylla tribe that fought side by side with us Oni.”

In the end, Nara’s parents were unable to return home, leaving her to be raised here in the Megi District with Lezieune, with whom she was raised as if they were sisters.

As Nara grew up, she learned to behave politely and became a servant in Lezieune’s side. The maid’s uniform seems to have been because of Lezieune’s hobby.

“The Scylla Tribe…”

The Scylla tribe is also part of Gigliola’s mission, which I have yet to conquer.

Anyway, I have to face Lezieune’s issue first.

There, we finished our light meal and were led to the bedrooms that had been prepared for us.

The night was almost over, and I wwas about to go to bed when the sliding door to the bedroom quietly opened.

“Pardon the intrusion. Are you going to sleep now?”

A woman visited my room.

“No, I was just thinking of going to bed. Is something the matter?”

“My name is Miana. I am here to take care of our esteemed guest for tonight.”

After quietly entering the room and closing the sliding door behind her as she said this, Miana slowly turned to face me, untied her obi, and took off her kimono before dropping it on the floor.

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