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Chapter 8 – Departure from the Village

In the morning of the day following the goblin slaying, we dismantled the goblins and monsters that Ada had purchased during the remnant hunt.

Though I said dismantling, it was only a simple job of taking out the bodies that were put inside Ada’s storage box, storing them in my [Storage Unit], activating the dismantling function, then taking it out and putting it inside Ada’s Storage Box again.

We are currently in the spacious wagon, where Ada suggested we work inside so that no eyes would catch us.

This is to keep my [Storage Unit] a secret from the prying eyes of everyone.

I was also told to keep some of the dismantled items for a time, only to return them when we reached the town of Kejisa.

The next day, we waited until noon. It was because Ada promised us that she would take us to Kejisa for free.

“I’m sorry again for the abrupt request, but due to the lack of space, I’ll asking you to keep them until we reach Kejisa.”

“No problem.”

Ada requested that I store half of the baggage in the rear carriage to make space, putting the rest in my custody.

As for why I am doing this, it is because many people who were also stranded due to goblin infestation also asked for a ride all at once.

It would take 10 days to get there on foot, but with Ada’s carriage, pulled by a Greathorse, it would get them there in less than two days.

Since some were willing to pay a little more for a quicker arrival, Ada, being a merchant, did not pass this by, so a whole carriage was made vacant to accommodate about 20 passengers.

The fare was 10,000 G per person.

A bit expensive, you say? Certainly, it does, as the difference is that they would arrive only a day earlier than with a regular carriage.

However, the situation is urgent.

Because of the Goblin infestation, the people here had been delayed too much in their destination. Any more than this would be a literal life and death for some who have an urgent business but are stranded with no way to go.

As for those who are saying it’s too expensive, well, you still have the option to take another horse-drawn carriage or walk.

But it won’t be as comfortable as Ada’s, with enchantments and all.

“Well, Ada, we’ll be in your care from here on.”

“Umu. It’s originally a wagon intended to transport supplies, so it won’t be as comfortable as those carriages specialized for human transport, but you have to bear with me on this.”

Ada shook hands with each passenger as she encouraged them to get on board, and after making sure that they were all inside, the carriage started to leave.

Normally, Ada and Greg would sit side by side in the driver’s seat, and each would take turns to be on alert as they drive the transport, but today, they have helpers, which are us.

This made Emmy and I to be in charge of guarding in exchange for not paying the fare, and we would take turns doing this every quarter of the day.

After drawing lots, it was decided that the order would be me and Ada, and Emmy and Greg.

Ada and I sat in the driver’s seat, and after that, the carriage departed.

After about three hours of riding, we rested the horse and switched places with Greg and Emmy.

Then, Ada and I boarded the carriage with the other passengers and sat cross-legged in the empty space.

Sometimes, Ada would also go on the other carriage containing the goods to inspect them, leaving me alone with the other passengers. When that happens, I will spend my time lying on the carriage floor instead.

Even though it was carrying people, the carriage was originally a wagon for goods, so there were no seats or other facilities for us to sit on.

However, thanks to the space-expanding enchantment and other renovations, it has become quite spacious, and I was plenty thankful that there was room for all 20 of us to lie down.

At sunset, we set up camp.

We didn’t need to pitch tents as we could all sleep in the vehicle since there was enough space to lie down.

As for our meals, Ada had prepared a large amount of freshly cooked food and snacks in the storage box before this and sold them to those who wanted a hot meal for a fee.

Of course, some people ate portable food they had prepared for themselves, but whatever the case, no one went out of their way to make a fire and cook outside.

Well, because we’re helping hands of some sort, Emmy and I were able to get these meals for free.

The next day, the carriages left early in the morning.

And that day, we took two shifts. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.

In the morning, Ada and I drove the carriage, and when it was noon, we paused for a break, where we had lunch without any problems.

After that, Ada and I entered the front carriage, which was being used as a passenger space.

After some passengers came to greet Ada, we had nothing more to do, so we spent some time chatting with each other instead.

But how do you put this….

To put it simply, Ada is a wonderful woman.

She is tall and has a low voice and short hair, which gives her a slightly masculine impression, but her body is like that of a mature adult, not to mention a beautiful and youthful face that you won’t believe she already gave birth to Greg.

Her breasts are big, her waist is tight, her butt is perky, and her thighs are plump.

And because she is wearing very revealing clothes, all sorts of things are getting shown in my eyes.

But even though we were chatting with these sorts of things going on, Ada was indifferent the entire time.

I don’t know if she’s used to it or its just normal here, but Ada doesn’t seem to mind when I look at her body.

Of course, all of them were accidents, but as a man, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes on them.

“By the way, I haven’t given you your rewards yet, have I?”

Ada lowered her volume slightly to avoid being heard around her and switched topics.

“Huh? Isn’t that offset by the cost of this carriage trip?”

“No, that’s already covered by you dismantling the goblins. The one I’m talking about now is for the baggage you’re keeping safe for me.”


“I’ll give you 100,000 G. Hmmm, that might be too cheap… how does 150,000 G sound?”

“No, no, no, 100,000G is already too much!”

“Is it?”

Ada looked around, primarily at the passengers on board.

I see. Because of this unscheduled trip, she was able to make a whole 200,000G this one time.

I wonder if it is a good idea to take half of that money, though.

“You might think I’m already paying too much, but that’s not it. For me, I’m already glad I was able to do these passengers a favor, albeit a small one.”

“Oh, is that how it is?”

“Yes. In fact, I’ve already made a few business deals with them.”

“I see. in that case, be my guest. Oh, but 100,000G is fine.”

Well, since I need a lot of money for child support, I’d better make a little bit of it, wouldn’t I?

“I’m glad you agreee. In that case, we have a deal.”

Saying that, Ada put out her hand.

And when I put out my hand and shook Ada’s hand,

《Deposit: 100,000G》

It appeared.

Oooh, so this is how you settle your account in this world? Then, the reason why Ada was shaking the hands of the passengers when they were getting on the carriage was to settle their accounts?

By the way, I found out later that the Blessing of the God of Commerce is required to settle the transaction by handshake.

If you don’t have the blessing, you must use a special payment machine.

This made me see Ada in a new light.

I looked in front and saw Ada still staring at me.

But her atmosphere is a little different from before.

“Uhm, Ada?”

“Hm? Ah, sorry.”

I called out again, and Ada hurriedly removed her hand.

Then she put her hand on her chest and took several deep breaths.

“I-it’s a little hot, isn’t it?”

All of a sudden, Ada took off her fur vest.

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