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Chapter 16 – Alfred’s Choice

《Do according to your heart’s desires.》


《Do not lie to yourself. Just follow your heart and act with sincerity. That’s all. 》

“What? No, what are you――”

《That’s all. Until we meet again.》

“Hey! What are you talking about? Hey!”

But no matter how much I called out, there was no answer.

“Hey! What’s happening? Xaneela? Gigliola!”

A lonely atmosphere began to flow through the temple as if the presence of the Goddess, which had been somehow in the air just a moment ago, had suddenly vanished.

Perhaps there would be no answer even if I spoke to her anymore.

“What is this… What am I supposed to do…?”

Saying this, I slumped my shoulders and exhaled heavily. Then, after remaining dejected like this for a while, I heard the sound of rustling clothes.


When I looked up, the priestess who was looking at me trembled under my gaze.

“Ah, I’m sorry… for disturbing you….”

Well, I was already screaming on the last part of it, so…

“No, it’s me who should apologize. Sorry to bother you.”

I got up and decided to leave the temple. After all, it would be scary to have someone nearby who would suddenly start screaming without any reason.

She must be scared as hell. She should be.

“Uhm, Mr. Holy knight… is it?”


She called out to me with trepidation.

“Yes, I’m a Holy Knight, in case you are wondering. And my name is Alfred.”

“Ah, I see….”

When I finished saying my name, the fright disappeared from the priestess’s face, and it was replaced by a relief.

“I’m Dahlia, the Priestess of the Goddess of Fertility in the town of Kejisa.”

“Ah, yes, Dahlia. Is there something you want from me?”

Come to think of it, Xaneela called her by that name.

“Uhm, Mr. Holy Knight….”

In the dimly lit temple with only a night light, Sister Dahlia, dressed in a priestess uniform similar to the one Alma was wearing, walked up to me slowly.

“Please give mercy on me….”

Then, after putting her hand on her chest, she slowly bowed her head.


The head, half veiled, was covered with bluish-gray hair.

Large eyes that are the same color as her hair, and healthy skin that looks slightly tanned.

Plump breasts that can be seen from the cleavage peeking out from the chest of the priestess’s clothes that are now widely opened.

Thanks to the design of her priestess’s uniform, which dared to show the lines of her body, I could clearly see the curvy waist and the line of her plump, round buttocks.

Sister Dahlia, a priestess working at the temple in the town of Kejisa, was such an attractive person.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Mr. Holy Knight. With this….”

Saying that, she looks up and puts her hands around her neck to unfasten the clasp of her priestess uniform.


From my experience with Alma, I knew that if the clasps were undone from this priestess uniform, it would come off in one go, and she would instantly become in her underwear.

However, when Dahlia glanced at me trying to stop her, she only gave me a sad smile before resuming again in removing the clasp.

――Snap! Her clothes fell off, and she was left in her underwear.

As I understood to some extent when I saw it on the top of the priestess’s uniform, Dahlia has a very sexy figure.

“Wait, please wait, Dahlia!”

Even while I stopped her, the flapping of clothes continued, and before I knew it, the Priestess was utterly naked.

But it didn’t end there.

“Mr. Holy Knight, please wait for a moment…uuugh… uaaaahhh…!!”

Dahlia growled low, and a disturbing atmosphere began to circulate around the temple.

In the midst of all this, I continued to just watch her change, stunned.

Her body, which was plump but looked rather slender, quickly became muscular, and her body grew a size or so more extensive.

Her arms and back gradually began to be covered with body hair, and eventually, almost her entire body was covered with animal-like fur.

“Beastfolk… no, that’s not it….”

The word beastfolk came to mind for a moment, but it was quickly dismissed.

Because Karina, one of the beastfolk, had ears and a tail like a beast, but other than that, she was not much different from a human, and she had almost no body hair.

There were several other beastfolk among the ones I dealt with in the town of Lambda, but all of them had that feature in common.

However, Dahlia only had exposed skin over her face, breasts, belly, and lower abdomen, while the rest of her body was covered in thick fur.

“You’re right. I’m not a beastfolk. I’m a werewolf, and I belong to a different race.”

Dahlia answered my words with a slightly sad expression on her face.

A werewolf.

Come to think of it, I’ve heard of them.

In this world, there are beings called Demons who would typically be enemies of mankind.

However, though many Demons joined the Evil Gods’ army during the last war, some of them sided with mankind.

Eventually, the war ended in victory for mankind, and the Demon tribes that sided with mankind were added to the “human” race.

And the end result of the races that sided with the Evil Gods’ army, such as orcs, kobolds, and goblins, they are now classified as monsters.

In other words, the werewolf woman in front of me, Dahlia, qualifies as one of the people I should save.


“I’m sorry, but I can’t embrace you….”

When I said that, Dahlia smiled as if she had given up.

“I see. so it’s impossible after all… because I’m ugly….”

“No, it’s not that! In fact, look!”

I turned my body toward Dahlia and arched my hips, flaunting my bulging, panting cock under my trousers.

Regardless of my feelings, [Divine Skill] is triggered by a woman’s desire for a holy act.

“Then is it because I am from the Demon race? Demons, who have sided with the Evil Gods in the last war, should only watch as they face extinction as punishment?”

“It’s not like that! I don’t have a problem with you or your race!”

“If so, then why? I received an oracle from the Goddess and have been looking forward to this day….”

There is someone in front of me who needs to be saved, and I have the power to do it.

Not only that, but the preparations are already complete.

“I now have someone precious to me… So…”

Hearing my words, Dahlia stared at me in silence for a while.

Then, as if giving up, she lightly exhaled and wiped her own tears.

“I see. Even though you are a holy knight, you are still a human being. I can’t blame you for seeking happiness as a human being.”

She told me this calmly and then turned her strong-willed gaze on me.

“Even so, just this once…Can you give me your mercy just this once?”

The look in the eyes of a woman who wants to be a mother cuts me to the core.

“The werewolf tribe no longer has many survivors. Maybe having just one child won’t make a difference. But… still….”

What should I do? I… I…!!

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