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Chapter 2 – Misato and Alana

The Grand Court, where Yoichi started living a few days ago, is a fairly high-class apartment targeted for the well-off. One of its features is that its walls are reasonably thick.

It doesn’t mean that all the walls are completely soundproof, as the tenants can still hear noises coming from the bedroom if they are in the kitchen or the living room and vice versa as long as they are on the same unit. But the walls that separate each unit, like the walls that divide Units 2502, 2503, 2504, etc., do not allow any kinds of noise to pass through. As such, the tenants won’t have problems hearing the noises coming in from their neighbors.


But because of this, Alana, who was currently on the sofa of the living room, had to spend her alone time in agony. Right now, she was constantly being bathed in the lustful noises coming out from the bedroom right beside the living room she was in, since the bedroom and the living room are on the same unit.

Alana was in her usual sleepwear right now, but even though she calls it sleepwear, it was just a thin camisole and a pair of panties. She was planning to sleep on the couch wearing only these tonight, wrapping herself in only a thick blanket to keep herself warm.

It was still chilly outside, but with the air conditioner regulating the temperature, she thought that her blanket was already enough to fight the cold in the room.

Several minutes had already passed since Misato and Yoichi started their act of loving.

As Alana had not been taught how to turn off the lights in the living room, the room remained bright. She had wrapped herself up to her head and tried to sleep looking like a fetus, but in the end, she couldn’t and instead just found herself touching her crotch with her fingertips.


Because of the noises, love juices soon seeped out of her hole, which was getting hotter by the minute. Then, it came the point where the top of her panties was already drenched.


At first, Alana sufficed herself by stroking merely the top of her panties, but eventually, she became frustrated, feeling that “it was not enough”.

So this time she started relocating her finger – placing it directly on the wet insides through the panty’s opening at the side.


Her body jolted afterward.

(No, if I do any more than this……)

She was telling herself this, but she kept her finger in constant motion as if it was another living thing with a will.


Thus, it wasn’t later when Alana had flung off the blanket that was wrapping herself in.

Her obviously drenched panties came off next. Then, she lay on her back.

With one leg over the back of the couch and the other leg on the floor, she spread herself wide open and began touching her private parts directly with her right hand while also lifting her camisole and squeezing her breasts with her left, occasionally pinching her nipples to give more stimulation to her body.

“Ahhhh, mmmm……!!”

After sticking her finger into her vulva, she stirred it from the bottom. Of course, she didn’t forget to rub her own breasts and squeeze it wildly on her top as well.


Alana continued to repeat these motions. By the time she noticed, she has reached the state where she was also plunging her middle and ring fingers into her vulva and stirring the shallow part of her vagina – her clitoris, with her thumb.

From here, the squirting sounds became louder. At first, it was Alana who was deliberately creating these sounds to arouse herself, but now, she was the one getting carried away by it, causing her to masturbate more instead.

“Aahhhhhnn!! Mister Yoichiiiihh!!”

“Did you call?”


To the unexpected response, Alana screamed and fell off the couch.

“Whoah, are you okay?”

“What? Eh? ……Yoichi?”

When Alana got up from her fall, she saw the figure of Yoichi clad in a bathrobe.

“Eh? Eeh!?”

Alana looked around, still unable to comprehend what was going on. Then she saw the state of her own lower body.


Her crotch was covered in her love juices, and the silvery pubic hair that was dry and clean a while ago is now incredibly wet; it was even reflecting the lighting with its sheen, making it glisten unnaturally.

As for her camisole, it was already pulled up, revealing to the man her huge left breast which she was just comforting earlier.


Alana hurriedly pulled down the camisole to cover her breast and then pulled the hem further so that it would reach and hide her crotch.

“Um, well, this is……it’s not what you think!”

Seeing herself being presented in a shameful state, Alana turned red and with tears in her eyes against the man, seemingly about to burst into a cry.

“Y-you see, no, to begin with, it……I’m a grown woman too, you know! As such……this is only a natural behavior……or something like that.”

While fidgeting, she also tried to desperately defend herself, but as if she had just realized something, she suddenly looked up.

“N-never mind that, why are you still here, Mr. Yoichi? Didn’t I tell you to spend the night with Misato?”

She tried to change the subject, though her red face and tears were still prominent in Yoichi’s eyes.

“Ah, about that, you see……”

“A-anyways! Misato needs you! So go spend the night with her now! And I’m going to bed for real! Good night!”

With that, Alana turned her head away from Yoichi and jumped back to the couch to lie down again.

As she did that, however, her bare, shapely buttocks without any underwear became more emphasized as they swayed greatly with the momentum of her pomf.

Alana was lying on her back with her face buried in the pillow, but since this time she was not wearing a blanket and with only a camisole on top, her buttocks were fully exposed for Yoichi to view.

Because of this, not only was Yoichi able to see the ass’ full curvature, he was also able to see her private area that was peeking out through the small gap between her buttocks and thighs.

Of course, this included the fleshy pink membranes of Alana, which were already wet with love juices.

They were twitching and moving through the gaps as if whispering to Yoichi to penetrate them.

“Mm. What an erotic view,” he spoke in his mind.

But while Yoichi wondered what he should do right now, he felt a presence behind him.

This caused him to turn around.

From there, he saw Misato, and she was standing in front of his bedroom door, looking worriedly at him.

As for her outfit, Misato was wearing only the top of the loungewear she had previously purchased on their date the last time.

It was a loose sweatshirt-type loungewear that hid her breasts, but as the hem was slightly short, her hairless cleft was almost visible from down below.

A semi-transparent liquid, a mixture of Misato’s love juices and Yoichi’s semen, was dripping down from the said crack and slowly trickling down her thighs.

(This one is even more of an erotic sight……)

Despite her slightly-cloudy state of mind, Misato nodded lightly towards Yoichi, as if giving him a signal.

This, in turn, made Yoichi look back at Alana again, only to discover that the other party was slightly facing him.

No, she was also looking and observing Yoichi.

However, when their eyes met, Alana hurriedly buried her face back into the pillow.

(What should I do? Should I continue? Either way, let’s just hope for the best.)

After finishing the argument in his mind, Yoichi started taking off his robe and slowly covered Alana with it.

Then, he put one hand on the back of the sofa and slowly put his knees on the empty part of the seat.

Yoichi was trying to be as soft as possible to avoid being detected by the silver-haired beauty.

Of course, even with this, he believed that she would notice this obvious action, being the warrior she was in the other world.

However, Alana didn’t move despite this. Only her breathing was becoming more ragged, as if she was anticipating something.

Yoichi continued to straddle the base of Alana’s legs. Then, after he was in position, he placed his cock, which was now hard and throbbing from the “Alana outfit” she had just shown him a while ago, between her thighs and buttocks.

“Hmm? Eh? Wait, Yoi-……nnhh!”

In one sudden move, Yoichi entered Alana’s precious area from behind.

And just as he expected, she was already sufficiently wet and loosened by her prior masturbation.

 “Mmh……no way……piercing me on the back all of a sudden…….”

In truth, Alana would have been fine if Yoichi just went back to his bedroom, but there’s also a part of her that told her that she doesn’t want him to go back yet.

Therefore, she was at least expecting some foreplay from him, the reason for her not berating Yoichi’s suspicious actions behind her back.

But she didn’t expect that he would go straight to penetration, making her let out a pitiful squeal instead.

Yoichi slowly pushed through. After inserting it all the way in, he slowly extracted his meat rod until it was halfway out.

Then, he sank it down again.

As for Alana’s vagina, since it was sufficiently wet from her masturbation, it accepted Yoichi’s member without much resistance, even making squelching sounds as it got breached inside.

Soon, the sensation of the slightly tight and foreign vagina that was different from Misato’s soft native entanglement struck the man.

What came next was Yoichi slowly moving his cock in and out of Alana several times without increasing his pace.

“Ahhh……no……more……give me more……not that……harder, no wait……tonight, should be with Misato……”

As the princess knight was being penetrated from behind in a prone position, Misato, who was watching the entire scene, stood up.

Then, she went in front of Alana then sat there in place, as if this was a show, and that she wanted to have a closer seat.

“Ahh……ahh……I’m sorry, Misato……I didn’t mean to steal him……”

Alana tried to apologize first while panting in pleasure, but Misato just shook her head, telling her she didn’t mind.

But in response, she gently wrapped Alana’s cheeks with both hands and said to her,

“It’s okay. That said, Alana, do you want to feel even better?”

“Mmhh……but……Tonight is your night……”

“Fufufu, thank you, but I just can’t leave you alone anymore after hearing your beautiful moans, can I?”

“Eh? Ahh, mmhhh……”

Realizing Misato’s words a second late, Alana flushed a tearful expression before searching the covers to bury herself in the pillow again.

If the sound from the bedroom can be heard in the living room, then the opposite is also true.


Despite burying her face in shame, Alana continued to make muffled moans in the pillow, signifying that she was already in the state of being unable to resist the pleasure despite whatever she did to cover it up.

As a matter of fact, though she didn’t know this, her hips were automatically lifting by themselves, albeit slowly. She was even subconsciously searching for an angle that would allow her to take Yoichi in deeper. At the end, Alana’s hips were moving in time with Yoichi’s.

Yoichi’s and Alana’s eyes met one time, and they exchanged smiles on each other.

“Mmh? Ah……what is this……eh?”

But all of a sudden, Yoichi shifted their position slightly, lifting Alana’s body up.

Because of this, their joining parts were now in full view if someone were to stare at them from the front.

Alana looked a little flustered and involuntarily dropped the pillow to this, but she didn’t show any sign of resistance to this new position.

They were now in a reverse cowgirl position, with Alana sitting at Yoichi, who was sitting at the couch as he pounded her from below.

“Aah ahhh, mmm……more…… more……”

Yoichi tried his best to thrust up from below as per Alana’s request, but his strokes ended up being shallow due to the nature of the new position of the two.

At first, Alana only swung her hips briefly in time with Yoichi’s movements, but perhaps not satisfied with that, she started moving her hips up and down in a big way as well.

As the princess knight’s body moved up and down, her taut, full breasts also shook wildly in turn.

“Aahh, ahhh! That’s it, Mr. Yoichi!! There!”

For a moment, Alana was intoxicated with the pleasure.

But that was until she discovered that someone was actually staring and looking hard at their connecting parts in front.

It was Misato, and Alana had completely forgotten that this woman had gone in front of them earlier and had crouched at them below.

Misato was at eye level of where Alana was connected to Yoichi.

Meaning to say, her face had been watching closely in front of Alana’s pussy and Yoichi’s cock since they began.

“Noo! Don’t stare at it too hard……!!”

Alana screamed in shame.

However, Misato’s eyes only looked up at Alana, before expressing a faint smile on her face.

Afterward, she returned her gaze to the joining parts again, where all of a sudden, she plunged herself right in with her extended tongue in between.

“Nhaaaaaaaaaaa!! Nooooooo waayyyy!!!”

Alana moaned madly at once. It was because Misato directly licked her clitoris while she was being pounded by Yoichi’s hardened member from below.

“Ahhhh, w-waiiitt! I’m cumming, I’m cummiiiinnnggg! Please stoppp!!”

But these requests were ignored.

Alana tried to escape, writhing and squirming as she did, but it was futile.

Then, she was subjected to another series of harder thrusts from below by Yoichi’s cock.

But this time, it had a huge difference, as it also included an intense stimulation on her clit by Misato’s tongue.

“Mnnhhhhhh……Cumming, I’m cumming again!”

Alana went on another climax once again.

Misato continued licking Alana’s clitoris, but in the middle of it, she halted and switched to stimulating the wet linings around the junction and the rod instead, where she sucked on the gaps and kissed gently on it.


Naturally, because she was licking at their joints, it started to affect Yoichi as well.

But just as she did earlier, she ignored these words and continued her attacks to the two.

”Noo, I can’t take it anymore……I’m cumming, I’m cumming again!!”

“Me too……I’m……urghh!!”

Because of the foreign stimulation which is Misato’s constant licking, Alana’s vagina came early, unable to resist the pleasure.

And as Yoichi was also being stimulated through the back muscles of his rod, not to mention Alana’s vagina being made to constrict him more as she came, he, too, followed suit, ejaculating the rest of his load inside Alana.

It was a totally different kind of pleasure from the ones they usually experience just by penetration alone.

Nevertheless, Misato’s tongue movements never stopped.

Yoichi could only feel his hips trembling in each lick in addition to the pulsing of his release.

Alana was also the same. Being made to orgasm so many times, she was leaning her back against Yoichi languidly, her body twitching and convulsing in the aftermath.


Misato continued to lick their joined parts, unforgiving even though both parties have already surrendered.

Soon, excess semen flooded out from the gaps of Alana’s pussy, but she still lapped it up.


After swallowing a bit of the white ooze that came out, Misato exhaled with satisfaction.

As for Yoichi, he took a short break, then pulled his rod out of Alana’s tight hole.

Alana was in the most miserable state among the three.

Upon separating from Yoichi, she was laying limp on the sofa, where her now unplugged hole is starting to drip Yoichi’s semen and her own love juices in an uncontrollable way, smearing the couch below.

Seeing her helpless state, Yoichi took her in his arms and laid her down on the sofa on her back.

However, as she watched this happening, Misato suddenly stood up from her spot and overlapped her body with Alana’s.

“Hm? What is it, Misato?” Yoichi voiced out.

But Misato ignored Yoichi’s question and pulled up Alana’s camisole from below.

The hugeness of Alana’s breasts momentarily made Misato stop in awe upon their reveal. But she immediately regained her composure and began to rub them and even lick around the areolas without any notice.


Alana gasped briefly.

Then Misato’s tongue made contact and swirled on her pinkish peaks.

“Mmm……eh? Not Yoichi, but Misato? What are you……nhaaa!!”

When Alana finally looked down to see the one attacking her breasts, she squealed in surprise to find out that it was not Yoichi whom she was expecting, but Misato.

The woman, however, ignored this squeal yet again. She instead slightly brushed her teeth against the nipples to give her more stimulation and to regain control once again.

(What the hell……What is this dreamy scene!)

Yoichi screamed this inside his head upon witnessing the incredible sight.

After all, it was a superb view of female butts and pussies of different complexities, lining up vertically from above and below.

The lower portion consisted of a woman’s firm and taut buttocks, with petals of the vagina that are on the color of pale pink and pubic hair that is silvery and wet.

This was Alana’s, and her vulva was widely agape, with a small amount of semen leaking out of it.

Piling right on top of that is a cute, shapely ass with a smooth and youthful skin, and a vagina with a light brown hue, with no traces of pubic hair anywhere.

This was Misato’s, and it had a tightly closed vulva, but her semen-covered insides were still visible from the outside, twitching enticingly as if inviting Yoichi.

(I’ve only seen this kind of thing in hentai manga!)

Both genitals were sufficiently wet in love mucus all the way to their thighs and buttocks, and their crevices were bulging, showing that they were ripe for picking.

But what dealt the finishing blow to Yoichi is the scene of the vagina at the top dripping down translucent liquid and glazing the defenseless vagina at the bottom.

It glazed the bottom’s freshly opened petals like it was some kind of sweet syrup for dessert.


Soon, Misato’s attacks stopped. She slightly leaned back.

Both of their crotches were now fully wet, especially Alana’s.

Seeing them in such state, Yoichi walked around them – towards their rear.

Then, he inserted himself inside Misato first, to which Misato’s vulva, which was tightly shut earlier, accepted Yoichi’s without any particular resistance.

Then, towards her vaginal cavity filled with semen, Yoichi’s meat rod immediately started to move vigorously.

And as per usual, the soft mucous-filled walls of Misato’s vagina entwined with Yoichi’s penis the moment it reached the end.

“Ah ah ah ah ahhh!”

Naturally, when Yoichi started his extractions, Misato became unable to keep herself from attacking Alana and began to pant hard as well, with her face raising up in the process.

“Mmm……Time for me to give the payback from earlier!”

Seeing she now has the advantage, Alana reached her right hand on Misato’s crotch right away and began to stimulate the hardened pea there, hard.

“Nfuuuuhhh! No, not there, Alanaaaaa……”

“Fufufu……more, more……haamu……mlem……”

And similar to what had been done to her earlier, Alana also rolled up Misato’s clothes and began to lick her nipples while also rubbing her breasts with her left hand.

“Nhaaaaaaa!! Nooo, I’m cummiiinnnggg!!”

Alana was relentless. It was as if she was really intending to pay Misato back for all that she had done.


But in the middle of bullying, and on the part where she’s just getting into the mood, Alana suddenly let out a surprised cry and slumped over.

“Nnn, aaahh ahh ahh!! Wait, Mr. Yoichi, not there!! Nhaaaaa!!”

The cause of it was Yoichi. Or rather, because of him switching from the pussy of Misato to the pussy of Alana without warnings.

“Fufufu……the tables have turned now……”

This time it was Misato who expressed a faint smile. Then, she lowered her body slightly to reach between Alana’s legs and attacked her clit while also tweaking her breasts – a completely similar move to what was done to her earlier.

“Mmmmmhhhh, oh no, I’m going crazyyyyy!!”

Whenever Misato’s fingers touched her crotch and her breasts stimulated by her tongue, Alana’s body would jerk and squirm.

Adding Yoichi’s pounding into her to the mix, it was not later when Alana was on the verge of losing her mind again.

“Ahhhh! I-I’m being pounded so hard, I’m gonna die……I’m cumming, I’m cummiiinnngg!!”

“Hmmm? Mmmmph!!”

Alana reached her climax, her body stiffening in the process. This also caused her to give Misato a tight hug in reflex.

But because she was licking Alana’s nipples, Misato also ended up being buried in Alana’s ample chest.

Thankfully, she somehow managed to get away by wiggling her head a bit, which also prevented her from suffocating.

“Puhaaa……!! W-wait, Alana……it hurts……nnhaaaaa!!” Misato screamed out, only to be cut off by an expression of ecstasy in the end.

The cause of this was of course, none other than Yoichi.

Soon as he felt Alana’s insides tightening from her climax, he pulled out his cock and quickly inserted it into Misato’s vagina next without warning.

“Aaaahh, Yoichi, so sudden……no, not there!! Mmmmhh!! Alana, not you as well!!”

As she was now released from the pleasure that is Yoichi’s cock, Alana was now free to move and think again. But unfortunately, a devious plan was formulated in her mind because of this.

First, she gave Misato a faint smile. Then, as if in revenge, she lowered her body and reached her hands towards the other party’s crotch, both from the front and back.

After that, she began to rustle the cute girl’s clitoris with her right hand and her anus with her left.

“Noo, no more, my ass, my clit……together……Yoichi, so intense as well……wait, oh no! I’m cumming, I’m cumming agaaaainn!!”

“Me too, I’m cumming, Misato!”

Yoichi gave his member a final thrust all the way to the back of Misato’s orifice.

Then, as if finally releasing something that he had kept inside for a long time, he ejaculated strongly inside that same vagina at once.

“Nnmmmmm……ccummiinngg!! Wait, Alana, if you do that to me now, I’ll……!!”

Of course, Alana also continued her assaults on her anus and private parts, even while the woman is climaxing. As a result, Misato’s body shuddered and quivered without stopping as Alana enjoyed the pulsations of the other party’s crotch.

Yoichi watched the scene with satisfaction, then pulled his object out of Misato after the ejaculation settled down to some extent.

Semen overflowed from Misato’s vagina, which had been filled to a certain degree by the earlier sex, and they dribbled down and onto Alana’s stomach.

“Mmm……Mr. Yoichi’s cum……so warm……”

It was at that point that Alana finally stopped attacking Misato. Then, she scooped up the semen that had fallen onto her stomach with her fingers and brought it to her mouth.

“Hummm……chup……mmm……Mr. Yoichi……”

From there, Alana started licking the semen from her fingers. She also gave Yoichi a lusty look behind Misato, who has now slumped her body against her.

“I want it……in my pussy……”

At Alana’s gaze and words, the thing that had wilted a little after ejaculation immediately regained its tension.

What came next was obvious. Yoichi plunged his hardened meat stick into Alana’s vagina immediately, which was already twitching and gaping open as if inviting the man.

“Hiiiiiihhh! Aah ah ah ah ahhh! More, faster, harder! Mmmhhh……mlem……”

While at it, Misato, who had just been lying limp on top of Alana as she squirmed under Yoichi’s hard thrusts, lightly raised herself up as if she had regained some of her energy.

Then, she took Alana on the lips.

Alana also accepted it without any resistance, and their tongues intertwined furiously as one of them was being rammed from below.


But as if not contented with that, Misato also wrapped her arms around Alana’s neck and back.

Because her mouth was covered in this way, the princess knight could not utter a word. However, muffled moans still escaped their lips and went inside Yoichi’s ears, and together with the man’s pumping, it wasn’t later that she reached the zenith again.

Of course, watching the scenery of two beautiful beauties intertwining their lips below, adding the fact that Misato’s deeds have made Alana’s orifice tighten more than before, Yoichi received an even greater stimulation that quickly made him reach his peak.

It wasn’t long before he found himself ejaculating inside Alana’s vagina again.



Alana trembled her body in time with the pulsing of the cum as she received it with a throbbing thud. As for Misato, she continued to devour Alana’s tongue and lips without regard.


After his ejaculation had settled down, Yoichi pulled out his object. This caused his semen to once again flow out of Alana’s sloppily gaping vulva.



It was also at that time that Misato and Alana finally stopped kissing.

Then, they looked and stared at each other hard – before letting out a small giggle out of nowhere.

After that, the two women released their bodies in each other’s embrace and laid themselves down on the couch.

Alana shifted backward, supporting herself against the backrest of the couch.

As for Misato, she leaned some weight against Alana with her body slightly protruding from the sofa.

Then, after embracing each other once again in this way, after a while, the two beauties began to breathe in their sleep.

(Yep, that’s one sight for sore eyes if I see one.)

Yoichi didn’t have a special preference for female-to-female entanglement. Still, the sight of two beautiful women covered in bodily fluids and hugging each other in their sleep was indecent and attractive to him.

After watching them for a while, he picked up the blanket Alana was holding onto earlier and draped it over them.

He didn’t go back to his bedroom, but instead, he laid down on the long, furry carpeted floor beside them and covered only his crotch and stomach with the robe he was wearing previously.

(Now that I think about it, they were both calling themselves in a first-name basis now, weren’t they?)

“Perhaps they became close when I went out to buy the piercer and had left them alone in the room, but what could they have talked about that brought them closer in such a short time?”

Although he was curious, Yoichi just opted to fall asleep and not think deeply about it, for he would probably never hear the truth behind this, not that he really needs to know about it in any way.



The vibration of his smartphone woke Yoichi up.

Alana also opened her eyes slightly on this, but seeing that the sound was coming from somewhere safe, she quickly closed them and resumed breathing in her sleep once again.

“Mmm……who is it, calling me at this hour……” Yoichi complained, unknown to the fact that it was almost noon.

He picked up the smartphone that he had left on his living room table, but his sleepiness disappeared once he saw the name displayed on the screen.

It was Karin.

“……Hello. Karin?”

[Ah, Yoichi? Can I go to your place right now?]

“Uhm, you see……”

[Ah, was today……no good? Though I’m already at the entrance.]

As soon as they got connected, Karin’s tone was lively, but upon hearing Yoichi’s feedback, that liveliness was immediately lowered as if it had suddenly lost its power.

“What? You’re down there already?”

[Un. Sorry for intending to drop by without calling you. I’ll come back next ti——]

“Mr. Yoichi.”


[―― Yoichi? What’s wrong?]

Karin was about to end the line when Yoichi suddenly screamed, causing her to ask back with deep concern instead.

“Oh, no, it’s nothing.”

When he turned around, he saw Alana’s figure already up, hiding her naked body with a blanket, and was looking straight at Yoichi with an eerie gaze.

Maybe because of the shout, Misato woke up as well, and she was rubbing her eyes cutely as she got up from the couch.

“Mr. Yoichi, do you have a visitor?” Alana was the first to speak up.

“Well, no, I mean……now is not a good time, isn’t it? So I’m intending to ask them to come back later……” Yoichi replied, hiding the fact that he was flustered earlier.

“Mm. But based on what I heard, they’re already here, aren’t they? So isn’t it unreasonable to turn them away at this point?”

“Well, yes, but……”

[Yoichi? Are you still there?]

Karin’s wondering question leaked out from the receiver.

But Yoichi didn’t answer. Instead, he glanced back at the screen at the smartphone for a while, thinking about how to get out of this situation.

Seeing the man unable to respond, Alana spoke first, followed by Misato, who was still languid in her voice.

“If you give us a moment, we can get ourselves ready and go over to the other side. After all, Misato is already involved with us.”

“Yesh……itsh okay……with me……”

[Are you, perhaps…… entertaining visitors right now? If that’s the case, then I don’t mind coming back later.]

“Mr. Yoichi. Again, if our presence would perhaps trouble this person, just tell us. We won’t mind moving to the other side first.”

The “other side” Alana referred to here is none other than the other world.

“Me too, I don’t mind……” Misato also replied, having finally gained consciousness. She didn’t have a clear idea of what was happening yet, but decided that it should be okay if she followed Alana for the moment.

[You sound like you’re having trouble deciding. In that case, I’ll go and leave first.]

“Ah, wait.”

It was already too late. Karin should have heard the voices of Alana and Misato over the phone.

He doubted that she could understand Alana’s otherworldly language, but at the very least, she would have recognized that they were voices of the opposite sex.

However, the moment she thought she would be a nuisance, Yoichi recalled that time.

――Someday, tell me properly, okay?

Karin told Yoichi this on the same day they rescued Alana.

Even though she didn’t know what was going on, even though she knew that Yoichi was deliberately hiding it away from her. This was the only thing she muttered to Yoichi before leaving the room.

She didn’t get angry, nor did she not complain that she was being used.

But because of this, Yoichi felt immense guilt for her after that.

Now that I’ve told Misato about the existence of another world, should I tell Karin about it too?

“Can you give me ten……no, five minutes?”

[Are you sure, Yoichi? You don’t have to push yourself for me, you know. After all, Its not like its important.]

No, you’re important. You’re more than important for me. It is I who is not.

“It’s okay.”

[Is that so……Then I’ll be at the diner a little further towards the station. Call me when you get there.]

“Got it. I’ll see you later.”

After hanging up the phone, Yoichi took a quick shower by himself. Then, while Alana and Misato showered together next, he put the dirty sofa, carpets, and clothes into the [Infinite Storage+] and cleaned them using the maintenance function of his skill.

Then, Yoichi put Alana and Misato’s nightgowns and underwear in the changing area of the bathroom, barely just in time before the two finished their shower.

“Well, I’ll be going now.”

“Umu.” “Okay.”

Karin told Yoichi to call her when he got there, but Yoichi chose not to, as it felt better for him if it was him who was picking her up.

With those selfish thoughts in mind, Yoichi left the apartment……also while wearing the clothes that Karin had picked out for him in the southern town from that time.

When Yoichi arrived at the diner, he checked Karin’s seat using [Appraisal+] as he didn’t want to waste time looking conspicuous as soon as he entered the place. Then, he walked towards Karin’s table as quickly as he could.  

“Sorry I made you wait.”

“Eh? Don’t tell me you searched all the way here? Why didn’t you just give me a call?”

“I thought I would be asking too much if I did that, so I opted not to.”

When Yoichi greeted her, Karin was in the middle of sipping her coffee and operating her tablet PC. Yoichi thought it was also why she hadn’t noticed his presence as he entered the diner, but he still couldn’t help but wonder why she was so surprised when he called her out of the blue.

“Shall we go?”

“Ah, un.”

Being prompted as the signal, Karin hurriedly put her tablet PC in her bag and tried to get up first, but in the middle of it, Yoichi took her tab and headed for the cash register.

“Ah, Yoichi. It’s fine.”

“No, I’m the one who made you wait, so I’ll pay.”

“But it’s my fault for showing up on such short notice, so……”

“It’s okay. You’re always welcome at my place anyways.”


At Yoichi’s late words, Karin’s mouth dropped open, and her cheeks were stained red as if she totally didn’t expect those lines to be said to her, but as Yoichi was busy paying at the cash register, he did not notice this change.

“Now then, shall we go?”

“Ah, Y-yeah.”

The two then held hands as if it was natural and headed down the street towards the direction of the apartment building.

The moment Yoichi took her hand, however, Karin’s reaction was late. This caused the two to walk one step behind each other that it looked like she was being dragged by Yoichi across the street.

Karin was with her head down the entire time as she walked. She even felt like her face was turning redder than before, and from time to time, she would steal a glance or two at Yoichi’s back.

Times and times, she would muster the energy to say something, but it would always end up being empty for some reason whenever they encountered a passerby.

This awkward pace went on and on until they reached the end, where no one had said anything despite the sweet situation where they were walking romantically and holding hands like lovers.

But Karin was not the only one with her mind in turmoil. In fact, this was also the same for Yoichi.

Right now, his thoughts are running wild, fully occupied with what words he should say after this and how he should say it.

This went on and on for too long that the embarrassed couple had finally gotten off the noisy street in front of the station where the diner was located and into the quiet residential area to which Yoichi’s apartment building was erected.

For some reason, upon reaching the place, the two’s breathings sounded a little ragged, despite the diner just a walking distance away from the residential area and should have no way possible to get two grown adults to get exhausted just by traveling from there, especially when they’re walking at a snail’s pace.

“Uhm……Yoichi……Someone’s already inside, isn’t it? It doesn’t have to be today, so……”

Karin made a last attempt to turn back. However, Yoichi still denied the attempt.

“It was the woman from earlier, isn’t it?”

This time, Karin went to a straightforward approach,

“Yeah, well……”

which made Yoichi fluster a bit. But the man still tried his best to remain firm.

“You know, I can see it in your face……that now is a really bad timing. You don’t have to hide it. So why are you still forcing yourself on this?”

“No, I didn’t mean that……there’s just……something I want to talk about with you.”

“And it would be better for you to have the woman there?”

“Yeah, that’s about it, but that’s not exactly it. Actually, there’s two-“

“You mean there’s now two of them!?”


“Oh, no! I’m not accusing you or anything. It’s just……I’m a bit surprised.”

As they walked along, talking awkwardly as they went, they finally arrived at the apartment building, where Yoichi opened the auto-lock, got into the elevator door, and pressed the buttons inside.

“I know……that you don’t like those kinds of things.”

“……those kinds of things?”

“About me being with other women.”

“But I don’t mind it, though?”

“You sure?”

“Un. I’m already satisfied……as long as I get to spend time with you once in a while.”

But Yoichi didn’t hear the latter words, which were spoken in a whisper, as he was in the middle of opening the door.

“Come in.”

“Pardon the intrusion~.”

The moment they opened the door of Unit 2503, the scent filling the interior flowed towards the outside.

Yoichi heard Karin sniffle a bit as soon as she stepped on the doorway, making him recall that incident the last time, only for her to be replaced with surprise upon seeing that a person was already there as if they were waiting for them.

It was a foreign beauty, with shiny-silvery hair.

It was none other than Alana.

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Can't wait for the next chapter