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Chapter 16 – Those Who are Seeking Blessings, Part 1

I was sleeping in Emmy’s room, cuddling with her, when there was a knock at the door around mid-afternoon.

“Emmy? It’s me. Also, is Aru there?”

I heard Karina’s voice calling from the other side.

Emmy, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be showing signs of waking up.

But since the person she wanted to see was me, I opened the door myself.

There, I was confronted by Karina, who was wearing a teasing smile on her face.

“Nyufufu, I knyew you were here.”


“So, did nyu have fun last nyight?”


Then, the teasing smile she had earlier disappeared, and instead, Karina’s cheeks bloated to show she was pouting.

“You and Emmy also had fun nyesterday too. Yet you only had one night with me. It’s unfair. Booo.”

“Ugh, that’s…”

I looked at Karina, feeling a little sorry for the cat girl, but then I saw that only her mouth was grumpy, and her eyes remained the same, teasing smile.

Karina also noticed my gaze and perked up like a child caught in mischief.

“I was joking of course, nyaa.”

She told me so, but I wonder if there really is some kind of jealousy in her?

The day before, I held Alma in my arms, and the day after that, I held Karina in my arms, and right after that, I did it with Emmy.

“Hey, just to be sure. Are you sure you’re okay with this? With me having a relationship with another woman?”

“Nyufufu… Aru sure is sweet, nyaa…”

Karina’s smile is no longer mischievous. Instead, it turned into a very gentle smile.

“But are you suwe about that? The libido of a cat-tribe in heat is extwaowdinawy. They are also possessive and easy to get jeawous.”

“If that’s the case, then….”

“But stwangely enough, I feel no dissatisfaction or jeawousy. I’m vewy content right now.”


“Still, it doesn’t mean I don’t feel anything. Or wrather, I awso feel some sowt of affection for Alma and Emmy. Like those with a famiwy members, I think?”

“You’re not straining yourself, are you?”

“But it’s twue. I’m weally happy right now, nyaa.”

The bright smile on Karina’s face made my heart skip a beat.

“That said, Aru, you have something impowtant to do right now.”

Karina erases her previous smile and tells me this with a serious face.

“You have to go back to the temple, nyaa.”

“To the temple? Again?”

“A twouble has occuwed, nyaa. It’s uwgent, so you have to huwwy.”

“What seems to be the trouble?”

“You’ll find out when you get thewe, nyaaa.”


But then my stomach growled.

“Then again, maybe not that uwgent. At least you still have time to eat a late lunch befowe you leave.”


After chatting with Karina, I returned to my room to change my clothes. Then I went to the dining hall, where meals were prepared.

When I came down, there were already sandwiches, ready for me to eat.

Karina had apparently made the arrangements beforehand.

I called out to Emmy just in case, but she still looked sleepy, so I just told her that I was going to the temple.

Though she probably wouldn’t remember that, as she only gave a light groan.

As I was wolfing down my sandwich and drinking my after-dinner coffee, Karina appeared in the dining hall.

“What are you still doing here? I said a meal is owkay, but I didn’t mean to the extent that you’ll be dwinking tea leisuwely!”

“It’s coffee, not tea.”

I held up my cup with a smug look on my face, and Karina looked at me with an expression of disgust.

“I don’t cawe what it is. If you’ve had your meal, then go to the temple right nyow!”


So I drank the rest of the coffee in one gulp and headed for the temple in a short run.


When I entered the temple, it was full of people.

If I counted carefully, there would be about 50 of them, so not so much for a lot, but they’re so disorganized that they seemed to be.

“Oh, Sir Alfred, you finally came! Sorry to bother you this time.”

Alma, the priestess, approached me with a trot.

“Um, who are these people?”

I immediately began my questioning.

“Uh, well… Everyone… we will now be offering… the Goddess’s Blessing….”

“Blessing? You mean these women are all pregnant?”

“Uhm, no, that’s not it… you see, everyone here has heard about Joey’s situation, so….”

I see. So that means they all have infertility problems. Now that I’ve looked closely, some husbands are mixed in.

If that’s the case, then let’s start working.

“Sir Alfred, are you sure you’ll do it?”

“Yes. That would be no problem.”

“Thank you so much! Then, let’s start with the married couples….”

And so, Alma and the aunties began to lead the people who had gathered.

The breakdown was several men and a dozen women.

The ratio of men to women was a little strange, but as I said before, in this day and age, polygamy is not surprising.

Because bestowing the blessing is not a medical practice, the need for me to ask their reasons why they cannot have children is no longer unnecessary.

I don’t want to discuss the couple’s private matters in the presence of everyone either, so I didn’t ask for too many details, and one by one, I gave blessings to the couples that came one after the other.

(Then again, simply ‘wishing for the betterment of the couple’ and letting the power flow from Xaneela into the other person, removing all their abnormalities, is amazing as ever.)

It was nothing short of a miracle. Because it is a miracle.

One of the couples from yesterday is here too, so I gave the husband a proper blessing this time.


After such a miraculous work of giving blessings to every couple, there were about 30 women left. All the men have gone home.

But this batch is strange.

Some are looking at me like they are curious, some are looking away shyly when our eyes meet, and some are looking downcast the whole time.

“Alma, they are…?”

When I asked Alma in wonder, she just mumbled, and her reply was kind of cryptic.

“Ahh, geez, so slow, Alma! Sir Alfred! All we want for you is to give us a shot of your seed!”

One of the ladies helping out interrupted Alma and me.

Seriously? All of you!?

“Please take care of us too….”

“For real?”

“Of course, we won’t force you. I’m already aware that my age is way past these kinds of things, hahaha.”

The women that remained, including one who seemed older than my mother, seemed motivated to get my seed.

Is this also part of the duties of a Holy Knight?

By the way, although I was saying she’s older than my mom, I didn’t mean very old. My mother passed away young, but not as young as me when I died, so she can still be considered a mature and attractive lady.


(Hmm? Xaneela? What’s up?)


(I can perfectly hear you. So? Why are you contacting me now?)

《Well, you see… Do you still remember what I said to you before we separated?》

(You said a lot of things. Which ones are you talking about?)

《The one I said that will serve as a “reward” of sorts.》

(You mean the [Regeneration] which recovers what is lost inside my body, like my semen? What about it?)

《If I remember correctly, you asked why it is given even though it’s a redundant skill, as you already have [Recovery] and the fact that one shot of your seed is enough to get a woman pregnant? It’s for this. 》

(Uh-huh. So you anticipated me doing with a lot of people simultaneously?)

《You are correct. But you don’t really have to try if you hate it. I’m not particularly eager to force people to do what they hate to do. 》

(But if I say no here, what will happen to these people?)

《Well, you could at least give them a blessing to make it easier for them to get pregnant, but in reality, they’ll have to suck it up on their end. In the first place, it’s not like you can deal with all the women on your own, so you’ll have to draw a certain line eventually. 》

(Hmm. I think it would be arrogant to claim that I can do that in the first place, no matter how peerless I am. But at the very least, I want the women within my reach to become happy.)

《I knew I had chosen the right guy to be my Holy Knight. Go forth, Alfred. Prove to them what it means to be my own apostle! 》

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