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Chapter 20 – Crazy Whore Party

”I told you to stop that♡♡♡♡ I couldn’t help but feel troubled every time you call me cute♡♡♡♡”

“Is that true, Miss Lagothe?”

Before they knew it, Carney was already leaning close to Lagothe as she was being violated.

“Ah, Carney. Now that you’re here, you should try it too.”

“With pleasure. Ahh, Miss Lagothe, you are being very cute right now. In fact, you’re so cute and adorable that I want to cuddle you and love you senseless, and……”

With Schild’s teasing, together with Carney’s heartfelt(?) praises, Lagothe’s reasoning soon became on the verge of breaking down.

“Kyaaaa♡♡ Stop it, you, you perverted woman♡♡♡♡ Schild, what kind of pervert is this accompanying you♡♡♡♡”

“That said, Miss Lagothe, do you want to retaliate to Lord Schild?”

“Eh?” “What?”

As soon as she said that, Carney left Lagothe, then hugged Schild in the nude. Then, declaring in a high volume,

“Lord Schild, I love youuuuuu♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡”

“O- ou……!?”

Even Schild flinched at this close-range bombing.

“I love you, Schild♡♡ I love you♡♡ I love you♡♡ I love you♡♡ I love you♡♡♡♡ I love you I love you I love you…..♡♡♡♡ I love you so much~~~~~♡♡♡♡♡♡”

As Schild was to Lagothe, Carney too didn’t show any mercy on her relentless “I love you’s” to Schild.

“That’s what I call a verbal comeback! This is a special move I came up with after being fucked dozens of times by Lord Schild!”

“I-Is that so?”

“You should say it too, Miss Lagothe! Not only does it make Lord Schild feel embarrassed, but it will also make you feel good! In fact, I just peed in my crotch while saying it just now!”

“You’re so nasty!”

As she had declared, Carney’s bare lower body was already wet from her thigh to her ankle with the urine and love juices that had spurted profusely from her crotch.

As for Lagothe, she was still being rammed in the ass by Schild, but after a bit of hesitation, she, too, blurted out.

“……Schild, I love you♡♡♡♡”

And as soon as she said that,

“Nhiiiiii♡♡♡♡ What is this♡♡♡♡ This feels totally different……it’s like I went in a whole new dimension♡♡♡♡”

It was as if the “I love you” that Lagothe spoke had triggered something in her, causing her to feel an extraordinary wave of pleasure which in turn made her occur a full-body convulsion.

This made her soil her crotch with her love juices nonstop, as if her vagina had turned incontinent from the combination of that line and the sensation of Schild’s penis.

“Wow, to think that it would have a great effect on Miss Lagothe even though they were mere words. This one can’t believe it!”

“Oh, Miss Sae, you’re back.”

“I must say that this one desire to do it as well! Master Schild, this one deeply yearns for you!!”

As soon as she said this, Sae’s expression was filled with lots of sweetness and bliss.

Hinyaaaahh♡♡♡♡ This one can’t believe it♡♡ These are only words, but this one’s insides felt like they’re about to explode♡♡ Miss Lagothe. Can this one take over for a moment? This one would like to say it too while Master Schild is pounding my orifice♡♡♡♡”

“Wait till I cum, okay? Ahhh, Schild♡♡♡♡ I love you♡♡ I love you♡♡ I love you♡♡ I missed you so much♡♡♡♡”

“This one too♡♡ How I longed for the day when this one could see you again♡♡♡♡ This one adores you so much♡♡♡♡ Please continue to fuck this one until the day she dies♡♡♡♡♡♡”

Three warrior beauties continued to bombard Schild with “I love you’s” from almost every direction.

This was partly for their own ecstasy, but of course, it worked on Schild as well.

Because of this, Schild had ejaculated inside Lagothe four times in a row without pulling out.

“Ahieeee♡♡ Ahieeee……♡♡♡♡”

Together with the pleasing actions of the two in her body – this time Sae and Carney – who had also become strangely in sync despite their first time meeting, Lagothe soon fainted in bliss.

“Ahhnn♡♡ Even Miss Lagothe’s fainted face is so cute♡♡♡♡”

Same as what she did to Sae, Carney stooped down and licked the spilling semen from Lagothe’s crotch, then poured it into her mouth via a deep kiss.

It didn’t matter that Lagothe was still unconscious to her.

“Lord Schild, Miss Lagothe really is cute right now!”

“Like as I said, right?”

“That goes for Miss Sae as well!”

“Uu……C-can you please not divert the topic at this one like that? Even this one was caught off-guard!”

Sae, who had already had her crotch and lips licked by Carney, breathed a sigh as she put her hands on her blushing cheeks in embarrassment.

“M-master Schild! What on earth is this person, may I ask!? She has several things going on in her that even this one doesn’t know where to start!”

“Actually, I’m not entirely sure either.”

Carney has recently become a bit of a sex demon.

The dignity of the female lioness, emitted by the blood of the Leschbein family, arouses not only the male lioness but also the other females in the pride.

“Either way, I’ll have to go give Carney an intense fucking one last time – a hard one that will surely bring her to her knees, or else, this girl won’t be able to calm down.”

“Yeshh♡♡ Fuck meee♡♡ Rape my pussy till I yield♡♡♡♡”

Carney also supplemented, shaking her butt in front of Schild.

“But before that……Lord Schild, are you forgetting something? There’s another woman here that requires your good fucking!”


Seeing that her lover was still unable to grasp what she was referring to, Carney then pointed to the sole woman in the group who was still wearing a thick coat and was not naked.

The Female Peddler Kelechi.

As for the woman, she was overwhelmed by the actions of this “crazy whore party” and had been keeping herself silent until now.

“That’s what I was thinking too. It’s not fair that we’re all doing the work while she’s only watching us. She must be properly love-raped and humiliated as well. No exceptions.”

“This one is of the same opinion. Please don’t leave her out, Master Schild.”

Seeing the three naked women who were devouring the man’s sturdy member so lasciviously a while ago now coming closer and closer, Kelechi couldn’t help but be frightened, but she was unable to escape because her knees had already gone weak.

“N-no, I’m fine! Honest! Or rather, why is it that even the renowned two of the “Three Flowers” are having sex with Mr. Schild like it was a normal thing!? Don’t you find that strange at all!?”

“What’s so strange about them acting this way? In the first place, they are already my women before they were branded those flower names.”

As he said that, Schild quickly undressed Kelechi.

This had become totally easy for him as it was an act he had done before, and the other party wasn’t struggling.

“Also, Miss Kelechi, won’t it be easier for you if you remove your pants while playing with yourself? You are already dripping wet in those clothes that even I find it uncomfortable.”

“It’s not that I had gotten wet because I am playing with my pussy! It was because I was so shocked by your perversions that I peed my pants!”

However, when her pussy was revealed after removing her already-soaked pants, Schild found out that it was clearly sludgy with another watery substance other than urine, so he didn’t waste any more time and screwed his penis in.


“Oh, I forgot to ask permission to put my cock in. Can I put it in?”

It’s already innn♡♡♡♡ Still, do what you want♡♡♡♡ Either way, it will feel insanely good for me♡♡♡♡ By the way, can I say “I love you I love you” too♡♡♡♡”

There was no longer the trace of the shocked Kelechi earlier.

“Schild, when did you eat this lovely girl? Did you perhaps change your preferences when you are away?”

This was spoken by Lagothe, who has apparently already recovered and was now rubbing her naked body against Schild.

“What do you mean I have changed my preferences? Also, I just met her, you know? Though I ate her virginity just a few hours ago.”

“Just a few hours ago!? As expected of Schild, you don’t have any discretion at all!”

Schild himself is aware that he has become particularly uncaring as of late when it comes to his selection of women.

However, almost all of it was Carney’s fault.

As for the woman herself, she was busy licking the tongue and lips of Kelechi, who was now enjoying her turn of being violated by Schild.

“Miss Lagothe, come with me and let’s give Miss Kelechi a three-way deep lesbian kiss♡♡ And while at it, let us all pee in our crotches at the same time to show our camaraderie♡♡”


Being prompted, Lagothe too joined the fray and started licking Kelechi’s tongue along with Carney.

“Then I’ll take this one here……♡♡”

Meanwhile, Sae rubbed her naked body against Schild’s and pressed her lips together with his.

These flirtatious movements became even sexier when performed by an eastern maiden with glossy black hair.

“Chuupp♡♡♡♡ Mlemm mlemm……♡♡ Mmmhh, cummiiinnngg♡♡♡♡♡♡”

What would have become of this female peddler’s life if she had not met Schild and the others on that road today?

Either way, she has become Schild’s newest addition to his meat toilets, Kelechi the meat toilet.

“Now then……now that you have finished fucking Miss Lagothe, Miss Sae and Miss Kelechi……!”

Suddenly, one bewitching beauty stood up among them and turned her ass to Schild. Then, after gripping her buttocks with both hands to spread her anus and vulva,

“Ravish me, Lord Schild♡♡♡♡ Fuck me with your huge cock that I love the most♡♡♡♡ In front of Miss Sae, Miss Lagothe, and Miss Kelechi, please violate and humiliate this slutty woman to your heart’s content, even until I lose my mind♡♡ For I’m going to show them how much of a slut I am and how much incredible my o-face is to them♡♡♡♡♡♡”

Naturally, Schild immediately penetrated Carney’s vagina with his penis, which was still rock hard after that.

And Carney would later show the other women that she was more vulgar and promiscuous than anyone else in Schild’s company today.

“Ohhhhhhhh♡♡♡♡ Yeshm fuck me, fuck my pusshy moore♡♡♡♡ Fuck me hard while everyone watches my pussy getting ripped apart♡♡♡♡ Miss Sae♡♡ Miss Lagothe♡♡ and Miss Kelechi♡♡ please watch me as my cunt is getting turned into this man’s toy♡♡♡♡♡♡ I love you all♡♡ That’s why, please watch me more I turn into an even more of a slut♡♡♡♡♡♡”

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