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Chapter 1 – Meeting Emmy (The Town of Lambda Chapter, Light Novel Version)

Translator Notes: This is the LN Version of the previous chapter. The timeline is when Alfred first stepped into the other world (in the cave). As for why I chose to translate this first, well, I will explain it down below to avoid spoilers. For now, enjoy the chapter~.

I was in a slightly brightly lit cave when I came to my senses. It was surrounded by rock walls, but there was a crack in the ceiling through which sunlight went through faintly.

This place used to be called the “Shrine of the Goddess,” where Xaneela was worshipped, but since the war with the evil gods caused a drastic decline in the population and the nearby villages and towns were destroyed, it seems that no one visits it anymore.

Only two round rocks were stacked on top of each other in the altar-like place, and there was no goddess statue.

Yes, I finally landed in another world.

I was now equipped with simple clothes, a thin leather breastplate, knee-high leather boots, a leather cloak, a small buckler made of round wooden planks reinforced with thin metal edges, and a one-handed sword with a blade about 80 cm long.

There are many gods in this world, and Xaneela, the Goddess of fertility and prosperity, is, of course, the main backup for my journey, but it seems there are several other gods who assist me.

Though I say many of them cooperate, it’s not at the same level as Xaneela. I find it amusing that Xaneela apologized for the lack of good cooperation from the god of blacksmithing, the deity of weapons and armor, ending up with my starting equipment being simple.

I am not really particular about it. In fact, I am grateful that at least I was able to receive something.

In the first place, I am already feeling blessed with my absurdly high stats.

The god of blacksmithing is not mean-spirited but rather a hot-blooded man who believes that good equipment should be acquired through hard work and effort. I hear that’s his stance. Yeah, I can totally understand that.

My mission, for now, is to visit the town of Lambda, which is about three day’s walk from here.

It is said that I must visit the temple of the Goddess of Fertility first.

“As for the details, I will let you know once you reach the temple. For now, I’ve asked the god of commerce to prepare 1,000,000G so that you won’t be in difficulty whenever you need money. But~, you can also use that money to donate to the temple, and if you do, well, thank you in advance~. Hehehe~”

The Goddess held her hand over my head and smiled mischievously as she said that.

Normally, I would say goodbye to the Goddess Xaneela here, but I didn’t, because I had a feeling that I would be meeting her again in the not-too-distant future.

That’s what I thought while feeling the warm light envelop me just before I was sent to the ground.


When I left the cave, what I saw was a small meadow and a forest just ahead. But even though I call it a forest, it’s not that densely overgrown, and there’s an animal trail, so it seems like you can walk normally.

“If you go straight north through the forest, you will find a road that will take you to the town of Lambda.”

That is what Xaneela said to me before I went.

“For now, I have to get through that forest.”

But after a few steps through the grassy field with knee-high weeds growing throughout, I heard a rustling sound.

I looked in the direction of the noise and saw a rabbit as big as a large dog behind the grass.

It’s a size you won’t see in the original world.

Is this guy a monster?

I tried to run an [Appraisal] on it.


Race: Great Rabbit

Life force: 5/100

Magic: 80/100

Physical Strength: 15

Mental Power: 7



Leaping: Level 1

Kicking: Level 1

Vigilance: Level 2

Escape: Level 3


Great rabbit, huh…….Still, pretty nifty. It was translated in a way I can easily understand.

Wait. This rabbit is dying, isn’t it?

It had about 10 HP right after I used [Appraisal], but it’s slowly decreasing… Oh, it collapsed.

The Great Rabbit seemed to be in pain for a while after it collapsed, but eventually, its HP dropped to 0, and at the same time, it stopped breathing.

I immediately pulled the short sword from my waist off the sheath, held up the wooden buckler, and lowered my waist.

Maybe this Great Rabbit was attacked by another monster and escaped here.

That’s how I slowly approached the fallen Great Rabbit while being cautious.

Blood was gradually seeping from around its side, and a pool of blood had formed on the ground.

“Are you dead?”

While muttering to himself, I tried to poke the fallen Great Rabbit with the tip of my sword.

“There is no response. I guess it has died completely.”

It’s because I’m a little insecure that I was saying such pointless things. After all, when I thought I was alone in the world, a huge rabbit suddenly appeared and died in front of me.

Thinking that the guy who attacked this guy might be nearby, I can’t feel relieved even if I’m told I’ve reincarnated as a splendid holy knight.

In the first place, I don’t even have experience in combat, let alone in survival…

“Well, for now, I’ll should thankful for this guy, whatever they are,” I said as I timidly reached out and touched the corpse of the Great Rabbit.

“How can I store this…huh?”

After touching the carcass, I tried to think of storing it in my [Storage Unit], and the fallen Great Rabbit suddenly disappeared.

Apparently, [Storage] can store things just by thinking like this.

“Come to think of it, it has a dismantling function, isn’t it?”

I also tried to recall the explanation given by Xaneela. That if I pray like this… Ooh, looks like I made it.

The Great Rabbit in the [Storage Unit] was divided into several materials, such as meat and skin.

I wonder if I can also use [Universal Appraisal] on the items inside the [Storage Unit]?

As a test, I used [Appraisal] on the game I have just obtained, and to my expectations, it seemed that it worked well. And based on the readings, I found out that, like the rabbits in our world, the Great Rabbit meat is also commonly eaten in this world.

I was lucky to be able to secure food immediately.

“Okay, let’s resume our journey.”

I stood up while telling myself this and stretched out my body.


While doing so, suddenly, I heard what was almost a woman’s voice from afar, as if someone had caught sight of my stretching figure.

……are you calling me? While thinking it would be embarrassing if I misunderstood, I turned my eyes in the direction of the voice.

“Uhm, excuse me~.”

Then I saw a figure approaching, waving at me.

It was indeed a woman, and she was rushing over to me while shaking her slightly quirky golden hair.


And then, perhaps tripping on something, she fell in front of me.

“Hey… are you okay!?”

I ended up running to the woman who fell while trying to call out to me.

It’s the first time I’ve met a local ever since coming to this world, so it’s better to be more cautious, but even I can’t leave you alone if you fall flashy like that.

“Ow ow ow…”

As I ran up to her, the woman tried to raise her body with her hands, but I could see blood running down her arm. It seemed she had fallen and wounded herself on a rock or something.

“Are you okay?”

While asking that question, I quickly crouched down and put my hand on her arm.

“Ow ow…!? Huh… Huh…?”

I guess she was startled by my sudden approach, but she seemed more stunned as she watched the injuries on her arm heal.

…Yes, the injury is healing.

“The wound is… how?”

“Oh, I think it’s probably because I cast [Light Magic] on it?”

I must have unconsciously used magic because I saw the painful wound and wanted to do something about it.

“You can use [Light magic]? Amazing…”

At the sound of her admiration, I looked up from the wound, and from there, I finally saw the woman’s face.

“Oh, uh, thank you very much… for that… Uhm… My name is Emmy.”

The woman who introduced herself as Emmy was staring at me with blue eyes.

She had golden hair that glistened in the sunlight, charming, round eyes, a smooth nose, slightly thin lips, large, slightly pointy ears, and fine white skin that looked spotless, with only a hint of sweat on it.

She looked to be around 20 years old.

Judging from the shape of her ears, could it be that she’s an elf? That’s what I thought, but according to Xaneela, elves and dwarves are all considered “humans” in this world, so for now, let’s not worry too much about the details.

“Ah, erm, I’m Alfred.”

“Mister… Alfred…?”

“If you have trouble calling me that, just call me Alf.”

“Mr. Alf… Alf… Yeah, that might be better.”

Saying that, Emmy smiled brightly.

I could feel my heart pound a little in that smile.

“Uh, for now, can you stand?”

“Yes, thanks to you!”

I stood up first and helped Emmy to her feet.

It seems that the wound doesn’t hurt anymore.

“Ehehe. Thank you.”

The height of Emmy, who stood up, was around my chest.

I’m slightly over six feet tall after reincarnation, so I’d say hers is a little less than six feet.

She is dressed in an outdoor-oriented one-piece dress in a slightly deep green tone that seems to blend in with the forest, and she wears a leather breastplate over it.

On her feet were mid-length boots that covered a part of her shins and thimble gloves on her hands.

She also carried a short bow on which she picked it up and slung it across her back, and on her waist belt was a pouch, a knife, and a quiver of arrows.

“No, this isn’t much, really.”

Even so, I was surprised at the fact that I was able to smoothly interact with the opposite sex. That’s a step-up, me.

In my previous life, I would never have been able to speak to her so naturally, much less patch her up.

Perhaps, having experienced sex with Xaneela, I subconsciously gained confidence as a man.

“Oh, yes! Um, have you seen a Great Rabbit around here?”

“A Great Rabbit?”

“Yes. I thought I killed it, but it suddenly ran away…”

“Ah, so that was an arrow wound…”

I think I remember that when the Great Rabbit lay on the ground, it had blood flowing on his side, which also left a pool of red on the spot under it.

I didn’t see any other wounds that looked like they came from a predatory animal, so those were probably arrow penetration marks.

“Oh, you’ve seen it? Where did it go!?”

Emmy started to look around.

“Um, I have it…”

“What? Oh… Is that so…”

“Huh? For some reason, she became depressed.

“Well, it can’t be helped. It was my mistake to let my prey escape.”

“Hm? But I’m not taking it away, though?”

“Eh? But it was you who caught it last, wasn’t it?”

“Maybe so. But it was dead when I found it.”

“Uhm… then, could you share me at least half?”

Emmy sends me a look that looks like she’s attracting me with her upturned eyes. Honestly, I find it pretty cute…

“I’ll give you all of it back, not just half. I didn’t hunt it anyway.”

“Really!? Thank you! But uhm… where is the Great Rabbit?”

“Ah… well, do you know what [Storage] is?”

To be precise, it’s called [Storage Unit], but I’m pretty sure it’s disguised as [Storage].

“By any chance, Alf, do you have the [Storage] skill?”

“Yeah, I have it, but… is it rare?”

“Yes, very!”

She’s looking at me with sparkles in her eyes…

“Also, I dismantled the Great Rabbit. Was it bad?”

“Huh? I don’t think it’s been that long since I killed it, but have you already drained its blood?”

““No, um… you see… how do I put this… there’s also a dismantling function in my [Storage] skill.”

“Is that true!? Then, perhaps does it have a time-stopping function too!?”

“Yes, there is.”

When I said that, Emmy’s eyes widened.

“That’s amazing! No, super amazing!”

It seems that the [Storage] skill that Xaneela gave me is extremely rare.

From here, I was told that Emmy lived in the town of Lambda, and when I told her that I was aiming to go there, she agreed to be my guide.

As we went there, I also put all the prey she killed in the [Storage], dismantled it, and transported it as it was, and Emmy was even more delighted by this as she could now concentrate more on hunting.

Emmy’s hunting skills are, to be frank, at the level of an expert.

I never knew anyone who was a hunter, including in my previous life, but to be able to kill all the prey at a distance of 100 or 200 meters with a single hit is out of the ordinary, isn’t it?

“No, what I said… is the only thing I am capable of, really…”

What a thing to say, this Emmy. If you’re this good, I don’t think you’d be embarrassed to go anywhere.

However, Emmy seemed a little… or rather quite clumsy outside of hunting, and she often stumbled on the way.

The gap between her dignified atmosphere when she is holding a bow and the way she walks on the road with the balance of a toddler… to be honest, it was quite amusing.

By the way, I also participated in the hunts from time to time to check my own combat and magic skills, and I found that I could fight without any problems.

Is this what it feels like to have a [Skill]? I felt even more grateful to Xaneela.

We walked until near sunset and arrived at a cave.

“Let’s spend the night here.”

Where we arrived seems to be one of the several bases Emmy uses whenever she goes hunting.

Looking around, there are traces that they have been used. However, how should I say this? Isn’t it too dilapidated?

“You see, back then, there would always be someone here to keep this place up, but after the war, almost no hunters were left in the town of Lambda, leaving it in the state it is now.”

I see now. I guess this is also why Emmy is hunting in this deep forest all alone.

“What would you like to eat, Alf? Because I am on my own, all I just prepared was some dried meat, so…”

“Can’t we eat the rabbit meat we hunted today?”

“That’s also fine, but we don’t have any fire at the ready.”

Emmy looks down apologetically.

“Can’t we just pick up a branch or something random and make it work as fuel? also, there seems to be an iron plate here.”

Even though the base looked like it hadn’t been used for a time, it still maintained its form as a base, with knives and griddles neatly arranged in one location.

It must be Emmy who is using it in her hunts.

“About that… what I mean is… I didn’t bring any tools to start a fire.”

“Then, what about magic?”

“I can only use Wind magic, not fire. What about you, Alf?”

“I can only use Light magic, but…”

As far as I remember, my [Storage Unit] contained a number of useful items that Xaneela thought might be useful in my journey.

My honest thoughts back then were, “isn’t this a bit too convenient?” but Xaneela was, “Why go to the trouble of making it too difficult when we are giving you a task of resolving what is literally a world crisis?” And so, she shoved every lifestyle-cheat item possible in my inventory.

“Got it. Here, how about we use this one?”

What I took out of the [Storage Unit] was a thin, black stick about 30 centimeters long.

“Wow, isn’t that an ignition stick!?”

“Is this good stuff?”

“Are you kidding!? This is incredibly good stuff! The tip of the device becomes hot just by putting mana into it, but the type that can be used without a magic stone like yours is really expensive!”

“Just by putting mana in it, huh.”

For some reason, I have some idea of how to do it, so I gave it a try.

The tip turned red as I imagined it pouring into the stick in my hand a kind of energy that travels through my body.

“Wow, it really is amazing!”

I tried it on a piece of wood that was lying around, and it immediately caught fire.

Did I act a bit too excited over there? Anyways, I put out the fire by stepping on the burning piece of wood.

“There is a small fire pit made of stone just outside the cave. We will use that one to build a fire.”


Emmy and I split up from there, gathering some dried wood for our fuel.

Then, after putting them in the fire pit and building a fire, we put the iron plate on top.

“I think it’s okay now. We can cook with this.”

Thinking that was my cue, we started grilling the meat of the Great Rabbit as well as some wild vegetables we gathered along the way.

Soon as we placed them, the meat and edible wild plants made a sizzle and immediately created a wafting scent that stimulates your appetite.

“As for the seasoning, let’s use salt and pepper in the meantime.”

I took a jar of salt and a pepper mill from the [Storage Unit].

Xaneela has prepared a variety of useful items in my inventory, and seasonings are one of them.

She had prepared quite the variety, and the best part is, if you put the container back in the [Storage Unit] after use, its contents will be replenished.

However, there is also a feature that the seasonings will automatically return to the [Storage Unit] after a day of full use, making it impossible to share or sell them to others.

However, if you eat the food before that time, it won’t return, so you will still get all the nutrients you need.

“Mmm, delicious!”

“I’m glad you like it.”

The seasonings were simple, but Emmy seemed to like it.

I asked her about the value of seasonings in this world, and she told me that salt and sugar are commonly used.

Sugar is a little more expensive than salt. As for the spices, they are considered a luxury item.

“Do you want coffee?”

“I’m not really the coffee-type… wait. You can serve coffee?”

“Yep, here you go.”

I brought out the white coffee mug from my [Storage Unit], which was already filled with coffee. As you can see, this is a magic coffee mug that Xaneela prepared for me so I can drink freshly brewed coffee anytime.

Even if you drink it all up, you can just put it back and take it out inside the [Storage Unit], and it will be refilled in no time.

“If you don’t fancy coffee, what about tea?”

“Well, I can drink it if it’s with sugar.”

“I have those too.”

I prepared a teacup and a tea bag for Emmy, then took out a kettle and poured hot water into it.

This is also a magic kettle, which would automatically fill itself with hot water in the same method as my coffee mug.

“Here you go.”

“Uhm, where is the tea?”

“It’s in this bag. Just dip it in here and wait.”

Apparently, tea bags do not exist in this world, at least as far as Emmy knows, so she watched with interest as the clear water slowly turned into the familiar brown color.

When the tea was sufficiently brewed, I returned the teabag to the [Storage Unit] and prepared a sugar pot instead.

After adding the sugar and stirring it, I handed it to Emmy,

“Oh, it’s delicious.”

Emmy looked happy as she drank the tea with a spoonful of sugar dissolved in it.


That night.

I was in agony.

After finishing the meal, I chatted with Emmy and learned about the common sense of this world, but after two hours, we both became sleepy.

[Light Magic] has a spell called [Holy Purification] that exorcises undead in the sense of removing everything unclean in their bodies, but it also has a very convenient side effect of removing dirt from the body and clothes if applied to yourself.

After cleansing our bodies with [Holy Purification], we each went into our sleeping bags and fell asleep.

As usual, Xaneela prepared my own sleeping bag, and Emmy used her own.

“Wow, I haven’t slept in a soft sleeping bag like this in a long time.”

Dirt, sweat, and sebum that won’t come off no matter how much you wash it after many years of use, [Holy Purification] was able to remove it in its entirety, and because it is [Light Magic], it even seemed to restore the condition of the fabric and cotton a little.

“Good night, Alf.”

Perhaps because of this, Emmy began to doze off as soon as she was wrapped up in her newly cleaned sleeping bag.

“Still……isn’t she too defenseless?”

But if you think about it more carefully, her attitude isn’t that unusual because this world is severely lacking in men right now.

Even if the ratio is not that extreme that a harem can be built without saying a word, men are rare to the point that women would now respond at a fairly high rate if a man asks for them.

Thankfully or not thankfully, this made sexual crimes lessen by a lot. As such, it can’t be helped that women’s wariness towards men has weakened to this extent.

But I was a Japanese boy at heart and one who had little connection with women. Just the fact that a cute woman such as Emmy is sleeping next to me is already making my heart pound.


Emmy tossed and turned and turned her face towards me.


Just how cute is the sleeping face of a woman when you see them up close? I am finding that out now. Furthermore, I am now in a position where I can reach her if I just stretch out my hand.

The slightly messy blonde hair that sticks to her forehead which is dotted with night sweats, the long eyelashes extending from her closed eyes, and her slightly open mouth that symbolizes Emmy’s defenselessness.

I wonder if the fact that I can see her face so clearly in the dark cave is because my eyesight has improved since I became a holy knight.

I opened the sleeping bag a little, raised myself up, and slowly approached Emmy.

Almost there, our lips are almost touching each other.

If our lips were to touch – if our mucous membranes were to touch each other, the [Divine Skill] would be triggered.

Then Emmy will be ready for it, and I will be able to have sex with such a pretty girl.

That is the sole purpose of why Xaneela gave me the skill.


One more millimeter ……. Just a millimeter more, and our lips would be touching…

But I couldn’t make up the last bit of distance in the end and backed out.

“Just what am I doing.”

I said as I pulled away from Emmy. Then I threw my body on the ground and lay down on my back.

“Still…Even after all that, I’m still a pathetic coward through and through.”

I muttered to myself in self-depreciation.

I’ve been reborn as a good-looking guy and graduated from being a virgin by having sex with the goddess with a body that is literally the woman of my dreams. However, in the end, my usual cowardice towards women still hasn’t disappeared.

I wonder if I will be able to peel off this timidness toward women once I experience sex with “humans” aside from Xaneela.

But I don’t think it would be the same if I were to use the Divine Skill to have sex with Emmy.

“The Temple of the Goddess…”

The first place I should visit when I get to town.

Somehow, I feel like I will have my answer there.


My journey is going well.

Many Rabbit-type demons seem to inhabit this area because as we proceed, more and more of them continue to pop up.

Of course, Emmy and I also hunted them down.

She would use her bow and arrow to kill the prey in the distance, and I would use my sword to take down the ones that appeared nearby.

“Alf, it’s a Horned Rabbit! Watch out!”


The monster I’m facing right now is a Horned Rabbit, a monster with a spear-like horn on its forehead.

It’s a type of monster that rushes forward with its horns sticking out towards your direction and has enough power to pierce a piece of chainmail when it hits. A rather vicious monster.

I readied my buckler and waited for the Horned Rabbit’s lunge, then angled it at the moment of contact.

The buckler’s surface was scraped off with a thud, but that wasn’t a problem.


I flanked the enemy and swung my sword at the back of its unprotected neck, killing the Horned Rabbit with a single blow.

Thanks to all the fighting I had ever since I came, my level of [Swordsmanship] and [Shield Proficiency] has risen considerably.

“I’ll put this one in my [Storage] right away.”

The Horned Rabbit that I picked up disappeared and was stored in the [Storage Unit] as usual.

By the way, when it comes to how Emmy usually carries her hunted prey, she uses her own Storage Bag.

It’s a large pouch with a slightly open mouth, but it has space expansion magic applied to it. A magical tool with the capacity of a small container.

But even with this, it’s already an expensive item, and it is not Emmy’s property but rather the property of the town, only loaned to its best hunters.

“Do you usually catch prey until that pouch is full?”

“You mean this? Oh no, or rather, I can’t. Unlike Alf’s [Storage], this one doesn’t have a stopping time function. So even though the temperature inside is a little lower to avoid spoilage, three days is the limit.”

Furthermore, the pouch is designed to hold only what can fit inside its opening, and unfortunately, the Great Rabbit cannot fit in the pouch as it is.

Because of this drawback, you must dismantle it to some extent before putting it in.

“That’s why it’s a dream-like skill for hunters to be able to store the prey you hunted as it is and to be able to dismantle it without damaging the contents. Ah~, I want it too. I’m so jealous.”

“Ha-ha. Well, if you’re okay with me, I can help you anytime.”

“Really!? Thank you!”

And so, just like this, the distance between Emmy and me has shrunk a lot… I think?

“Again, good night…”

We decided to stay one more night at another hunter’s lodging, and I once again tried my chances, but in the end, I was unable to take another step forward and spent contemplating until the morning of the third day.

We left the forest in the morning and walked along the river in the meadow.

And then the town came into view.

“Alf, just a little bit more. We are almost there.”

As we approached the town, Emmy’s steps became lighter.

Seeing her like that, my heart began to beat a little faster as well.

This is my first town after arriving in another world. I wonder what kind of encounters await me there?

“Hey, Emmy. Welcome back.”

We arrived at the town of Lambda just as the sun was beginning to set.

The town is surrounded by a tall palisade, and the gate at the entrance to the town is open.

I wondered if that would be enough to keep the monsters out, but I was told later that a ward against monsters was set up around these wooden fences.

A tall woman is standing at the entrance to the town, talking to Emmy in a friendly manner.

I wondered if women had to act as gatekeepers since there were so few men in the town.

“Kayla, I’m back!”

The woman, called Kayla, was about 170 centimeters tall with a slim figure. She is wearing a metal breastplate, armguards to protect her forearms, boots reinforced with sheet metal, and a helmet, also made of metal.

A tail, wrapped in bushy hair, hung down from around her buttocks, so she might be a beastman.

Does she have animal ears too if she takes off her helmet? I’m a little curious…

Other than the tail, her visible parts seem to be almost the same as a human – human that is a species in my original world.

“So, Emmy. Who is this guy?”

“Ah, this is Alf. I met him in the forest, and he helped me with the hunt.”

“Is that so? It seems that our Emmy has been in your care. You have our gratitude.”

While saying that, Kayla deeply bowed her head.

“Oh, no, no, no. I mean, it was rather more of me who has been taken care of in various ways……or rather… too close!”

In the middle of me speaking, Kayla suddenly raised her head and drew closer.

No, is closer still qualified? She’s almost like she wants to steal a kiss!

“By the way, Mr. Alf.”

“Y-yes, what is it?”

Oh no. Our noses are about to collide!

But now that I have looked closer, this person is also quite beautiful in her own way.

The eyelashes extending from her long, sharp eyes are long, her nose is taller than Emmy’s, she has healthy brown skin, and her hair, which is sticking out from the gap in her helmet, is light brown.

“Do you have plans after this?”

“Come again?”

“My shift is about to end, so if you don’t mind, how about we have a meal? Just the two of us.”

Is this… it? Am I being hit on? She’s coming on to me pretty aggressively.

“No, um… you see…”

I’ve never experienced picking up girls, much more being reversely picked up in my previous life, so I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

When I looked at Emmy, she was looking at us with a smile on her face.

Could it be that this kind of thing is normal in this world?

“Ah, about that, I’m sorry. I have to go to the temple of the Goddess of Fertility after this.”

“…Is that so? That’s a shame.”

Kayla was a little downcast with my reply, but she didn’t approach me any further and just backed off.

As for me, sure, I was a bit taken aback by the suddenness of it, but I didn’t feel bad about it, yes.

It’s not like I’m also feeling regret at my decision, okay?

“By the way, can you place your hand over there?”

At the entrance, there is a small pillar about waist-high with a wooden board attached to it. On that wooden board is a white plate.

When I put my hand on it, the color of the plate changed from white to blue.

“…looks like we got no problems. You can now pass through.”

This is to check if you have a criminal record.

Blue has no criminal record, red has a criminal record, and yellow has a criminal record but is in rehabilitation, and the God of Order is the one that makes those decisions through this plate.

The existence of gods in this world really makes things convenient, isn’t it?

“Uhm. Pardon the intrusion~”

Ah, crap. Did I just blabber that? I was sooo nervous as it was my first time entering a town surrounded by a palisade.


Maybe because she found it funny, Kayla chuckled at me.

This is so embarrassing.

“Hey, Alf.”

As my mind ran into chaos as I entered the gate, all of a sudden, Emmy, who had been in there before I knew it, called on to me.

“What is it?”

“Welcome to the town of Lambda!”

She greeted me with a smile like a flower blooming.

It was a simple greeting, yet it was easy enough to cleanse all my embarrassment and other feelings.

I see. I am really in another world now.

“By the way, is it really okay for me to have half of the hunt? Even though it was you who hunted about 70% of them…”

“Yes. Also, Alf, even though it’s only “half”, it is still a great number, you know? On top of storing it in perfect condition, you even volunteered to dismantle it. Honestly, me taking half is already too much.”

“Is that so…”

Going back in time before arriving in town, Emmy and I split the prey after this exchange.

Out of goodwill, I kept what Emmy had hunted before she met me and exchanged it for a newly hunted game, so she was very happy to be able to sell or give away something fresh.

“Keep going straight down that street. You will find the temple of the Goddess of Fertility over there.”

“I see. So, this is where we’ll part ways, huh? I couldn’t have done it without you, so thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome. Or rather, shouldn’t it be me who’s saying that? Thank you for all the help you have given me.”

After exchanging such words, Emmy and I parted ways in the town.

I felt a bit of shame that I made such a move on her (…or maybe because I couldn’t?) when we were camping, but we were able to part ways in such a refreshing way, so I guess it’s still a good thing.

Anyway, I’m glad the first girl I met after coming to another world was a good girl like Emmy.

Thanks to that, I think I can come to like this world.

Translator Notes:

Thank you for reading up to this part. The reason I translated the LN version is that the illustration in it doesn’t match with the scenes in the Webnovel, and since it is different, I opted to translate the whole chapter entirely, to match the illustrations. And as you have observed, there is no such scene of meeting with Emmy in the forest, which the illustration indicated.

As for how will I proceed from this, well, if the change is significant and has the illustration for it, I will translate the LN version as well, but those succeeding chapters of the LN will be locked behind Patreon’s exclusive chapters at 20cc (even if this becomes a regular release) since this is irrelevant to the Webnovel story itself.

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