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Commemorative Short Stories for the E-book release of Volume 3 of Osiris Bunko Edition and Volume 1 of Beginning Novels Edition of the Novel

A Certain Mixer of Decades Past

“Hey, now, you’re late!”

“Ahaha. Sorry about that. It’s just that our circle was…”

In the tatami room of an izakaya(Japanese-style pub), a dozen or so men and women were drinking sake and making a lot of noise.[1]

It was a “mixer”. Basically, a blind date in groups conducted like a party to reduce the awkwardness of the place.

I was invited to this party that day, but I arrived an hour late because I had to cover a shift at my part-time job.

And because I was late, the people there were already mingling with a partner, which made me feel a bit alienated.

Well, I don’t really care because I was told there would be free food.

While I was sipping a cup of oolong tea and eating a reasonably tasty meal at a corner table, a woman arrived even later than me.

This girl had a… unique fashion sense, wearing a red tracksuit to a blind date party.

By the way, I’m drinking real oolong tea, not of the flammable kind. But since it was served in a tall glass used in Shochu Hai(Shochu Highball), it must have looked like Oolong Hai(Oolong Highball) to the onlookers.[2]

I don’t like to drink much, but it would be awkward if I stood out for not drinking at a party like this.

“But you know, do you really have to go in a tracksuit?”

“Ahahaha. Sorry. I just don’t have time to change”.

In the other corner, the female members of the group were scolding the girl in the tracksuit for being late.

Their tones were joking, but their eyes seemed full of contempt, and the girl in the red tracksuit probably knew it too.

I see. The red tracksuit was not part of her fashion sense. It’s just that she didn’t have time to change.

The girl in the red tracksuit smiled apologetically, but even from a distance, that smile looked a little painful.

“Hey. What do you do in your circle?”

Because she was so conspicuous, the men in the mixer began to hang around the red tracksuit girl.

“Ah… ehhm…”

“She’s amazing, this girl. She does archery!”

The girl with the long black hair, who had been harassing the girl in the red tracksuit for a while, replied as if to interrupt her.

The girl was wearing natural make-up and a pastel one-piece dress that I thought was a little too bland, but she seemed to be popular with the guys.

In fact, the seats around this dark-haired girl had been buzzing for a while.

It was as if she was the center of the group.

“She’s got these fingers, and her arm muscles are pretty good too. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?”

“H-hey, wait…”

The long black-haired girl took the hand of the red tracksuit girl, who was confused and showed it to the men almost by force, and the men who saw it were impressed.

But they seemed to pull back a little.

In response, the girl in the red tracksuit smiled amiably. But I saw her look down for a moment.

And it seems I’m the only one who noticed that slight reaction.

This long black-haired girl… did she do this to assert her dominance over this girl?

I didn’t know that friendships between girls could sink so low.

Is she even a friend?

“This fried chicken is good…”

Somehow I couldn’t stand the coldness I was witnessing, so I grabbed a piece of fried chicken that was still slightly warm and chewed on it.


“Um, is this seat taken?”

As I munched on my new order of Dashimaki Tamago, a voice called out to me from above.

Dashimaki Tamago (Japanese Rolled Omelette)

I looked up to see the girl in the red tracksuit standing there with a beer mug in her hand.

“Um, no. Here.”

I moved slightly to the side, and she sat down in the open space.

“Thanks. Hey, can I have that?”

She pointed to the dashimaki tamago dish, about a third of the plate I had already eaten.

I’ve already eaten most of it, but if you want…”

“Ahaha, don’t worry. I’m not the type to make a fuss about such things.”

As if to prove that her words were true, she cut up the dashimaki tamago with chopsticks and brought the cut up to her mouth.

Wait. She’s taken almost all the rest!

Well, it’s free, so I don’t really mind.

“Mmm… yummy…!”

Oooh. So she can make a cute face now and then.

“I hear you’re into archery. Is that true?”

“Oh. Yeah…”

Her expression clouded slightly as if she remembered what had happened a while ago.

I pretended not to notice and imitated holding a bow in the direction away from me.

“So you’re an [Archer], huh? I think it’s pretty cool.”


“Even your tracksuit is red.”[3]

At this point, I heard the voice next to me giggle.

“Well, it’s not like my bones are made up of swords, though.”[3]



I thought it was a reference that girls would never get…

I mean, why are you surprised? No, I understand that it’s a good answer, but how did she know that in the first place? The original reference is an eroge, you know?[4]

No, wait. I heard that it has already been released without the erotic scenes. Maybe that’s where she got it from?

“……pffft, kuku…”

“Fufufu… ahahaha…!”

I thought it was funny how she looked at me blankly for a while, so I burst out laughing.

I guess I made a funny face, too, because she laughed at the same time as I did.

We exchanged laughs for a while.

They were small giggles, easily drowned out by the bustle of the izakaya, but even if they weren’t, we didn’t care.

After a few light laughs, the party came to an end, and the remaining Dashimaki Tamago ran out.

“I’m still hungry! It feels like I haven’t eaten at all!”

There was another ‘get to know each other’ party afterward, but I declined as I had no one to socialize with, and soon I was the only one left in the pub.

Well, not really, as the red tracksuit girl from earlier was still with me.

She was red-faced and a little shaky, probably from pouring beer on her empty stomach before trying the food.

I only had one beer and then oolong tea, so I was completely sober.

“Then how about we go to that diner over there? My treat.”

I said these words to the red tracksuit girl out of the blue.

But inside, I couldn’t help but be surprised.

After the Dashimaki Tamago scene, we didn’t talk much. In the first place, I kept quiet because I’m not good with women, but strangely enough, I was able to say those words of familiarity to her.

Perhaps she was not the girlish type that I thought she was?

But when you look at her more closely, she’s also kind of cute…

“Really? Then let’s go.”

While I was thinking, “what if she says no?” and preparing myself for a rejection, I got a positive answer and was immediately relieved.

“Oh, yes. Give me your phone number.”

She took her mobile phone out of her tracksuit pocket, and I gave her my number. Soon my mobile rang with a call.

“What’s your name?”

“Come to think of it, I haven’t introduced myself yet. It’s Todou. Todou Yoichi.”

“So Todou Yoichi it is. By the way, I’m Karin. Motomiya Karin.”

At that moment, I felt my heart skip a beat at the sight of her smiling and saying her name.

The Two of them After…

“Huh? Aren’t you Mr. Todou?”

One day, about half a month after the mixer party, I was on duty at the convenience store where I worked when I was suddenly approached by a customer.

She was dressed simply in a grey hooded sweatshirt and jeans, but even so, I felt a sense of familiarity with her.

“Ah, Ms. Motomiya, right?”

“Un. So you work here…”

“Well, yes. By the way, you’re not wearing your red tracksuit today?”

“No! And why do you sound like the red tracksuit is my everyday clothes? I really didn’t have anything else to wear at the time!”

As if remembering the embarrassing moment when they first met, Motomiya’s mouth fell open, and her cheeks blushed slightly.

Well, I have no other memories of her. After all, we only had dinner at that family restaurant that day after the izakaya, and nothing happened after that.

By the time we finished eating, Motomiya had sobered up somewhat, so I dropped her off at the station, and we parted ways.

Yes, we exchanged contact information, but neither of us really contacted the other after that.

“I come here quite often, so I’m really surprised to see you here, Mr. Todou.”

“My shift is usually late at night. One of the evening staff suddenly had to take a day off today, so I’m filling in for him.”

“I see. What time do you finish work today?”

“6:00 am.”

“What? It’s only after 7:00. What time do you work?”

“6:00 pm, I think.”

“You work 12 hours a day here?”

“Usually, I start at 10:00 pm, so today is special. Still, it happens two or three times a month.”

“I see. Keep up the good work?”

With that, Motomiya bought some packed lunches and snacks and left.

I don’t know the reason, but seeing her like that made me feel a little happy.


“Yawn… Finally it’s over…”

I finished my part-time job at 6:00 am and left the shop around 6:30 am after fixing some other things.

“Yo. Good job.”

Then Ms. Motomiya, who was outside the store, called out to me.

“Um… why are you here?”

“Mm, morning training?”

She was dressed in jeans and a hoodie this time, similar to last night.

“Although it might be rude of me to say this, shouldn’t you be wearing a tracksuit, especially at this time of day?”

“Well, yes, but it’s not like I’m going to be working out here. I’ll change and do that when I get to the university campus.”

“I see. Wait. Circles have morning practice this early?”

“We usually start around 9:00 am. Well, it is not the circles themselves, but the people who have chosen to practice so early. I happen to be one of them.”

“But it’s only half past six, you know?”

“Aha. So how about having some breakfast before you go home?”


“Or not…? Ah, maybe you’ve eaten one of those packed lunches that are about to expire or have already expired or something?”

Ms. Motomiya assumed this was the case and looked at me with pity.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I was empty-handed.

But what the hell? How did you even get that idea?

“No. We’ll throw those things away right away.”

But in any case, she is right. Or rather, she was right.

Originally, the management would give us packed lunches that had just expired, which is why I chose to work in a convenience store with low hourly wages in the first place. However, due to an idiot who deliberately hid the near-expired lunches in the back of the room to avoid selling them and having them sent out as giveaways, we stopped getting the discarded lunches after that.

But of course, there was no way I could say, “I’m quitting because I can’t get free lunches anymore”, so I’m still working here.

“Ahahaha. That must have been a disaster.”

In the end, I accepted Ms. Motomiya’s invitation to join her for breakfast at a nearby family restaurant.

I said it was a “nearby family restaurant”, but at that place you can eat all the focaccia you want, even in the morning.[5]

“Thanks for going out with me today.”

“Ah, no. It was me who should thank you for inviting me out.”

I was a little nervous about how it would go this time, as Ms. Motomiya is sober now, unlike last time. The last time I was able to keep her company because she was drunk and kept complaining about the party, to which all I did was just nod.

Still, as I had somehow guessed from the Eroge reference that started it all, I found out that Ms. Motomiya and my tastes are quite compatible.

We talked about manga and anime, and time flew.


It was about half a year ago that I met Karin.

After that day, I started having breakfast with her from time to time, and we started borrowing and lending each other books that we enjoy. Naturally, we started keeping in touch.

Before I knew it, we were on a first-name basis and often met outside to go out.

Is that what you call a girlfriend?

I never thought I’d have one of those, but it’s not bad.

“I’m sorry, Karin. I forgot to bring the book I borrowed.”

“That’s all right. You can return it anytime.”

Today we plan to meet again at the station and go shopping.

Our pattern these days has been to wander around random stores, picking up a little something now and then. When we got hungry, we’d eat somewhere and then split up.

“So? How was it?”

“It was interesting. But I never thought I’d be reading novels this time.”

“Well, I was surprised that you haven’t stepped into the world of novels yet, Yoichi.”

“Really? But what I said is true. It never occurred to me to even touch a paperback version of a novel.”

“You said that a lot. “That I only play visual novels,” and so on, even though light novels aren’t much different.”

“Ah, if you put it that way, it is indeed not much of a difference.”

When I was first given a paperback version of the anime I was watching, I wondered what to do with it. But once I started reading it, I found it surprisingly easy to follow.

Considering that eroges are mostly text, I guess it’s not that different.

“But this time, you’re wearing a skirt. That’s unusual.”

“I-Is it?”

Karin is now dressed in a denim jacket and a long skirt, which was, well, normal and simple, but this is probably the first time I have seen her in a skirt instead of denim pants.

“Um, is it weird?”

“No, or rather, it’s fine, I think?”

“I see… un.”

I felt that something was a bit off, but Karin soon got back on track, and we spent the rest of the day as usual, eating dinner together and taking the train to the nearest station to Karin’s house just as the sun was setting.

“Um. I’ll be in touch.”




“Oi, the doors are closing…”

Before I could finish, the train doors closed, and Karin missed her stop.

“――and there it goes.”


This time Karin, who hadn’t answered before, replied in a muffled voice and stared at me.

…what is this?

“Um, can I go to your place?”

“Eh, ah? M-my place?”


“Ah, I don’t mind. But why all of a sudden?”

“Well, you see… that… ah! The book I borrowed…”

“But you said you didn’t mind if I returned it any time…”

I mean, that tone of voice, you just made that up, didn’t you?

“But I suddenly felt the urge to read it! Or is it bad?”

“Ah, no…”

What is this… and why am I so nervous and excited at the same time?


“Ah, you bought this too?”


“This is the one with the extra scenes in the mobile one, right? I want to see it. I want to see it!”

After that little chat as the train doors closed, we had an awkward silence for a while until the train arrived at the station nearest to my place, where the silence was broken when Karin told me she was going to buy drinks and snacks and asked me where the nearest convenience store was.

After that, we’re back to normal.

But hey… aren’t you just coming with me to pick up the book?

Of course, I hid this confusion in my head, but before we knew it, we were watching anime together.

There was no room for chairs or sofas in our small 1K room, so we sat on the mattress and leaned against the wall while watching the CRT, which was quite large for the room.

Karin wanted to concentrate on the anime, so we turned off the lights in the room.

――Or rather, you’re too close…

We were sitting side by side, and I could feel Karin’s body very close to me.

When you think about it, most of the time when we ate together, we sat facing each other, and even though we sat next to each other on the train, I never felt that way.

Maybe it’s because we haven’t sat alone like this since we first met at the mixer party?

But anyway, this is much closer than that time… well, if it’s okay with her, I won’t disturb her.

The problem is… Karin, you told me you wanted to watch anime, right?

Somehow I can see her looking at me from the corner of my eye.

I pretend to watch the anime without noticing, but the scenes don’t enter my head.

All I can hear is the sound of Karin’s breathing, which is getting louder and louder in my head.

Of course, the sound should be lower than the audio from the TV, but all I could hear was her breathing.

I moved my eyes slowly. Nervously. Then,

――Our eyes met.

I only wanted to look at Karin, but our eyes met.

And once our eyes met, I couldn’t look away.

Karin also stared at me without changing her expression.

How much time had passed?

A few seconds? A dozen seconds? More?

Anyway, we stared at each other for a while, and then Karin suddenly closed her eyes.

And her chin seemed to go up without a thought.

Now that I’ve come this far, I have no choice but to continue.

I put my hands on Karin’s shoulders and held her close, bringing our faces closer together.

Then… I kissed her.

Karin accepted my lips without any resistance.

The touch of her lips was warm and soft.

Still, it was my first kiss, so there wasn’t much movement.

After a while of just lapping our lips, I pulled away from her.

“……amu… chuu…”

But before I could let go, Karin wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me, placing her lips on mine with the same force.


From there, our tongues intertwined.

“Nunchuru… mlem…”

I was taken aback, but there was no way I was going to back down now.

Since it was embarrassing to let her take the lead, I also stuck out my tongue and began to play aggressively with Karin’s mouth.

――or rather, is it okay to go further than that?

As our tongues intertwined, I felt more and more excited, and before I knew it, I had touched Karin’s breasts through her clothes.

By the way, when we entered the room, she had taken off her denim jacket and was now wearing her loose-fitting blouse underneath.

“Mmm! Mmmm… churu…”

When I put my hands on her breasts, Karin’s body tensed for a moment, but she soon resumed the kiss.

I didn’t know that tits could be so soft.

I enjoyed her softness, which I could feel with both hands even when she was still wrapped in a bra.

I thought about stopping as soon as possible if she didn’t like it, but I didn’t sense any rejection from Karin.

In fact, our kissing seemed to have become even more intense since I started fondling her breasts.

If she didn’t mind, I had no choice but to continue.

I put my hand on the button of her blouse, thinking that I would not be able to stop myself.

Karin was still licking my mouth as intensely as ever, but she must have noticed my intention because she pulled her upper body back a little to make it easier for me to unbutton her blouse.

One by one, the buttons were undone.

Then I opened Karin’s blouse.

She was not wearing any underwear underneath, so her twin peaks, covered by a grey bra, were immediately revealed.

The bra was a simple one with lace.

The moment the front of the blouse was opened, Karin’s tongue stopped moving, but it wasn’t long before it started again.

However, her tongue movements were now a little more jerky than before.

I slipped my hand into the open part of her blouse, went behind her back, and unhooked her bra.

It was the first time I had done this, but the hook came off surprisingly easily, and her breasts, now free of the restraints, swayed.

I put my hand through the gap in the bra that covered her breasts as they hung from the shoulder straps.


My hand touched her breast, and Karin’s body trembled at the same time. Our long and intense kiss ended there.


It was the first time I’d touched a woman’s tits, and they were so soft.

“Nnnn… hmmm… fuuh…”

I continued to gently massage these soft sources of warmth, which also gave back just the right amount of elasticity.

Karin sometimes shivered and gasped for breath. But she showed no sign of resistance.

So I continued to cradle her breasts, this time with more force.

Perhaps sensing my intention, Karin also lay on her back as if prompted by my pressing.

I covered her with my body, and this time I completely removed her half-open blouse.

“Ah… no…”

Karin looked away shyly.

Looking down at Karin’s limbs illuminated by the glaring color of the CRT TV, I pushed up her bra, which was halfway over her breasts.

Karin’s breasts were completely exposed.

They were not very large, but they were well-shaped.

I put my hands on both breasts and squeezed them gently.

“Nnn… Nfuuh…”

Karin looked away shyly, but she still did not resist.

So I became bolder.

I moved my face close to one of her breasts and, without warning, gently sucked on one of the erect nipples.


Karin’s body jerked.

But I continued, sucking the tit even more and rolling the nipple on my tongue as well.

“Nnnh!! No, that’s…! Hyaah!!”

This time Karin’s body jerked and bounced with every flick of my tongue.

Still, I licked each nipple in turn.

Then I reached for her skirt.

With my hand on the hem, I pulled up the fabric of her long skirt and lifted it.

And without hesitation, I touched Karin’s crotch.


Karin’s body bounced up and down again, a little differently than when her nipples were licked.

I also noticed that my fingers on her panties were quickly smeared with love juices as soon as I touched them.

I stroked the center of the fabric with the tip of my finger.

“Ahahaa… nooo…”

And like her earlier reaction, Karin trembled with every movement of my fingers.

I continued to pleasure her in this way for a while.

Soon Karin’s panties were soaking wet.

I moved her panties to the side.

This time I put my finger right in and touched her wet membranes underneath.


The first time I touched it, it was soft, wet, and hot, like it was melting.

The wet membranes covered with love juice were also sticky, and they easily got entangled with my finger.


Every small movement made a nasty watery sound, and Karin trembled a little, her body stiffening.

――With this, it’s okay now, I think?

My rod has been taut for some time now.

Thinking this was the right moment, I stood up, moved away from Karin, and fished around on my bedside table for something.

――There it is!

When I was first invited to this mixer party, I was told to buy it, but I never got a chance to use it.

I opened the box, took out one of the contents, unbuckled my trouser belt, and took it off, along with my underwear.

A hardened penis appeared, with a transparent string dripping from its tip.

“Ah… hau…”

I could hear Karin’s breathing for a moment.

I looked at her, and our eyes met, but she quickly looked away.

As expected, she must have realized my intentions, even anticipated them, because she remained in the same position, her bra and panties shifting, leaving her half-exposed breasts and precious part fully exposed.

I opened the bag and put the rubber over my sore penis.

Then I went back to Karin, put my hand on her panties, and pulled them down.

She accepted the action without any resistance.

――This is…

The irregular light from the cathode ray tube combined with the fluorescent light obscured the color, but I could still make out the glistening shape.

“Please don’t stare at it…”

Karin said shyly, but she did not close her legs.

I wanted to look at it for a bit longer, but the penis between my legs prevented me from doing so.

I put the tip of the rubber-wrapped glans against the wriggling wet lining and into the crack.

――It’s warm.

My brain felt like it was melting from the heat passing through the contraceptive.

I pushed my hips forward a little more.


When the tip was buried in the wet opening, Karin gasped weakly.


I felt a tug in the middle, but I continued to penetrate Karin.

At that moment, her body stiffened, and she screamed.


With this voice, I regained the rationality I had lost.

But Karin just smiled awkwardly at me when I called out to her.

“Nn, it’s okay… mmhh… feel free to move around as you like…….”

Karin, who replied awkwardly, was very sweet in her tone, and I felt my heart being squeezed tightly against my chest.

At the same time, my crotch became bloodshot, and I realized that I was losing my mind again.



I apologized to Karin in my mind, taking her lips to cover my guilt.

I knew that moving would hurt her, but there was no way I could stay still like this.

“Nnnn… nchu…… nnghhhhh! Hmph… mlem…”

I moved my hips back and forth as I kissed Karin’s mouth.

As if to escape the pain caused by this movement, Karin moved her tongue, too, violently as she clung tightly to me with her arms around my back.

Soon the occasional gasp that was short of a scream, the rubbing of her wet insides against my dick, and the pressure of her arms around my back compensated for the guilt I felt along with the need to apologize.

“Nhaa… ahhh, ahhh…”

Finally, Karin’s voice softened.

At the same time, I, too, had reached my limit.

Karin… I’m already…”

“It’s okay… come whenever you want…”

Splort! My pole pulsed loudly, signaling the start of my release.

First, it spurted a little cum, then it throbbed hard inside Karin’s flesh walls as they sealed my penis tightly.

“Haaa… haaa… sorry, my penis just wouldn’t stop…”

“Nnn… fuuh… like I said, it’s fine, so… ….”

The smile on Karin’s face, with tears in the corners of her eyes, was much softer than it had been immediately after the penetration.

“By the way, Yoichi. Did it feel good?”

Although she had a smile on her lips, Karin asked this anxiously.

“Yes, very much.”

“I see. That’s good…”

“And you, Karin? Are you okay over there?”

“Okay, where?”

“I mean, does it still hurt?”

“Well, a bit…”


I tried to pull my slightly squeezed flesh out as I heard her reply, but for some reason, Karin prevented me from doing so by wrapping her legs around my waist.


“Mfufufu… Honestly, I wasn’t sure if it felt good, but I didn’t mind the feeling of Yoichi inserting himself into me. So… can we stay like this for a while?”

Hearing these words, I involuntarily hugged Karin again.

And just like before, we put our lips together and kissed for a while.


“Hey, what do you think?”

“But it’s a bit expensive, don’t you think?”

A few days later, I was looking at the computer screen with Karin, who had come to stay in my room.

The screen showed different types of mattresses.

As for why we’re looking for a new one, well, the mattress we had sex on was stained by the blood of Karin’s deflowering, rendering it useless, so now we’re browsing online shops to buy a new one.

“Most of my income from my part-time job will be gone after this.”

“Then I’ll pay for half of it.”

“No, that’s…”

Thinking about how I should refuse the offer out of pride, I turned to Karin, only for our eyes to meet again.

“After all, we’re both going to be using it from now on, so why not?”

Kuh… that’s just foul play!

“Sigh… it can’t be helped. If you insist…”

“…you say that, but your lips are smiling, Yoichi.”

“Oh, shut up.”


And so our relationship began.

We parted ways a few years later and then met again a little over a decade later, but that’s another story.

Translator Notes:

[1]. An Izakaya. While most of these ‘sake dine-in/take-outs’ in cities have chairs, there are still some traditional ones where you have to kneel on tatami mats and eat at low tables in seiza, and most of these are found in rural areas.↰


[2]. Flammable Grand Blue Anime Oolong tea reference. 10% Whiskey. 90% Vodka. 100% Flammable.↰


For those who are curious, here are the rest of the drinks Yoichi is talking about:

This is Oolong Hai (OOLONG tea HIghball, which is like ice, 2oz Shochu and 3 oz Oolong tea served in a Highball Glass, but ratios may also vary)

This is Shochu Hai, also known as Chu Hai (shoCHU HIghball, which is ice, 2oz Shochu, 1 oz Fresh Yuzu juice (which looks like lemon), 4 oz Chilled soda water, and a slice of Yuzu lemon served in a Highball Glass, though ratios may also vary).



[3]. The Red tracksuit complementing the Archer [class] is a reference to the classic Fate Stay/Night, where two of the Archer Classes over there are wearing red. These are Rin Tohsaka and her servant EMIYA.↰

“I am the Bone of My Sword” is another Fate Stay/Night Reference. It is the very first line of the incantation of Shirou Emiya and EMIYA to unleash UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS. And yes, they are ARCHERS.

[4]. Eroge. “EROtic GamEs”. This is a Japanese genre of erotic video game. It’s like HuniePop but without the game part. Or rather, it’s more of a visual novel (because it exactly is one.) And for it to be an “eroge,” it MUST have sexual intercourse in it.↰

[5]. The restaurant Yoichi is talking about here is probably Kamakura Pasta, which is a restaurant that serves Italian pasta along with all-you-can-eat bread, not just focaccia.↰



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How I met (one of) your mother(s). hope this novel has one or two after story chaps with their lives a few years later. i love that kind of finale/end and it'd fit really well in this novel...