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Chapter 6 – The Mages’ Guild

The Mages’ Guild was a much smaller building compared to the Adventurers’ Guild.

Inside, there was only one reception desk, and no tavern was attached to it, unlike that of the former in which its members could hang out. However, this made it a lot more spacious and quiet, perfect for the scholarly vibe it should have.

“Hey there,” suddenly, a voice rang out. “And why are you here?”

Yoichi traced the voice’s origin, only to find out that the source of it was the receptionist at the only counter.

It was an old woman in a black hooded robe.

Yoichi couldn’t help but be impressed by her appearance, which was completely that of a witch, with a fine eagle nose and shriveled curved chin. It even included the blunt manner of speaking and the signature hushed voice he often saw in old western movies.

“Wait, aren’t you Alana? It has been a long time.”

“It’s been a while.”

“So, what can I do for you, girl?”

“I would like you to create new grimoires for us.”

The old woman’s gaze then turns to Yoichi and Misato standing behind Alana.

“Is it for them?”


“I guess I got to get working then. You four, come here.”

The old woman stood up with her hands on the reception table. After that, she took out two black leather-bound books from the back shelf.

They were about the size and thickness of a paperback dictionary, yet somehow, she easily carried them with one hand despite her frail-looking arms.

(They must be the grimoires.)

“Here you go. Ah, before that, take out your guild cards first.”

The old woman, who placed the grimoires on the reception table with a heavy gesture, asked Alana.

“ “Ah……” ”

It was then that the two let out a dumb sound as if they had forgotten something important.

Karin, who did not understand what was going on, tilted her head, and Misato looked at them with a blank expression.

“Hm? What’s wrong?” asked the receptionist.

“Ah, you see……Yoichi is fine……but these two……they don’t have guild cards yet……”

Alana spoke apologetically. She remembered it only after she and Yoichi had placed their guild cards on the table.

The old woman still took them regardless and then looked at Misato and Karin alternately before returning her attention to Alana.

“Why don’t you just make it at your home?”

Incidentally, there existed many professional associations in this world, and most of them accept the same guild card, but either way, a form of identification is required to obtain their services.

“No, I mean, about the guild card……”

It was then when the old woman’s eyebrows rose at these words.

“Is there something up that renders you unable to get one? Then isn’t it more that you should seek your father for this? I’m sure he’ll do you a favor or two.”

The old receptionist told her.

But instead of replying, Alana moved her gaze and stared at a place where there was nothing.

In that direction was the lord’s mansion.

After a moment of thoughtful gesture, Alana took out her resident card and placed it in front of the old woman.

“I’ll be their guarantor. Can’t you do something about it?”

“Why are you so lazy when it comes to these things……good grief.”

The inn they were staying in and the Mages’ Guild are in the same commercial district, so there was no problem traveling back to back from them, but the lord’s mansion was another story for the four, or this case, for Alana.

Because it was located in the upper district, they would first need a specific carriage that travels to that district, which was already a hassle as there are only a few of them traveling in the commercial districts. Not to mention they would have to travel a considerable distance just to get there.

There was also the fact that Alana was excited to show Karin and Misato who were still apprehensive of this other world the experience of magic, magic techniques, and skills as soon as possible.

Or course, there were also other reasons why she didn’t want to go to the lord’s mansion at this time. Among them was one that would result in serious problems if not prepared accordingly.

“Even if you insist, I cannot make the decision myself,” the elderly receptionist finally spoke, seeing that Alana showed no change of mind. “I will have to ask the guild master for this.”


At the mention of the word “guild master,” Alana’s expression clouded over again.

“……I see. In that case, please get it through them instead.” Alana told the old woman, albeit a little frustrated, seeing she had no other choice.

“Can’t help it then……”

The old woman picked up what looked like an antique telephone receiver.

”…… Oh, it’s me. Alana is here……She seems to have a favor to ask you……aiyo.”

After speaking with the guild master, the old woman put down the receiver which was probably a magical device for making calls and returned her gaze to Alana.

“The guild master is waiting for you. You already know the way, right?”


“Good grief……just so you know, you’re already old enough to stand on your own, so don’t always keep bothering your parents, okay?”

“It’s not “always”. But I have no defense for that.”

After replying, Alana bowed to the old woman, then looked back at Yoichi and the others to which she nodded to them as well, signaling them to start walking.

The remaining three, including Yoichi, also bowed lightly to the old woman and began walking alongside Alana.

“Sorry about that, Alana.”


Perhaps sensing that their presence had caused Alana some trouble, Karin and Misato apologized.

“No, don’t worry about it. It is my fault for forgetting about your identification in this world,” but Alana just looked back at them and smiled gently in return.

The guild master’s room is located at the very back of the Western-style house on the second floor.

It was easily noticeable as the door of the said room looked more luxurious than the other rooms. Not to mention it also hasd an elegantly designed knocker.

After making it through the door of the said room, Alana started knocking.

“It’s Alana.”

“Come in.”

Upon receiving a reply which sounded like it came from a soft-spoken woman, Alana opened the door.

“Pardon the intrusion.”

After she entered, Yoichi followed, then Karin, then Misato in that order.

As to be expected of the office of the highest-ranking official, the room was quite spacious and was luxuriously furnished.

Although they were not flashy in design, the tables, sofas, and cabinets gave off an air of being high-end.

“Fufu, you don’t have to be so formal.”

A lone woman was already standing in the center of the room. She welcomed the four newcomers.

She had silvery-white hair, brown skin, and long ears.

She looked somewhat similar to Alana, dressed in a deep purple dress and complete with a wide opening at her bust.

“Allow me to introduce you. Guild master Hortense of the Mages’ Guild.”

“Good afternoon. Everyone. I am Guild Master Hortense.”

Hortense greeted in a soft, somewhat languid-like tone. Then she picked up the ends of her skirt and bowed.

“Ah. G-good afternoon as well. I am Yoichi.”

“I-I’m Misato. Pleased to meet you.”

“My name is Karin. It was nice meeting you, Ma’am.”

Yoichi and Misato greeted the other party with an air of dread, but Karin seemed to be at ease, perhaps because she was accustomed to greeting people for the first time due to her job.

“So……as you may have guessed, she’s my mother.”

“Thank you for getting along with my daughter.”

Although Hortense had never been in an elevated mood from the start, she greeted again in a more casual tone.

“No, no, it’s our pleasure……”

Yoichi, however, looked a little woozy, and his gaze was wandering around.

After all, although he had to look at Hortense in the eye to greet her, he couldn’t help but direct his gaze downwards.

(Alana is already awesome, but this woman……she’s even more amazing.)

At the tip of Yoichi’s gaze, which had dropped against his will, was an extremely huge pair of mountains that revealed a magnificent valley through the wide-open collar of her dress.

“You must be the Yoichi I’ve heard so much about.”

Hortense walks up to Yoichi with light steps as if she didn’t detect Yoichi’s gaze.

Yoichi also didn’t miss the ample breasts swaying in her loose-fitting dress on each step she took.

What’s surprising is that the sight of her breasts not only attracted Yoichi’s eyes but also those of Karin and Misato’s, of the same sex as well.

Now standing in front of Yoichi, Hortense observed him from head to toe as if she was appraising his worth.

“I was anticipating to see what kind of man Alana has taken interest with, but you seem a bit……dim?”

She spoke bluntly, but Yoichi couldn’t pay attention much because the faint scent of her perfume up close is making his head spin a little.

Then again, Yoichi was aware of his reputation being a bit “dim” so he wasn’t offended by it.

“Aren’t you a bit too rude to my guest, mother?”

“Oh my. I apologize for that~.”

Though she apologized, Hortense did it dismissively without looking at Alana in particular. Then, she switched her gaze to Karin and Misato who were standing on the back side by side.

“And you two are?”

When she asked this question, the latter two jolted up.

“Again, I am Karin. Yoichi and I have come a long way back, and Alana and I have just been recently acquainted.”

“Uhm, my name is Misato……and I’m……uhh……”

Karin, despite being nervous, was able to pull herself together and answer with dignity. However, Misato didn’t know what to say and just looked back and forth between Hortense and Alana.

“Mother. Karin and Misato are my friends.”

“My, my. So you two are friends of our Alana.”

Hortense looks at the four of them with interest. Then, as if she realized something,

“Hmmm, three women and a man……is it “that” kind of relationship?”

“ “ “ !? ” ” ”

The Guild Master wasn’t able to obtain a response to her question.

But the surprised, blushing faces of the three women were already enough to suffice its need.

“Fufufu……it’s so nice to be young……”

As she said this, Hortense cast a glance in turn at Yoichi, then the other three again.

Yoichi, too, observed the woman in front. Or rather, he hasn’t taken his eyes off her from the very beginning.

From the outside, Hortense looked like a dark elf woman in her twenties.

Because of that, he felt odd treating the woman as an elderly to them, especially as the other party looked even younger than Yoichi, or even Karin, despite them being the actual young ones.

Hortense expressed a gentle smile on her face as he watched over the four, but when her gaze caught Yoichi’s, it suddenly turned bewitching.

“Looks can be deceiving, can’t they?”


As if she had read his thoughts, she said onto Yoichi, still in her soft, bewitching tone. Then, all of a sudden, Hortense grabbed Yoichi’s crotch.

Without any warning whatsoever.


Alana jumps at her mother’s outburst, raising her voice.

She tried to get between Yoichi and Hortense, but Hortense agilely stepped backward before Alana could reach her.

From the moment of her jump to the moment of her landing, Yoichi didn’t miss the jiggle of her breasts.

The man never let go of his priorities.

“I’m just kidding! I just want to see my Alana’s cute reaction~”


Her mouth in a pout, Alana stood beside Yoichi. Then she put her hands on his arms as she glared at her mother.

Despite being a little flustered at the unexpected situation, Misato also walked up to Yoichi and lightly pinched him in his sleeve.

The last one, Karin, was only watching their exchange from a step away, but she was smiling thinly, with the said smile not reaching above her face.

“Wow. I didn’t expect you all to make those kinds of faces……This is getting interesting.”

With a happy yet at the same time slightly mischievous smile, Hortense blurted out those lines, with last sentence in a volume only she could hear.

“So, what can I do for you today?”

“Geez, Mother. I almost forgot why we’re here because of your unnecessary meddling!”

“Fufufu, sorry about that.”

Alana then came around to the other side of Yoichi, took Misato’s hand, then beckoned Karin who was at the back and took her hand as well. Then, with Alana’s pulling, the two stood in front of Hortense, with Misato the first to step forward, followed by Karin.

“I want to make a grimoire for all of us, but I’m having trouble because I don’t have the guild card or the resident card of these two yet.”

“Why don’t you ask your papa for the resident card? I’m sure he will give them one.”

“But you see, the mansion is too far away……”

 “Don’t be so lazy.”

“But I want to make a grimoire for the both of them as soon as possible.”


Hortense didn’t reply. Instead, she smiles with interest and looks at Karin, Misato, and Alana in turn.

“Alana, it’s not like we’re in a rush……”

“Yes. I’m not……in that much of a hurry either……”

The two also looked at Alana in apology, leaving no choice for Alana to give up the matter with a powerless smile.


Hortense called.

This time, however, her tone was serious.

There was no trace of her languidness earlier, and it was befitting of a tone of a Guild Master.

”Speak the truth.”

Her tone was still soft, but the atmosphere around her had changed.

Alana’s gaze wandered for a moment, but then she let out a deep breath as if she had given up on the idea.

“……for us to meet father……we need to……prepare our hearts first……”

After saying this, Alana turned her anxious gaze on Yoichi.


As for Yoichi, he wasn’t able to say a thing, but his silence was enough as affirmation.

He also couldn’t help but be reminded again of the stern face of William Sarris, Alana’s father and the lord of Meilgrad here at the frontier.

“I have a girlfriend besides your daughter! And there’s two of them!” Just imagining the scenario made him feel the blood gradually draining from his face.

If he were to say something like that upfront, he would never know what might fly out of that bulky body.

Nevertheless, Yoichi had no choice but to accept the fact that this was an inevitable path for him.

Meanwhile, watching the interactions of the two, Hortense’s expression suddenly broke into a pout.

“That’s……it? I guess it can’t be helped……but make sure you tell your papa, okay? Still, I wonder what his face will become after that? I cannot help but be curious.”

“Mother……thank you.”

Alana bowed deeply.

“Uhm, I’ll be in your care.”

“Ah, me too……”

Yoichi and Karin, who had somehow guessed what was going on, bowed their heads as well, and as for Misato, she just imitated them without really understanding.

“Fufu……Then, I’ll tell little Clara about the girls’ guild cards so that you can pick them up downstairs. Is that all?”

“Yes, that is all. Thank you again, Guild Master.”

Once again, Alana bowed to Hortense, and the rest of the four followed suit.

“T-thank you very much. W-we also apologize for the inconvenience we caused!”

A bit late in understanding that it was about her, Misato also politely thanked the guild master. Though again, it was a bit late.

“It’s okay. You are now Alana’s “sister”, right? Then that makes you girls my daughters.”


Unable to catch up to what she was referring to, Misato tilted her head.

Alana didn’t understand what she meant either, but Yoichi and Karin were red-faced and looking down.

“Karin and Misato, isn’t it?” As she says this, Hortense walks up to them with graceful steps.

“Uhm, yes?”


“Fufufu. You don’t have to act so stiffly.”

Now standing in front of Karin and Misato, Hortense suddenly gathered them together and gently embraced the two.

As for the two women, their faces couldn’t help but blush as they got enveloped by the soft embrace of the large breasts, even though they were of the same sex, and by the sexy scent that drifted over them.

“If you have any problems, you can always come to me for advice.”

“Uhm……thank you.”


Karin and Misato looked up to Hortense. Hortense, too, looked down at them with her adult-like gaze.

It gave the air of a girl-on-girl scenario, which Yoichi couldn’t help but redden as well.

Incidentally, Yoichi’s crotch has remained casually tight since he was touched by Hortense’s hand earlier.


The strange atmosphere didn’t last long.

It was broken by Alana’s cough, who was watching the scene with a bit of coldness in her gaze. Perhaps because she was a member of Hortense’s direct family, but either way, she knew that the conversation would stray too far if she left it alone.

As if that was her cue, Hortense broke the embrace and turned to face her daughter.

“Well, I guess that’s it. I’ll tell little Clara about the rest.”

“Thank you, Mother.”

Alana immediately walked out of the office. Karin, Yoichi, and Misato also expressed their thanks and followed suit, catching up to Alana who has already gone out of the room.

Hortense saw them off with a wave of her hand. But after watching the door close in front of her, her expression clouded a little, and she put her hand on her cheek.

“The real problem is not with your dad, though……”

She muttered in a daze as she sighed lightly.

“But it’s better……for them not to know……yet.”

After that, Hortense turned her heels towards her office chair again, with a newly reformed expression on her face.


“Alana, your family is amazing.”

“Hm? At what part?”

After leaving the office, Yoichi and the girls were on their way to the reception desk on the first floor again.

“Because, you know, your father is the lord of the land, your mother is the guild master of the Mages’ Guild, and your grandfather is the guild master of the Adventurers’ Guild. You’re a bona fide daughter of the upper class, you know?”

“I don’t know what you are surprised about, but Meilgrad is the only settlement in this Sarris Territory. So it’s only natural that the members of the Sarris family, as lords, occupy key positions in the necessary institutions.”

“Oh, so that’s how it is.”

“An aristocratic society in the flesh.”

Besides Yoichi, Karin also responded with a small giddy smile, while Misato nodded her head in admiration.

“Ah, my grandfather is an exemption, by the way.”

“And why is that?”

“Well, he is one of the pioneers who developed this land way back with Baron Desmond, the first lord. After he became the Count, Grandpa was personally asked by the first lord to become the guild master of the Adventurers’ Guild, right after Meilgrad was founded. As time passed, he became an offshoot of the Sarris family, so you can say he has nothing to do with the current Sarris.”


“Also, my mother’s position is a delicate one. My grandmother is the first guild master of the Mages’ Guild in this town. But it was right after her daughter – my mother – married my father that she gave up her position to her. As for whether it was to intentionally give the seat to her own daughter or it was due to respect the wife of the new lord of the land, it is only she who knows.”

 “Hmm. By the way, is your grandmother still alive?”

“Umu. From time to time, she helps my mother with her work. Sometimes, she helps my grandfather. But basically, she lives a carefree life now. They have been together for hundreds of years, so it is undeniable that they are still very close.”

Yoichi felt something stuck in his mind when he saw Alana smiling calmly as she said this.

But before he realized what it was, the four already arrived at the reception desk.

“By the way, who is “little Clara” the guild master is talking about?” “It’s me.”

When Yoichi reached the reception desk, he asked Alana, but the answer came from an old woman – the only receptionist in the guild.

“……Err. Sorry. It’s just that……isn’t it too cute for your age? Ah, sorry again. Didn’t mean to be rude.”

Yoichi couldn’t help but apologize repeatedly. After all, it is taboo to mention a woman’s age.

“On the other hand, I think it’s a good match——”

“Your flattery will do you no good at this point, mister.”

Clara rebuked back.

Though she did not seem particularly concerned about it.

“Anyways, write this down for me.”

Yoichi was then handed a registration form for the Mages’ Guild.

Not only his, but it also included Karin’s and Misato’s parts.

Since the magic tool for communication only involves speaking what’s in your mind, the two women couldn’t read or write the alphabet in this world yet.

In this respect, because he has [Language Comprehension+], Yoichi could read and write perfectly, so he wouldn’t have trouble registering for them.

“Next is registering your card……let’s start with the lady-killer guy over here.”

“L-lady-killer? N-no, I’m not……”

“You’re already one considering you have three women in your arms. Put your finger right here.”

Slightly embarrassed by Clara’s words, Yoichi placed his hand on the pedestal-like tool in which his card is inset.

After a drop of blood was taken, as per usual, the information about the Mages’ Guild was added to his guild card.

“Then, it’s your turn, girls.”

Returning the card to Yoichi, Clara inserted a new card she had prepared in advance into the pedestal and beckoned them both to join her.

“You two have yet to experience a guild registration, right? Then let’s start with this one. Karin.”

With that, Clara fluttered the registration form for Karin, which Yoichi had written on her behalf.

Karin cannot confirm that it was hers, though.

“Put your finger on that little dent right there.”

“Over here?”

“It’ll sting at first, but it’ll go away soon.”


At the moment the blood was drawn, Karin frowned slightly.

“it’s over. Has your wound healed properly?”

“Ah, yes. Thank you very much.”

“Fufufu, what a polite girl. Here is your guild card.”

“Thank you.”

Karin received the guild card from Clara and looked at the card from various angles with a happy expression on her face.

The same procedure was used to complete Misato’s registration.

“Next is for the grimoire. And this time, I’ll get some more blood.”

Clara prepared three wristband-like objects with tubes attached and placed them on Yoichi, Karin, and Misato’s wrists. The ends of the tubes are connected to small glass bottles.

“Okay, let’s get started.”

As Clara announced this, blood ran down the tube and eventually began to pour into the bottle.

“Ehh? Eehhh?”

The three were amazed and perplexed by the condition of having their blood drained without pain.

Alana, seeing this, also seemed surprised for some reason.

“What is this, Ma’am Clara?”

“Is this the first time you’ve seen this? This is a blood-sucking magic tool jointly developed by the Vampire Tribe and the Mages’ Guild.”


Meanwhile, Karin, overhearing their conversation, brought her face to Yoichi’s ear.

She looked at him and said, “I don’t know if this is fantasy or science, but that is one fascinating tool.”

“It is……” to which Yoichi replied.

While they were talking idly about such things, the blood sampling ended.

Clara took off the wristbands, which made the three immediately look closely at their wrists.

“Don’t worry. It will not have a scratch on you,” Clara said, seeing their first-time reactions.

And Clara was right, as the wrists of the three were clean.

“Now then. It will take me a little while to get the grimoires ready. Go kill some time somewhere else.”

“Can I use your training area outside?”

“Feel free. Shall I bring the grimoires over there when they are ready?”

“I will appreciate it if you would.”

And so, while Clara was preparing the grimoires for the three, Yoichi and the girls headed to the outdoor training facility of the Mages’ Guild, led by Alana.


On the Mages’ Guild grounds, there was a training hall where wizardry and sorcery spells could be practiced.

The area was about the size of two tennis courts.

It was a place where it was safe to practice dangerous kinds of spells of any practices because of the strong warding around it.

“We are in luck. We are the only ones here at the moment. Now let’s get as much hands-on training in magic and skills as possible before the grimoire is ready.”

“While that is all well and good, wouldn’t it be much easier if we had the grimoire first?”

“Umu. Still, the effectiveness of the same spell can change depending on the practice or the path you take. This is now the perfect time to show that.”

“I see.”

Wizardry and Sorcery practices aside, since Yoichi wasn’t able to feel the presence of mana himself, nor use it for a simple spell, he decided to take a step back, for now, to see what would happen.

“I am not a sorcery practitioner myself, so I cannot say I’m very good at it, but I think I am at least qualified to give you an elementary introduction. I’m going to use some simple sorcery spell. See it in action and use it as a reference.”

“ “Please do.” ”

Karin and Misato politely accepted Alana’s offer.

“In sorcery, image is the most important thing. For example, to create a water spell, you will need a strong image of water in your head, followed by gathering mana around you and manipulating it to create water. Like this.”

After she said that and made her palm facing the heavens, a small mass of water appeared on Alana’s palm. Then, after a few seconds, it dissipated in the air like it was nothing.

Not even steam or vapor traces were left as it vanished into thin air.

“And that’s how you make a [Water Sphere]. Unfortunately, I’m not very good at magic, so I apologize for my poor performance.”

“Hee……It looks like a magic trick, but it’s not……”

Karin nodded her head in admiration, while Yoichi, who had taken a step back to watch, rolled his eyes a bit.

“Misato, give it a try.”


Misato had her eyebrows wrinkled and her head tilted during the show, but when Alana urged her to respond, she came to her senses and followed suit, moving her hands and facing them upward in front of her chest.

“Mm……like this?”

She looked up at first as if in thought, then after seemingly deciding something, she looked down and stared at the space above her palm.

After staring at that spot for a while, a bucketful of water appeared.


Because it was without warning, Misato jolted in surprise, which caused the mass of water she just conjured to collapse on the spot, falling to the ground with a splash.

Meanwhile, Yoichi, Karin, and even Alana herself looked at Misato with gaping mouths.

“Mi-mi-Misato……what in the world have you done!”

“Um, I’m sorry……”

“Oh, no, I’m not mad at you. I just wanted to ask you what in the world have you imagined that would make you so good at making a [Water Sphere] on the first try.”

Yoichi and Karin also nodded their heads in agreement with Alana’s question without saying a word.

“Well, you see……I don’t understand the concept of manipulating mana to create water……”

While fidgeting under the gazes of the three, Misato started her story.

“……So instead, I imagined the vapor around us, like, goofing around? And gathered them, and that was the result……”


“I see.”

“Eh? Vapor?”

Yoichi and Karin seemed to agree, but Alana tilted her head, not understanding what it meant.

“In essence, it’s collecting the moisture that is around us.”

“Moisture, huh? I see. I didn’t know there is also another way to do that.”

Alana also nodded her head in admiration, as if Karin’s explanation had convinced her.

“Umu. Well, at the very least, you now get the gist. For a Sorcery Practitioner, or rather, Mages in general, it is very important to have a concrete image of your spell, though I never expected to see Misato’s talent as a Sorceress showing up as a by-product of it. So, how about you try casting [Flame] next?”

“[Flame]? Er……”

After being troubled by the word “Flame,” Misato turned her gaze to a space some distance away.



Suddenly there was an explosion in the air.

“What the hell? Enemy attack?”

“Uwaaaa!! That scared the hell out of me!!”

“Where is it? The origin of the explosion?”

Alana quickly manifested her two battleaxes and held them at the ready, while Yoichi held his chest and regulated his breathing as he looked around warily.

Karin shrank back at the moment of the explosion. She was also looking at the surroundings with a nervous twitch.

“Um, I’m sorry……Again.”

As if to break the atmosphere, Misato, whose body had shrunk, apologized to the three of them as she raised her hand ostentatiously.

“Just now, was that……Misato?”


Misato, slumping down as she confessed, made an apologetic look on her face.

“Uh, no, I’m not angry with you. I was just surprised because [Flame] was supposed to burst into flames like a torch. And it’s also my fault for being in a panic.”

“I was also surprised that it caught me off-guard. But what’s important is that we are not hurt, and there isn’t any damage to the surroundings. So, cheer up, Misato.”

“That said, what did you do, Misato?”

“Well, that……I imagined breaking down the water vapor in the air, separating it into hydrogen and oxygen, gathering it in one place, and then setting it on fire. As a result……”

The explosion occurred.

“Ahahaha……I see. Now I get it.”

Hearing Misato’s explanation, Karin was bedazzled, half in awe and half in dismay.

Alana was tilting her head, not understanding what was going on when she heard Misato’s explanation.

As for Yoichi……

(Misato……what a frightening child!)

With his hand on his mouth which was wide agape from shock, his face was looking pale and his body was trembling slightly.

After all, he has just witnessed science and magic – two topics that should never cross each other – combining together. With his own two eyes.

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magical hydrogen bomb. scary shit oh god....

Chris Gill

Lets just hope she doesn't start thinking at the atomic level...