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Chapter 4 – Secret Talks with Milena

Several days have passed since the infiltration of Count Zaintert’s residence.

Neither among the town’s residents nor among the nobles spoke of any word of an intruder in the Count’s mansion.

Rather, it seems that the earthquake, which had not occurred in a long time, was the center of the conversation.

Our base and the city center were not damaged much, but in the area where the refugees are located, it is said that several poorly constructed huts collapsed.

Because of the commotion, the troops in that area are now busy providing support.

“That said, for the first time in a long time, we’re not under threat of harassment or anything. With this, we can now focus our preparations for our plot.”

I muttered to myself as I was putting away papers in my office.

So far, the interference by Milena and Lacy has been a daily occurrence, but the last few days have been quiet.

As expected of the girls who adore their father, as soon as they found out that their father is in peril, they immediately focused themselves on it.

“Let’s target Milena first. She seems at odds with her sister, so let’s use that.”

I have already sent her a letter requesting a meeting in secret.

Normally, she would not respond to this, but I also mentioned the coded orders I had obtained at the Count’s mansion.

It was seemingly complicated, but thanks to the use of military codes, it was quick to parse.

Apparently, it was an order from Marquis Krall to Milena and Lacy for a “black ops” mission. That is, missions in which they are on their own, and when compromised, the one who ordered them would deny any involvement.

I put a threat to make that public if they don’t meet with me, and I’m sure she is mature enough to come alone.

“Alright. It’s about time. Shall we?”

I asked Lucy and the chief retainer old man in the office to finalize the preparations, and I headed for the town.

They know about the meeting, so they will immediately release the order to the public if anything happens to me.

“I wonder how Milena will come out of this? Let’s make sure to have a good look.”

Before this, I asked the merchants to introduce me to an inn where no one could watch over us, and I waited in a room there.

About 30 minutes later, Milena arrived.

She sat down on a chair on the opposite side of the bed from where I was sitting, looking at me with wary eyes.

I started the conversation from here.

“Sorry for the sudden call, but I’m glad you came as promised.”

“What is the person who has just threatened me saying? If I receive a letter with such contents, there is no reason why I should not go.”

“Now, now, don’t be so angry. If I asked you out normally, you would have ignored me.”

I said so and showed him the order letter I had brought.

“-!! That’s…!!”

“Don’t panic. This is just a copy. The real one is in possession of my subordinate. If anything happens to me, the Marquis’s “fame” would become “infamy” throughout the city.”

I waved the piece of paper in the air as I said this.

“This order is… let’s just say that Marquis Krall is getting pretty audacious this time, to have the confidence to put something like this in written form. It pretty much sums up he has done a lot of bad things in his life.”

The order states that the sisters should kidnap and threaten the relatives of the merchants cooperating with us.

Needless to say, kidnapping and blackmailing are crimes, and both the person giving the order and the person carrying it out are criminals.

“Milena, you don’t like doing this, do you?”

“I do not recall having seen this document. You must have made it up.”

But even with the evidence before her, Milena answered my question with a poker face.

She didn’t show any emotion even though I was blatantly provoking her.

In that case, let’s push her a little harder.

“I’ve got another piece of useful information, actually. Marquis Krall is inciting the nobility with made-up propaganda. Does it ring a bell?”

“I don’t have any idea. Care to explain what you mean?”

“I heard from a certain source that the Marquis dislikes outsiders regardless of whether they are noble or not. If that is the case, this order is a part of his grand plan of making a crack between the original residents and the refugees, who are peacefully assimilating together. He intends to crush together those who could potentially be a hindrance to his plan.”

As for the certain source, that is Krone’s father.

After hearing this from him and considering the Marquis’s character and way of thinking, I came up with that theory.

“Fleeing their homes and territories out of desperation due to the threat of the monsters, they should not be put to blame whatsoever as they are all trying their best to live. To put them into further misery, even if you’re a lord, that is just too much, don’t you think?”

“That… that’s not possible. Or rather, isn’t it you guys who are up to something worse?”

Apparently, what I said was close to the truth to some extent.

Milena denied my accusations with slight irritation in her voice. Conversely, this time she tried to take the initiative in the conversation. But I rebuked her.

“You think I’m up to something? A mediocre person like me wouldn’t be able to approach the Marquis, nor even hurt him. Also, if I am really doing as you are imagining, who would follow me? I don’t have the capabilities to gather allies and do such things as sabotage the other party unless I am in power. There is also the problem that, even if we have allies, there would still be disagreements with the other party. Even sisters as close as peas in a pod would have a strained relationship from time to time, you know?”

I tried my best to remain calm as I spoke, mixing in words that provoked Milena.

And my acting is effective, as the other party is gradually losing their patience.

“You’ve been saying all you want since a few minutes ago, but we already know your plans. Hiding it pathetically won’t have any difference to us. We already have information that you are trying to stage a coup, you know?”

Milena leans toward me and says so.

“A coup? That’s absurd. I have no intention of doing anything like that, and you certainly have a hell of confidence in yourself, doubting me without actual evidence.”

“How long are you going to keep this up? I know you’ve been secretly dealing with the merchants!”

She finally burst out.

Clearly, she has done her research on our side.

“If you continue to keep silent, I will turn you in to the military police.”

Milena’s eyes were full of determination as she said this.

I could see that she was determined not to be carried away by my pace any longer.

“What are you going to do by turning me in to the military police? On what charge are you going to arrest me?”

From what she has said so far, it seems that she still does not know what exactly we are going to do.

We can say that the deal with the merchants is purely to replenish the troops’ supplies. Because it is exactly as that, and nothing else.

And despite saying I am staging a coup, she hasn’t mentioned anything about the anti-Marquis nobles and commanders yet, so there’s no need to be hasty.

“I…I will say that you have laid your hands on me.”

“Hou, you’re playing a very tricky game, aren’t you? But doing that will also damage your reputation.”

Being raped before marriage, with purity thrown away.

At the very least, she would no longer be able to marry in the future.

She would be pitied and ridiculed in social circles and shunned by the nobles until her death.

“I don’t care what happens to my reputation. I will do what it takes to have them arrest you.”

Milena said this without hesitation.

It seems that she is very determined.

In that case, I guess we have no choice but to use a little ruthless means.

“You’re going that far, huh? Then, let’s leave what will happen after I’m detained for the time being. You see, if I were to get arrested here, Lucy would be as good as useless. It would be bad for the morale of the entire Krasland army if their heroic commander couldn’t go out, don’t you think?”

“What do you mean? Why is Viscount Finlay’s name coming out here?”

Surprised by the sudden insertion of a name she didn’t expect, she blurted out a question.

“Why, it is because Lucy and I are already in a deep relationship. What’s more, she is to the point of being mentally dependent on me.”

If the other side is willing to play the double-sword card, we have no choice but to use one of our own.

Milena was a little dumbfounded, but she immediately shook her head and denied it.

“No, I don’t believe it. As far as I can see, the viscount is an honorable noblewoman and an excellent commander. She wouldn’t be in a relationship with someone as vile as you.”

“Oh, you mean I’m deceiving Lucy?”

“That’s all there is to it, isn’t it?”

Lucy indeed looks stable at first glance. Or rather, she has grown to the point where she will be fine without me for a while.

But what if I get arrested or seriously injured?

If the former, she might try and take me away or, worse, kill the people who will try to separate us. And if unsuccessful, she could also, at worst, commit suicide.

And I’m very certain she will do the last part.

“Your investigations are thorough but not enough. If I were to judge, you are… barely scratching the surface… of everything.”

I said those lines, dramatic pauses included for greater effects, and Milena finally gave in just as expected.

Furious, she stood up from her seat and grabbed me by the collar.

I, for one, am a big person, but she easily lifted my body up as if I were a child.

As expected of Lucy’s relative, she’s also strong, both in physical and magic power.

“Spill it right away, or I will show you!”

Milena says this in a strong tone of voice, but her breathing is still a little heavy.

She is not the type to resort to rough means, but I wonder if she’s getting too agitated because of my reckless behavior.

Nevertheless, she’s finally losing her temper at my words. Which means her judgment may be impaired as well.

“Cough…gah… please… put me down. It’s getting tight around my neck…!”

“You think I will be led by your tricks? If I put you down, you will use that chance to run away!”

However, Milena didn’t relax her hand but continued to drag me along, even pushing me against a nearby wall.

Crap. This is bad. I think I overdid it. The pressure is starting to get to me.

“Seriously, this is bad. Listen to me, you idiot… cough, cough, cough…!!”

“If you tell me what you’re up to, I’ll let you go.”

“Even if you tell me that…Guh…haa……”

Suddenly, my vision drooped down as if my neck had lost its strength.

At the same time, my body also relaxed, as if it had lost its power.

“How about now, Mr. Sanada? Are you going to confess now? ……Mr. Sanada? Mr. Sanada? Mr. Sanada!!”

The last words I heard were Milena’s scream at the end, and my vision blacked out.

◆     ◆

The moment Sanada fainted, Milena immediately went into turmoil.

“Mr. Sanada! Stay strong, Mr. Sanada! No, this has to be a lie…”

However, no matter how distressed she was, the man her voice was directed to didn’t make a response.

“Aah, aah… no, I didn’t mean to do this…”

Shocked by what she had just done, Milena removed her hand from the collar and backed away.

She continued to step back across the room until her behind stumbled on the bed, which she fell straight into.

From there, she stared at her hands, now trembling as if she had done something terrible.

“Auu, uuu… No, no, no, no noo…”

Then, she crouched down, holding her head in distress.

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