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Translator notes: 

New novel, everyone! I was eyeing this one for a while now. This, if you haven't noticed, its novel's author is Hochi, who is also the same author of "What!? Failure to Transition!?...Success!?". This is also the author's first work, though it is technically third as this is the revised version, hence the (remake) part.

As usual with my new novel releases, the entire prologue (which is long, by the way) + a few chapters of Volume 1 will be free to access for all Patrons. 

I decided to choose a heartwarming novel this time, with better pacing and everything to reduce my time editing things (I hope. Well, it's a remake, so this should be true, right?). Anyways, this novel will replace "Adjutant in another World" which will be put in a regular release(5 chapters/week) as soon as all chapters of "Abandoned Royal Bastard" is fully released in my Wordpress. But expect that novel too to finish soon as it is fairly short, compared to "Abandoned Bastard", coz believe it or not, we're already halfway in that novel.

The first two parts of the prologue is out. Enjoy~.

Prologue 1 – Sudden Death

I found myself in a dimly lit room.

The room is about 20 tatami mats (approx. 33 sq. m or 356 sq. ft) in size, and a few candle holders are hanging on the walls, but it feels weird because the ceiling’s light doesn’t look like it’s coming from them.

Even weirder is that the candleholders do not seem to have actual candles. Instead, they have these mysterious orbs of light glowing above them. And they gave off a far different vibe from a light bulb or LED that I was used to seeing in my life.

There is a large bed in the center of the room, with a canopy I am seeing the first time for real. It was a king-size bed, which made the room seem much smaller than it was.

There are also a few other furnishings, but they all have something in common.

They all look antique.

Of course, I wasn’t an appraiser, so I wouldn’t know if they were legit antiques or cheap imitations.

Apparently, I was sleeping on a leather sofa placed against the room’s wall.

In my head, I began to wonder if I had ever been in a room like this.

What was I doing before I fell asleep?

“You seem to have woken up.”

I suddenly heard a woman’s voice, to which I hurriedly looked in that direction.

Over there, I saw a woman in a sexy-looking dress, sitting on the said bed with a canopy.

Though I described it as “sexy-looking”, was it still classified as a dress? It had too little fabric in it that it barely covered anything.

Though it has that halterneck-like design that usually hides the breasts, this version has hers barely covered by two vertical strips of fabric. In other words, everything from the cleavage to the stomach is unabashedly exposed.

Her skirt, too, has a deep slit… or rather, I wouldn’t classify it as a skirt anymore.

It’s more like a cloth covering the buttocks and the front by hanging down, similar to a loincloth, barely hiding her important parts in the front and back.

There’s also the fascinating fact that the dress’s fabric is white and thin, in other words, transparent, so her breasts and crotch could almost be seen.

No, I mustn’t look. It would be rude to be caught staring too closely.

I couldn’t help but be weirded again, though. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t there when I looked around the bed earlier.

“Do you know why you’re here?”

“Aa-aa… aah? aah, aa! Cough, aaa, a-aa-aaa…”

Huh? Something is wrong with my voice.

“I’m sorry to say this, but unfortunately… you are dead.”

“Aaaa (Huuhh)?!”

My voice leaked out unintentionally, but even though it was full of discomfort, it was closer to the context this time.

“Now, remember what you were doing just a moment ago.”

Let’s see… what was I doing?

“Your cause of death is called… techno-break in your world.”

Techno break? Isn’t that…

“Aah! Thirty-seven times!”

“Eeek! Don’t scream at me without warning!! Especially those words!”

“Oh, ooh, sorry.”

Oh, yes, I remember now.

I was masturbating like crazy just a few minutes ago.

I was… yes, I was a guy with no permanent work.

I had worked as a part-timer since I graduated from college, but when my age went over 30 and my parents passed away, I realized my worsening predicament.

But having no experience, I couldn’t do professional work, so the only thing I could do was to rely on those temporary jobs…

And yesterday… or was it the day before yesterday? Or was it a little further before?

Anyway, what happened was I got cut off from my temp job for the third time, and the temp agency cut me off from my contract altogether.

Depressed from all of this, I bought a masturbator, some energy drinks, and some erection pills with what little money I had left and started doing stupid things like trying to jack off as much as my body would allow it.

I honestly don’t know how many hours or days I kept doing that, but the moment I took my 37th shot, I must have blacked out…

I see. I died from that.

――Uuuu, what a pathetic way to die, me.

No, really, I’m not kidding.

What would their reaction be when they find my semen-soaked, soggy corpse?

“Uh, if you want, I could erase your existence in that world.”

“Erase my existence?”

“Yeah. One of the conditions of coming here is having as few relations with relatives or strangers as possible.”

Few relations, huh…

Indeed, I rarely show up at family gatherings, and even my parents’ memorial services are left to my sister, and it is also true that she hasn’t contacted me at all after that.

My friends from school became distant when they started working or got married. There’s also the fact that I’m already at the age where I don’t want anyone to see my state, or it will break my already brittle pride.

And since I also had been moving from one part-time job to another for quite a short period, I didn’t have a deep relationship with my co-workers. Or rather, because I was working as a temporary, the environment saw that as unnecessary trouble.

The cycle of working and shifting to my next job after my contract ended continued for a while, and eventually, the temp-staff agency laid me off.

Well, at least, even if I suddenly disappeared, society will still work fine.

“Does “erased” mean my corpse will suddenly poof out of existence?”

“No. I mean to the point where you weren’t born in that world in the first place.”

Ooh, so that’s what she’s talking about.

Well, my parents are dead, and my sister probably doesn’t care about me either, so I guess it won’t matter if I’m not there from the start.

But there will still likely be various impacts, especially in the family of two siblings to suddenly have an only child…

“Don’t worry about the inconsistencies. It will get fixed by itself in one way or another.”

I see…

“So why am I here? And you kept saying “that world”. Does it mean I’m in some kind of otherworldy reincarnation?”

“Ahaha~. I’m glad that Japanese people are so quick to understand.”

I knew it.

“But, my voice… it sounds a little strange. Why is that?”

It’s not just your voice. Here, mirror.”

Suddenly, the space in front of me shook, and a full-length mirror appeared.

“Ooh!? Wait, who is this? He’s so young! And good-looking too! Wait. Is it me?”

My face in the mirror is dark-haired and dark-eyed, just like in my previous life, but my facial features have changed.

I don’t look Japanese at all, but I don’t have that Western look either.

In addition, even my physique has changed. My pecs became thicker, my abdominal muscles have split into six, and my arms and legs are now twice as muscular as they were before.

I have become a macho guy before I knew it, not like those body-builder or wrestler types, but more of those slim macho types.

Especially the son hanging from my crotch. Its size is also magnificent.

“Wait. I’m naked!?”

“Yes. And I’ll get you some clothes later. But in these circumstances, it is convenient for you to be naked. Especially on what we’re going to do later.”

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