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Newly Written Short Story (LN Exclusive) – Start of the Day-Off

A month has passed since Lucy defeated Marquis Krall and became the Marchioness of Krasland.

The castle is being restored, and the military police, the executive branch, and other institutions are beginning to operate under the new system.

There is still a lot of work to be done, but… at last, I now have the time to take a day off.

“Or rather, what are you guys doing in my room so early in the morning?”

Planning to idle around, enjoying the fact that I have no plans for the first time in a while, when I was woken up by a noise.

I lifted my eyelids, which were still heavy, to check the situation in front of me, and the words I spontaneously uttered were the ones I had just seen.

A sofa and table in the living room, which is connected to the bedroom.

This is the view of my private room in the castle.

Lucy, Anastasia, and Tilda are sitting facing each other at the table, drinking tea.

“Oh, did that wake you up? Either way, that’s good.”

Anastasia, noticing that I had woken up, came over to me.

“Since it’s also our day off, why don’t the four of us use this to have a good time?”

With that, she got on the bed and kissed me.

I have just gotten out of the bed, so my lips are slightly dry. But they were moistened by her lush lips.

“You’ve been planning to do that from the beginning, aren’t you? Well, it’s not like it’s bad, but…”

Playing with beautiful women so early in the morning is the height of indolence, but I feel like I’ve been working a little too hard lately, so I think this is well-deserved.

It’s better than being on the battlefield, but office work is still tiring.

And then, straight from the kiss, Anastasia almost pushed me down, but someone stopped her.

“Anastasia, you can’t just run off like that.”

“Ah, what are you doing!?”

“I thought we agreed that ‘the four of us’ would have fun today.”

Before I realized it, Tilda pulled Anastasia off me from behind while she still had her hands on my body.

Anastasia seemed a little perturbed, but she did not resist.

Well, even if she did, Tilda’s physical abilities could still better her, even if she enhanced herself with her magic.

As I watched them frolic, I was offered a glass of chilled water from the side.

“Here. I thought you might be thirsty.”

“Thank you, Lucy. As always, you’re so thoughtful.”

I accepted the glass, thanked her, and drank all of its contents before putting the glass down.

“Once you finish your drink, please go to the bathroom and wash your face. I will prepare a light breakfast for you.”

“Oh, okay.”

I handed the glass back to Lucy, and as I was told, I went to the washroom.

After washing my face, I headed for the living room.

Lucy had already prepared bread and milk for me, so I ate them.

“Thank you for the food. As expected, it tastes best fresh off the oven.”

The maids and cooks at the castle were rehired from Marquis Krall’s time.

Each time, I would be impressed by the taste of the food here, which had a wide gap compared to the food when I was at the military barracks.

When Lucy saw that I had finished my breakfast, she spoke to me as if to make a suggestion.

“Uhm, Yuushin…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Actually, I’ve been practicing cooking lately. If you like, would you like to try it sometime?”

That’s new.

I mean, she must be busy with all the marchioness stuff, but to think Lucy is doing that kind of thing too, she’s incredible.

“Of course. I could eat a bucketful of Lucy’s cooking.”

“Fufufu. It’s very rewarding to hear you say that. I’m having the head chef teach me how to do it, so look forward to it, okay?”

Lucy smiles happily.

Recently, she has been taking care of me like this, and it’s like she’s a new wife.

Those close to us think of us as a couple, and Lucy herself is happy to be thought of as such.

I think it made her feel that she was closer to me than any other woman.

Of course, she doesn’t show it when she is on duty as the Lord of Krasland.

“Have you finally come to your senses?”

After breakfast was over, Anastasia appeared again.

I’m not sure whether she’s a hedonist or she just lacks moderation…

For what it’s worth, though, I’m glad to see that there’s no sign of her fishing for another man.

“Yeah. Sorry to keep you waiting. I just need a little warm-up after this.”

With that, I got up and headed toward the bedroom.

But there, I saw Tilda, already waiting for me on the bed.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Yuushin. Come.”

She held out her arms and posed as if asking me to come over anytime.

She had stopped Anastasia earlier, but to think she was the one urging me next…

Anastasia, who also came over, sees this and sighs.

“What’s this? And here I thought that you are not interested in this at all, Tilda. I mean, in your religion, isn’t sex supposed to happen after a battle?”

Indeed, in her faith, she said something about having sex to provide a vessel for those believers’ lives lost in battle.

“Our faith does not forbid us to do it on a regular basis. Also…”

She cuts off her words mid-sentence and looks at the spear she has been using, which is propped up in the corner of her bedroom.

“I went out early again today and cleaned up a few stragglers. It’s after the battle, so this still counts.”

In my heart, I want to prod her that what she did was not a battle but extermination.

Well, it still counts, though, and it’s beneficial to us that she was getting the monsters minced by the dozen.

“Okay, enough talk. I can still deal with three people at once, so I’ll leave the entertainment to you.”

It would be a shame to waste our precious day off in this wasteful conversation.

So I urged the girls to go straight to bed right away.

Later, Lucy and Anastasia followed, and soon I was completely surrounded by the three beauties.

“Come, Yuushin. I won’t let you escape from this bed today.”

Lucy, who until a few minutes ago had the air of a prim and proper new wife, at once took on a lewd atmosphere.

Being touched by the sex appeal of the three, my mood easily rose.

“So, who is gonna do who first?”

When I asked that question, the girls looked at each other first, then they started to move.

Anastasia and Tilda took the front, and Lucy went behind me.

“I’ll start by pleasing you with our breasts. We know they’re your favorite.”

“It’s easy to tell by how you’ve been ogling them since we entered the room.”

As soon as they said that, they both crouched before me and uncovered their chests.

The big brown tits, which had always revealed a deep cleavage, and the big white tits, which were always wrapped in a white religious garment, became exposed.

I guess there’s no way around this situation now, not when you’ve got such sexiness being presented to you.

“I can’t help it. Not leering is impossible when you both got such attractive bodies and are always showing them off.”

I mean, it’s very easy to see through their body-hugging clothes.

Hearing my words, Lucy hugs me from behind.

“Then, are you telling me that feeling directly the parts you’re usually unable to see will make you happier, Yuushin?”

As soon as she finished her words, something soft and elastic was pressed against my back.

Needless to say, it must be Lucy’s breasts.

“I can’t afford to lose.”

“Me too…”

The two who saw Lucy’s move also began to press theirs in earnest.

Naturally, I got a hard-on.

“Oh, looks like it’s up now. Let me give you a sandwich.”

With those words, Anastasia pulled out my meat stick without hesitation and started doing a titjob to me.

The soft brown flesh wrapped around the meat rod and massaged it softly.

“How does it feel?”

She asks in a confident, provocative tone.

It’s frustrating, but the pleasantness is true.

When I nodded, she smiled with satisfaction and increased the stimulation.

“No fair, I’ll do it too.”

As if dissatisfied that she was left out, Tilda approached from the opposite side of Anastasia.

She also exposed her soft white flesh and pushed out the big brown tits in front of her.

“Ahhh! Tilda, the tip is rubbing me!”

“Uguh, fuh… that’s because you’re moving it…”

It seems that their sensitive nipples got rubbed against each other as they pressed their breasts against my rod.

It’s great to hear their lovely moans while they’re being messed up by their own soft flesh.

“Oh my gosh, it’s going wild in my chest!”

“I won’t let you escape…”

Anastasia with a happy expression and Tilda with a serious face.

Though with different personalities, the two are timing their movements and squeezing the rod together to give me the most exquisite pleasure.

“Chupu, mmlem… fufufu, I can feel your breaths getting rougher, Yuushin~”

Of course, Lucy is also serving me to make her presence known.

She made me face her direction and pressed her breasts against me as we kissed, then moved further to the side and made her hands slip into my clothes.

“Here, how about this place? Whenever Yuushin touches mine around here, I would feel really good. So I guess you should, too.”

She moved her hands on my chest and played with my nipples.

“It is not fair that I am the only one receiving your love. I’ll make you feel good here, too.”

“Ugh, somehow, this feels weird…”

At first, the sensation was a little ticklish, but whether it was the excitement brought by having my body enveloped by a woman’s flesh all over, my body gradually became more sensitive.

Together with the two in front giving me a double titjob, it gave me a tingling and numbing pleasure.

”We’ll continue to please you like this, so feel free to cum to your chest and their breasts, okay?”

Lucy’s sweet voice seemed to reverberate in my brain.

My excitement was nearing its limit. Tilda and Anastasia, as if sensing this, started to move more violently.

“Come, Yuushin. Dirty our bodies as much as you want.”

“Haaa, mmmh… I’ll squeeze you with my chest until the end, so cum whenever you like…”

With the dedicated service of the three, my limit was soon reached.

As the two pairs of soft flesh clamped down on the hard pole, semen spurted out as if it were being pumped.

The cum spewed outward and stained their chests.

“Wow, it’s so much…”

Tilda tightened her grip on my chest once more, squeezing out the remaining like toothpaste in a tube.

She even ensured all the semen left inside my meat stick was squeezed out, and I was so pleased that my hips almost gave away.

“Fufufu. The first time I did it, it was so thick that I thought it was almost impossible to remove,” Anastasia said, scooping semen from her breasts with her fingers and bringing it to her mouth.

“And it’s still this thick even after a long time. Really, I’ll definitely get pregnant even if it isn’t a dangerous day if I have one of these enter my womb.”

The words were overtly provocative but coupled with the bewitching nature of the person speaking them, so I couldn’t help but react.

But as I was about to get up, Lucy held me back.

“I’ll be next. Please let all that excitement out in me.”

Lucy says this and moves in front of me, tempting me by getting down on all fours.

My hand reached forward on its own as I was shown a secret area already leaking nectar and ready to be used.

“Ahhhn! Please be gentle, okay?”

A hot sigh escaped from Lucy’s mouth as she felt the meat stick pressing against her ass.

But I was even more aroused by the sight and could no longer contain my desire.

“I’m going to put it in. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can do it gently.”

Saying this in apology, I grabbed Lucy’s hips and started plunging my cock into her.

“Hyahhh, ahhh! Yushin’s cock went all the way in!”

The fully-drenched vagina did not reject but smoothly guided me to the depths.

Once the tip was entered, it went nonstop until it reached the deepest part.

Then, when the rod touched the cervix, I felt something as if a switch was flipped in me.

“Ugh, it’s so tight…”

I couldn’t help but squeal at the stimulation that was so intense.

To the point that I was unable to move due to the tightness that was coming from above and below and from right to left.

“Yuushin, what’s wrong? Your hips are stopping.”

At that time, Anastasia and Tilda leaned in from my left and right.

Not only were they rubbing me with their breasts, but they were also wetting my thighs with their own love juices.

“I can’t wait any longer, Yuushin. Comfort me after Lucy.”

Even Tilda, who is usually cool, has started asking for me overtly, causing me to rekindle my arousal.

“Of course. I will make you feel plenty in return for what you just did.”

I put my hands around their waists and held them close. At the same time, I started thrusting Lucy from the rear.

“Haa, aahhhnn! Yuushin is stirring me to my deepest parts!!”

I rubbed the insides of her vagina and kept thrusting into her cervix, gently stimulating walls as I stirred the syrupy contents.

The love juices that had been scraped out spilled onto our feet and made stains on the sheets.

But we no longer care about that, as we’ve gone into a state of excitement.

“Hauuh, ahh, aaaahhh…!!”

“That sounds so dirty, Your Excellency. What if your subjects hear you?”

“N-no one will know that it’s my voice. More than that, please…!!”

Just like that, Lucy didn’t seem to be bothered by this. Or rather, she even asked for me even harder.

“Well, it is certainly a thing they can’t imagine. Tilda, Anastasia, you two as well.”

Upon my call, the two contrasting beauties clung to my body, and I inserted my fingers into their vaginas and stimulated them by stroking inside.

“Auuh, ahhn! Wait, don’t push it over there…!!”

“Haahaaa, uu! Yes, harder, dig it deep!!”

Happy that the girls were feeling good on my caresses, I changed my movements to increase their arousal.

This time, I increased the number of fingers I inserted and pushed them deeper.

It would not be as good as real sex, but it should be pleasurable enough.

“I’ll make you cum as much as you want as a thank you for what you just did.”

I want to give the girls more pleasure than they have given me.

As I continued to caress them with this in mind, their body movements slowed as if they were gradually approaching climax.

As if the sensation was invading them, they felt a shuddering movement from the core of their bodies.

And it was the same for Lucy, whom I had been violating since earlier.

“Lucy, you’ve been tightening up since a while ago. Are you getting close to your limit?”

She nodded when I asked her, still thrusting deep into her body.

“Ahhh, nhuuu!! That’s right, I can’t take it anymore! That’s why Yuushin, let us cum together! Please!!”

“Of course. I’ll cum along with you.”

Lucy, who could no longer restrain herself, followed her instincts and pushed her hips against me.

She made even more lewd noises as I moved my hips in time with her movements.

Her vagina also continued to intermittently squeeze tightly, and it was clear that she was one step away from climaxing.

I pulled back once and slammed into her ass as hard as I could, hoping for her to arrive at the last step.

“Ahaaaaaaaahh!? Hiaaaaaahh, cumming, I’m cummmiiinnngggg!!”

“Yes, cum. You guys, cum with us too!”

Following Lucy, who went rigid all over, I made Tilda and Anastasia climax as well.

“Akuuh! Nnhh, haaa, uaaahhh!!”

“Aaahh, I’m cummiiingg, I’m going to cumm!! Hyaaauuuuhhhh!”

The three beautiful women climaxed simultaneously.

I could feel their excitement all at once, and I couldn’t resist thrusting deep inside once more.

I poured my seed inside Lucy.

To the point that not even a drop was left, and ensuring all of it was caught by her womb.

Then I pulled out.

“Oooh, aahhhh…”

As for Lucy, she accepted my seed while her whole body was shaking.

Then, she collapsed onto the bed as if she had run out of strength when I pulled my cock.

“M-me too…”

“W-wait. At least make me rest a bit…”

Tilda and Anastasia also fell on the bed, breathing hard as if they had just had a marathon.

I wiped my hands, which had turned into a sloppy mess from the fingering, with a towel as I watched the spectacle of the beauties lying side by side and panting before me.

The day has just begun, and it is not even noon yet.

Even if we take a short break at this point, we will still have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves.

I stood up, thinking I should first get the three of them something to drink. But then a voice called out to me from behind.


What is it?”

When I turned around, I saw that Lucy, who had been lying on her stomach, was getting up.

“Today is a dangerous day for all the three of us.”


Then she continued as if enjoying my puzzled expression at her words.

“So we won’t let you step out of your room until at least the date changes. Be prepared, okay?”

Lucy’s eyes, as she said this, were filled with more lust and obsession than I have ever seen in my life.

I was only planning to have a blissful day off, but before I realized, it had become something more.

Not only that, but with Tilda and Anastasia cooperating, it had already become impossible to escape.

“I see. I guess I’ll have to bear the brunt of this lustful harem from hereon. From now and forever.”

“ “ “Yes.” ” ”


 I am Narita Harem King.

Hi. It’s been a while. Well, that is if you have been reading this since the first volume.

As you can see, this time, I published another volume of “When I was Transferred to Another World, I Became the Adjutant of a Lady Commander and Beared the Brunt of a Lustful Harem! ~From a Safe Place, Let’s Rise to Greatness! While at it, have Wonderful Sex with Beautiful Women from Another World as Well!~.

This is the second volume of the series.

This second volume contains the conclusion of the story, so to sum up, this is the final volume of the series.

It is thanks to all of you who have supported us that I have been able to successfully publish this work until the end.

Thank you very much.

Now, let me move on to the contents of the book.

I hope those who have not read the book yet (especially the first volume) can turn back to it at this point, as the following texts will be a little spoilerific.

In the first volume, Yuushin is thrown naked into another world, but he is able to find a place in the monster-infested world by taking advantage of Lucy.

And with the addition of heroines Tilda and Anastasia, he managed to somewhat improve his position and ensure his safety.

But then Marquis Krall, the ruler of the city, came into the picture.

Yuushin thought he might be able to take advantage of the fact that he was Lucy’s uncle, but after meeting him in person, he realized that he was not easy to deal with.

This book’s goal in the second volume is to defeat the Marquis and take absolute control of the city.

Of course, there will be several highlights in addition to the power struggle, including interaction with the new heroines, battles with monsters, and finally, the coup of a lifetime.

One of the new heroines is the noble girl Krone, who has already appeared in the first volume.

She is a typical high-pride young lady, and she shows this characteristic even more in the second volume.

Next are the sister characters, an older sister and a younger sister.

Milena, the firm and capable commander-type older sister, and Florencia, the lively and highly combat-type younger sister.

These two will stand before Yuushin and Lucy as the Count’s subordinates.

Of course, I have also included a bed scene with the two sisters, and I hope you will enjoy it.

Now, I would like to move on to acknowledging everyone who helped us with the book adaptation.

I would like to thank the people in charge of the book for all the advice they gave me in making the book possible.

I am always grateful for your help correcting phrases and other expressions to make them easier to understand and more accurate.

I am sorry for the nuisance I have put on you, but either way, it really improved my work.

Thank you very much to the illustrator, Harusame Borori, for drawing many beautiful illustrations for this second volume of the book.

I was thrilled to see Krone’s haughty expression, illustrations that clearly show the different personalities of the sisters, and of course, the sensual illustrations that would inevitably excite the readers.

Thank you so much for the numerous illustrations you have done over the course of the series.

And now to everyone who has picked up this book.

It is thanks to your support that we are able to complete the book to its conclusion.

Thank you very much.

It doesn’t matter if this is the first time you have read my work. I just hope you like it as you read it.

I am sure there are still many areas where I am not up to par, but I will continue to devote myself to the task and look forward to your continued support.

January-February 2017

Narita Harem King

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