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Chapter 1 – Protectors of the Regime

A week has passed since Milena became a real spy, and from there, Lucy and the Marquis’ camps have been tense, waiting to see how their opponents will move.

However, compared to Lucy’s camp, which was relatively calm, Marquis Krall’s remained on their guard.

Even after her allegations were dismissed, he continued to have his suspicions about Milena, but ironically, this would be dissolved by Lacy’s insistence to incarcerate her sister each time. Now, it was on the level where she could also listen to the crucial meetings, though not actively participating.

Just like now.

“The atmosphere in the camp is not good. If I were Lucy, I would take this opportunity to attack. But they are not, which is their big mistake. In that case, we will use this chance to take action before they devise a plan to attack us.”

The one who said this with a stern face was none other than Marquis Krall.

He is now in the office of the castle, receiving reports from his subordinates, who were already in a position to intervene in the coup.

On his hand is the sword he used when he was still a field commander.

For him, it was a tool to get ready for battle and to change his mindset.

But there is just one problem. He is too old now to wield it as he did in his prime.

“How are my troops doing, Lacy?”

The Marquis asked Florencia, who is holding a document in her hand.

She hurriedly flipped through the documents, reading through the unfamiliar paperwork before answering.

This was supposed to be Milena’s job, but with her being technically excluded from the operation, all of the burdens have fallen to Lacy.

It was as if karma was already doing the work.

“Uh, uh, …… uncle, the Zaintert troops and Count Luke’s troops have already arrived at the castle!”

Lacy stated, albeit hurriedly. The Marquis nodded slowly in reply.

“Hmm, that should be enough to defend us. At least for the time being.”

The Marquis currently has eight hundred men under his command and two hundred of the Zaintert sisters.

For a total of a thousand soldiers in addition to the castle’s defensive walls, it should be adequate enough to triumph over the usurper, seeing the lack of troops on the opponent’s side.

“Father, my unit will enter in the afternoon. The rest will be here by the end of the day.”

The man who continued the speech was the largest man in the room.

He is Count Luke Krall. The only son of the marquis and the next lord of Krasland.

“Luke, you too, be on your guard. You are not dealing with monsters here.”

“Hmph! I’ve met Finlay once. She’s just a girl who’s being carried around on a palanquin. But not the dark elf witch. This time I’m going to get her, I’m going to blind her, and I’m going to make her my slave!”

He clenched his fist so tightly that his fingernails dug in, then slammed it down on the front desk.

The impact was so strong that it left a crack on the sturdy ebony furnishing.

If it had been made of glass, he would be cleaning the shattered glass by now.

“She was the one who manipulated my memory and mocked me as she watched me live my life without knowing it. I will make her regret it for the rest of her life!”

“Calm down, Luke. They’ll be on their way here soon.”

The marquis soothes his son, who is about to run out of the house.

The marquis knew he won’t be able to stop him if he left a favorable spot and got struck down.

Luke, for his part, already had a negative track record on the marquis for having been manipulated once, and from then on, he would get emotional once they mentioned the Demon Race woman in front of him.

If he were to be manipulated by her magic again, there was a danger that everything from the marquis’s forces to the deployment of his troops would be exposed.

“Wait for them to jump out. Once the enemy comes, you’ll have the chance to play your part.”

Marquis Krall soothes him further with these words.

In fact, Luke’s abilities are quite high among humans.

He cannot use magic, but because he is a nobleman, he has a large amount of innate mana and a good sense in warfare.

The marquis felt that he could certainly become a ruler who could surpass him.

“If it’s close combat, you can beat the demon. I will prepare an opportunity for you, so just wait and see.”

Then, comparing the strength of his own forces with the assumed strength of Lucy’s forces in his brain, the marquis drew a huge breath.

“We seem to have enough forces for the time being. Now, all we need is a way to lure them to us…”

“I’m not saying this is a bad plan, but father, do you have any more ideas? If this fails, then that Demon Race woman will surely escape.”

Luke’s face is red as he says this.

It was as if he couldn’t contain his excitement at the prospect of catching his long-desired prey.

“Luke, use your head a little. There should be a better way for us to get ahead of them.”

“Hmmm. Wait. are you saying you have used the Military Police?”

“The city functions are still ours. If they catch them, they will be brought to trial and executed, and there won’t be a need for us to make a move.”

The marquis laughed.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

“What is it?”

“The documents the Marquis ordered are ready.”

“All right, bring them in.”

With his permission, a subordinate entered the room. In his hand were several documents.

“Here are the files Your Excellency wanted.”

The subordinate who said this lays out the documents on the marquis’s desk.

“Well, that should do it. Get it to work right away.”

“Yes, Your Excellency!”

The subordinate who received the order left the room in a hurry.

After that, the remaining three people looked at the documents.

“There, in large letters, were the words “wanted criminals.”

“The following persons are suspected of the coup d’état. Viscount Lucy Finlay, Yuushin Sanada… and more than a dozen others are wanted!? There is also irrefutable evidence against them.”

Milena, who had read the contents, let out a gasp as if praising the Marquis’s deftness.

In addition to the main conspirators, such as Lucy and Yuushin, the arrangement also included the names of collaborators such as Tilda, Anastasia, and Krone, as well as the unit commanders who supported them in their ‘plans’.

Each of them is described as having secretly gathered weapons and planned the coup.

Probably because of the marquis’s thorough knowledge of the city, he could secretly conduct so much surveillance and take such countermeasures.

“Praises won’t get you anywhere,” the marquis commented, but though he is also happy with the compliment, he also made a frown in the end. “Not only was it that damned Yuushin, I’ve also been slowed down by the interference of the nobles on Lucy’s side. It’s absolutely abominable. Once they’ve been eliminated, it will be these nobles’ turn next.”

He says so, but in fact, there are many things he has not fully investigated.

For example, the number of targets to be attacked and the strength of the coup.

Considering the experience of the marquis and the functionality of the city, it is possible to predict to some extent where they will target first.

However, he had no idea how much force the other side would be able to deploy.

This is why he gave up on defending the key points and just made all of his troops stay in the castle for the time being.

“If I had more detailed evidence, I could have used the army. It can’t be helped if the other side is clever at hiding their tails.”

It was the result of Yuushin’s multiple layers of disguise, hiding important information from the outside world.

The fact that he was able to evade the Marquis’s investigations, having no experience in counterintelligence to begin with, was probably due in part to the thorough concealment of his means of communication. His method of following a complicated procedure, which even his collaborators complained about, paid off.

“As a matter of fact, right at this moment, we are sending the military police to raid some of the hideouts we have found at the same time we put out the arrest warrant. Once we catch them red-handed, it’s all over for them.”

The three listeners were surprised at the quickness of the Marquis’s move.

Milena, in particular, had cold sweat on her back. She had no knowledge of this information.

(If the Viscount is caught with this, it will ruin the plan…)

Just as she was thinking this, there was another knock at the door.

This time, however, it seemed to be in a great hurry, and before the marquis could give permission, a subordinate entered.

“It’s urgent! According to the military police who raided the hideout, no one was inside!”

Milena breathes a sigh of relief inwardly at the report.

“Hmm. So there is an information leak… brace yourselves. They should be charging here soon.”

The sisters and son nodded at the Marquis’ words.

(I will not let anyone interfere with my plans. If anyone resists, they will be thoroughly crushed!)

Thus, the Marquis’ camp awaited Yuushin and his team with full readiness.

With only one fatal mistake, which is the Marquis taking up the challenge of fighting the coup d’état with his own… and only his own.

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