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Chapter 18 – A New Journey

The day after Alma and I had that conversation, the town square became lined up with all sorts of weapons and armor.

“So many!”

“Well, many of them served in the military, and those who have survived the war.”

“But is it alright? Some of them even look expensive….”

“I think everyone would be happier if you received it instead.”

People from the town are crowding the plaza in the distance, watching me with great interest.

I guess they’re probably donors and onlookers alike.

I took a glance at the weapons lined up in the plaza and gave each of them a [Universal Appraisal].

At first, I appreciated the fact that I could get some idea of the value of the variety of weapons and armor thanks to the Skill, but after doing it a couple of times, I got tired.

If I go through them one by one, it will take me days. That’s just how many they are.

So far, I’ve only found G to F-rated weapons.

I wonder which of these swords is the best performing?

“Wait… huh?”

While thinking that, an arrow suddenly appeared in my field of vision, pointing at a single sword.

It was a sword with a blade about a meter long and housed in a leather sheath.

When I pulled the sword out of its sheath, there were a number of fine scratches in it, but there were no nicks on the blade.

The well-maintained and polished blade reflected the sunlight and sparkled.


Name: Long Sword

Rating: D

Reference Price: 150,000G


A one-handed long sword made of steel. The core is made of soft but pure iron, making it hard to break, and the blade is coated with mithril, making it sharp as well.


Oh, fantasy metal mithril!

Of course, having read fantasy novels back then, the metal is not news to me. But I totally didn’t expect to see it in my first city.

After all, most of the weapons here are rated G to F, so a D is pretty good, maybe.

“Um, what’s this? Does someone know about this sword?”

I raised the sword and turned to look at the crowd, and a woman I remembered from the temple stepped forward.

“It was a memento of my deceased brother while he was still an adventurer.”

“Are you sure? Donating me such a precious thing….”

“It’s all right. The woman said, smiling. “I’m sure my brother will be more than happy to have the holy knight himself use it. Besides, I no longer need it to relieve my loneliness, as I already have this child.”

Saying that, the woman smiled and rubbed her stomach.

“Un. If that’s the case, I would be more than grateful to use it.”

(I’m guessing the arrow just now is some sort of reverse lookup feature?)

In any case, after discovering that [Universal Appraisal] had a reverse lookup function, the selection of weapons and armor went smoothly.

A steel spear with a handle made of treant wood, a monster material. A short bamboo bow with strings of twisted forest spider thread and hemp and bone arrowheads made of monster bones.

As for the armor, there was a splendid full-body armor made of mithril that belonged to the former lord who died in the war, and I was told to take it as well.

It was given a Grade of A.

I also got a small circular shield that can be used with a one-handed weapon and a large shield that can hide the whole body.

Overall, the only items rated D or higher were the longsword and mithril full-body armor that I first chose.

Nevertheless, I now had a reasonable selection of other armors from E to F, so I should have no trouble equipping myself for the time being.

I also received many other things that would be useful for each occasion, such as tents, household items, and clothing.

“Thank you very much. With this, I am now well-equipped for my journey.”

I thanked the people who had gathered.

But everyone was looking at me expectantly, so I put on the set of equipment for the time being and was greeted with applause and cheers.

While I was feeling a little embarrassed, an old woman appeared among the onlookers.

She approached with a straight back and firm gait, looking somewhat graceful.

“My name is Clarissa, and I am the mayor of the town of Lambda.”

The old woman bowed with a graceful movement that one would not expect from an elderly person.

“I am Alfred, a holy knight in the service of Xaneela, the Goddess of Fertility and Prosperity.”

I said my name as she did and bowed.

“Thank you very much for giving blessings to so many people in this town.”

“Please. This is also the duty of a holy knight. You don’t have to thank me.”

The lady smiled at my words, and I could sense that she still had that glamour that didn’t match her age.

“I heard that the Holy Knight will be leaving soon. We regret to hear of your departure, but we cannot stop you in light of your mission. Therefore, we have prepared a small banquet in your honor. Will you accept our cordial hospitality?”

A farewell party?

It would be rude to refuse, even if it was embarrassing.

“Yes, I would be happy to.”

Clarissa smiled with satisfaction and turned her heels to the onlookers.

“Ladies and gentlemen! The food and drinks have been prepared! Also, I will take care of all the bills for food and drinks at each restaurant for today only! Let’s celebrate this last day with the Holy Knight with a bang!”


Clarissa’s words were met with cheers from the residents.

Eh… huh? Didn’t she say it was only a small banquet?

“Well then. Shall we go, our esteemed holy knight?”

And so, that night turned into a binge eating called a farewell party.


The next day. The time of my departure has come.

I drank so much last night that I lost my memory, but I woke up before noon feeling refreshed.

When I woke up, I was completely naked, and several women I don’t know were naked and hugging me.

There were several more sleeping around me, looking very disheveled.

I could also see white mucus flowing from the crotches of some of the women.

…looks like more kids are on the way.

Let’s just get ready for now.

I had my equipment in place, but as one would expect, full-body armor is tough to wear for long walks, so I equipped only part of it for ease of movement.

After I finished getting ready, I visited the temple.

Since I received gifts of weapons and armor in return for the blessing, I wondered if I should return the favor even more.

I mean, more than 100 children will be born here in the future, and their only father is me.

Thinking of my responsibility, at least as a parent, I donated the materials of the monsters I had obtained on the way to the town to the temple.

Of course, this won’t be all. As I will continue to give donations to the temple in the future.

The next destination is Kejisa, the nearest town with a proper guild branch.

It will take about a month to get there on foot.

I was told they would provide me with a donkey, but I declined, as it seemed very valuable.

“Then, Sir Alfred, good luck on your journey.”

“Yes, I’m off. Take care, Alma.”

About 50 residents, including Alma and Karina, came to the plaza to see me off.

It was the first time I was sent off by so many people, so I was happy but a little embarrassed.

I was also a little sad as I couldn’t see Emmy.

“Aru, be caweful, meow.”

“Yeah. You too, Karina, since you’re pregnant too. Don’t push yourself too hard.”

After exchanging a few words with the people who saw me off, I started walking toward the entrance of the town.

Everyone offered to follow me to the entrance, but I declined because the distance was just too long.

“In the end, only Emmy wasn’t there….”

I haven’t seen Emmy in the last few days.

I couldn’t even find her at the farewell party yesterday.

I thought that maybe she has gotten tired of me, since I had been having sex with so many people, as before I could find her, the day of my departure had come.

I really wanted to spend more alone time with her, but I had a mission to fulfill.

There’s also the fact that I will have to have relationships with many more people like this in the future, which won’t be good for Emmy.

I headed for the town entrance, thinking it might be hard for Emmy, as well as convincing myself that there was no need for me to seek her out and talk to her.

But then, I saw someone at the town entrance.


There was Emmy, dressed like a hunter instead of the gatekeeper she was when we first met.

“Ooooi, Aaalllff!!”

Emmy notices my figure and waves to me.

I wave back lightly in response as I make my way toward the entrance.

“I see. You’re going to send me off here.”

I’m sad to see her go, but if it’s just the two of us for the last time, I guess that’s good enough for me.

Now that I think about it, Emmy was the first person I met when I came to this world.

The person who greeted me at the beginning is seeing me off for last.

It’s kind of sad, but I’m also happy.

…wait a second.

There’s something at Emmy’s feet.

It looks like some sort of backpack(?) sitting on the ground.

“Sorry. I’ve been busy with the orphanage and stuff, so I haven’t been able to talk to you at all.”

“Ah, now that you said it….”

Thank goodness. So it’s not because she doesn’t want to see me anymore.

“By the way, that backpack….”

“Ah, do you prefer to [store] it?”

“No, well, I don’t really mind… wait. Eeeehh!? Don’t tell me… you are coming with me?”

“Uu… am I perhaps… a nuisance?”

Emmy looked like she was about to cry.

“No, no, not at all! Actually, I’m rather happy.”

“Hoh… thank the Goddess.”

“But are you sure?”

“About what?’

“I’m a, you know, a knight of the sheets. I will not only… with Emmy, but also with a lot of women.”

“I don’t care!”

Emmy interrupted me and looked a little sad.

“I know what your mission is, Alf. And of course, it doesn’t mean I’m totally okay with it.”

Then Emmy’s smile returned again.

Though it’s somewhat like a crying smile.

“Therefore, when you’re around me, please only look at me. If you can manage that, then I’m already happy.”


Seeing tears pooling in the corners of her eyes, I hugged Emmy without a second thought.

Then, after separating our bodies for a bit, we put our lips together.

“Mmmm… nchu… nhah….”

After finishing the shallow kiss with only our lips on top of each other, I hugged her tightly again and whispered in her ear.

“I love you, Emmy.”


“Regardless of me being a holy knight or my mission or whatever, as only Alfred, it is you that I’ll truly love.”

“Alf… I love you too, Alf.”

After that, we embraced each other for a while.

When we broke the embrace, feeling a little embarrassed, I held out my hand to Emmy.

“From this point onwards, please take care of me.”


Emmy also took my hand with a big smile on her face.

Then we left Lambda and started walking down the street toward Kejisa.

Translator Notes:

Here are also the colored illustrations included in the Light Novel version.

All the characters in Book 1 of the Light Novel.

Emmy and Alfred shopping for the orphanage.

Karina and Alma (before anything, no, they didn’t have a threesome anywhere in both LN and WN versions).

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