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Chapter 3 – City of Sin, Safety and Security

“Finally, we’re here!”

After arriving on the hotel room they booked in advance, Yoichi immediately threw himself onto the hotel bed with arms and legs stretched out.

As for Karin, she sat down next to Yoichi, with deep emotion as she observed the reaction of the other party.

“Fufufu, you’re like an old man. But come to think of it, this is the first time for us to travel abroad, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Back then, I could only wish for it. After all, I really lacked a proper income.”

When Karin started their conversation, she couldn’t help but bring out the past, at the time when they were still dating actively.

This made Yoichi recall his past part time job, to which he could only smile wryly from being so poor back then.

The only trip that seemed like a trip that they took together was a hot spring adventure they had planned abruptly, shortly before they became estranged.

The inn they had back then was elegant. It was two rooms with tatami flooring adjacent to each other, but since it was it’s Japanese-themed, it was somewhat a drab place, at least to Yoichi.

In contrast, the room they are in now is even larger than two of the rooms they stayed combined, with a king-size bed in the center of the room.

High ceilings. Brightly colored wallpaper. Soft carpet. And chic interior lighting installed on the walls instead of hanging from the ceiling.

Seeing all these, Yoichi couldn’t help but be impressed with himself. After all, he could now stay in a much nicer room compared to the ones he had back then.

(Well, some people’s definition of “nicer rooms” are that of a hot spring hotel. But for me, this is good.)

Yoichi started thinking idly as he looked at the glittering night view of the casino city beyond the large windows.

(Still, being in a foreign hotel like this with Karin is like……)

“ “It’s like a honeymoon.” Isn’t it?”


“Being alone with Yoichi in a beautiful foreign hotel like this just makes you feel that way, at least it was for me.”

Sitting on the bed, Karin smiled sweetly as she looked down at Yoichi lying down.

“Honeymoon… What are you talking about when you’re not even… married…”

Feeling embarrassed because he felt as if he had been read, Yoichi turned his face away from Karin after giving a light blink.

“Ahaha, sorry about that…”

But when he glanced at Karin again, she was smiling mischievously and sticking out her tongue.

She looked so adorable at that point that Yoichi couldn’t help but reach for her.

“Ahn…! hey…”

Without warning, Yoichi lightly raised himself from the bed, took Karin’s hand, and pulled her toward him.

Then, after lying side by side, he put his arms around to embrace her, and their lips also met.

“Nm…… nchurup……”

There was a bit of resistance at first, but Karin immediately accepted Yoichi, and they began to seek each other’s tongues as they made out.

Yoichi also reached for her breasts. However, the moment he did that, Karin pulled away, also stopping her kissing entirely.

“We can’t do this… We still have Alana and Misato waiting for us.”


Yoichi made a saddened response at Karin’s rebuke.

He felt regret that he was stopped midway, but he also knew it won’t be good if they start to enjoy themselves here, considering there are still two people waiting for them on the other side.

“But I didn’t expect that I had to show my passport at the hotel’s casino as well.”

Yoichi muttered as he got up.

The hotel they booked was attached to the casino, but even with that, they were still ID checked.

It seems that all the guests are watched very closely.

Because of this, if someone who was not supposed to be in the hotel left the room and went to the casino, there was a high possibility that they would be suspected. This made it difficult for Yoichi to invite the two others to play around.

“Take Misato, for example. Even with her actual age being older, she could still be seen as a minor by the people here, so if she can’t show her passport when asked to do so, she could be deported at worst.”

“You’re right.”

There are several other issues that need to be cleared, but for everyone to enjoy the event, they must prepare to overcome them.

“Shall we go home for the time being?”

It was already around midnight in Japan, but Yoichi, who had confirmed through [Appraisal+] that the two others are still awake, took Karin and [Returned] to the “Grand Court” for the time being.

“――and that’s the gist.”

“I see. I’m fine at staying at home, though…”

“Hmm. I certainly want to go, but I don’t want to trouble Mr. Yoichi if it’s too troublesome.”

“Telling us to go with only us two… it would be like putting the cart before the horse, you know?”

“Yes. In the first place, we chose this because we want all of us to have fun together.”

This project came about because Yoichi wanted to entertain Alana and if possible, procure ammunition for his guns along the way.

And now that he had gone far to the trouble to get a hotel room, Yoichi wanted to have fun with everyone no matter what.

“Faking a passport is… too high of a hurdle…”

“Yoichi, stop. You’re going too far.”

It was not like it was impossible, considering Yoichi’s skills in his arsenal. In fact, it could be manageable if he were to make full use of it, but going through all that effort just to have fun is not worth it, at least for him.

Certainly, what he is doing right now is already considered human trafficking, and it was already a serious crime in itself. But for Yoichi, who can easily come and go with [Return+], he doesn’t really think about it much.

“In the meantime, let’s see how far we can go with Alana’s magic tool for blocking recognition.”

“Fumu. Then I’ll get us something with a little better performance. Would you mind if I had you go to Meilgrad with me tomorrow morning?”

“Understood. But since we’re here, why don’t we stay at the hotel tonight?”

The guests’ comings and goings were strictly monitored, but there was no surveillance of what was inside the rooms. This has already been checked by Yoichi’s [Appraisal+].

“If that’s the case, then by all means.”

“Then, I’ll join in, too, please.”

And just like that, Yoichi [returned] to his hotel in the casino city with the three women in tow.

“Hou, this is quite something…”

“Wow! This is amazing…!”

When they arrived, the two newcomers were immediately impressed upon laying their sights at the interior of the hotel room.

“Fufufu, it’s impressive, isn’t it? I stayed here before and had a really great time.”

It was Karin who chose the hotel they were staying in, showing off her capabilities of a career woman in a global perspective.

As for the hotel, it was one of the famous casino hotel in the city, so even the mid-grade and lower rooms were still luxurious, even though it’s of the cheaper tier.

“Isn’t this place expensive ……?”

It was Misato who asked first.

“Surprisingly, it is not.”

To which Karin denied.

This was because this hotel is getting most of its profit from the casino attached to it, thus making the accommodation fee surprisingly cheap for the lodgers and players.



A spectacular view has spread out from Yoichi’s below.

This is because right now, Yoichi is being served orally by two naked beauties.


Misato and Alana are competitively sucking on Yoichi’s penis, who is now with his upper body resting on a stack of pillows on the headboard of the bed and with the lower half of his body sprawled out.

Sometimes they would play with it half on each side, sometimes one would lick the glans and the other would lick the shaft. Sometimes they would even use their hands to squeeze it.

All in all, a variety of these stimulations relentlessly assaulted Yoichi from below.


Yoichi lets out a yelp in response to the stimulation.

Whenever he does that, or jerks his hips, the gray eyes under the silver hair and the black eyes behind the glasses would gleefully turn up towards him, as if they were happy of his reaction.

(Being peered at by beautiful naked women as they caress my penis is truly a spectacular sight.)

“How do you feel, Yoichi… Does it feel good?”

Already with her arms wrapped around his shoulders, Karin asks this to Yoichi at his side. She is also naked like the two women as she whispered this to his ear.

“Yeah, it’s awesome…”

Hearing her partner’s satisfied response, Karin then went and held Yoichi’s face, making him face her. Then they began locking their lips and tongues.

“Nfu, I see… that’s good… Mmmhh… churuuup… mlemmm…”

The other two, not to lose to Karin, also intensified their actions.

“Sllurpp… urg urg urg…”

“Haamu… chupu… mlemlem…”

Misato went in and sucked the tip while Alana licked around the rod’s base.

From three different places, the three women’s mouths and tongues assaulted Yoichi intricately.


It didn’t take long for Yoichi to moan. After all, he was being assaulted a tactile stimulation simultaneously in his mouth and lower body.

Matching with the visual stimulation brought by the scenery below, Yoichi was at his limit.

Knowing this, Misato took glance at Alana.

Alana, who received that look, nodded lightly and moved a bit further as if it was a signal.

Then she reached her hands on the shaft of the rod.

Yoichi’s face involuntarily moved away from Karin, releasing pathetic words.

“Wait, that’s… no good!”

Unfortunately, he couldn’t hold back on time. He ended up ejaculating with the tip of his bellend still inside Misato’s upper orifice.

“Ngulp… gulp… mmmhhh… slurp…”

Misato drank all the cum that was shot out without getting surprised. She even licked the entire head with her tongue when she was finished.

As for Alana, who held the shaft in her hands, she ’wrung’ the rod further to squeeze out the semen that remained after the pulsations were clear.

(Damn… Alana, when did you learn this kind of technique…)

“Ufufu… You came a lot.”

Karin looked at Yoichi teasingly.

She was hugging him and watching his ejaculation from the same vantage point as him the entire time.

As for why she was saying this, well, Yoichi is now pathetically bucking his hips.

He just had his sensitive glans sucked during ejaculation and his urethra squeezed by hand to deliver more semen, so whenever he felt an electric shock of pleasure around his lumbar vertebrae, he couldn’t help his hips to quiver around in reflex.

Like a fish flopping out of the water.

“Fufufu, that’s so cute, Mr. Yoichi.”

“Mchuurup… puhaaa… cough… you really came so much…”

After being squeezed and sucked to the last drop, Yoichi let his member shrivel up.

He laid limp on the bed.

“Muuu… is it over?”

Misato overheard Alana looking down in frustration at Yoichi, who looked like he had run out of energy and was about to pass away.

“Wait… Just a minute, Alana…”

But all of a sudden, Alana aligned the limp and shriveled fig toward his belly, then straddled Yoichi and pit his crotch with her underside.

“Alana? What are you…”

“Mufufufu. Oh, you don’t have to do anything, Mr. Yoichi. Just stay there and rest for a bit… Mmh… mhhh… Hyauuhn!!”

Alana didn’t put it in. Instead, she just planted her crotch against his waist and rubbed the cock that was all limp on its backside.

“Misato… is this right?”

“Un. Keep going.”

It was intercrural sex.

“Haaan… mmmhh… it feels slimy as I rub it… and soft… How about you, Yoichi?”

Yoichi’s mind and body should have run out of energy, but due his [Healthy Body+], it was being mercilessly restored.

As such, the moment Alana started doing this, his groin immediately tingled as if all the blood in his body was being gathered in his lower half.

Whenever Alana swung her hips, her silky silver hair would wave, and her large breasts would sway to and fro.

This would make the sensitive penis, still fresh from ejaculation, to get stiffer, which makes it receive more pressure from the clamping orifice, which ends up with more numbing pleasure to be sent into Yoichi’s brain.

The sight and the feeling of the hot sticky flesh rubbing against the backside of his penis kept on reawakening his senses to its entirely.

So it wasn’t long for a bloodshot member to swell up painfully and push up against the moist mucous membrane of the princess knight.

“Ahaa, finally! Yoichi’s gotten big again with the feel of my crotch!”

With a melting expression on her face, Alana stooped forward and increased her strokes to further stimulate the manhood underneath.

Because of this, the two large, swaying breasts came near Yoichi’s face.

Yoichi gently grabbed the huge breasts and rolled one nipple between his fingers while sucking on the other.

“Nhaaa…! Yoichii, don’t my nipples all of a sudden… nfuuuhh!!”

Surprised by the sudden stimulation of her nipples, Alana’s body stiffened, letting out a coquettish moan.

This also made her to move forward a bit too far, causing the already hardened fig to be released from her ‘grip’ underneath.

But instead of putting it back in place, Alana raised her hips up.

Then she brought those hips down. Directly on Yoichi’s already erected member below.


The meat rod, released from Alana’s pressing, penetrated the moist and tight flesh tunnel and went all the way in.

It went down to her deepest parts, and Alana arched her back and shuddered, gasping in almost a scream.

She has also seemed to come lightly, as Yoichi felt his member that had been swallowed up to the base being squeezed painfully.

“Ahhh… ahhh… Mr. Yoichi… so deep…”

“Alana… are you done?”

Alana almost went blank from the sensation, but at Yoichi’s slightly mean-spirited words, light returned to her eyes

Then, she proceeded to rebuke the mean man in front of her.

“I’m… I’m just a little surprised. It was too sudden, after all. Also, what are you saying that I’m done!? There’s still a lot where it came from! Nnnmm!! Ugh!!!”

With a slightly drawn-out smile to hide her weakness, Alana moved with all the strength she could muster in her trembling hips, though a little jerky at first.

The meat stick that had been plunged in was pulled out slyly, and when it was halfway out, it was pushed back again, swallowing it down to the base in one go.

Alana continued to move her entire body in this manner – back and forth around her hips, then rubbing the stick up and down.

“Nnn… nfuuh… How is it, Mr. Yoichi?”

“Alana’s vagina is so soft and wet, but it’s also good as it tightens from time to time.”

“Is that so… I also… feel good…!”

The hips moved faster and faster, and gradually Alana’s body rose up.

Soon, the all-around motion shifted to an up-and-down motion entirely, and she arched herself over and began to make charming noises. Her large breasts also shook grandly.

“Ahhn! Ahnn! Good! Yes, Mr. Yoichiii! Ram it more at the back!!”

Alana’s lasciviousness aside, Yoichi looked to his flank, only to see another figure at the edge of his field of vision.

“Nfuh… nn… Yoichi…”

It was Misato, and she had already begun comforting herself at the sight of Yoichi and Alana intertwining their bodies.

“Misato, come here.”

Yoichi beckoned.

Misato, noticing Yoichi’s voice, nodded and stood up on the bed, then walked over to him unsteadily.

Whether she sensed Yoichi’s intention or was acting on her own desire is unclear, but Misato positioned herself so that she was just above Yoichi’s face.

Yoichi saw that her pink, twitching flesh was overflowing with nectar, already dripping down her inner thighs.

Misato kneeled down.

She lowered her hips slowly until she was just hovering above Yoichi’s head.

Yoichi put his hand on Misato’s approaching body in response, then ran his fingers over the bank of flesh, where he opened it gingerly as he extended his tongue to the exposed petals.

“Hyaaaah!! Ah, ahh, if you suddenly do that, I’ll…”

Without warning, Yoichi unrelentingly plunged his tongue into the vulva and licked around the clitoris above.

And before he knew it, he was already drinking the overflowing love juices with his mouth and gulping it down his throat.

“Nhuuuuuh! You caaann’t!!”

Misato, enduring the pleasure of having her precious parts licked all over, swayed unsteadily with her hands cupped in front of her chest.

She fell forward, but Alana caught her with her arm just in time.



Alana and Misato looked at each other with hazy, languid eyes as they supported each other.

“Chupu, nmu… mlem…”

As if something stimulated them with that stare, they began devouring each other’s lips and tongues as well.

“Fufufu… everyone is feeling naughty today… hyaann!?”

Karin spoke the lines, a bit relaxed about the three intertwining with each other, only to scream a cute yelp in the end.

It seems that Yoichi’s hand has reached for her crotch without noticing.

“W-wait… Yo… ichii…? Nhaaaa! Don’t stir it inside of meee…!! It’ll make me wet the bed!!”

Though she was saying this, when Yoichi touched her, Karin’s crotch was already wet and relaxed, so it quickly made lewder sounds when he began to stir in her vagina.

“Ahaaaan!! Uhnn!! It’s thrusting up on me from below… no, no more…I’m, I’m going to…!!”

“Hyaaaann! I’m going to cum too…! I’m going to cum from being licked in my pussy…!!”

“Me too… Being stirred up this hard, I’m gonna…!!”

Yoichi thrust his hips up and attacked Alana’s vagina, penetrated his tongue into Misato’s and licked and stirred her insides, and also identified Karin’s weak spots and stirred them up with his fingers.

“Aaaahhhhhhh!! Mr. Yoichiii!! I’m cummiiinnngg!!”

As a result, Alana was the first to climax, to which Yoichi came next as she clamped down hard on his member in the process.

“Auuuuhhh!! I can feel it pumping inside my tummy… and it’s pumping so much…”

Alana screamed, the sudden tightening of her vagina also making Yoichi ejaculate non-stop.

Still, even though he felt as if his brain was already going to get fried from the pleasure, Yoichi did not relax his hands and tongue.

He kept violating Karin and Misato, even though he’s already done.

Or rather, he stirred up the two even further.

“Ahhh! Oh no, I can’t… It’s already slimy, yet you’re still churning me so hard… I can’t, I’m cummiiiinnggg!!”

Misato, whose vaginal hole was continuously being teased and licked by Yoichi’s tongue, was the next to go.

“Ahhh ahhh! No, not there… If you rub your fingers inside me…ahhh! I’m cummiiiiinnnggg!!”

Karin, the last one to cum, also reached her peak and unleashed several squirts.

“Nfuuhh… Mishter… Yoichiiii…”

Alana spoke languidly.

Even though she made to climax first by penetration, she still maintained her upright position, even though her mind is already swimming in the sea of pleasure.

However, that upright body started swaying, and soon after, it lost their strength and fell forward.

But before she fell, Alana’s body was caught by Misato, who supported her in this time as if to pay her back from her earlier rescue.

Then, she rose her to her knees.

“Alana, can you stand?”

Even though she just came from the cunnilingus earlier, Misato quickly recovered and checked the status of the princess knight by going at her front as she held her in her arms .

This made Alana’s huge breasts and Misato’s moderately sized ones clash in the process, changing shape as they got pit on each other.


Sensing Misato assisting her, Alana attempted to pick herself up, only to stagger as she was still in a daze.


She also made a small moan.

It seems that when she raised herself in that state, Yoichi’s meat stick slipped out, and the now-unplugged opening caused a botch of semen to spill out.

The sensation made Yoichi look over to confirm that his meat rod had been lodged out completely from under Alana.

“Mmh… Phew…”

Misato loosened the arm holding the princess knight up, to which the other made an exhausted groan after she made her sit on the bed.

After a few moments, Alana’s breathing became stable, and Misato finally lowered her body onto the bed.

After laying down, Alana immediately assumed a fetal position and began to sleep peacefully right after.

Misato smiled gently and patted Alana’s head.

“Fufufu, Alana, you’re so cute ―― higiiiiiihh!?”

Because Misato had just laid Alana properly, she is now in all fours on the bed with her cute butt thrust out. Seeing this, Yoichi couldn’t help but penetrate her from behind.

“Hiii, ahhh, mmmhh… Yoichiiih…?”

“Sorry. I want to cum inside Misato’s pussy as well.”

“No, I’m really happy. It’s just that…it’s too sudden…!!”

Unlike Alana’s, Misato’s was not that tight, but her soft, enveloping vagina, especially her walls, could still gently cling to his penis.

That is even besides the fact that it was supposed to have loosened by the climax, making it possess a charm of its own.

“Ahh, ahh!! So good!! It feels so good!! It’s hitting me in the deepest parts of my insides…!!”

Misato’s hips undulated in time with Yoichi’s back-and-forth motion.

Her pleats wetted with her love juices also squeezed and contracted according to her breathing, causing Yoichi to reach his limit within a few minutes due to the complex stimulation.

“Misato, I’m going to cum!”

“Yes! Deep inside!! I want it all deep inside!!”


Yoichi couldn’t help but groan a bit.

This was because Misato’s opening, which remained soft inside, lightly tightened whenever it received repeated stimulations at the deepest parts of her orifice.

These constant actions made Yoichi reach his limit sooner, but instead of resting, he chose to go all out, pulling out his meat rod only to thrust it back with great vigor a beat later.

Squelch, squelch, squelch.

Extracting the rod against the slightly tightened vaginal opening, Yoichi stopped for a bit, as if to gain momentum. Then he made a bigger move where in he pushed his way through the vaginal flesh in one go.

After a few thrusts of the same intensity, he spewed out a large amount of semen towards the orifice that had been loosened by the fluids to its innermost part.

Blururrururuut! Just like that, a lot of semen was released into Misato’s vagina, even though it was already his third shot tonight.

“Ahhannn! It’s coming, it’s coming inside mee!! And it’s pumping out lots and lots!! My pussy is going to get filled!!”

Misato, already on the brink, finally climaxed after receiving the last load of semen.

Then, after Yoichi finished ejaculating, he pulled out his rod and removed his hand from her waist.

Misato’s buttocks, which had lost their support, fell over on its side.

The semen that could no longer be contained started to flow out of her vaginal opening, where it trickled down the border between her buttocks and thighs and pooled at the bed’s surface underneath.

“You’ll give me one too… right?”

The one that spoke that last line was Karin.

She had gone a little limp after squirting, but she rose up as if she had been waiting for Yoichi and Misato to finish their act.

“Of course. Come here, Karin.”


At her partner’s beckoning, Karin straddled Yoichi and hugged him from the front.

Seeing Yoichi had not yet softened completely and judged that she could still insert it sufficiently, Karin picked up the pace.

She picked up the slightly soft rod with her hand, placed it at her own vulva, and slowly sucked it into her vagina.

“Nhhu… nhaaa… It’s… in…, And I could even feel it getting hard inside me again…”

As Karin had said, the stick, inserted into the base, gradually became bigger and harder as it was enveloped by her meaty urn.

“Fuuh, mmh… its even throbbing hard… ahhnn! Ahhnn!”

But what came next was lovely noises akin to short gasps.

This was because as soon as Yoichi regained his full hardness, the man began to thrust his hips inside Karin’s vagina while also embracing her body from the front.

“Ahhn, ahhnn, Yoichiiihhh… harder…please…and closer…”


Yoichi embraced tightly at Karin’s request as they copulated while sitting upright.

He could feel Karin’s breasts, shapely and soft, as they got squeezed in between their chests and warp their shape.

And because their bodies are now in close contact, Yoichi could also feel her body heat and heartbeat through her overlapping sweaty skin.

“Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh, ahhhhh! Harder, Yoichiiih! Harderrrr!!”

“Karin, I’m…!!”

“It’s fine!! You can cum wherever you want! You can also cum inside my pussy!! Fill me up with your seed, Yoichiiihh!!”

At the same time when she was panting hard and saying this, Karin’s vagina tightened.

Yoichi, subjected to this tightening up to the base of his penis, couldn’t hold it in and sprayed his semen inside her, just as the other party wished.

“Ahhhn… Yoiichiii…. You’re the best…”

Karin’s body trembled as she leaned against her man, and the semen that couldn’t fit in her womb poured out of their junction in time with her lines.

She fell down on the bed right after.

As for Yoichi, because they were in each other’s embrace, he, too, collapsed beside.

Then, he fell asleep, the comfortable body heat of the body and orifice of Karin still wrapping around his fig.

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