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Chapter 1 – The Female Warrior, I

A year ago, a brave man announced he will set out on a journey to defeat the Demon Lord.

This announcement spread to many, and from there, he was given the title of a “Hero.”

Of course, because of this announcement, the world’s focus became centered on the Hero’s affairs.

Newspapers reported day after day on the Hero’s achievements, bards sang songs about his bravery, and children began to play “hero” with each other in their pastimes.

The Andersen Castletown is rumored to be the place where the Hero grew up.

It is said that people, goods, and money are rapidly gathering in this country these days.

That’s a given.

There was no way the world would miss such a huge event as the “Hero’s Journey to Defeat of the Demon Lord”.

First were those who wanted to join the Hero’s Party, and for that, they needed information about him.

Second were the merchants, with the intention to sell weapons, armor, and other military supplies to these people.

In anticipation of such a trend, Andersen’s administration redeveloped infrastructures such as roads and bridges, and to some extent, landowners also built inns and hotels using their land as collateral, which attracted even more people, making land and bond interest rates on the city to nudge up.

Employment became secure, and the unemployment rate dropped below 1%.

To sum up, since the departure of the Hero to overthrow the Demon Lord, Andersen enjoyed an unprecedented economic boom.

As a traveler who is a merchant by profession, I could not leave such a thriving market unattended.

I am now on my way to Andersen Castletown, taking advantage of the new highway, which is said to have been recently completed.

The horse-drawn carriages were making pleasant sounds as they drove on the still-shiny cobblestone pavement.

The fresh autumn breeze was caressing my cheeks, and the clouds were like oil paint against the blue sky.

It was a pleasant autumn day, but to tell the truth, my heart was heavy.

It was because even though I was traveling to Andersen, I was aware that the timing of my visit was too late for a merchant.

In such a booming economy, speed is of the essence when an outsider wants to take advantage of it to do business.

The sooner, the better.

The reason is that in the early stages of a booming market, the government or the rich business owners will try to cover as many bases as possible to resell them at higher prices. It is not good to make investments in land ownership unless you can buy it near the bottom of the market, at least for small-time merchants like us.

You might be thinking, “Well, why didn’t I just go earlier?”

I am a traveling merchant, so I have to capture dungeons and participate in events and festivities.

Because of this, I couldn’t go there immediately.

As I was biting the bitter bug out of my back teeth, I saw a sign that said, “Ten kilometers left to Andersen.”

At last, I made it this far. I’m almost there.

If I could, I would like to keep going, but I felt an uncontrollable urge to urinate in my lower abdomen, so I decided to stop and do my business here.

I diverted the carriage from the cobblestone road, parked it on the edge, hid in the bushes, undid my pants, and began to submit to the call of nature.


And the flow went on. And on. I couldn’t feel any signs that it was going to stop soon.

“Hey, you. Don’t move.”

Suddenly, a dozen or so men in dirty-looking outfits came and swarmed behind me, each holding a weapon in his hand.

“Sorry about this, but we’re taking your carriage. But don’t worry. We won’t take your life if you keep quiet.”

A bald man spoke in a husky voice. Based on his actions, he might be the leader.

I see.

It’s only natural that these rogue bandits will gather where people and money gather.

But what should I do?

My piss just won’t stop…

“You guys said you would take the carriage, but it is magically locked. You can’t move it anywhere without me.”

I said so and looked at him, but he gave me an unpleasant look on his already unpleasant face.

He seemed to have taken it as a resistance.

Then, a huge man with countless wounds on his face and almost competes with the skinhead earlier in ugliness yelled out from the side.

“In that case, be a good boy and unlock it! Or else you’ll be facing my wrath, you punk!”

He was clearly irritated.

The skinhead bandit leader also followed up.

“Hey, you don’t have to make it hard on yourself, don’tya think? I’m not a fan of violence, so I appreciate it the earlier you comply.”

For bandits, they sure make a good-guard-bad-guard combination here.

“Uhm, can you give me a minute? At least until I finish my business.”

I pointed to the continuous stream of urine, and the skinhead bandit took a step back, saying, “Well, all right. No matter how much a bandit can threaten, he can’t stop a physiological phenomenon.”

“Hey, you guys!”

Suddenly, a loud voice came from behind where the bandits and I were standing. That is, from the roadside.

It was a woman’s voice.

Surprised by the strange voice, I turned my head and saw that a woman was indeed standing there.

She had long golden hair, eyes that sparkled like jewels, and supple white skin that seemed to bounce back at you if you touched it.

In a word, she was a beautiful woman, but her appearance was that of a warrior.


Her blue armored gear, perhaps enchanted, covered only her joints and vital points, revealing a great deal of skin and emphasizing her heavy breasts, curvaceous waist, and firm buttocks, making her extremely sensational.

“You must be the bandits showing up around these streets lately!”

She held up a huge sword as tall as she was and asked bravely.

“And what if we are?”

The bandits were puzzled for a moment by the female warrior’s sudden intrusion. Still, the skinhead leader was the one who responded immediately, probably as he was the first to regain composure.

“You guys turn yourselves in. I won’t make a move on you if you go obediently. Otherwise, I will cut you down here!”

There was a pause for a moment, but the next moment the bandits burst out laughing, all at the same time.

“Gee haha! Nice joke you got there, missy!”

“Oh, no, what should we do? I’m scawed! Should we turn ouwsewes in?”

“Oh, I know! Why don’t we give this lady a nice, warm welcome!”

“Oooh, then warm welcome it is!”

The bandits kept throwing vulgarities at the female warrior.

But I noticed something strange.

“Hey, skinhead!”

“Who? Is it me you’re calling skinhead, young man?”

”There’s no one with a skinhead hairstyle than you here, you baldy!”

“What’s up with you now? And you’re still not done pissing?”

“Sorry, my tank is just huge. Aside from that, I want to give you some advice.”


“Yeah. You better run away now or turn yourselves in while it’s still early.”

“What? Why?”

“Can’t you see the armor she’s wearing? As skimpy as it looks, no ordinary person can use that armor. You guys are no match for her. So it’s better if you run away before you get hurt.”

“Why would we give up over a damn armor? Also, why are you worried about us if you’re on the side of the one getting robbed?”

“I’m saying this out of the kindness of my heart. People who wield justice like that can be unforgiving. So much that even I’ll feel sorry for you, even if you are bandits.”

“Nice try, young man, but you can’t fool us. After all, if you really believed that she could take us down, you would have opted to shut your mouth.”

“Yeah! You underestimate us too much, merchant! Let’s go teach this woman a lesson!”

“ “ “Ooh!!!” ” ”

As if to support the skinhead leader’s words, the screams of the bandits went up. Then, in only a split second, half of the screaming bandits fell down under the feet of the female warrior.

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