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Chapter 13 – Reconciliation Coition

“Eh? Aauuuhh!!”

Suddenly being penetrated to the depths of her body, Krone screamed with a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

Her vagina is already wet, as if her arousal has been raised to some degree in her blowjob service.

But it still felt more narrow than usual, maybe because I still haven’t caressed her in earnest.

(Isn’t this the perfect chance for punishment? She isn’t very wet, which means it wouldn’t rub more smoothly than before.)

Thinking of such things inside my head, I went hard right from the start, trampling the insides of the still-hard vagina with a series of intense movements.

As for Krone, maybe it was too much to bear; her body swayed along whenever I moved my hips.

“Hiuhh, ahhh!! Wait, if you try to go hard at once, I’ll… ughhh!”

Krone is now feeling the sensation of being forcibly widened by my whole girth.

In the middle, she tried to stop me by putting her hands on my shoulders and clamping her hips between her thighs. However, because I didn’t give her a chance to gain momentum with my constant ramming, she wasn’t able to do so.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I inserted my rod further, this time to the deepest part of her vagina, the cervix, and with the tip of the rod, I tapped this opening of the womb in small increments.

After a bit of poking, Krone’s body trembled once.

“Ahhh, aguuh!! No, stop hitting me there… haaa, fuuh…!!”

Krone released a weakened voice at the end, then dropped her whole body on the bed.

It was a clear indication that she climaxed.

As for me, I thought of making her completely “fall” then and there since I already knew all of her erogenous zones, having held her many times before.

But before I could even move a finger, Lucy interrupted me from the side.

“Y-Yuushin! You’ve been with Krone for more than a while now! It’s unfair!”

She has been taken out of the first foreplay, then taken out of the main performance. It was natural that her patience is at its end.

From the looks of it, she was playing with herself as she watched my and Krone’s actions, considering her private part was already wet.

“I mean, Yuushin. Shouldn’t it be… my turn now?”

Lucy says that while holding one of my arms to her chest.

I felt a mayhem-level of softness of the big mountains in my arms, and my attention naturally turned towards them.

“Hmm, now that you mention it, Krone also said something like she wants me to wait.”

I looked back at the woman I was violating earlier.

She is now breathing heavily, all languid and exhausted.

Her insides are still giving me a tight grip, but it might be better to give her a rest.

“In that case, perhaps Lucy can help me at this time?”

Saying that, I put my hand on her shoulder and made her turn around so that she would be on all fours on the bed.

Looking from behind, I could see her private part, and not only was it more than wet enough, but it was also gaping in the middle as if it was enticing my rod.

“You’ve developed quite a nasty body here, Lucy. It’s so lewd I wouldn’t even imagine it came from the you of before.”

I said as I put my hand on the buttocks. Then I rubbed it like I was gripping it, to which Lucy’s body reacted with a jolt.

“Hafuyuu… it’s not my fault that I’ve become like this. Or rather, it is because Yuushin kept on loving me this much that it became like that…”

“And that’s fine. I like the dignified and graceful Lucy, but I also like this erotic Lucy I’m seeing now.”

I resumed my push and pull of my hips and pushed my rod into the crevice of her wet vagina.

And as I expected, she is easier to put it in because she is wetter than Krone.

If the other side is a violent stimulation that squeezes you tightly, this one is a gentle stimulation that squeezes you moderately.

“Hafuuh… my insides are now full with Yuushin’s…”

Having her wish granted, Lucy finally lets out a sigh of relief.

“How is it, Yuushin? Do you feel good inside me?”

“Yeah, it’s great. I knew Lucy and I would be a perfect match.”

“Fufufu. Yes, you’re right. I am the perfect match for Yuushin. The one and only.”

Based on her dialogue, Lucy seems like she still had plenty to spare, but we’ll see how long that will last.

“Haaa haaa, Yuushin’s hot thing is going deep inside me…”

While holding on to her butt, I moved my hips slowly.

Lucy’s vagina wiggled in response to it, aroused by the sensation of being filled, and it tightened my member moderately.

The tightening was not as intense as Krone. Nevertheless, it felt as good.

Like that, I continued to enjoy Lucy’s vagina as it softly clung against me while hearing her sweet moans.

“You’ve relaxed enough now. Don’t try to pick a fight with Krone again, okay?”

“If Yuushin says so… or rather, it was Krone who has been messing with me that time, and even the time before that.”

Lucy said that and complained, but I could still see the excitement in her tone.

I continued to torment her as it is, but after a while, I reach out to the woman on the other side.

“And, how long do you intend to rest, Krone? Or perhaps, are you done?”

“S-shut up. I’m not done yet.”

As if my taunt was effective, Krone came over and lined herself up next to Lucy, even though her legs were shaking a little.

But because of this, two precious noble butts are now lined up towards me, both of which have fruits that are fully ready for the picking.

I enjoyed this spectacular view for a bit. Then I made my next move.

“Nhaaah…!!” “Hyauu! Here it comes, Yuushin’s big thing!”

I pulled my meat rod out of Lucy, then without missing a beat, inserted it inside Krone.

I gave the latter another hardcore stimulation, even though she’s just recently recovered from the pleasure she just had.

But this time, she seems to be getting used to it, so maybe she won’t give in anytime soon.

“What’s wrong? Can’t move anymore?”

“Kuh, haa, haa… nghh!”

To my question, Krone groans as if she’s trying to squeeze my member further.

Because of this, my rod that was inside became tightly enwrapped with her flesh from base to tip.

“Yep. That’s the spirit. Here I come!”

I smiled at the renewed sensation, then rocked my hips even more, enjoying this newly-improved Krone in full.

While at it, I again approached Lucy, who was just beside me, then stimulated her by scraping the accumulated love fluids inside her pussy with my finger.

“Hyaaa, uhnn, hauu! My insides are being stirred up!”

Lucy screamed as her hips trembled with pleasure.

And from the private area where she was being violated, love juices dripped incessantly on it.

“I’ve changed my mind. Both of you are not nobles but sluts! Natural-born sluts! I never thought you would grow up looking like this!”

But even so, I welcomed this change, as I have taken both of their purities myself.

I couldn’t help but feel delighted to see them moaning as my hands tortured them.

Especially with the same hands that developed them into what they are now.

“Can you two still hear me? I’m going all the way now, and I’m not gonna stop till I reach the end.”

“Haa, haaa, yesh, Yuushin! Please, cum inside me until the end!”

“Wha-, you’re giving it all to Lucy? I won’t allow it! You have to give it to me too!”

How can I not respond to such attractive requests like this?

And so, I immediately responded to Lucy and Krone, alternating between them to heighten our feelings of pleasure.

“Ahh, nnnhh, so hot, something hot is rising in the depths of my stomach as Yuushin pounds me!”

“I’m feeling it as well! Auuh, I can’t take it anymore!!”

With both nearing their limits, the two girls gasped and panted as they supported each other’s bodies.

Seeing them like this, I held them firmly and slammed my hips even harder than before.

“Nkuuuuuhh! Auuhh, I’m cummiiinnggg!”

“Hauuu!? Ahhhh, I’m cumming, I’m cummiiinnnggg!”

Like that, the two women climaxed simultaneously, their bodies trembling with every squirt.

I also spat out my desire to those two, staining their insides and filling each of their wombs with my white fluids.

Then, I let out a sigh as I felt the pleasure of conquering two extraordinarily beautiful girls at the same time.

“Haa haa… phew, …this should cure your anger for the time being.”

Even people in bad moods calm down when one of their desires is satisfied.

The situation was urgent, not even giving me the chance to give them both a day off or cook a good meal. I had no choice but to choose this option.

“Both of you, once you have rested, we will begin the talks. And for that, I have something urgent to tell.”

I said to the two, still breathing hard, and plopped down on the bed.

As for Lucy and Krone, they have already fallen down from all fours and are lying down side by side.

“Haa, haaa…phew… I’m not going to give up my place of being next to Yuushin.”

“I-It’s not like I did this because I like Yuushin or anything! I just don’t want to lose to you!”

The quarrel restarted as soon as they rose up, but I no longer mediated, seeing they are not as angry as before.

“Really? Because sometimes you stare at him like you’re in love with him.”

“You’re wrong! That’s not possible!”

“Is that so…… I mean, that’s fine with me, but… never mind.”

Lucy remained suspicious, but she didn’t pursue the matter further.

As for Krone, her face is a little red, but she also stopped arguing, as if she is already content that she has said what she wanted to say.

It can’t be denied that there is still some residual feuding on both sides, but I’ll follow up on that later.

In this way, I managed to admonish the two for fighting and prevented the unit’s morale from collapsing.

After that, we discussed our next move.

Since he sent Milena and Lacy, it is clear that Marquis Krall has turned against us.

However, we cannot oppose him just yet. At least not in the open. We still don’t have the strength and influence to fight the Marquis head-on.

“To do that, we will need to strengthen our base first. Let us begin by strengthening our ties with the merchants and making connections with the nobles who don’t like Marquis Krall.”

It is only after gathering sufficient information among these people and becoming independent from his influence that it will prevent us from falling into their grasp, at least for the meantime.

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