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Chapter 7 – The Siege

Around that time when the sun was just beginning to appear and illuminate the entire city.

Currently, we were encamped at the front gate of the marquis’s castle.

It would have been more reasonable to occupy the buildings in the area, but we chose this way to appear more considerate to the people.

Because after the coup is over, it will be us who will rule this city.

“Commander Finlay, we have received some information from our collaborators.”

I unfolded the letter I had just received from the man who claimed to be Milena’s confidant.

The letter contained a detailed map of the castle’s military strength and who was in command of each unit.

All of this information came from Milena, our spy.

“…amazing. With this much information, the enemy is as good as naked to us.”

“Yes, and it seems that Milena is also planning to set fire to the stables and cause a commotion. We should use this to our advantage to position the siege weapon we have captured, and attack them all at once.”

The allies who joined us at the marquis’s castle numbered 1,000. Together with ours, they numbered 1,400 men.

To this were added three giant ballistae and one battering ram taken from the raided armory.

“Have all troops prepare to attack. The smoke from inside the castle will rise soon. Use that as a signal.”

“Understood, commander. You there, inform the commanders of the units to prepare for the attack!”

After that, the messengers were scattered to tell the units to hurry up and get ready.

Seeing our troops beginning to move, the enemy troops on the ramparts also began to stir.

After all the troops had been deployed, we waited for the smoke to rise.

At that moment, we saw white smoke rising from inside the castle. Soon it turned gray and then black.

“Commander Finlay!”

“I know! Let’s go, Yuushin! All units begin to attack!”

At the commander’s order, the entire force began its assault.

They were in the range of the enemy’s bows, but there was still nothing coming at us. The other side seems to be panicking because of the sudden fire.

“All right, let’s keep charging! Anastasia, Krone, I’ll leave the covering fire to you!”

We then moved forward, leaving the two behind us.

“You can count on us! Well, Little Miss Krone, the ballistae, if you please.”

“Stop calling me little miss! Ballistae Unit, the targets are the enemy soldiers on the ramparts. Fire at will!”

Anastasia’s magic and the ballistae’s arrows flew over our heads and landed on the gate.

The enemy soldiers, who were finally about to ready their bows, ducked their heads again under the attacks.

“We’re going to break through the center like this! All units, move with haste! Do it while our allies can still unleash hell on the enemy soldiers in the ramparts!”

Lucy preserved the highly skilled 1st Unit and let the 2nd Unit advance to the front of the line.

Soon, the soldiers with the battering ram reached the gate, and what came next was the huge construct getting hammered.

The front gate, with its gorgeous design, soon became distorted, making a creaking sound each time the ram struck.

“Commander Finlay, the gates are opening!”

“Good! We’ll charge in as soon as they are fully open and make a breakthrough. Tell the 2nd Unit to move in as soon as we breach!”

After a while, the drawbars, the huge bars that kept the gate locked, broke, and the gates flew open, and the 2nd Unit, together with the battering ram, entered the castle rushing.

Beyond that, however, soldiers under the direct command of the marquis were waiting in formation.

When the gates were breached, they took advantage of the opportunity to launch a barrage of arrows and sling attacks.

In that instant, the 2nd Unit that was about to invade suffered heavy losses of several dozen people.

“Commander Finlay, the 2nd Unit was ambushed and suffered heavy casualties, ma’am.”

Upon receiving the report, I told Lucy, who had already finished preparing for the invasion with the 1st and 4th units.

“Make the 2nd Unit fall back. Then, have the 3rd Unit in reserves put up their shields to prevent attacks from the front and left. The remaining 1st and 4th units will crush the enemy on the right side at once.”


Immediately after she says this, a huge explosion occurs on the lower side of the west wall.

When I looked, I saw that a part of the wall had been gouged out in a semicircle shape.

It must be Anastasia’s magic. Immediately after that, the person in question joins us from behind, accompanied by Krone.

“Haaa, fuuh… hahaha. I think I may have overdone it a little.”

She says this as she joins us, out of breath.

The power is reminiscent of the magic attack of the lich we have defeated.

This will further disorient the enemy soldiers on the ramparts, making it even more difficult to defend the gate.

“Now is an opportune time. Now that the walls on both sides are breached, we’ll charge into these openings and cover the 2nd Unit as they retreat!”

Lucy gave the order, and two units of soldiers rushed forward at once.

Thanks to the bombardments, there was almost no interception from the walls, which we had been wary of.

“2nd Unit, make way for the center!”

Lucy gives orders to her men, who are fighting to the death in front of her.

At the sound of her voice, the vassal in command of the unit turned around.

“All troops, clear the way! Commander Lucy is coming through. You’ll get run over if you don’t get out of the way!”

With his shouted order, the road opened.

The enemy troop was advancing, but we were moving faster than them.

“All of the 3rd Unit, hold your shields! The rest of you charge! We will kick the enemy out and break through all the way to the main entrance of the castle!”

As soon as the words were finished, our allies readied their shields, and we charged in as if protected by them.

The moment we came in contact with the enemy, our momentum dropped, but it did the rest, smashing through their ranks.

“We have broken through! Now, all we need is to get into the enemy’s rear and finish them in one fell swoop!”

“Make the 4th Unit who has broken through continue the assaults to the enemy’s rear, and while at it, have them make a pincer attack with the 3rd Unit! The rest of you follow me!”

Apparently, Krone is also excited by the war between humans, which she is experiencing personally for the first time.

I asked the soldiers nearby to escort her so she wouldn’t run off on her own like the last time, then I followed Lucy.

We weren’t riding a horse this time because we knew it would be a tight indoor battle.

Because of the chaos, we couldn’t see clearly what was happening around us, but we managed to navigate through our target thanks to Milena’s reconnaissance.

The team moved straight toward the enemy’s main camp, which could be seen ahead.

“We’re almost there… damn. The last wall is thick.”

Why did I say that? It’s because the last unit to stand in the way of the main castle was familiar to me.

The Zaintert sisters’ heavy infantry unit.

They are clad in thick armor, and no matter how many times they have fought in the past, they will not be broken through that easily, even if they are the 1st Unit… or so that’s what I think.

Just as we feared that our momentum would be killed by these walking walls, a spear came flying from behind us with a whistling sound.

The projectile pierced the enemy who was standing in the center and even penetrated the soldiers who were right behind him.

Looking closely, you can see that the projectile was a huge iron bolt, probably from a ballista.

It seems that some of the ballista’s arrows had penetrated the castle walls and reached inside.

…or so, that’s what I thought. Again.

“I found something good, so I went to get it.”

With these words, Tilda appeared, the first to enter the battle.

Her white costume was stained with blood, but she did not appear wounded.

Looks like she was the one who threw the ballista bolt.

What a tremendous strength.

“Tilda, thank you. Can you do one more job for me?”

“Of course. I always welcome those people who fight on the side of justice.”

The strongest warrior of the pagans, who are martyred in battle, once again stands at the head of us.

Seeing her charging figure, the Herderites in the unit were also roused by it, and just like that, they slaughtered the heavily-armed infantry in front of them as if their armor didn’t matter.

I shuddered at the sight of this frenzied fighting I had not seen in a long time since the “Goblin General” incident.

“The enemy has collapsed. We’re going into the main camp!”

Utilizing on the breakthrough made by Tilda and the others, we finally arrived at the main citadel where the marquis was.

The 4th Unit stood before us, replacing the heavily exhausted 1st Unit.

We broke through the main entrance and entered the castle hall.

Then, at the top of the stairs at the back of the hall, we saw something.

It was a huge man standing in a dignified manner.

“You have done well to reach this place, you rebels. But your march ends here.”

The strong-looking man, who had even a bigger presence than the mighty Herderites, drew his sword.

At the same time, about a hundred fully armed soldiers appeared from the door leading to the entrance.

The man took lead, pointing his raised sword at us. Then he spoke again.

“For I, Count Luke Krall, will crush your puny coup today!”

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