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Chapter 10 – Anastasia Succumbs to Pleasure

Two hours had passed since the caresses began.

And because a lot of time has passed, the sky seen from the window has already gone cloudy and dark, with not a star in sight. However, thanks to the magical lighting created by Anastasia inside the room, I was still able to see her in her aroused state.

“Hah, hah, kuh! How long are you going to keep doing this to me?”

Pinned to the bed by my weight and with her breasts thoroughly caressed, Anastasia is now in a state of debauchery.

Her brown limbs, which had probably won over numerous men in the past, now have a light peach hue, and sweat was floating on her fresh skin, indicating that her body was being overcome by pleasure.

Perhaps because of her state of arousal, she looked more glamorous than before.

“I told you it was up to you, Anastasia. Tell me how your magic spell works, and I’ll forgive you. No more snide remarks, okay?”

Saying that, I caressed her even more on her sensitive breasts.

I made her come so many times with repeated massages on these mountains that my stamina had already been drained.

But even amongst all this, her words directed at me are still full of spikes.

“You pervert! Brute! Sex fiend! Who the hell are you to……hiuuhh!?”

Although she was bound up, Anastasia was still trying to resist the pleasure I was giving her.

However, it also showed that she was gradually succumbing to the sensation that I had made.

The evidence of it is the lovely moans she tried to hold back at first were now leaking out uncontrollably, repeating on and on with varying intervals.

“You just have to step up to the plate, and we’ll get this over with. Tell me about the most crucial part of your magic of mental manipulation, and I’ll end this.”

“As if I tell you that easily! Ah, nnghhhh, ah!”

Seeing that the dark elf was still persistent, I bent down on the spot and flicked my tongue over her breasts to make her submit even more.

“Auuh! I didn’t expect you to lick it…!!”

“It’s a little salty, though, probably from all the sweat.”

“I’m being licked my breasts all over… ahhh!? I’m cumming again!”

The moment I touched her nipples with the tip of my tongue, Anastasia climaxed with ease.

Her mouth, which had been defiant until just before, started to emit gasps.

Nevertheless, I still tortured her breasts with my fingers and tongue as she came.

“Hi-gghh, ugh, ah! No, I can’t do this! Alright, I’ll tell you, so stop!”

“If you’re going to say it, say it fast. If you hesitate, I’ll do it again.”

I stopped my hand and waited for her to say something, seeing that she has finally agreed.

“Haa, haa… The magic of manipulation directly interferes with the other person’s magic power. And because every human being possesses magic, there’s no escaping it, but you…”

Anastasia said this in a voice out of breath and tinged with frustration.

Her words finally made me understand why I didn’t fall for the spell. I had no magic power at all to make it interfere with my body, so the magic spell didn’t work on me.

“What the, so it’s just that, huh? Well, that’s a relief… for the time being.”

(So my suspicion was right all along.)

Seeing that her spell not working on me wasn’t just a fluke, I removed the handkerchief covering Anastasia’s eyes and the binding restraining her hands.

The eyes of the beautiful woman looking down at me with a relaxed expression just a little while ago are now wet with tears of pleasure.

“That’s quite a terrible face. You must have endured a lot. Though it’s also on you as you would have gotten away with it sooner if you just confessed.”

“I don’t want to be told that by you. You’re the one who made me like this.”

She said as she looked up at me with eyes fallen into debauchery, but should I say as expected of one of the Demon Race? Anastasia remained unfazed, even squeezing out a few words of resistance as if my torture was nothing.

“Well, sorry about that. I was just about to lose my patience as well. Then again, I’d like to know more about what else you have that you can teach me. Like the magic spells of the Demon Race, for example.”

“What the… uguhh…!”

The reason mental manipulation magic doesn’t work on me is now clear. There is no more reason for me to leave her alive with this.

The most secure way is to say goodbye to her and deal with her here, but her magic spells’ power is too good to discard.

There’s also the risk that I can’t really “deal with her” here because I am weaker than her, but she doesn’t know that yet, and I will not let her.

There’s also another way, and that is by making her a faithful pawn, and the gain would be enormous if I successfully convinced the other party.

However, with the other party being an actual being who had given up their relationship with a literal God, I don’t think she’ll be easily enticed with money and other material things anymore.

Then again, I could also use the method I trust the most so far.

I got up, pulled Anastasia off the bed, and made her stand on the nearby desk.

After rolling up her costume, I stood behind her and stripped off her underwear with great force.

“Ah, w-wait… you told me that we’ll be done with this after I told you the truth!”

“All I said is that the pleasure torture will end. Besides, are you sure you want to stop now? This one looks like it’s anticipating it too.”

Anastasia’s private parts, hidden by her underwear, was already wet with love juices that it overflowed from her hole.

The amount of love juices were so much that it soaked her underwear and her clothes, and when I looked at the bed again, there was also a darker spot at the center of the sheets.

“Oh no! Don’t look at it!”

“We have reached up to this point. You should have already expected that this would happen, don’t you think?”

“Ugh, you… Fine! But if I’m not pleased with it, I’ll kill you, even if it means killing the both of us in the end.”

Anastasia was feigning ignorance, but I could only think her reaction was cute from my point of view.

But around this time, I was truly already at my limit, so I decided to touch my hardened meat stick against her secret place, being enticed by the arousal brought by her lasciviousness so far.

“Ugh, this…”

“See this, Anastasia? All your panting and moaning has gotten me this far, and I’m going to make sure it gets taken care of.”

“So big… If a… this big is suddenly inserted in me, I will…nhaaa!?”

Despite Anastasia’s turmoil, I quickly buried my dick into her vagina.

And soon after insertion, the vagina, which had been debauched by the previous excitement, tightened all at once.

Naturally, the love juices that had been overflowing was pushed out by the rod at that same time, and it quickly dripped onto the floor.

“Oh, ghhh! The hotness is going deeper and deeper without stopping!”

Anastasia clawed at the desk and arched her back as if enduring the pleasure.

But I continued to push my hips forward until I finally reached her deepest point.

And that is, against the soft flesh of her ass and into the deepest part of her womb.

“Kahaa… ugh, hah…!!”

Anastasia, who had just been penetrated inside her vagina, was struck by an immense pleasure that it rendered her speechless.

I could tell how much she felt by how tight she was inside.

“I totally did not expect you to hold out until this point. How is it? Pleasant, isn’t it?”

I whispered into the dark elf’s ear as she arched her back. I also grabbed one of her big tits with one hand.

“So good! I can’t believe you’re reaching me there!”

“And I can make you feel even better. So, how will it be? Will you push yourself to the limit of what you’re comfortable with? Or stay in that mediocre state for long?”

“You got to be kidding me… hyauuuhh!!”

“Oh, I’m serious, Anastasia. Or rather, I have been serious right from the start. Besides, it would be a waste for you to leave something so pleasant like this untried? Who knows when you’ll have another one of this next time?”

Teasing her sensitive nipples with the fingers of one hand, I moved my hips to torture Anastasia’s vagina once again.

With relentless movements, I penetrated her down into a whirlpool of pleasure.

Every time our bodies collide, a dry sound of flesh hitting flesh would echo in the room, which would arouse me in turn, especially when I hear her sweet, charming voice, which she lets out right after.

“I, hah, hah, forgive me already!”

Anastasia had no way to escape from the teasing on the sensitive parts of my body, both above and below.

It made her bewitching beauty more and more glamorous instead, however.

“I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

Soon after, Anastasia reaches her limit and naturally pushes her body upward to a climax.

Along with it, her hands clenched tightly, and her legs also trembled like never before.

But Anastasia was not the only one who had been building up her lust.

“Aah, I’m gonna cum too…!!”

Feeling something hot welling up from the bottom of my hips, I, too, was nearing my limit.

To balance that, I intensified my pounding on Anastasia.

“Haa, hmmm, ahhh! I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

But her climax would immensely stimulate my sexual organs immediately, causing me to lose more control in return.

To balance that again, I rubbed her tits, which were too big to cover with one hand, hard, causing her soft flesh to spill out in between my fingers…

…while also penetrating her vagina, which had been tightened just before her climax, as hard as I could, utilizing the too-thick love juice as a lubricant to go as deep as I could go.

“Hyaaah! I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

However, with Anastasia’s second climax, I couldn’t last long, and finally expelled my boiling hot seed.

“Kahaa… ugh, hah…!!”

I ejaculated all of it inside Anastasia.

As for the woman herself, after being ejaculated inside, she fell down on the desk, moaning enticingly as she breathed at me heavily.

I can’t help but be amazed that she was still able to manage to stay conscious, even after all that.

“Hah, phew. …… Anastasia, how about coming to my camp for a change? I can entertain you better than a boring guy like the Count.”

I spoke to Anastasia, speaking up about my true motives for her this time.

“Haa haaa… Indeed, I’ve never had a partner who could nullify my magic spell before. There’s also the feeling that if I stay with you, Yuushin, I will be able to experience more interesting things.”

She glanced back at me and said that with a tilt of her head.

“Wait, what’s with that? Sounds terrible. It’s like I’m a walking jinx. Either way, from now on, don’t touch anyone else, okay? I’m all you need. Well, there are also the consequences if you get caught, but I don’t need to explain that, do I?”

“Fufufu. You don’t have to worry about that. Or rather, the thing you should be worrying about is yourself.”

She talked to me back with her teasing tone.

It seems that she has gained her usual demeanor back.

But I could also see various things in her expressions, including lust and… jealousy? Whatever it is, what is important is that we are good now.

Thus, after so much hard work, I have now succeeded in finding out the secret of Count Luke’s unit, and at the same time, I obtained the original culprit and a great asset to our cause, Anastasia.

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