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Chapter 9 – Relieving Krone

After letting out all of my desires, Krone began to wince.

“Uuu, it’s like my face is covered in sludge!”

When she said that, I regained my composure and handed her a towel as she struggled with the sticky stain.

“Phew, I feel like taking a bath for once.”

But seeing that it was already in the wee hours of the night, I replied.

“I don’t think we can do that right now. In exchange, I can make you a reservation first thing tomorrow morning.”

“You better be. I can’t go to work smelling like this!”

She said as she wiped off all the fluids, a little angrily at the fact that I had stained her.

Meanwhile, I got up and went behind Krone’s back.

“Yuushin, what are you doing?”

Curious about my actions, Krone immediately asked.

“Nothing. I’m just checking a little something.”

I looked closer, and from there, I was able see beads of perspiration blotting Krone’s neck.

It was also a bit red.

Apparently, she was aroused of what we have done.

Now is my chance.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, slipped my hand into her clothes from behind.

“Hyah! Don’t put your hand in there all of a sudden!”

“Oops, did that startle you? Sorry. I just couldn’t help but move my hand when I looked at it.”

“You should restrain yourself at least that much. Idiot.”

She isn’t retaliating? This means she’s in the mood now.

Treating that line and her lack of retaliation as a subtle consent, I put my hands forward and first taste her breasts, which are so protruding that I can see their entire shape throughout her clothes.

When I caressed with both hands in a kneading motion, sweet voices began to escape from Krone’s mouth.

“Such indecent movements… ahhh, fuguhh, mmmhh…!!”

I enjoyed the softness as my fingers sank into it, not forgetting to stimulate the erogenous zones at the same time.

“Sorry. I can’t help it because they have grown so splendidly. That said, we’re off to a good start.”

After confirming that her body is starting to warm up, I moved my hands down from her breasts.

I could feel Krone’s body trembling as my hand reached her lower body.

“It seems like your body is expecting something. I wonder what it is?”

“T-this is just a physiological reaction…ahunn!!”

“You don’t need to act so tough. It will only be a hindrance for the both of us later on.”

Having said that, I put my hands on her clothes and stripped them off mercilessly.

The two tufts of soft flesh fell from her chest, and it was followed by a revelation of a pair of buttocks without a single stain.

What she was hiding in embarrassment earlier, all of it is now being exposed right in front of my eyes.

Meaty in the right proportions.

Perhaps it is because they eat good food, unlike the common people, that they have such excellent figures?

“L-let go! A-are you going to do it again like before?”

“Drop the act already. I know you really want it.”

As I said this, I pushed the rod against her secret place, and a sweet scream came out of her mouth.

“Hyauuu… this… I can’t … I’ll break if you put it in me like this…!”

Just as I expected. Krone is aroused.

As evidence, the private part where I pressed my rod against has started to seep out love juices as if it had been waiting for me to come.

I smiled at that and moved my hips forward.

“Kufuhh, aaaaah! No, if you go deeper than that, I’ll…!!”

Krone tried to escape, but whether she lacked energy or was just pretending, I easily stopped her by securing her waist with one hand while grabbing her arm with the other.

We are now embracing each other in a so-called standing doggy-style position.

My hands are wrapped around her body, making it “impossible” for her to escape.

Her gait is also unsteady, mainly because I was ramming her from behind.

“No way, if this continues, I won’t be able to hold it…!!”

“Really? Then it looks like someone is going to break soon.”

Contrary to her face’s “worried” reactions, Krone’s vagina is delighted by the long-awaited stimulation.

Its meaty folds continued to stimulate me on the inside, along with the slimy love juices being spilled out from her orifice.

“Ahhn, mmhhh. I’m going to fall… I’m falling!!”

I wonder what she meant by falling? Is it falling from ecstasy, or is she literally gonna fall over? But just a precaution, I walked Krone until we reached one of the room’s walls while maintaining our position.

Then, I made her lean her body against the wall and continued my thrusts from the back.

“Ahhn, it’s reaching deep!!”

Krone, who is now being pounded against the wall, let out a series of even louder cries.

But I didn’t care. I kept moving my hips without stopping.

The hard, warped meat rod also rammed and unraveled her vagina, giving her incredible pleasure.

“I’m already full to the brim! Go a little easier on me…”

“What are you talking about at this point? We’re already at the climax. All you’re gonna get is an even harder pounding from hereon, enough to stir up your insides.”

“Wait a minute. It’s the first time I’m hearing this… nooo, auuhhh!!”

Grabbing her hips firmly, I began my loud pounding inside Krone.

Krone also let out loud, charming moans that matched the loudness of our hips.

While enjoying the sound of her voice as I violate her, I observed that Krone is gradually losing her strength.

What’s the matter? Can no longer stand still?”

“Who do you think is to blame for this!?”

Krone turns around and glares at me.

However, in the depths of those eyes, lust that could not be hidden was burning.

“For you to use a human body like a tool, aren’t you a devil?”

“You’re making it sound like I am torturing you. I am not a fan of forcing myself on people.”

Saying that, I moved my hands that were just on her hips upward as I fucked Krone.

The next target was her breasts, which were as ample as Lucy’s.

I enjoyed the feel of them as I lift them up from behind.

“Mmmhh, my breasts again!? Just how greedy are you?”

“With something this magnificent before me, how could I bear not to touch them?”

“What a twisted logic… hafuuh, nhuuu!”

Whenever I rub her chest with a little effort, Krone would make a pained voice.

And whenever she does that, the insides of her vagina would also tighten around my rod.

“Guh, it’s almost as if it’s clenching me. For someone who is criticizing me so much, aren’t you a pervert yourself?”

“That’s not it! My body is just reacting on its own!”

“Then isn’t that an indication of what you really feel? Don’t be so stubborn and accept it.”

Seeing the other party still trying to swear at me, I moved a bit so that her head would touch the wall.

Then I fucked her body again.

“Nohooh, mmmh, uuu…”

Even though I already fucked her many times, Krone’s body is still responding freshly.

Feeling even more aroused by this, this time, I played with her nipples.

Being caressed in the part of her body that has already been developed as a sexually sensitive zone, Krone’s body trembles more than ever.

That shows that her climax is near.

“Ahuuu, It’s so deep…!!”

“You can’t reach this far with your fingers, can you? Feel it with all you got and moan.”

As I said this, I thrust as hard as I could into her vagina, and Krone screamed as if she had lost her mind.

“Uu, hauu! So good! More, thrust it into me!”

It took a while, but at last, Krone fell.

She is now seeking me while blushing with shame, and it was the most exciting thing I’ve ever seen.

It was like all the desires she was suppressing has been released, like a dam that opened its floodgates.

To appease that desire, I faced the beautiful girl in front of me.

“Yes, Yuushin, come! I can’t take it anymore! Keep fucking me as hard as you can!”

Krone screams, constantly looking back at me. Her body was so excited she could no longer stand it.

“I’m at my limit, Yuushin. I’m going to come!”

Her body twitched as she approach her limit.

To this, I pressed her my full weight to pin her against the wall.

“Yesh, Yuushin, fuck mee, fuck me hardd!!”

As if to respond to that, the insides of her vagina suddenly tighten up.

Combined with the previous torture, it was enough to make me unable to go back, making me also approach my limit.

“I’m going to cum too as well, so take it all, Krone!”

From there, I moved my hips as fast as possible and laid waste to Krone’s insides.

“Hyaaa, hahii! Yesh, break meee…!! Cumming cumming cumming cumming cummiiinnngg!! I’m cummiinngg!!”

Splurt, splurt, splurt.

I came inside at the same time she climaxed.

The spurt of semen stained Krone’s insides white.

It was only for a few minutes, but it felt like hours. It was only when the throbbing sensation calmed down that we let go of each other’s bodies.

“Ahh… haah… haah…”

Krone is still out of breath.

And from her precious area, I could see the white fluid that I had just poured out inside her.

“How is it, Krone? Feeling satisfied now?”

“It felt really good, even though I dodn’t want to admit it.”

By the time she answered, Krone was completely back to her normal state.

But then, she threatened me out of the blue.

“I’m saying this beforehand, but if you tell anyone about this, I will kill you.”

“They wouldn’t believe me even if I told them anyway. That Krone is…oof!”

“Shut up! J-just get out of here! Because of what you’ve done, I now have to clean up this mess!”

I tried to answer back, but I was interrupted by a pillow that was thrown at me.

It was then followed by me being kicked out of the room by an angry Krone.

“Geez, that woman. She’s not being honest at all. Well, I can’t deny that it is also part of her charm, though.”

After saying something that would deserve me another kicking if the subject were to hear it, and making a big sigh afterward, I returned to my room alone.

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