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Chapter 2 – To the Racetrack

“Oooh! So this is a racetrack!”

Yoichi took Alana and Misato to a local racetrack in the suburbs the next morning.

“I’m going back to my office. I will get a paid leave or anything no matter how it takes!” As for Karin, she said those words as she left Yoichi’s unit with great enthusiasm, though he thinks she was unsuccessful as she wasn’t able to accompany them today.

Even though it was a weekday morning, grown-ups could be seen everywhere with horse racing newspapers in their hands, twisting their heads.

Yoichi can’t help but think, “there are a lot of bad adults around”, but he also knows he is one of them since he is also here.

Although Yoichi does not gamble much, he has visited local racetracks several times in the past to socialize with his part-time and temporary staff. And since it has been a long time since he experienced this unique atmosphere, this trip felt refreshing for him.

Yoichi had enough of taking trains since that last incident, so together with Alana and Misato, they visited the racetrack by rental car today.

Indeed, he had decided to buy the car he test-drove yesterday, but a car isn’t something you can just say, “I’ll buy this one!” “Thank you for your patronage,” and bring it back home like some kind of grocery.

It takes time and procedures to sign a parking contract, obtain a garage certificate, and register the vehicle at the district land transport bureau (Department of Motor Vehicles(DMV)/Land Transportation Office(LTO) in other states/countries).

After that, he went home and talked to the condo concierge, Where he was advised that there is still a vacancy in the parking lot attached to the condominium.

It was more expensive than the other parking lots in the area, but Yoichi was too lazy to look elsewhere, so he asked the concierge to proceed with the contract.

(The rent is almost than 300,000 yen, including parking. Now that I have bought a new car on top of that, I should probably do something about taxes.)

Yoichi has now quit his factory job and is officially unemployed and without income.

Given that he lives in an apartment with reasonably high rent and has even bought a reasonably expensive car, he would undoubtedly be asked by the tax bureau of where is his money coming from.

Yoichi was a factory worker who filed tax returns as a sole proprietor, so it is not that he is ignorant about paying taxes.

(Well, I’ll consider it by March next year) nevertheless, he decided to postpone the issue for now.

Anyway, Yoichi, who wasn’t able to get the car yesterday, had to rent one in the morning to get to the racetrack.

“Mr. Yoichi, what are those men holding in their hands?”

“Hmm? Ah, that’s a horse racing newspaper. I think it was the one with detailed data on past races and so on.”

“Hmmm… So they’re predicting which horse will win based on previous records.”

“That’s probably the case, maybe.”

As for why Yoichi is skeptical, although he has also seen the horse racing newspapers several times, he never understood them at all.

He felt like it had some sort of code or something that you must have the knowledge first in order to decipher it and understand.

Now that he has obtained [Appraisal+], he may be able to parse it out better, but at this point, he no longer has any interest in reading it.

Of course, it would be different if Alana needed it. He could buy it then and there and analyze it for her.

“Do you want to buy a racing newspaper?”

“No, I’m good. I’d rather see the horses in person.”

“I see. Let’s go to the paddock then.”

And so, Yoichi headed to the paddock together with Alana and Misato, but midway, he was surprised that compared to the one at the train, most of the people here showed little to no interest in them.

Previously, though Alana’s magic tool had recognition-blocking effects, pedestrians would still turn their heads to look at them, and passengers would stare at them as soon as they board the train.

Yet here, most of the people gathered did not even look at them, and even if they did occasionally glance at them, they would immediately return their attention to the horse racing newspaper in their hands.

“Ooooh, isn’t he quite a fine horse!”

Seeing the racehorse walking leisurely through the paddock, Alana exclaims in admiration.

Incidentally, Misato only followed Yoichi and Alana while looking around with a curious look on her face since earlier and has not said a word in particular.

“The horse with the ashy hair has a fearless face. Mmm, that chestnut one over there is also magnificent…” Alana, on the other hand, quickly began to observe the horses upon arriving at the paddock, mumbling these thoughts to herself.

(Or rather, isn’t she no different from any other old man around here?)

Alana’s words yesterday gave Yoichi the impression that horse racing in the other world is somewhat of an elegant aristocratic pastime, like those of the European aristocrats he has read in the novels and stereotype fiction. But the way she observed the horses that made her blend in surprisingly well with the old men around her made him think it wasn’t the case.

As for Misato, perhaps feeling uneasy at the sight of Alana recklessly doing such things without abandon, she snuggled close to her for reassurance.

“‘Hmmm…… I took a quick look around, and that dapple-gray horse seems to be the best of the bunch.”[1]

“That grey one with the number 7…I think it’s the best one…“

“You’ve got a pretty good eye, young lady.”

“Eh? M-me!?”

When Misato turned her eyes toward the source of the voice, she found that it came from a short, middle-aged man wearing a flat cap standing nearby.

He was scratching his temples with his capped red pen, though his gaze remained fixed on the horse racing newspaper.

“Uhm, no, I’m not really… I mean, she is better…”

“Hmm? I see.”

As per Misato’s pointing, the man in the flat cap turned his attention to Alana. Then,

“Hoho! That’s one pretty lady friend you got there” Although he mouthed the words, his interest in Alana quickly disappeared from his gaze, and he returned to his horse racing newspaper shortly afterward.

[Do you also appreciate that ashen horse?]

“Hmm? What, you’re a foreigner?”

Yoichi found it amusing that the man acted like some sort of NPC with Alana’s interaction. Meanwhile, Alana can understand the man’s words because of the magic tool for communication, but unfortunately, the man cannot understand hers.

“Uhm, what she said is that do you have your eye on that… ashen horse, too?” Misato stepped in to interpret.

“Hmm? Ah, yes, he’s a good horse. But he’s not doing well these days.”

As he said this, the man tapped a spot on the horse racing newspaper with his red pen.

“Well, he seems to be getting back on track these past races, but maybe he’s not quite there yet.”

[Really? I see a lot of fighting spirit in him.]

“Uhm, she said she can see the fighting spirit emanating from that horse.”

“Hahaha. Fighting spirit, you say? Well, looking at the odds, I might as well do a “place bet” in it.”[2]

“Pleisbette?” Apparently, there is no system of a double win in horse or similar that Alana knows, or she wouldn’t have parroted the pronunciation as it is.

From then on, Misato provided interpretation as needed, and the two were able to converse to a certain extent.

“I see, so you are an amateur in this place. A “Place bet” is a type of bet where you choose which horses would finish the top 2 or top 3 places, depending on the number of horses.”

“Houhou, isn’t that sweet.”

“Of course, the odds will go down as well. That being the case, “Blue Luck”, who has the same bracket, is also in good shape. I think it would be a good idea to place a bet on “Blue Luck”. The same goes for “Toyokinboshi”, who is also in good form in this race.”

“Mmm, another word I don’t understand…”

“Ah, it’s called “bracket quinella” betting, right, based on what I heard…”[2]

“I see. But I’ll just opt for a straight bet. I believe that dapple-grey horse to win.”

“Hoho, a simple “win” bet, huh. That’s good.”[2]

Meanwhile, Yoichi was also observing the horses while this conversation was happening.

(That horse looks fine, but he seems… depressed or something?)

(Mm. That one has piled up fatigued on his legs.)

(And that jockey that just came out… he has a hangover?)

He was closely observing the condition of the horses and jockeys.

“So, mister kind gentleman, can you perhaps relay to us the name of that horse?”

“Hmm? Ah, that guy, he’s…”

“Fumu, fumu…”

(Okay, let’s buy a “win” bet first. And that’s… number 6… number 7…)

“Loose Magnum.”

“Hmm?” “Huh?”

Yoichi and Alana look at each other as their voices overlap.

“Pardon me for asking, but is Mr. Yoichi also eyeing that dapple-grey horse?”

“Dapple-grey? Ah, is that what it called to whitish one that looks like ash?”

“Fufu… I see. Looks like Mr. Yoichi too has a good judge of character.”

“Well, we’ll see about that when it’s done.”

“What about you, Misato?”

“Uhm, I think I’ll just watch.”

“I see. Then let’s go buy a ticket.”

After that, the race was on.

“Go! Loose Magnum!”

“Almost there, go for it!”

“All right, that’s it! Keep going, keep going!”

“One more! Yes! Keep it up, keep it up, keep it up!”


In the end, they both collapsed to their knees.

“I told you to make a “place bet”, didn’t I?”


After losing the bet, the first thing that Alana did was look up and see the man in the flat cap she had just been with in the paddocks. When they found him, he greeted them with a smile.

And once again, Misato also interposed herself and began interpreting.

“What about you, mister esteemed patron?”

“Me? Hahaha! Oh boy, I have never felt so happy with a “place” and a “bracket quinella” bet! I was right to buy an extra bet when I heard about you and the horse’s fighting spirit. Thank you, really. Thank you. Ah, here. A show of my gratitude.”

The man in the flat cap then handed a plastic bag to Alana.

Inside were Imagawayaki, croquettes, menchikatsu, and other items branded with the racetrack’s mascot.[3]

“Mmm… I’m not really sure, but if my words have helped, then I will accept this without reservation.”

“Uhm… Thank you very much.”

After Alana and Misato had their share of thoughts, Yoichi came from the side and gave thanks to the man in the flat cap.

“Thank you very much, sir.”

“You are welcome. You guys have a good eye, but don’t get greedy and go for the safer bets. After all, you came here to win. So win at least once, okay?”

“Ah, yes! Thank you again.”

“Alright! Mr. Yoichi, let’s go to the parade ring again! This time I want to take a closer look at the horses! We’ll get them next time!”


With renewed spirits, Alana left the plastic bag she received from the man in the flat cap to Misato and ran off with Yoichi to the paddocks.

“Wish you luck, you two!”

As for Misato, she took the imagawayaki out of the plastic bag and bit into it, bowed lightly to the man in the flat cap who spoke the above to them as he waved his hand in the air, then ran quickly after Yoichi and Alana.

Of course, this was also while stopping from time to time to take a proper bite of the street snack in her hand.


In the car on the way home, Alana was slumped in the back seat, gazing into the void with eyes that had lost their light.

She leaned back against Misato, sitting next to her and stroking her head as if to appease her.

Thanks to her sitting over there, the shotgun seat was empty.

“Don’t be so depressed,” Yoichi started. “It’s not like you have a bad eye for horse racing.”

“You don’t need to console me.”

In the end, Alana did not win a single game after that.

Yoichi had played it safe and bought a bracket quinella ticket based on the results of the [Appraisal+]’s analysis, but Alana kept betting on a single “win”.

It was not that she was totally off-mark in her prediction since she could have won more than half of the races if she had just chosen to make a “place” bet, but she decided not to do so and insisted on “win”, that is selecting a single horse to win first and if it doesn’t, you lose. It was as if it would hurt her pride if she did not do that.

As much to say, Yoichi discovered that Alana has a passionate personality when it comes to betting.

(Nevertheless, though I have already expected it, even our Professor [Appraisal+] is unskilled in predicting the future.)

Yoichi is not exactly wrong, but he’s not exactly right either.

If Yoichi had the analytical skills to decipher information from horse racing newspapers, his winning percentage would have been higher.

However, because he lacks these important details, his probability of winning the horse race decreased as well, so this was more of his inability to utilize his [Appraisal+] to the fullest extent rather than the performance of [Appraisal+] being mediocre when it comes to probability analysis.

After returning the rental car, Yoichi, who had a positive balance, suggested they go somewhere to eat, but Alana was not that interested, so he had no choice but to buy take-outs at a decent bento shop and took the two out of sight and [returned].

“Welcome back.”

They found Karin relaxing while watching TV when they entered the living room.

She had been given a duplicate key the other day, so she could now come and go to Yoichi’s place as she pleased.

“I’m home. So, how is it?”

Karin replied to Yoichi’s question with a thumbs up.

“I applied for a paid leave as soon as I arrived at work. My boss was a little taken aback, though.”

“Is that so? And they’re alright with that?”

“I threatened– err, said that if I didn’t take my time off, I would quit on the spot. Then they graciously agreed.”

“I-I see. That’s good?”

“Yeah. What happened to you guys? …… Well, I kind of knew it when I saw Alana.”

Looking at Alana, who was disheartened all over her face, Karin could only shrug her shoulders in dismay.

To Karin, Yoichi briefly started to explain what happened today.

“Ahahaha! I see. So Alana is the type of person who gets heated when she gambles.”

“Muuu…… Isn’t it natural to be passionate about a game?”

“Uhuh. I have an image that gambling is losing if you get too passionate about it. But I think it’s also best if you enjoy gambling itself, not bothering whether you win or lose.”

“No, that’s not quite it, Karin. If you are going to play, you have to win. Otherwise, it is all meaningless.”

“But you just lost today, didn’t you? So you’re telling me all of that was meaningless?”


Alana’s shoulders slumped in disappointment at Karin’s words.

“Alana, don’t be so down. Let’s have a meal. Karin, would you like some Chicken Nanban?”

“Nanban? I love Nanban! Thanks!”


“Alana, do you like gambling?”

After dinner, Yoichi asked this to Alana, who is now sitting on the sofa with her knees propped up and sipping a small cup of café au lait.

“I…I don’t hate it, I guess?”

(Yep, she definitely likes it.) Seeing Alana answered while looking away shyly, Yoichi thought as much.

“What about you, Misato?”

“I’m… not really interested” and since Misato did not buy a single ticket today, this was probably a sincere answer from her.

That said, it was not like she was totally dissatisfied either, as she seemed to have enjoyed buying and eating as she watched the race went on.

“How about you, Karin?”

“I don’t mind if it’s playing cards, but I’d rather not do it in Japan.”

“Then would you do it if it was abroad?”

“Well, considering I have done it on my business trip with my associates abroad, I might as well. Plus, I also found some of their games interesting.”

“There are cities abroad built for gambling, after all.”

“Really? This world of yours is wonderful! What are we waiting for!? Let’s go over there too!”

The last one who responded was Alana, who was clearly saying in her face that she had enough of the teasing.

“What about Misato? She doesn’t seem too interested in gambling or anything like that…”

“Misato. You know that gambling city over there, don’t you?”

From here, Yoichi gave the name of a famous city in the U.S. and briefly described its features to Alana, who wanted to hear more about it.

“A city built in the middle of the wilderness, huh. Isn’t that somewhat similar to our own Meilgrad?”

“Certainly, both are similar in that aspect. How is it for you, Misato?”

“I would like to visit there as well.”

Misato had watched a fair number of foreign dramas, and even preferred a slightly older drama series set in casino hotels in that city and their forensic-themed plot. Thus, she was unable to deny that she is also somewhat curious about what it was like in real life.[4]

Although it was said to be a gambling city, Yoichi had also overheard that pretty much anyone can enjoy themselves as various entertainment options such as circuses and concerts also existed in there in addition to their famous casinos.

“Have you been there before, Karin?”

“Of course! If you want, I can show you around.”

“Oooh, that’s very reassuring.”

But then Misato’s expression suddenly sank.

“But I don’t have a passport…”

“Oh no. That’s not good.”

Karin said this, but Yoichi did not seem particularly bothered by it and opened his mouth.

“Well, Alana here doesn’t even have a family register either. But if that’s what you’re worried about, then it’s not a problem.”

Yoichi has already received the passport he had previously applied for, so he and Karin, who has a passport, will travel first.

Yoichi’s plan was to take a suitable hotel, set it as his home point, and then use [Return+] to take them both there.

“Lets see. Ooh, what a nice timing. If we are to go to the airport right now, there’s a chance we might get a flight today.”

Yoichi searched on his smartphone and found a flight departing at a time that would allow him to board if he went to the airport and completed the boarding procedures on that same day.

“I’m going out for a while.”

“Right now? What are you going to do with your luggage?”

Karin stopped Yoichi as he headed for the front door, who sounded like he was just going to the other side of the street.

“The luggage? I have everything I need in the [Infinite Storage+], remember? I don’t need to carry anything.”

“We’re going to travel with nothing? And where are you planning to make our stay?”

“You can think about that when you get there, right? Maybe a motel?”

“Nope! Out!”

Karin thrusts her thumbs-down fist at Yoichi.

“Out, you say? Why?”

“You want to ask why? It’s because, in these days of rampant terrorism, an empty-handed Asian foreigner who hasn’t even decided where he’s going to stay is just too suspicious, you know!”

“Is that the way it is?”

“That’s the way it is!”

When traveling abroad, it is always necessary to identify the destination, length of stay, and purpose of visit, and from there, the luggage should be prepared accordingly.

“Ehhh. I didn’t know foreign countries are so strict about such things.”

“What are you talking about? Of course, it’s just as strict when foreigners enter Japan. Isn’t that what immigration control is all about?”

“Umu umu. That, I can relate to. I have also been to the Empire several times, but the entry procedures were troublesome even though I belonged to the Adventurers’ Guild, an international organization,” Alana, who had experienced crossing the border except in another world, nodded repeatedly as if impressed.

On the other hand, Misato, who had never traveled abroad, could only tilt her head, not understanding what was happening.

“Leave it to me to book you a nice hotel room, and then we will go to a discount store on the way to get suitcases and stuff.”

“O-okay. I’ll leave it to you then.”

With that, Yoichi and Karin got up and headed for the front door.

“Um, please be careful.”

“Mr. Yoichi, Karin, be careful. Leave the housekeeping to us.”

“Yes. I’ll leave it to you. We’ll pick you up tomorrow at the earliest.”

“See you later, you two.”

With these words, Yoichi and Karin left the room.

Translator notes:

[1]. Dapple Grey Horse. They look like this.

I’m not really into horse racing, nor I haven’t even tried it in my life, but based on what I have searched, these kinds of horses are an obsession in the past because they were favorites of Russian and European royalty/nobility because of their color, speed, and stamina, and had been picked several times as warhorses.

(Source: https://www.bubblypet.com/dapple-grey-horse/)

[2]. Place Bet, Win Bet, and Bracket Quinella. These are the types of betting for horses.

A Win wager or Win bet(単勝) is the easiest bet you can make in racing: simply pick the horse you think will cross the finishing line first. If your horse wins: you win. If your horse doesn’t win: you don’t win.

A “place” bet(複勝) is simply picking the horse you think will cross the wire first or second. It is a safer option, but the payoffs are also lower

A “bracket quinella”(枠連) is a unique bet in Japanese Horse Racing. You win when you bet 2 horses bracket numbers (like group numbers, distinguishable by the color of the jockey’s caps), and they finish on the 1st & 2nd rank, irrelevant of order. There are 8 brackets in a field of 16 horses. Brackets wagering occurs only in fields with more than 9 horses. Brackets bets correspond to the color of the jockeys’ caps. You can also check out the definition of bracket quinella in the pdf below.





[3]. Imagawayaki, croquettes, menchikatsu.


Japanese Croquette (mashed potatoes mixed with sauteed ground beef and onion.)

Menchi Katsu (Japanese ground meat cutlet)

[4]. Yes, they’re talking about Las Vegas, Nevada here. Also, the forensic-themed drama Misato is referring to is none other than the 2001 drama series “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”, which was also set in Las Vegas. The author also noted in the web novel that their Las Vegas knowledge would be based on them, and they have also apologized beforehand if the story would sound outdated to the Las Vegas of today.

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