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Chapter 7 – Entering the Wizardry Path

Shortly after Yoichi had witnessed Misato creating a magic pseudo-hydrogen bomb right in front of his eyes, Clara, the old receptionist of the Mages’ Guild, appeared in the training area.

She was holding two grimoires in her hands.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. Here are your grimoires, girls.”

She said as she handed two thick and heavy-looking books to Karin and Misato.

“Oh, thank you very much.”

“T-thank you.”

“I have also inscribed basic magic spells in them as an extra.”

But immediately after saying that, she turned her eyes to Alana.

“Oh, yes. I forgot. You guys have money, right?”

Registering at the Mages’ Guild, creating a grimoire, and inscribing magic spells in them.

All of them have corresponding fees.

However, since Alana is a B-Rank adventurer and a member of the Saris House, Clara already had a preconceived notion that there shouldn’t be a problem even if she confirmed the fees later on.

“Ah, I’ll be the one to take care of the fees.”

“You? That’s surprising. That said, it’s also very commendable of you, Mr. Lady-killer. Make sure to drop by at the reception desk later, okay?”

“L-like I said, enough with the lady-killer……”

Yoichi retorted, but the old woman just spun on her heels and went.

“Wait a minute! Where’s my grimoire!?”

“Oops, I almost forgot. My apologies beforehand, but……”


“Your grimoire’s creation failed.”

“……Come again?”

“But don’t worry. they exist, sometimes……those people who are not compatible with grimoires.”

“What was that supposed to mean?”

“Simply put, there are those kinds of people who cannot use magic just like you, whether they like it or not. I’m telling you this so that you won’t feel isolated.”

“I-is that so? Thank you for the–”

“Upupup~. You don’t want to thank me yet. Your grimoire may have failed its creation, but it still counts as a grimoire. So, functional or not, you’ll still have to pay the processing fee. Also, the failed grimoire will be disposed of.”

“Really now? ……sigh.”

Although he had somewhat expected this, Yoichi was still shocked when he was told about his lack of magic power upfront.

Of course, he also got a bit angry when Clara emphasized that he still had to pay for the failed grimoire as if she were putting salt to the wound. But in the end, Yoichi decided it wasn’t worth arguing about it. There was also the fact that he was just too depressed to rebuke.

In the end, Yoichi just gave the old woman a sigh.

To the despondent Yoichi, Alana put a hand on his shoulder to ease his mood.

“Again, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m already kind of expecting it.”

Though Yoichi was smiling weakly as he said this.

“By the way, Ma’am Clara, would you be so kind as to bring out target golems for us?”

From here, Alana interjected as if to switch the souring atmosphere of the place.

“A’ight. Where do you want to move it?”

“No, not the moving kind. I want them to be stationary.”

“Understood. I’ll bring about ten of them. Is that good enough?”

“Yes, that’s enough.”

After Alana finished her words, Clara snapped her fingers. Then, clay figures grew out of the ground about 50 meters away.

Apparently, they were golems for target practice.

“And……that’s it, I think? If you need anything else, I’ll be at the reception. Wish you luck at your training~.”

“Thank you very much.”

Just like that, Clara left the training area. But it was also then when Karin and Misato started to ponder over something.

“Now that we have new targets……Misato.”


Maybe because of the tutorial she was provided earlier, Misato’s attitude towards Alana had become more and more like that of a student toward a teacher.

“Conjure a fireball about six inches in diameter and use it to try to hit one of those targets.”


“Also, I’m sorry, but would you mind holding the fireball for a few minutes to give Karin time to observe?”

“O-okay, sure.”

After replying to Alana, Misato raised her palm at chest level and started to think about something.

She imagined her magic power turning into something that burns, and soon as she did this, a tiny flame appeared.

Then, she imagined feeding more oxygen to it to adjust the flame’s size, and soon enough, the ball of flame grew until it was about 15cm in diameter.

And maybe because Alana said it was a “fireball”, Misato, too imagined that the fire would be good to resemble a sphere.

“Oh, there it is!”


Seeing another magical phenomenon for the second time, Yoichi and Karin shouted in admiration.

Yoichi has already regained his usual tone as if his sadness didn’t happen at all.

A 15 cm in diameter fireball appeared in Misato’s palm, just as Alana had instructed.

It looked a little unstable, but she managed to maintain a spherical shape.

Next, Misato turned her gaze to the target.

She looked at the rightmost one of the clay figures, which she had only noticed this late that they were elaborately made.


But the moment she switched her attention to the golem, the size and shape of the fireball she was “holding” became distorted.

To resolve that, she hurriedly readjusted it.

Strangely enough, Misato didn’t feel the heat that the fireball was supposedly emitting even though it was so up close.

A mass of flames the size of a person’s head, no more than 10 centimeters away from one’s face, would normally cause serious burns from its radiant heat alone, but maybe because Misato was unconsciously imagining it to be harmless, like those she often read in web novels, the spell isn’t causing her any harm.

Sweat still appeared on Misato’s forehead, not because of the heat but because she was concentrating.

Misato looked at the golem again, keeping her attention on the fireball so that it would not change in size or shape.

(How do I fly it?)

Misato looked back and forth between the golem and the fireball, unsure of what to do.

Then, as if she had made up her mind, she decided to launch it.

――By throwing it an overhead pitch,


along with a very cute “Ei!” which totally didn’t match the atmosphere.

“Ooooh! Wait, what!?”

“Oh my.”

The fireball left Misato’s hand with great force, but after a few meters, it slowed down and began to become more erratic in shape and size, where in the end, it disappeared before even reaching its target.


Misato’s shoulders slumped dejectedly with a disappointed sigh, seeing the fireball didn’t even reach the golem.

“Umu. As you can see, Sorcery spells aren’t just visualizing things and making them go poof. Instead, they are a culmination of how to maintain the shape, size, power, distance, and speed in which the spell will reach the target.”

“……Sorcery is so hard.”

These words came out of Misato’s mouth unintentionally, but Alana didn’t find them wrongly. In fact, she, too, nodded in response.

“That’s right. Sorcery is difficult. And for that ――”

Alana’s gaze then went to the grimoire that Misato held under her arm.

As if that was her cue, Misato picked up her grimoire and held it up in front of her chest.

“―― is where Wizardry Practices comes in……now, if you’ll excuse me. I will be borrowing this for a moment.”

Alana raised her hand towards the grimoire in front of Misato.

Sensing the other party’s intention, Misato placed the grimoire in Alana’s hand.

“Sorcery is a process that requires awareness of the various processes involved in its use: size, range of effect, range, power, etc. And the spellcaster has to do this all simultaneously.”

Alana flips through the pages of her grimoire as she says this.

“Usually, all of it was done by instinct; hence true Sorcery users are also one of a kind. But when it is done on paper, tabulated, and controlled, it becomes what we call Wizardry. So, to sum up, Wizardry is Sorcery but adding formulas and calculations together to efficiently produce a controlled magical spell.”

Alana returned the grimoire to Misato with the pages open.

“This is the correct magical inscription of the fireball I had Misato work on a while ago without using anything but her instincts.”

On the page was something that resembled a geometric pattern.

“Now, I will show you its difference by “stocking up” the spell inside your head. Misato, if you please.”


“Ah, right. Try to touch the page I just showed to you and think about putting that image into your mind.”


When Misato did as asked, the geometric patterns on the page glowed with a pale light.

Then, the pattern, which had been black and thick like it was written with a marker, became grayed out and faded as if they were sketched by a pencil.


Misato also couldn’t help but exclaim as if in admiration.

“Fufu. Do you sense it?”

“Yes, It feels kind of weird, though.”

Misato was looking around her body for something as she said this.

“Anyway, try casting the fireball again. You should be able to do it now.”


At Alana’s instructions, Misato looked at the target golem again.

But this time, instead of raising her palm in front of her face, she held her palm towards the direction of the golem.

What came next was the same phenomenon of a fireball as large as the one before coming out of the said palm. But instead of staying still like the former, the second ball of fire immediately launched itself upon forming towards its target.

What came next was a loud “Boom!” and when the dust settled, a clay golem, scorched black, was now presented before their eyes.


Impressed by the magic phenomenon once again, Yoichi made another shout of admiration, even giving Misato a round of applause.



But that applause came short as seconds later, another mass of fire struck the neighboring golem, followed by a “Fufufu, success!” of Karin with a big smile on her face.

It seems that behind their backs, Karin must have also tried Alana’s explanation with her own grimoire and cast the “Fireball” herself.

“But seeing the results, mine seems to be a lot less powerful.”

Karin suddenly followed up, seeing the damage she inflicted on the golem.

What Karin said was true.

If you looked closely at the golems, you will see that though the fireballs both solidly hit the targets, the golem that Misato had shot had its entire body scorched black, while Karin’s is black but only on the upper half of its body, mainly on its chest.

“Even though the spell techniques are the same, there is still the variable of the innate talents of the user. And Misato here being able to conjure a better fireball while her lessons are still incomplete just shows her innate talent for magic.”

“I see. Innate talent, huh.”

Upon hearing this, Karin slumps in dejection.

“Can you show me that inscription for a moment?”

Suddenly, Yoichi asked, and upon request, he was handed down the grimoire of Misato, which was still open on the page they left.

Upon observing, he could see that the patterns were greyed out, but it was still legible.

At least for Yoichi.

“Let’s see here……《Fireball, 15 centimeters in diameter, 1500 degrees Celsius, flying at 100 kilometers per hour at the target range of 50 meters. Effect may vary depending on the magic power applied at the time of activation.》is what it says.”

“W-wait. Did you just read the inscriptions?”

Alana looked at Yoichi in surprise.

“Huh? You can’t?”

“Of course not! Or rather, there’s no way anyone can read it that easily!!”

Alana yelled, half in surprise, half in dismay. Then, she realized her fault.

“Ah, sorry for yelling at you. It’s just……”

“No, it’s okay.”

“……Ehem. If what you said is true, then it is indeed shocking. After all, these inscriptions are a secret language that is exclusively developed by the Mages’ Guild. We commonly refer to it as the “Mage Language”, and even in the Mages’ Guild itself, only a few of them can read and decipher it.”

“For real?”

“For real. Even if you are proficient in the language, as I recall, the formulas inside it are encrypted, so in the end, even a genius in deciphering wouldn’t be able to grasp its meaning. In fact, I have heard that they were so secured that those who have mastered the language built an encryption system where a single person can never decipher it alone.”

To convert it into Earth’s words, the spells inside the grimoire are applications that can be installed in your head and consume memory, or in this case, mana, even when not running.

And the Mage Language is not a language that can be used for any kind of communication but rather something like a programming language used by computers to process something.

And because it has an encryption that was not a part of the “normal language”, i.e., something that is used by living beings to communicate, it was not supposed to be readable, even with those with [Language Comprehension] Skill.

However, this enters the influence of another blessing the administrator gave to Yoichi.

Because the encryption counts as a bunch of formulas, no matter how highly coded it was, Yoichi would still be able to decipher it through the use of his [Appraisal+].

In other words, using [Appraisal+] to breach the encryption and [Language Comprehension+] to read the magic formula, Yoichi was able to decipher what was inscribed on the grimoire’s pages just as easily as reading it like a book.

“Mr. Yoichi……it’s probably best if we keep this matter a secret to ourselves.”

Wizardry Practices, or rather, magic techniques as a whole, are strictly monitored by the Mages’ Guild.

But they are for a good reason, as if it was released decrypted and uncontrolled, one would be able to activate even the most complicated and most dangerous spells they want with the single touch of a page.

Like guns, the limit where they could use it for anti-social activities is boundless, as long as the person owning the grimoire has a lot of mana to spare and is evil enough to do horrible things.

Thankfully, in his world, the Mages’ Guild has already implemented a system in which they could track all active grimoires and which magic spell is contained in which.

And with the guild’s authority and technology, they could even disable the grimoire if they found the user suspicious or found out that the grimoire showed signs of being tampered on.

“But what if I alter the grimoire completely?”

“It would be best for you not to try, Mr. Yoichi. The grimoire would be immediately shut down at its first sign of unauthorized altering, and after that, it would only become a beacon for your arrest.”


[Language Comprehension+] supports reading and writing of all languages.

Because of this, it would be possible for Yoichi to modify the magic spells inscribed in the grimoire or even create a new spell if he puts himself into it.

In fact, Yoichi was thrilled when he thought about it. But when he found out about the consequences, he was not that thrilled anymore.

“Somehow, it smells like it will only bring us trouble. And since I don’t want that, I guess I’ll refrain from doing it.”

“Umu. A wise choice. It’s also best we stop this kind of conversation here.”

One-sidedly dismissing the topic, Alana’s eyes went to Misato again.

“Now that you have stocked up the Fireball spell in your head, do you feel your mana being consumed, Misato?”[1]

Although it was already recorded in the grimoire, a magic spell cannot be used until it is “stocked” inside the spellcaster’s head, and while it is stocked, it consumes magic power little by little.

Again, if compared to modern terms, it was like an installed program consuming memory even while idle inside a computer.

There’s also the downside of the “mana cost”, that is, the mana equivalent to using the spell being spent at its “stocking” and “un-stocking,” respectively.

In other words, Misato had just consumed magic power equivalent to two fireballs., the first during installation or “stocking” the Fireball spell inside her head, and the second when she cast the actual Fireball at the target golem. And because she had also used mana to practice sorcery spells before this, she must have lost a lot of mana by now.

Combining that with the gradual consumption of the stocked spell inside her head, it’s practically a must now that she should be feeling some fatigue.

“……I’m not really, though?”

But it seems that even with all that, Misato wasn’t feeling anything. Not even a sign of being tired.

“Is that so? Hmm……I wonder if she has a higher mana capacity than normal? Misato, can I make you stock more magic spells to test it out?”

“Oh, and while you’re at it, can I practice my bow?”

Finding out that their teacher, Alana, will be occupied with Misato for a while, Karin offers what she could do in the meantime.

“Ah, sure, go ahead. Sorry about ignoring you…”

“It’s okay. Yoichi, if you please. Fufufu.”

“Right away, ma’am.”

After making a lighthearted tone like she was asking a butler, Karin took off her coat and handed it over to Yoichi, who in turn hands her over her compound bow and quiver of arrows from his [Infinite Storage+].

“I’ll step back a little, okay?”

With the arrows she received now tied to her waist, Karin moves backward about 20 meters, making her distance to her current target about 70 meters – the same distance when she practices her usual archery using recurve bows.

After deciding on a target, she nocks a practice arrow and pulls the string with her finger.


But upon pulling the string of her bow, Karin suddenly raises her eyebrows a little as if a little surprised, though she quickly changes her expression and refocuses herself right away.

Her scope sight catches the target golem, which had been scorched in the chest area by the fireball she just fired a while ago.

After aiming for a few seconds, she releases her hooked finger with a twang.

Fshoo!! Sounded the arrow as it was released. It pierced the golem’s chest dead center, and was followed by an “Ooh! Well done!” from Yoichi right after.

Karin, however, ignored him, nocked a second arrow, and released it.

She fired three more arrows, then four.

All of them hit the golem in the chest.

“Damn, that’s awesome! I think it’s even more impressive than the ones I see in the Olympics!”

“……I think so too. Even a gold medal would be a dream no longer.”

“……Eh? That much?”

Yoichi only intended to say the above lines as a joke, an exaggerated praise of sorts, so when he was answered in a serious manner, he couldn’t help but be taken aback.

With Yoichi in the background, Karin looked alternately at her vacant right hand and her left hand, still holding the bow. Then, she furrowed her brows as if she was troubled by something.

“……Something’s weird.”


After saying those words, Karin finally looked up and stared back at Yoichi.

There was no joy on her face at having hit the target with so many arrows, only confusion.

“You see, Yoichi, I usually use a release aid.”

In modern archery, the bow is usually drawn with a tool called a release aid.

Release aids work by hooking the string on its caliper while drawing the string, then pulling the trigger positioned on your thumb to “release” that string that will also launch the arrow that was loaded to it.

There are two types of release aids: the “hand type,” which looks like a gun grip, and the “wrist type,” which looks like a wristband with a hook attached to it.

Karin had already been using a hand-type release aid when she was still using a recurve bow. But maybe because she was given a chance to try a wrist-type release aid when she was being taught how to use a compound bow overseas, she was urged to buy one as well, just to complete the set.

She had been using the wrist-type release aid for herself ever since.

“Archery became a total hobby for me when I switched to a compound bow. And because of that, I also switched to a much more comfortable wrist-type release aid. Then again, probably because I haven’t played for so long, I completely forgot about it.”

“Ah, so that’s why you looked surprised on your first draw.”

“Y-you noticed? A-anyway, the reason I find it weird is that I felt strangely comfortable drawing the bow even without the release aid. Not to mention I was able to draw the string more lightly than usual. Also, look over there.”

Karin then points to the target golem with her gaze.

“I know myself well that I am not good enough to hit the target dead center in this distance, even more now with the burden of the entire string fully concentrated on my finger. Honestly, I was expecting it to miss a bit. There’s also the fact that I haven’t handled a bow for quite a while.”

Karin marveled curiously as she looks down at her hands, repeatedly flexing and stretching the index and middle fingers that she just used to draw her bow.

“……also, the pain in my fingers that was there a moment ago is gone now. Is it because this otherworld’s laws are influencing my body? What do you think, Yoichi?”

Misato gives Yoichi an upward glance. This time, with a clear expression of puzzlement on her face.

“Uh, I don’t know.”

But after he finished saying that, it was then when it occurred to Yoichi that he had also been given the [World Transfer Safety Skill] by the Administrator a while back.

As far as he could remember from the words of the kimono-dressed goddess(?), this skill would automatically optimize the body structure of the person Yoichi is transferring with to make them suited to living normally in Yoichi’s destination world.

(Was this a part of this optimization?)

Since Yoichi’s body was remodeled entirely by the Administrator when he was “revived” from his accident, he was no longer affected by this [World Transfer Safety Skill], but that does not apply to Karin and Misato. They were still ordinary people from Earth.

“Uhm, Misato……are you sure you’re alright?”

“Un. I’m totally fine. Or rather, I haven’t felt any changes at all.”

Then, he overheard the conversation between Alana and Misato, who were still working on “stocking” Magic spells.

The grimoire prepared by Clara contained about 20 magic spells, including offensive, restoration, support, and even spells that are used for quality of living.

Since they are all beginner-level magic, they do not consume as much magic power when stocked, but even these little bits would still burden your body if you store the entirety of them inside your head.

“Really? Even though you’ve already stocked every spell in the book?”

Alana inquired even more. However, Misato just tilts her head to Alana’s question, showing no signs of fatigue whatsoever.

“No matter how basic the spell can be, going beyond 20 stocks will be tough even for me, who is mixed with dark elf blood. And yet……”

Each body, though they have varying magic aptitudes, have the ability to recover magic power, or mana, over time.

But suppose the amount of mana recovered over time is a lot less than the amount consumed over time, for example, by the stocked spells. In that case, the mana in that body will only decrease and decrease, and they will eventually fall into a state of discomfort when their mana level reaches a critical point.

“Mr. Yoichi, you can use [Appraisal], right?”


Before arriving in this world, Yoichi has told Alana as well as Karin and Misato about his skills, though not the full extent what it could do. Of course, he also said he hasn’t appraised the girls thoroughly yet because he respects their privacy.

“I’m sorry about this, but can you take a look at Misato’s condition? Is she in some kind of state of disarray that she is just unaware of, or does she have some special skill? Of course, that is if Misato agrees as well.”

“Un. I don’t mind.”

Receiving the consent of the patient, Yoichi nodded and activated the skill. Of course, he set it beforehand to only show the woman’s conditions.


(Her condition is……good. She isn’t supposed to have any skills, though……wait.)


Suddenly, Yoichi’s eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open.

“What’s the matter, Mr. Yoichi? You let out a strange noise just now.”

“What……no, how?”

After all, he found out that there are many skills in Misato’s skill column instead of having a blank page.

But what surprised him the most was that [Healthy Body+] was also mixed in that set of skills, which should only be his and his alone.


At first, Yoichi was surprised when he discovered that Misato possessed the skills. But then, he entered a state of contemplation.

(Did she learn the skills after coming over?)

In addition to [Healthy Body+], Yoichi observed that Misato also possessed magic-related skills such as [Mana Perception, Type A], [Mana Manipulation, Type A], and [Quintessence of Sorcery]. And upon further checking, he found out that she had acquired these skills other than [Healthy Body+] at the same time they arrived in this different world.

(The [Quintessence of Sorcery] and her other magic-related skills are already a stretch in itself, to be honest, but the problem is that the [Healthy Body+] is also put in there. Didn’t the administrator say that the “+” in the skills is due to the blessings I received from her?)

Yoichi is correct. The Administrator told him that [Healthy Body+] is basically only a Yoichi exclusive skill as it was only him who has received this kind of blessing, and directly from the administrator at that.

And because it was “blessed”, even an ordinary [Healthy Body] would pale in comparison with the [Healthy Body+]’s might. So Yoichi’s reaction is not at all exaggerated.

“What is it, Mr. Yoichi? You’re now groaning with a scrunched-up look on your face. Is there really something wrong with her?”

“Hm? Ah, no, that’s not what I……”

After Alana’s follow-up, Yoichi returned to his senses, only to see that Misato was staring at him anxiously. This caused him to panic a bit, and he almost explained himself in a hurry.

“It’s not really a problem, but more like……”

Yoichi’s gaze then switches to Karin.

(Perhaps Karin is also the same?)

Continuing from before, he also activated [Appraisal+] on Karin, where he found that in addition to skills such as [Mana Perception, Type B], [Mana Manipulation, Type A], and [Bowmanship], she also possessed [Healthy Body+].[2]

(It can’t be…… Then, how about Alana?)

As if to complete the set, Yoichi too activated [Appraisal+] on Alana.

In Alana’s skill column, in addition to her [Dual-Axemanship], [Axe-Spearmanship], [One-handed Swordsmanship (Thin Blade)], and magic spells of each attribute, there was also what he was expecting, the [Healthy Body+].[3]

(No way……does that mean my seed gave them……for real?)

Seeing this strange phenomenon becoming real, Yoichi recalled the ridiculous fantasy about his semen having healing powers some time ago.

“Mr. Yoichi? Are you still there? What’s going on? Tell us!”

This time, Alana’s voice was getting mixed with anxiety and irritation.

“Oh, sorry. For the time being, Misato doesn’t have any abnormalities in her condition. So please don’t worry about that. And Karin as well.”

“For the time being? What do you mean?”

“No, no. I worded it wrong. I didn’t mean that. It’s just that……there’s a little bit of a problem, on my side at least. Or rather, I just want to confirm something……err how do I put this……”

At the very least, Yoichi felt it would be proper to inform first that Karin and Misato had acquired some skills and how and when they had acquired them. Unfortunately, he still doesn’t know when and how this phenomenon occurred.

(Right, I could use [Appraisal+] on the appraisal results too!)

After raking his brains, Yoichi ended with the idea that using [Appraisal+] on an appraisal result might reveal even more of their acquisition history. He tested this right way, where he immediately found the records of each skill that Misato possessed.


[Mana Perception, Type A].

Allows the user to more strongly perceive the mana floating in the surroundings.

Acquired by being exposed to the mana drifting in the surroundings upon visiting another world filled with magic for the first time.

[Mana Manipulation, Type A]

A skill that enables a more efficient manipulation of mana when manipulating magic power.

Gained upon the teachings of Alana Saris after acquiring [Mana Perception].

[Quintessence of Sorcery]

Gained after learning [Basic Sorcery] under the tutelage of Alana Saris and after acquiring [Mana Manipulation] skill, then successfully invoking a magic spell that applied the still-unrevealed truths and laws of this world(science).

All the integration between Science and Sorcery will now be possible through this skill.

[Healthy Body+]

The method of acquisition is still being analyzed…….


“What the hell……”

Apart from the [Quintessence of Sorcery], which was already a topic starter on its own, Yoichi could already guess that Misato not feeling any particular magic consumption was because of [Healthy Body+] supplying the sufficient mana regeneration for her.

(Then, what about Karin?)


[Mana Perception, B-Type].

Allows the user to more strongly perceive the mana circulating inside their bodies.

Acquired by being exposed to the mana drifting in the surroundings upon visiting another world filled with magic for the first time.

[Mana Manipulation, A-Type]

A skill that enables a more efficient manipulation of mana when manipulating magic power.

Gained upon the teachings of Alana Saris after acquiring [Mana Perception].


A skill that enables one to handle a bow well.

This was an original ability the host Motomiya Karin possessed but was converted and optimized into a [Skill] by Todou Yoichi’s [World Transfer Safety Skill].

[Healthy Body+]

The method of acquisition is still being analyzed…….


(I see, so that’s why she became better at archery! And the pain in her fingers after she shot the bow immediately cured was probably because of the [Healthy Body+]’s effects!)

“Alana, have you heard of the skill [Healthy Body]?”

“Yes, I’ve heard of it. It is a rare skill that improves physical and magical recovery, heals injuries, sickness, etc. It even increases resistance to abnormal conditions. Wait, are you saying……”

“Yes. I found out that Misato has a [Healthy Body]. And Karin as well.“

Hearing this, Alana folded her arms and nodded her head in agreement.

“I see. So it’s the [Healthy Body] skill in Misato that speeds up the recovery of her magic power.”

“It’s as you said.”

“Uhm, so……is that [Healthy Body]……good?”

This time it was Misato who asked. She alternated between Yoichi and Alana, ultimately asking Alana, a resident of this world, in the end.

“Of course it is good! After all, it is always an advantage for a mage to “stock” many spells as they could to be able to fire them from the get-go. Moreover, the faster one’s mana recovers, the more Sorcery and Wizardry spells they would be able to use in a battle. And since it is already known that the mana possessed in one’s body increases through repeated consumption and recovery, having [Healthy Body] contributes to an increased rate of growth as well.”

“I-is that so? Thank goodness……”

Hearing Alana’s positive words, Misato finally sighed in relief.

“Perhaps that’s also why my fingers got rid of the pain right away?”

From here, it was Karin’s turn to interject. To which Yoichi answered.

“Yeah, it’s probably because of your [Healthy Body] skill. Also, it shows up here that your talent for archery has transformed as well, as it now has become a skill on its own, probably from the influence of this world’s laws upon crossing over.”

“Really? Then the “otherworld influence” I said jokingly a while ago……for realsies?”

“For realsies.”

After hearing that last line, Karin went into a daze for a few moments, but although she was calm and composed on the outside, Yoichi didn’t miss the small detail that she’s loosening a bit around her edges mouth.

(“I finally got a cheat skill in another world!” is probably what she was thinking. But, then again, if [Healthy Body] is already a rare skill, perhaps it’s best to keep the “+” thing hidden for now.)

Yoichi decided to shelve some of his questions until the [Appraisal+] analysis was completed or more details were known.

After that, Karin also stocked spells related to body strengthening and continued her practice with the bow. For Misato, she tried all the spells she stocked in her head one by one.

After practicing together in this way to their hearts’ content, the four of them decided to leave the Mages’ Guild.

“Mr. Lady-killer here shall pay four gold coins, while the ladies here seven gold coins each.”

“Oof, isn’t that pretty expensive?”

Naturally, before leaving, they didn’t forget to go to the reception desk to pay Clara for the grimoires and the Mages’ Guild registration fee.

Which amounted to eighteen gold coins for the three of them.

In Japanese yen, this would roughly equate to 1.8 million yen.

“The grimoire is not cheap, you know. Well, we usually ask our clients to pay in installments.”


“Yup. After all, we are affiliated with the Adventurers’ Guild and the other guilds. We can take fees from whatever you earn from there.”

“I see.”

“Well, what will you do, Mr. Lady-killer? Do you want to pay in installments?”


“What’s troubling you, Yoichi? Can’t pay?”

Karin then calls out to Yoichi, seeing the latter tilting his head and groaning.

“No, not really. In fact, I have two platinum……almost 20 gold coins on hand right now, so I can pay it all off in one lump sum……but I’m not sure which is better…… to accept the installment option or to leave some of the cash on hand and pay it later……”[4]

“That’s it? Just choose the installment option. Also, I’ll pay mine for myself.”

“Ah, I as well!”

“Uh, guys? I’m trying to pay for you here, you know?”

“You’re a cool guy, Yoichi, but whether it is this world or that world, there’s no way I’m letting you take care of me. Especially NOT in terms of money.”

Karin mutters this with a confident smile.

But even though she spoke some harsh-sounding words, she has not a single atmosphere of condescension toward Yoichi.

Meaning the current line is probably half a joke or at least a cover for her shyness of being treated by him.

“T-thank you, Yoichi. But since I’ve come all the way to this new place, I think it would be best to do things on my own from here on.”

Misato also mutters the same. She seemed determined, judging by the expression on her face.

“I see. I guess I have no other choice then. Clara, I’m sorry, but we’ll have to settle it individually.”

“A’ight. For that, I’ll need all of you three’s cards.”

After receiving the three cards along with some formalities, Clara returned the cards at once.

“Ah, yes. What will happen to my grimoire? Are you really going to just throw it away? I plan to at least have it as a souvenir since I paid for it and all.”

“Fufufu, aren’t ya an impatient one, lad? But, don’t worry, as I was just about to explain that myself.”

“Oops. I see. Sorry.”

“About your grimoire, or at least, what is left of it, if you give it to the guild, they’ll buy it for at least two gold coins. After all, some parts of it can still be reused.”

“Really? But I am planning to keep it for myself, though.”

“Before you do anything, I’ll say it first. that book cannot be used as a diary, okay?”

“Err, as I said, I simply want to keep it as a souvenir.”

“Hehehe, you’re a strange one.”

Clara said this in amusement and, after a while, finally placed the one grimoire on the reception table.

“Here you go. This is your grimoire. You may now take it with you.”

“Thank you. Now, if you’ll excuse us. Thanks for your help.”

Yoichi received the grimoire and expressed his farewell. The other three followed suit, and just like that, the party left the Mages’ Guild altogether.


The four felt they had spent quite a long time practicing magic and archery and stuff, yet the sun was still far from setting in the horizon when they exited the guild.

“We still have a bit of time. Shall we have Karin and Misato register at the Adventurers’ Guild next?”

“Nah, we’ve already been in a lot today. I think it’s best to call it a day from here.”

After leaving the Mages’ Guild, Alana makes a suggestion to the other three, only to be denied by Yoichi right away.

Of course, for Yoichi, who has a [Healthy Body+], fatigue is no longer a problem, either physically or mentally.

However, it still cannot heal his current mood.

In less than half a day, shocking information entered his mind one after the other. His inability to use magic and sorcery, Karin and Misato being able to use magic and have even acquired new skills even though they’re from the same world as him, and finally, the three girls gaining [Healthy Body+] probably because of his seed.

For the first time in a long time, Yoichi felt that his body, which he thought would never get tired, became heavier and heavier due to stress.

“Mm. Mr. Yoichi certainly looks tired. What about you two? Do you still want to hang out?”

“Nah, I’m fine. I haven’t shot a bow in a long time, but I’m good now.”

“I-I’m also good.”

“Sorry, everyone.”

And so, as per Yoichi’s request, the three women decided to call it a day and returned to the inn.

But since they still have time and several stalls are on the way, the party decided to have an early dinner first, so they bought some food such as grilled skewers and sandwiches, the types they could eat while walking, one after another.

While the three are walking leisurely and enjoying their skewers and sandwiches, Yoichi noticed that Misato would stop walking from time to time to take a bite on the skewer in her hand.

Many times, she would repeat this sequence. Stop, nibble on a skewer, and then make a short run to catch up to the other three.

“Are you bad at eating while walking, Misato?”


“Oh, no, you don’t have to apologize. Do you want to sit down and eat somewhere? Some food stalls have a few chairs or tables set up.”


But instead of answering, Misato just darted her troubled and apologetic gaze back and forth between Yoichi, Karin, and Alana, and finally at the skewer in her hand.

“Misato, we’re not in a hurry, so don’t be shy, okay?”

“Alana’s correct. In the first place, eating while walking is not good manners, so it’s okay if you can’t do it.”

However, maybe because she was embarrassed of holding everyone back, Misato all of a sudden took a large bite of the meat and vegetables remaining in her skewer. Then, after pulling them off the stick with one swift movement of her teeth, she tossed the contents of it into her mouth.

“Mmm! I’m owkawy mow, uweawwy!”

Misato replied, her mouth now full of the meat and veggies she had just stuffed.

(She’s like a hamster! So cute!!)

Yoichi couldn’t help but scream in his mind.

Next to Yoichi, who was struck by Misato’s cuteness, Karin and Alana were also staring at Misato with similar expressions.


Maybe because she had realized that her appearance was improper, Misato blushed a little and looked down. Then, all of a sudden, she began walking in large strides, going past the three who were still standing.

“W-we’ts go!”

She told as she walked past them, making Yoichi, Karin, and Alana follow in close pursuit.

“Ah, Misato!”


However, Yoichi suddenly called out to her when she started brisk walking.

(She’s so cute ……no, no, no, no. I’ll get sulked again if I keep staring further.)

Erasing in his mind the still hamster cheeks of their adorable companion, Yoichi took out a pocket tissue from the [Infinite Storage+].

Then, he proceeded to wipe Misato’s mouth with it.

Because she had forced herself to chew on a skewer full of meat and veggies, adding the shame of being unable to walk + eat the street foods earlier, Misato didn’t even notice the barbecue sauce that has stained all over her lips.

As a result, she got even more embarrassed when Yoichi attempted to wipe her of it. She was so ashamed that she even turned her face away from Yoichi’s hand which was wiping her face, and crouched down on the spot.

A few seconds later, a crouched down Misato’s hand reached out toward Yoichi.

“I-I’ll wipe it myself……”

She was urging him to hand the pocket tissue over.

“Ah, y-yeah. Let me hold your skewer for you.”

After handing over the pocket tissue, Yoichi took the empty skewer that was still in Misato’s hand and put it in the [Infinite Storage+].

Even if it’s another world, littering is still bad. Though the real reason was Yoichi was just too lazy to find a bin.

As a result, there’s now a good amount of trash accumulated in his [Infinite Storage+], which he’ll eventually have to put together and throw away one day.

After another bit of walking, the three returned to the “Frontier Home” inn, where they immediately went through a room change procedure.

The room Alana is currently staying in is a single room. The innkeeper would not probably care if it’s just her and Yoichi, but with four people staying inside of it, they would cause grounds for suspicion or unfairness if that’s what’s what the innkeeper prefers.

“We have two more people staying with us, for a total of four. What can you offer us that are as cheap as our current room?”

Though saving money on lodging would seem unnatural coming from Alana, a B-rank adventurer with a modest income, this was actually a common occurrence.

Other professions aside, most adventurers only think of inns as places to store their belongings and a place to sleep. It was especially more so for those of a certain rank as they spent most of their time outside town.

“If we consider the fees per head, you can either still use the small room you are using now or switch to a lesser grade room for a party of six to eight people. But if you want to maintain the quality, there are also rooms for 3-4 persons, but your fees would double per head.”

“Hmm. Then, for now, we would like to switch to the room for a party of six to eight people for one month.”

“Very well. That would be two gold coins per month, but since you still have many days leftover from your original rent……one gold coin will be fine this time.”

“Really? That’s quite commendable of you.”

The room Alana and Yoichi are currently staying in has a rent of one gold coin per month.

Now, their new room would be about 2 gold coins per month, about 200,000 yen if you convert it to Japan’s currency.

But even though it has increased, the cost per person remained the same as the rent will now be divided among four people, so it ended up much cheaper.

“Ah, by the way. Those rooms for parties do not have beds or any other bedding, that’s why it is cheaper. To suffice that, most people use sleeping bags and mats for camping, so please bring your own sleeping bags if you’re planning to sleep for the night.”


“About that, let me take it from here.”

Before Alana could pay, Yoichi interrupted her. He took out a leather bag containing his coins and placed a gold coin on the reception table.

Seeing this, the man at the reception desk gave Alana a look of confirmation. To which the latter nodded.

“Fufu. I guess acting spoiled for once is not so bad.”

“You can act spoiled even more, you know? I’ll be happier if you depend on me more.”

“That would be nice, but I’d rather not. I don’t want to be seen as a spoiled princess.”

After the exchange, which was mixed with a little bit of flirting in between, the man at the reception desk picked up the gold coin on the reception table.

“Thank you for the patronage. As for your room……”

As Alana’s personal belongings were already stored in Yoichi’s [Infinite Storage+], making the need to move the furnishings no longer needed, the four were able to transfer to the indicated room immediately.

After confirming that everyone was inside, Yoichi activated [Return+], and just like that, they were all teleported to Grand Court 2503 back in Japan.

Translator notes:

[1]. Because of the vague descriptions of the raws, I interpreted this in the earlier chapters as grimoires being the ones to consume mana soon as they got stocked with spells, even when idle. It has now been corrected.↰

[2]. I preferred the term [Bowmanship] over [Archery] here as it sounds more medieval, not to mention the latter also sounds like a sport instead of a skill. It also matches the raw (弓術, pronounced as Kyuujutsu), which is Bow(弓, kyuu) + Techniques (術, jutsu).↰

[3]. As strange as it sounds, I chose “Axe-Spearmanship” here (as it says in the raw) because Alana has a unique way of fighting because of the strangeness of her bound weapon. If you still remember, Alana’s battleax also has this protruding spear-like tip at the bottom of the handle, which she also uses to spear her enemies, making it a double-ended weapon of some sort.↰

[4]. I may have translated “Platinum Coins” as “White Gold Coins” in some earlier chapters. Those chapters are now fixed. Also, 10 gold coins = 1 platinum coin.↰

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