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Beginning Novels Edition Book 1 LN Exclusive Short Story

Reunion with Rina ※

This story takes place before Yoichi meets Alana, just when Yoichi has just been transferred to another world and is training with his guns.

“Haaan… nhu… more… your finger… stir me up more…!”

Yoichi was currently sitting in the passenger seat of an expensive car when he reached between the legs of the woman in the driver’s seat and inserted a finger into her private area, where he then began to stir it inside.

The woman’s modest denim shorts and slightly conspicuous panties, which looked a little unbalanced for a combination, were lowered to mid-thigh, and his right hand was thrust between her slightly spread, plump legs.

Vaginal mucus coated his outstretched finger.

The woman also reached her left hand between Yoichi’s legs and stroked his erect penis on his trousers and underwear, which had also been pulled down.

(How did this happen?)

For this, the scene has to go back a few hours ago.


Yoichi, who had been training in another world as if it were routine work for the past few days, was in the middle of his journey to a hardware store in search of things he might need for his journey after he [returned] a little earlier on a certain day.

“‘Geez!!! Why is it of all times…”

Suddenly, a familiar female voice reached his ears in the parking lot of a hardware store, and when he turned his head to look in that direction, he saw a woman slumped over with her belongings scattered all over the place.

At first, Yoichi did not recognize the woman, who was dressed in simple denim shorts and a white shirt.

(I thought I heard her voice somewhere, but was it just my imagination?)

He could have just ignored her, but when he saw a can of pet food lying at his feet, he thought it would be a good idea to pick it up to help her.

“Um, this…”

“Ah, thanks. Hmm?”

The woman looked up at Yoichi but closed her mouth as if she had noticed something.

He also looked at her face again, but Yoichi could not remember where he had seen her before, although some parts were familiar.

(I mean, if it was such a beautiful woman, I would never forget her once I’ve seen her).

“……Ahh! Mr. Customer!”

It was only when the voice called him “Mr. Customer” that Yoichi finally remembered who she was.



Yoichi’s words made Lina look around in panic, then she grabbed his arm and pulled him closer.

“Don’t call me that outside…!”

Lina whispered into Yoichi’s ear.

At that moment, Yoichi felt his heart skip a beat as the scent of her perfume, which he hadn’t been able to detect in the establishment where she worked, hit his nostrils.

“S-sorry. What should I call you then?”


Rina turned her head away shyly and made a slight gesture of thought. Then, with her face averted, she raised her head again to Yoichi.

“Call me Sayaka.”

Fujino Sayaka.

Yoichi remembered seeing her real name the first time he used [Appraisal+].

“Nice to meet you, Sayaka, although I honestly didn’t recognize you the first time I saw you.”

“Fufufu. Well, I don’t wear makeup in the store most of the time.”

“Ah, so that’s it…”

Yoichi was now sitting in the passenger seat of the car driven by Sayaka, aka “Rina”.

As expected, he could not leave a familiar face in trouble, so he helped her load her scattered belongings into the car.

For some reason, Rina then invited him to help her unload her luggage at her home, and since he had no reason to refuse a beautiful woman’s invitation, he got into the car with her.

At first, he thought she wanted to go straight home. Halfway through, however, she suggested they go for a drive, and the next thing he knew, they were on a deserted mountain road, parked in an empty lot, and so on to the beginning of this story.

“Nhaaa… please make me feel good like before…”

The “like before” she was referring to must have been when they left the establishment and stayed at the hotel.

Yoichi had used [Appraisal+] to please her a lot back then.

“But the car will get dirty. Are you sure?”

Sayaka’s car was a rather expensive foreign car.

Enough to make Yoichi hesitate and dirty the leather seats they were sitting on.

“About that… it’s already dirty. See?”

Seeing that Yoichi was still unconvinced, Sayaka opened her legs to reveal her crotch, already slightly stained by the love juices that had overflowed from her orifice.

“Please. I’ve been wanting to do it again with you ever since…”

To refrain from doing so after being told so much would be tantamount to a man’s failure.

Yoichi immediately used [Appraisal+] to find a weak spot that he could reach with his finger in his current state.

(Middle finger, a little further back….)

Using this skill, he lazily moved his hand that was clamped between her thighs and brought it closer to her crotch.

“Mmmh… sorry my legs are so thick…”

“You don’t have to. I prefer it that way.”

“Nfuu, I’m glad you like it… nhhahhhhh!!”

Finally reaching the weak spot, Yoichi moved his middle finger and mercilessly stimulated the bulging area just to the right of the vaginal canal.

“Ahahhhhhhhhh! This is it! This is it! This is what I wanted!”

Sayaka hunched over in the driver’s seat. She shivered and shook her hips.

This caused the hand job on Yoichi to stop for a moment, but it was soon resumed, proving that she was a professional through and through.

“Ahaaaaaaaaaahaaa!! Harder… stir me up even more!!”

The weak spot disappeared as soon as she screamed, but a new weak spot appeared in a slightly shallower part of the vaginal canal, so Yoichi continued to stimulate there.

“Nhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! Over there… it feels so good there tooooooohh!!”

Sayaka yelped. But even though she was suffering, she tried her best not to stop and to give Yoichi a hand job as much as possible.

Her soft, warm palms squeezed around Yoichi’s pole, and clear liquid flowed from the tip every time she stroked it.

Sayaka mixed the overflowing Cowper fluid with her fingers and began to rub the pole vigorously at the back of the glans.

Soon Yoichi was covered with his own slime and fluids.

(Kuh… even though she’s going crazy over there, she still manages to give me a hard time. Expected from a professional!)

Yoichi praised Rina inwardly, feeling that he was nearing his limit.

But he wasn’t intending to fall here.

So Yoichi started to stimulate Sayaka with his thumb, gently stroking her clitoris while teasing her weak spots with his middle finger, hoping that she would come first.

“Ahhhh, not there! If you touch me both at the same time… I’ll come…!”

Sayaka shrank, pulling her hips back, her body jerking and shaking from the sensation. Soon her body began to stiffen.

“Guh… not good, I’m gonna… cum too…”

However, the moment she stiffened, Sayaka’s grip on Yoichi’s rod tightened, and as if in reaction, Yoichi reached his limit sooner than he had expected.

But as soon as Yoichi felt the cum spurting out of the tip, he felt something warm and wet wrap around the tip of his penis.


Sayaka, who should have been in the middle of her climax, had taken Yoichi’s object into her mouth.

“Nmu… gulp… slurp…”

“Oooh… that… not good….”

Yes. What happened was that Sayaka took Yoichi’s thing in her mouth the moment he came and then started to swallow from there, slurping and drinking his released sperm.

Her left hand was still holding Yoichi’s pole, not stopping to rub the shaft as she licked the tip with her tongue.

It was as if she wanted to squeeze the rest of Yoichi’s cum out of the base right from the start.

“Nhaaa… nguu… thanks for the food.”

Sayaka drank down to the last drop and licked her lips with a smile on her face. The expression and the gesture made Yoichi feel his son harden again.

“Ufufufu… as expected, your recovery time is so fast it’s almost a lie.”

Seeing her partner revive instantly, Sayaka put her hands on the jeans and panties she was wearing.

Then she dexterously pulled them off, wriggling her body in the confined space of the car.

“…Shall we?”

With an enchanting smile on her face, Sayaka, now naked but only in the lower half of her body, began to straddle Yoichi.

Then she pulled the lever on the passenger seat and folded it down.

“Nfufufu. Time to get some of that dick~.”

Sayaka giggled as she aimed her own crack at the towering tip of Yoichi’s cock.

“Wait, wait, the rubber…!”

But in the middle, Yoichi pleaded back.

But Sayaka ignored his pleas, and still with a seductive smile on her face, she slid her hips all the way down.

The soft walls of flesh slowly enveloped the rod until it reached the base.

Then, after it was completely submerged, Yoichi felt the membranes enveloping him as if they were another living being with a will.

“Aahaan… I’ve finally got Mr. Customer’s dick in me…!”

“Wait. Isn’t this bad?”

Yoichi asked in fear but was only met with Sayaka’s arms wrapped around his neck in dismay.

Sayaka then leaned in closer, keeping her still shirtless upper body close to Yoichi. For a moment, her expression seemed to darken slightly.

“You don’t need to worry. I’m always doing regular tests.”

Apparently, Sayaka thought Yoichi was worried about STDs.

“Not that. Or rather, that didn’t even occur to my mind.”

“Oh? Then it’s okay. But I’m glad you think of me that way.”

“There’s no time for jokes here. If you go on like this, sooner or later, you’ll get…”

“Fufufu… don’t worry. I’m on the pill.”

Even though she works in a place that is always with rubber, it is still a place where mistakes can happen.

Many girls use contraceptives on their own to protect themselves.

Sayaka lifted her upper body slightly and looked down at Yoichi.

But she showed a very sad expression when she opened her mouth.

“Do you perhaps… want to stop now?”

Of course, for Yoichi, that was no longer possible.

Yoichi was already stimulated by the slow wriggling of the vaginal membrane from earlier. He had no intention of stopping at this point.

“Ahhn!! Ooh, moving… so suddenly…!”

So Yoichi thrust his hips up instead of answering.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah!!”

The small space in the car meant that Sayaka couldn’t move her body that much, and she could only move her hips up and down slightly while clinging to Yoichi.

In an effort to overcome this limitation, Yoichi grabbed Sayaka’s plump ass and played the role of the one who was thrusting, doing it as intensely as if he was slapping her between her legs with his crotch.

“Nhaaaaaaahh!! My insides… it’s being hit hard…!! Nmuuuuh!!”

Sayaka pulled her face towards Yoichi’s. Their lips met.

Their tongues tangled as they sought each other out.

“Haamu… nmmmm!! mmmm, mmmmhh, puhaaaann!!”

The two overlapped their kisses intensely, but it soon ended when Sayaka slightly pulled her head away from him.

A trail of saliva ran between their parted tongues.

“Ahhhhhn, make me feel more, please!!”

Despite the difficulty in maintaining his posture, Yoichi twisted his hips slightly to poke another weak spot in her vagina.

“Aaaaaaahhhhhhh, that’s iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!”

With his tip, it caught a weak spot, and immediately Sayaka screamed like crazy.

Then came a series of gasps as Yoichi continuously stimulated her weak points inside.

“Mr. Customer, Mr. Customer…!”

Sakaya was almost halfway from turning her eyes white and was already sticking out her tongue and drooling.

“Oooooooohhhh, I’m cumming!”

So it was only natural that the next thing she said was her limit.

“It’s about time for me too.”

As if to match her, Yoichi spoke his limit as well.

“Nhiiiiiiiiihhh!!! Let it out. Let it out insiideee!!”

“Are you sure? I’m really going to do it.”

When Sayaka assured him that it was okay to come inside, Yoichi became skeptical.

Even though there was neither the time nor the place to pull out his dick.

“Please! In my pussy, I want it in my pussy! Cum inside me, Mr. Customerrr!!”

So when he was pushed even further, Yoichi could no longer stand it.

He came.


“Here it comes! Me too, I’m cumming!!”

As if waiting for him, Sayaka climaxed at the same time.

At the moment of her climax, Sayaka’s vagina squeezed tightly and swallowed the sperm coming from Yoichi’s throbbing dick.

“Aahaaaa… I can feel it… it’s squirting so hard inside… nnn… mhhu….”

Yoichi continued to throb his cock inside Sayaka.

His cum, forcefully ejaculated from the tip, painted her cervix, and continued to attack the inside of her vagina.

“Kuh, it won’t stop…”

This car sex was Yoichi’s first, which is probably why his ejaculation took longer than usual.

He was so excited that he could not stop.

“Nn… fuuh… it’s flowing out….”

As if following the force of gravity, the semen that could no longer be contained eventually flowed out of Sayaka.

Like some kind of wood glue, it filled the small gaps between the vaginal wall and the meat stick, only to overflow again as Yoichi continued to pump non-stop.

(Oh man, that felt good… My head is throbbing hard…)

Yoichi felt a strange sensation, different from his usual copulation.

Then he noticed something.

(Hmm? Something’s off….)

“Nhuu… my belly… so warm….”

Sayaka was still basking in the afterglow of pleasure, but when the ejaculation subsided and he became calm, Yoichi realized that it was the outside that was strange.

He listened carefully, only to hear the sound of rubber tires slowly biting into the sand.

“ We’re… moving…?”

“Ahhn~. You want to move already?”

Yoichi’s hasty attempt to raise his body caused Sayaka to push up slightly, and she gasped briefly.

But instead of paying attention to her, Yoichi looked out of the window, and indeed he noticed that the scenery was moving, albeit slowly.

“Why… ahhhh!!! The handbrake!!”

Yoichi noticed that the handbrake was still down and reached for it, but he couldn’t reach it in time.



GAGON! The car tilted heavily.

Perhaps because the lot where they parked the car was not particularly well maintained, there were no guardrails whatsoever.

Worse, the front half of the car was already hanging over the edge of a cliff.


The tilting of the car put Yoichi in a standing position with his feet on the front edge of the vehicle.

Sayaka would hit the dashboard from behind if he followed gravity as it was.

Yoichi quickly hugged her back and held her bottom up.

“Nhaaa… Are we starting the second round already…?”

Sayaka, who still had not swallowed the situation, spoke of light-hearted things, but before he could explain, the car moved forward recklessly, and finally, even the rear wheels left the ground.


“Ahaaann, I feel like I’m floating in the air~!”

Because you are! We are about to fall off a cliff!

Then he remembered.

The existence of his [Skill].

“That’s right! I’ll just use [Return+]!”

He remembered that he could just use [Return+] to fly to a safe place.

The next thing he knew, the floating sensation was gone, and he found himself standing in the forest with Sayaka in his arms.


“This is…?”

When Yoichi looked around, the first thing he saw was the deep forest he was already familiar with.

“I see. I was in a hurry, so I [returned]…”

Immediately after [returning] from the otherworldly forest, Yoichi went out of his place for a trip to replenish his necessities.

He met Sayaka, aka Rina, when he arrived at a hardware store.

Their conversation continued, and before he noticed, they were already in a secluded parking lot having sex.

Then, realizing too late that the handbrake was down, the car they were in drove off to a cliff.

Now to the present.

Less than an hour had passed since his use of [Return] when he finished his first shot inside Rina.

As such, when the [Return+] skill was “canceled”, he returned to Jana Forest, the set destination of the transition.[1]

“Nhuuuu… my head feels fuzzy…”

Maybe it had something to do with their arrival in another world, Yoichi noticed that Sayaka’s condition was not good.

The best thing to do would be to [return] to his place if possible.

However, Yoichi was no longer in a state to think about that.

(Or rather, I want to do it here.)

This was what he thought.

“Ahh, Mr. Customer is still hard…”

When Sayaka spoke those words, Yoichi only then noticed that his own object had not shrunk yet.

Or rather, it was even harder than usual.

This was due to the fact that his reproductive instincts had been forcibly awakened by the awareness of his imminent death.

The same instinct now urged him to impregnate the woman he now held on his chest.

“Mr. Customer… you see… can you keep thrusting on me like you did before?”

Yoichi’s rationality broke down when these words were whispered in his ear.


With both hands firmly gripping Sayaka’s bottom, he pulled back slightly, then positioned his hips in the so-called “stand and carry” position.

Then he thrust up at once, their crotches colliding wildly.

Because Yoichi’s cane was larger than usual, Sayaka writhed and gasped heavily every time he thrust hard against her cervix.

Yet she clung to Yoichi as if she wanted more and more.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh! That’s it, push me harder!”

At Sayaka’s request, Yoichi shook his hips violently.

The act would have been impossible for him a few years ago.

But Yoichi has changed now.

With the influence of the [Skills] on his body, especially the considerable increase in muscle strength, and his training in the other world, he was no longer the hapless factory worker he was before.

Each time he swung his hips, the parts that connected them made a squelching sound, releasing the sperm he had injected earlier.

“Oooooohhh! I’m coming again!!”

Sayaka screamed, and her hips, moving slightly in time with Yoichi’s movements, also trembled.

The folds of her flesh, covered with love juices and semen, tightened, stimulating Yoichi’s penis mercilessly.

“Me too… ugh…!”

Yoichi did the same and began to reach his limit.

“Together, Mr. Customer… together…!”

“Here it comes…!!”

“Nhaaaaaaaaaahh!! Cooomeeeee!!”

It was Yoichi’s third shot of the day, but he still released an incredible amount of cum at a tremendous rate.

He felt even more pleasure compared to the first time he ejaculated.

“Nhuuuuu… it’s pumping so hard… it’s reaching all the way to the back…!”

As for Sayaka, she trembled and twitched every time she received Yoichi’s seed.

But since her vagina was already full, every time Yoichi pulsed his rod, drops of semen overflowed from their junction.

As if it could no longer be contained.

“Mmmhh… I feel… so full… anymore… I can’t take it…”

“Do you want to stop then?”

“No! I want you to fuck me more… hammu….”

After releasing her clinging body slightly, Sayaka quickly brought her face close to Yoichi’s and latched onto his tongue.

“Nnchuru…… chupu, mlemlem….”

Yoichi responded, then moved a little while holding Sayaka up and letting her lean against a tree.

He let her stand with only one leg down while he inserted it, and while he did so, he also unbuttoned her shirt with his free hand.

After he had finished with her chest, Yoichi grabbed the camisole with the bra cups she was wearing underneath and rolled it up at the same time.

This revealed Sayaka’s ample white breasts, which he was already familiar with.

“Chupu… hamu… mmmhh… nnaaahah!! My tits have just been served…!”

While kissing the other intensely, Yoichi rubbed the exposed breasts, stimulating the hardened, dark-colored nipples.

This made his fleshy pole harden again.

So he continued to shake his hips.

“Nnnngggghhhh!! Haaaa……”

With her breasts pressed together, Sayaka was in ecstasy.

It was not the bewitched expression that had been on her face until then but rather a somewhat innocent smile.

“Ahh… it’s a rabbit~.”


As she spoke, Yoichi saw that her eyes, which had been staring at him in a trance, had shifted in another direction.

Or, to be more precise, she was looking at something further back than Yoichi.

“What the…”

Yoichi turned around quickly.

From there, he saw a Spear Rabbit looking at them, its nose twitching.

“No fucking way.”

Yoichi hurriedly took out a .44 caliber pistol from his [Infinite Storage+], pointed it at the back while using [Appraisal+], and pulled the trigger.



A shot rang out.

And because the vibration was transmitted to Sayaka through Yoichi, she gasped for a moment.

Meanwhile, the fired bullet pierced the space between Spear Rabbit’s eyebrows, killing it with a single blow.

But that was not the last monster attack Yoichi had to face.

“Ahh ahh ahhhhh! Hyaaaa, there’s a little man looking this way…!”

Following Sayaka’s line of sight, Yoichi saw a goblin this time.

To distract Sayaka from the gunfire, Yoichi took aim and pulled the trigger, also shaking his hips violently.

“Aaahhhh! Ohhhhh, there are so many little men this time!!”

This time, several goblins appeared.


“NHieeeee!! Hiuuuuuuuu!! Nhaauuuu!!”

Each time a goblin was slaughtered, Sayaka would gasp violently, and the vagina that enveloped Yoichi would tighten in turn.

Her white breasts with tan nipples would also bounce and sway attractively to the side.

However, Yoichi could not pay attention to the sensation and the scenery as he was busy taking care of an increasing number of goblins.

“Why are there so many of them?”

In all of his training, Yoichi had never seen such a large number of goblins.

Suspicious, he applied [Appraisal+] to one of the goblins and found that all of them were in a state of excitement.

When he looked closely at them, he also noticed that most of them had something sticking out of their loincloths, and a clear liquid was dripping from the tip of their crotches.

“Don’t tell me… they were attracted by the smell?”

In this world, goblins reproduce by using females of different races as breeding grounds.

This includes human females, of course.

This means that the goblins that are gathering now are probably attracted by the female scent that Sayaka emits.

“Damn. This means I can’t get a moment’s peace.”

Yoichi switched his pistol to a submachine gun, set it to full automatic and pulled the trigger.

The .38 caliber bullets fired from the submachine gun are much less powerful than the .44 caliber bullets, but they are still enough to damage a goblin.

Even if one shot is impossible, two or three shots will bring it down.

For now, Yoichi was able to stop the goblins’ advance by creating a barrage of bullets in their wake.

“Nhaahaaahahahahahahahahaaaa! WWhhaahhtt iss tthhiississss…!”

RATATATATATATA! At the same time as the bullets were scattered, the vibrations of the submachine gun hit Sayaka via Yoichi.

Not wanting her to realize that he was raining bullets, Yoichi used his [Appraisal+] on Sayaka again.

This time, he poked at Sayaka’s weak points while moving his rod up and down, making her a prisoner of his pleasure and distracting her attention.

Sayaka was still somewhat dazed, perhaps because of the ‘magic sickness’ she had contracted upon her arrival in this world.

But even if that was not the case, the pleasure of Yoichi’s thrusts was enough to send her into a state of delirium.

“Shooo gooooooooddd…!”

“Ugh… this is bad…”

Switching to a submachine gun also gave Yoichi the advantage of not having to use [Appraisal+] to aim.

As a result, he was able to devote more of his consciousness to sex, driving Sayaka to even greater heights of pleasure than before.

But the pleased vagina also pushed back his penis as if it had been trained to respond to pleasure in this way.

As a result, Yoichi felt that he was about to come again.

“Aaahhhh! I’m coming, coming, coming!!”

Sayaka’s eyes had already gone white.

She was also drooling sloppily from her mouth, and her wobbly hips were twitching with every ramming.

But her genitals were still clinging tightly, giving even more pleasure to the meat pole she had taken in.

…then the moment they had been waiting for arrived.

“Kuh… coming…!”

Yoichi ejaculated for the third time.

The tip of his deeply thrusting rod released the sperm in a powerful, splashing stream.

And as the phallus pulsed, the wet insides surrounding it wriggled as if to squeeze out every last drop of semen that passed through his urethra where he urinated.

“Aaaaahhhh, I’m getting so full of cum again!”

Even after her climax, Sayaka continued to pant and moan.

She could still feel the vibrations and the streams of cum entering her body.

But because Sayaka’s vagina had already exceeded its full capacity, the cum that Yoichi had held inside her leaked out of her orifice.

It flowed down her thighs, then to the lower part of her legs.

Click click click click click.

The magazine of Yoichi’s submachine gun emptied again after being reloaded for the umpteenth time.

(Just in time.)

Together with the climax, Yoichi had finally finished subduing the goblins in the area.

He stowed his submachine gun in his [Infinite Storage+] and put his now free hand behind Sayaka’s back.

Then he held her close.

“Nhuu… Mr Customer…”

Yoichi could feel Sayaka’s soft breasts pressing against his chest.

He could see that she was still in the afterglow of pleasure.

Yoichi removed his hands from her hips and lowered one of her legs, which had been raised all the time.

Then he held Sayaka with both arms.


Sayaka, who had leaned back against Yoichi, soon began to make cute sleeping noises.

“Heave… ho….”

“Nmm… mmm… suu….”

Holding Sayaka like that, Yoichi stayed still for a while.

Only when he felt that she was completely asleep did he withdraw his hips and pull out his object.

At that moment, Sayaka gasped for breath.

But she didn’t wake up.

Beneath her, drops of semen began to flow from her unplugged hole.

And it seemed as if it would continue to flow for a while.


After everything had subsided, Yoichi took Sayaka in his arms and [returned] to his room.

“Come to think of it, shouldn’t I have just [returned]?”

…Only to remember that he could have just teleported back to his room the moment the monsters appeared since the cooldown had already ended.[2]

“Ahh, I’m such an idiot. To think I was so easily confused back there. Well, whatever. At least it felt good.”

Yoichi muttered to himself, but even though his words were of disappointment, he showed no signs of remorse.

He walked through the front door of his apartment and into the living room.

With every step, Sayaka’s crotch spilled semen onto the floor.

(Well, the cleaning can wait.)

Then he arrived in the living room.

First, he laid Sayaka down on the sofa.

Then he wiped his own crotch with a towel he took from the [Infinite Storage+], put his dirty pants and trousers away, cleaned them with the maintenance function, and put them back on.

“I really want to let her take a shower or something…”

Seeing that the other party was still unconscious, Yoichi opened Sayaka’s legs slightly.

Seeing that she still showed no sign of getting up, he carefully wiped her crotch and legs, which were slimy and dirty all the way down to her inner thighs and ankles.

But no matter how hard he wiped her clean, even resorting to changing the towels several times as if they were tissues, her vulva wouldn’t close.

And because her vulva wouldn’t close, every time she felt good, the white mucus he injected at the very back would be stirred up, and a large amount of it would be drawn out to be expelled next.

The sperm would then run down Sayaka’s ass and stain the sofa.

“So erotic…”

Since Sayaka’s shirt had been pushed up to her chest, her breast was bare.

The same could be said for her camisole, which was now rolled up to expose her nipples.

She wore nothing on the lower half of her body.

Yoichi looked at Sayaka’s crotch again.

He felt his dick react to the sight of the wriggling insides covered in semen and love juices, but since he had some business to attend to first, he decided to leave it alone.

He wiped Sayaka’s crotch and buttocks one last time and then tucked a towel under her bottom after wiping the dirty sofa.

After taking one last look at Sayaka, who was sleeping comfortably, Yoichi walked out of the front door.

After using [Appraisal+] to locate Sayaka’s car, Yoichi rode the train and his bicycle for about an hour to get to the empty lot.

He walked to the edge and looked down.

“Damn. That’s a long fall.”

What he saw was a steep cliff, and about five meters below was a winding road.

Yoichi stowed the car and used the maintenance function to make repairs.

“Now we’re all set.”

Yoichi said as he set the nicely repaired car down on the empty lot.

He had already checked it with [Appraisal+] and as far as he could see, there was no more damage.

“Oh, right. The emergency brake!”

Forgetting the most important thing, which was also the root of everything that had happened that day, Yoichi got into the driver’s seat and pulled up the handbrake.

Then he did a little start-up test by stepping on the brake pedal and turning on the ignition.

After hearing a low revving sound and confirming that the engine started without any problems, Yoichi immediately turned off the engine, exited the car, and [returned] to his room.

“Looks like she’s still sleeping. That’s good.”

Yoichi picked up Sayaka, her body still wrapped in a towel, activated [Return+], and returned to where he had parked the car.

After folding down the driver’s seat and laying Sayaka down, he went around and sat down on the still-folded passenger seat and leaned against it.

“Ah, right. I need to get this off.”

Seeing his towel still wrapped around her, Yoichi grabbed it with his hand and stowed it in his [Infinite Storage+]. Then he pulled the camisole down over her white breasts.

Yoichi buttoned his shirt as well.

But he left the bottom undone because it was more natural to leave it that way.

“Nnn… mmm… fuaaahhh….”

Sayaka woke up after about 30 minutes, yawned, and stretched.

“Yawn… oh, Mr. Customer. Good morning… eh?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Did we go to sleep right after that?”


“I see…”

Then Sayaka swiveled her head as if looking for something.

“You see, I had a strange dream. It was a really, really weird and naughty dream.”

“Really? What kind of dream?”

“Well, you and I were having sex in a forest. Then lots of bunnies and small-looking men came out, but they all fell asleep. I don’t really understand what happened, but you made me come several times, and it felt really good… ah.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Fufufu… a bit of Mr. Customer’s cum just came out.”

Indeed. Looking at Sayaka’s exposed crotch area, he could see a white mucus slowly spreading on the leather seat that had been cleaned by the [Infinite Storage+] function.

The sight of that and the seductive smile directed at him made Yoichi’s son grow tall.

“Hey. Do you want to do it outside? I’m kind of in the mood.”

“Outside? ……Yeah. I’m down.”

Yoichi checked the surroundings with [Appraisal+] just to be sure, and after confirming that at least no one in the vicinity was aiming at this place, he decided to comply with the request.

“Fufu… that’s great.”

With that, Sayaka leaned forward, brought her face close to Yoichi’s, and kissed him lightly.

“Since we’re going to the trouble, why don’t we take everything off?”

With that, Sayaka unbuttoned her shirt, wriggled around in the cramped car, and took it off.

Then she rolled up her camisole, revealing her ample breasts once again.

“Here you go, Mr. Customer… wow. You’re fast!?”

Since he found Sayaka’s offer appealing and it was too inconvenient to take his clothes off in the cramped car, Yoichi took them off by storing them directly in the [Infinite Storage+] instead.

“Since we’re ready, let’s get out.”

They stepped out of the car with only their shoes on.

Then Sayaka put her hands on the hood and pushed her buttocks towards Yoichi.

“Hey. Fuck me from behind this time…”

Her vulva was already closed, but semen was still leaking from it, though the color was much lighter, probably due to the newly secreted love juice.

The transparent mucus then trickled down Sayaka’s inner thighs.

“Mr. Customer, I’m going to catch a cold if you don’t put something hot in here right away.”

She begged, then turned to Yoichi and smiled invitingly.

Yoichi reacted quickly.

He grabbed Sayaka’s ass with both hands and placed the tip of his glans against the lady’s precious spot that had been leaking since earlier.

This allowed the light brown folds of flesh to make contact with the sphincter, as well as the moist pink and wet interior clinging to his tip.

“Good… fuck me deep… nhaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!”

Invited by Sayaka, Yoichi pushed in.

This caused the vulva, which had closed over time, to stretch again as if it had been pried open by Yoichi’s ‘crowbar’.

Then Yoichi continued to push.

He also enjoyed the membranes that enveloped him as he lowered his rod.

Only when he had pushed it all the way in did he feel something pressing against the tip.

Yoichi had reached Sayaka’s cervix.

“Oooh, finally… It’s hitting me all the way to the back… ngghhhhhhh!”

Yoichi slowly withdrew his hips from there.

Then, like an arrow nocked to the max, he gave a big, hard thrust, followed by a series of violent rammings.

Splock, splock, splock.

Each time Yoichi’s crotch and Sayaka’s buttocks collided, a lewd sound was created, and Sayaka’s soft breasts, hanging down as she placed her hands on the car, bounced and swayed.

Yoichi, seeing his partner in this state, hugged Sayaka, his chest making contact with her warm back.

Then he grabbed her breasts from behind and rubbed them roughly.

“Ahhn, ahhn, ahhn, ahhn, ahhn, ahhn!!”

The sun was setting, and it was getting dark.

But all that could be heard were the obscene sounds of rubbing genitals and Sayaka’s charming voice echoing through the mountains.

It was as if they had the world to themselves for that moment.

Translator Notes:

[1]. I’m not quite sure how I translated it in the earlier chapters, but as far as I understand it, Yoichi’s [Return+] can be “canceled” (making him return to where he was before teleporting) as long as it’s within an hour since he performed the action. Only then would the skill be on cooldown(?). Note that this cooldown has nothing to do with the [Return+] Home Point Change function, which is limited to once every 24 hours per location.↰

[2]. I took the initiative to fix a few things here. In the original, it was said that he could simply “cancel” his [Return+] to return to where he came from. According to this mechanic, if Yoichi really canceled his [Return+], he and Sayaka would end up in the air and fall onto the cliff again if he activated his [Return+] while the car was about to fall onto the cliff.↰

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