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Extra 1 Chapter 3 – With Martha of the Scarlet Gorilla Tribe, Part 2 ※

Thinking it was okay to go further, I went a little more aggressive.

But my aggressiveness backfired. And now, I’m back to step one.

Martha became shy and hid her crotch from me again.

But after a while, she embarrassingly spoke to me.

“This… you see, I just went from work… and Karina told me to go to the temple immediately… so….”

It seems that Karina, the innkeeper, told her to go to the temple after work without much explanation, and when she arrived, she was put in line without understanding what was going on.

Of course, Alma and the other staff explained everything to her before entering this room, so there was no doubt that she knew what she was supposed to do now.

“That’s why… that… I haven’t even taken a shower yet… so let’s not… ahuuu!!”

Martha is starting to blabber useless things again.

So I pulled her hand away that was covering her legs.

This time she resisted a little more strongly, but even the Great Apes were no match for a holy knight conducting his holy mission.

And as I pulled her hand away, a slimy thread of something transparent stretched and tricked down between her hand and her special place.

“It has a smell of a hardworking woman. I like it.”

“There’s no way that can be, right? … I mean… it’s weird… hyauuuuhhhh!!”

I put my tongue inside Martha’s crack while enjoying the sweet and sour smell that wafted from her orifice.

“Hyauuhh! Aaaah ahhh… do, you can’t… that place is dirty… noo….”

After pushing the crack open with my hand, inserting my tongue deep inside, and giving it a quick lick, I turned my attention to a swollen bud that had just popped up.

I pressed lightly between my fingers on both sides of the bud, and the insides, which had been covered by the foreskin, appeared.

It was her clitoris.

“No! No, not there! Really, stop! Pleaseee… Ahhhh, something… something’s comiiinngg… aaaahhhhhhh!!”

Within a minute of stimulating the exposed clitoris with the tip of my tongue, Martha came.

“Haaa… haaa… even though I said no…. but with this… it’s over….”

“What are you talking about? We’re just getting started here, you know?”

“Noo waayy….”

I raise myself up and put my hands on Martha’s legs, which have gone limp after only one climax.

Her cherry-red inner lining was twitching as if it was luring a male to invade.

So I pressed my rod against it as if attracted by its lure.

“Nnnnn…! This is… so warm…”

Martha’s stiffened expression relaxed, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

The feeling of male and female genitalia touching each other seemed to have given her an instinctive sense of pleasure.

I lightly moved my hips forward, and warm mucus clung to my tip.

“Then, here I go.”

“Yeah… come… nnhuuuu…!!”

I slowly inserted the meat stick into the soft meat jar.

The phallus advanced gradually, and although I felt a slight tugging in the middle, I was able to insert it all the way in without any particular interruption.

“Nfuuhh… is it in…?”

“Yes. It’s in. All of it.”

“I…  see… I heard that the first ones are very painful….”

For sure, I felt no such thing as a hymen in Martha’s vagina.

Come to think of it, I have overheard that when you are doing strenuous activities such as heavy lifting, there is a possibility that your hymen can be ruptured.

Since Martha told me that she does a lot of heavy lifting and sometimes goes hunting, she must have ruptured it on one of those occasions.

“Don’t worry about it. Everyone is different.”

Moreover, I have already had sex with more than a dozen people up to this point, most of them virgins.

I remember there was one girl whom I broke her hymen personally, yet she didn’t feel much pain.

“…that’s why you don’t have to worry too much about it.”

A smile of relief appeared on Martha’s face.

“I understand. In that case, do as you please.”

“I sure will. Even without being told, Martha’s pussy feels so good that my hips are moving on their own.”

“You don’t have to put it like that!”

After pulling out the meat stick up to the tip, I pushed it in again, this time shoving it all the way to the back.

In this manner I slowly moved the stick in and out to get her used to it, then I gradually increased the speed.

“Ahhhhhhhh! Alf! Yes! Move more, please!”

At first, Martha did as she was told, but as she became accustomed to the pleasure, she began to move her hips on her own.

She was lying on her back, so she could barely make any strokes, but even such slight movements could double the pleasure when timed properly.

“Deep inside! It feels so good!”

Martha exclaimed as her hips bucked wildly, making our groins collide with each other.

The impact also caused her taut breasts to bounce and sway.

“Ahhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh! Alf, something’s coming!”

Martha started to tense up a bit.

Wrinkling her brow and with tears in the corners of her eyes, she reached for me.

“Oh Goddess, I’m scared…!! Mmmhhh… I’m scared, Alf…!!”

I stooped down to comply, and Martha put her arms around my back and clung hard.

Her taut breasts pressed against my chest muscles, nuzzling and changing their shape.

Our sweat-soaked skins also clung tightly to each other as I felt her body heat and heartbeat.

I wrapped my arms around Martha’s body.

Then, as I held her close, I moved my hips even faster.

“Aaahhhh!! No, stop!! Something’s creeping inside of me…!! I’m scared, Alf!!”

“It’s all right. Just accept the sensation and let yourself go.”

But the power of Martha’s arms that clung to me grew even stronger.

“I’m scared… I’m going crazy…!!”

“It’s okay, even if it makes you go crazy!!”

“Aaahhhh! Ohhh… Alf!! Hold me tighter… tighter…!!”

I hugged her tightly in response to her request, and Martha’s vagina squeezed tight as if in response.

“Ahhhhh… my pussy, scrape my pussy even moree… grind it haarrdd… nnngghhh…!!”


“Nhuuuu!! I don’t know… I don’t know what’s happening anymore… But, if this continues… I’ll… I’ll…!!”

“Martha, I’m…!!”

――Blort! Sblort! Sblort!


Martha smiled in ecstasy.

It was as if it were a lie that she had been scared just a few moments before.

Then, the intermittent ejaculation eventually ended, and I pulled my hips back and pulled my meat stick out.

“Ahhh… it’s flowing out… it’s dripping from inside my pussy….”

The semen that poured out in a sloppy stream ran down from Martha’s loosely spread crotch and dripped down on her ass, staining the bed.

“Nnnn… hmmm….”

Only when Martha’s breathing had calmed down to some extent, she closed her legs and lay on her side.

Then she raised her face and looked at me, still smiling in bliss.

“Fufu… this is sex, isn’t it?”

She asked.

“Yes, it is. How was it?”

I responded.

Then, the somewhat contented smile of Martha’s began to cast a seductive shade.

“I want more….”

After that, she turned over her back and pushed one of her hands to raise herself up, then went down on all fours.


What came to me next was a magnificent rump.

The moment I saw that rump, which was even tauter than her breasts, I couldn’t help but let out an audible gasp.

As one would expect from the Great Apes, I should say.

“We still have time, haven’t we?”

Still on all fours with her ass sticking out, Martha turned her face toward me and challenged me with a lewd smile.

“Yes. We still have time.”

I reached out my hands to that magnificent ass.


Feeling the elasticity in my palms, I grasped those cheeks firmly with both hands.

Then, with great force, I drove my hardened rod into her vaginal opening again from a short distance away.


While splashing the residual semen inside her vagina, I penetrated Martha deeply and shook my hips vigorously.

“Oh, oh, oh! More, deeper!”

Martha once again screamed.

Responding to that, I lightly dug my fingers into her magnificent ass while I rammed her tight pussy from behind.

In this manner, we enjoyed ourselves until we reached the end of her time.

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