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Chapter 1 – Reunion with Misato

“So you’re saying that you came to me because you were sick of that job?”

“……Yes. I’m sorry.”

Misato came to Yoichi with the intention of telling him everything.

But just as she was about to blurt out everything with the force of her hug, a silver-haired woman peeking out from the back of the room caught her attention.

(What a beautiful person……)

It was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen that those on TV or even in movies could not even compare to her. And from the fact that she was wearing a casual jersey, it was easy to tell that she was already in an unusual relationship with Yoichi.

Having been caught off guard and having lost her momentum, Misato explained her situation, but also decided to hide some parts of it.

——She explained that she thought it was not appropriate for a lowly woman like herself to be around Yoichi, so she disappeared without saying a word that day. But when she was about to go back to work, suddenly she couldn’t stand the thought of sleeping with a client anymore, so she escaped.

She didn’t tell him about her stepbrother or her true feelings for him.

“You don’t have to force yourself to keep doing a job you don’t like. Also, you don’t have to apologize to me this much.”

“Even though I’m bothering you right now?”

Misato glanced at the silver-haired woman.

But strangely, the woman didn’t show any sign of anger at the fact that a woman she didn’t know had suddenly come to visit her man and just looked at Misato and Yoichi with some interest.

“Ah, no……is it……okay?”

Yoichi also glanced at the silver-haired woman — to Alana.

In return, Alana also looked over at Yoichi with a curious look, then smiled at him.

“Well, there you have it. I’m glad you asked me for help, and I’d like to help you, but……”

So Yoichi glanced at Alana again. Then she frowned.

“Uhm, Mr. Yoichi? I feel glad that you’re asking me to help, but I don’t even know what her situation is……”

When Alana opened her mouth to say this, Misato heard it and tilted her head with a furrowed brow.

“No, well, you know……■■■■……that’s it.” Yoichi then replied to Alana.

This time, Misato’s eyes widened, and she opened her mouth a little as if to say something but changed her mind and dropped her head midway as if she didn’t want to interrupt their conversation.

“From what I can gather, the girl ran away from the brothel and came to rely on you, didn’t she?”

“Yes, I think that would be the gist of it?”

“If that’s the case, abandoning her here doesn’t seem like an option, does it?”

“That’s true, but……but Misato and I are……”

“Are in a relationship between a prostitute and a customer, isn’t it? I’m not going to argue with you about that.”

“No, it started out that way at first, but…….”

“Hmm, so you’re saying it has already developed into a normal relationship between a man and a woman?”


He could have pretended it to be something else, but no matter what Misato’s intentions were, Yoichi didn’t want his relationship with Misato to end up being that of a client and a prostitute. He also knew it was dishonest to think such a thing in front of Alana.


Misato watched the exchange between Yoichi and Alana with a complex expression for a while, but as if she had made up her mind, she shouted loudly and bowed her head on the spot.

“I know I am a nuisance, but I don’t want to be touched by other men anymore. Please, I beg you. I’ll do anything. I don’t care if I become a mistress or a maid. Just please keep me here.”

“Hey, Misato!?”

Yoichi looked back and forth between Misato and Alana.

“Mr. Yoichi.”

“Y-yes? What is it?”

While Yoichi was in a panic, Alana seemed to be quite calm.

“Miss Misato, was it? If she had an affair with you first, I wouldn’t mind if she became your mistress.”


Yoichi stopped his fidgety movements and looked at Alana with a surprised expression.

“Wait. You’re……okay with it?”

“I mean, come on, you guys love each other, don’t you?”

“Oh, no……well, at least I am……”

“From what Miss Misato told you, she must have loved you, too, Mr. Yoichi. After all, she wouldn’t end up coming to you first if it weren’t. That’s why it’s only proper for me to set aside our differences.”

“Is that so…”

Yoichi’s cheeks finally slackened.

“Also, you surely have already grasped her situation from her state, being asked to this extent. Or are you thinking of rejecting her still?”

“So you’re okay with it, Alana?”

“It’s not about “if I’m okay with it”, it’s about “if you’re okay with it”, Mr. Yoichi.”

“If I’m okay with it, huh. I……I don’t want to abandon Misato. I know it’s wrong for me to say this in front of you, Alana, but I think I still love Misato.”

Alana smiled gently at his words.

“Then it’s settled, isn’t it? I mean, it was already decided from the very beginning.”

“Y-yeah, I guess. Still, thank you, Alana.”

“Fufu, It’s not really something you need to be thankful for.”

Yoichi then went and patted Misato on the shoulder, who had kept her head down all this time.

“That’s it, Misato. We’re good to go.”

Misato sprang up and looked at Yoichi and Alana in turn. Her eyes were red and bloodshot as if she had been fighting back her tears.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Well, you heard us.”

Misato tilted her head as if she was puzzled.

“Welcome to my house. You can stay as long as you like, as long as it’s okay with you, Misato.”


Tears welled up from the corners of Misato’s eyes.

“Thank you……thank you very much……!!”

Misato bowed her head again and began to cry, her shoulders shaking.

As for Alana, she patted Yoichi on the back and urged him to take action with a look.

Yoichi sat down next to Misato and hugged her shaking shoulders.

Alana watched the scene with glee.


“Well, allow me to make introductions again.”

Once Misato had settled down, they started their self-introduction time.

“Misato, this is Alana.”

Misato gave Alana a slightly self-conscious look.

“Alana, this is Misato.”

“Umu. it’s nice to meet you, Miss Misato.”

She held out her hand to Misato, along with a carefree expression.

Misato looked somewhat puzzled but took the hand without hesitation, and they shook hands.

“Uhm, Mr. Yoichi, what country is Miss Alana from?”

After shaking hands, Misato asked Yoichi with a bit of an apologetic look on her face.

“Ah (crap).”

With her Hollywood actress-like good looks and beautiful silver hair, Alana does not look Japanese by any stretch of the imagination.

It’s something you can’t help but be curious about, but how would I explain this?

Yoichi was troubled by this thought, but the problem lay somewhere else entirely.

“I can understand a little bit of English, but I’ve never heard of those words before.”

“Come again?”

“Also, I was a little surprised that Mr. Yoichi was also speaking the same language so fluently.”

“Eh, eh?”

From here, Yoichi has realized that Misato does not understand, or rather, from her point of view. Yoichi and Alana were conversing in a language she didn’t know.

Of course, it is because this language was the language of another world.

“I see. It’s the [Language Comprehension+]. No, wait. If that’s the case…”

Yoichi looked at Alana with a furrowed brow.

“Alana, you can understand what Misato is saying?”

“Of course?”

“It seems that Misato can’t understand Alana’s language……or rather the conversation between me and Alana. Why is that?”

“Hmmm. Probably because of this.”

Alana pinged the small earring in her earlobe with a pinch of her finger.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a communication tool.”

In the other world where Alana resides, there is a wide variety of races that live in it.

Some of them even have faces shaped like beasts.

As such, there are such languages unique to each race that cannot be pronounced no matter how hard another race tries, depending on the shape and structure of their face and mouth.

For this reason, in the other world, “people” (comprising all the sentient inhabitants of that world) often use magical tools to communicate with each other.

The principle is fundamentally different from that of translation, as it directly captures the intentions of the speaker, but thanks to this, it is now possible to deal with unknown languages such as Japanese without the need to study the language beforehand.

“So you’re saying it’s like telepathy?”

“In principle, yes. This technology has been improved over the years, so now not only is it able to accurately capture your intentions when you speak, but it can also create the illusion of hearing, creating a state similar to that of a normal conversation.”

“So, if you don’t restrict the function, you can read the other person’s mind?”

“Oh, no, that’s a misnomer. I’m not an expert, so I can’t tell you the details, but I can tell you that there is a difference in wavelength between verbal intentions and intentions that dazzle only in the mind. For example. It is relatively easy to capture what you “intend” to say in words.”


“What I wanted to say is that in the past, there occurred a lot of discrepancies in using pronunciation as a basis for capturing the intentions contained in those words, making the “translation” inaccurate and sometimes incomprehensive to the receiver, so they switched to the wavelength of the brain. So now they can be delivered quite accurately as a pseudo-speech.”

As she explained, Alana removed the earrings and handed them to Misato.

“How is it, Miss Misato? You understand my words now, don’t you?”

The magic tool of communication also works as long as it’s in contact with your body.

As such, even if it is a piercing, there is no need to stick it all the way into the ear.

In Alana’s case, she had chosen the piercing type because it did not interfere with her activities.

“Eh? Eehh!? How ……?”

Suddenly able to understand Alana’s words, Misato’s eyes widened, and she shouted in confusion.

“Hmm. That’s because it’s a magic tool of communication. I have no idea what Miss Misato is talking about, though. I just interpreted it based on your reaction.”


Misato looked at Yoichi with a troubled expression.


To which Yoichi only held his head in his hands, realizing that this was a bad idea.


In the end, after a short deliberation, Yoichi decided to tell Misato everything. He explained his accident, his relationship with the administrator, his skills, and the existence of another world, step by step.

“Well, since we will live together, I think we will end up talking about this sooner or later. It just happened to be a little too soon. While at it, Alana, don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Alana was still in her jersey, holding her knees and sulking down the corner.

The reason for this was because she realized that handing over the magic tool to Misato without thinking was apparently an act that would cause Yoichi trouble.

“I’m sorry. It seems I’ve confused Miss Misato as well.”

“That’s why I’m saying don’t mull over at it anymore. Rather, it should be me who’s thanking you for giving me the opportunity to explain the situation to Misato.”


Alana still felt a tightening in her chest as she realized that the comment was made out of concern for her.

If he were to get angry, Alana would be able to deal with his emotions a little bit, but Yoichi was the person who wouldn’t blame Alana anymore for this.

Still, the fact that she wanted him to be angry with her was a sign of her own indulgence towards Yoichi.

And now, she had to deal with the inexplicable emotions swirling in her chest by herself.

“……and that’s the gist of it.”

At this time, Misato has received a brief explanation from Yoichi, but her face remained expressionless.

She had been unusually emotional when she visited him, but as she listened to Yoichi’s explanation, she gradually returned to her usual blank expression.

When he finished his story, her face wasn’t any different either, still expressionless with no signs of any feelings whatsoever.

(Is it just my imagination, or does her eyes seem to be sparkling?)

Instead, the only thing he noticed was that Misato’s eyes were shining as she looked at him, and even though she had no expression on her face, he also sensed that she was breathing hard for some reason.

But there was no further reaction.

Still, Yoichi understood this. After all, it would be strange to suddenly be told about the existence of another world and fantasy skills right before your eyes and understand them all right away.

Yoichi was expecting he’d need to explain in detail at some point, but in any case, he thought it was better to let her settle down for now.

“Uh, before I forget. Here,” while saying this, Yoichi took out some paper bags from the [Infinite Storage+].

Contained in them were the clothes and cosmetics that Misato had purchased at a department store when she had visited Yoichi’s old place.

“You left this behind. That time…”


Misato opened her mouth wide and reached to the paper bag that Yoichi had taken out.

At first, Yoichi thought she was just surprised that a paper bag suddenly appeared out of thin air……


“It’s not exactly that. Wait, you know those things?”

The only entertainment that Misato had in the room provided to her was to play with her smartphone. She was given a SIM from a cheap MVNO, with a data capacity of only about 100MB per day. This was a sort of restraint from her stepbrother.

Of course, since the data given was too small, Misato could not play games or watch videos. That’s when she came across online novels, or web novels as they are called.

Since web novels comprise of only text, they would not consume much data, and even if the speed limit was imposed, it would only slow down the loading a little.

For Misato, who had plenty of time in her hands, this was not a problem at all.

By reading online novels, it was inevitable that she would eventually come across fantasy light novels. As such, Misato eventually spent most of her spare time creating fantasy worlds in her brain after consuming all the data in her plan.

“So, do you feel like you got the gist of what I just explained?”

“Yes, sort of.”

Of course, Misato would not have understood the explanation with just words.

However, there was the existence of this beautiful woman in front of her that she had never seen before, and she was speaking a language that made no sense to her. Then she was given a magic tool that allowed her to understand the language, and then she saw things appear out of thin air.

Even though the story is based on fiction, one can immediately understand it if one has prior knowledge of this.

“……Do you, by any chance, want to go to another world?”

“Yes, Absolutely.”

“Immediate response, huh.”

Although they still did not know the details of her situation, Yoichi knew that Misato visited Yoichi as a form of escape from reality. As long as she doesn’t have a sense of aversion to other worlds, it’s not surprising that she would treat this as an extension of her escape.

In fact, Yoichi was also similar to her at first, being a break-even employee with no future and living in poverty before he came to his current situation. So he could understand Misato’s feelings of wanting to escape from reality somewhat.

“If she wants to go, then let her go with us.”

Alana spoke. She already had the communication tool back in her ear, so she was able to understand the conversation between Misato and Yoichi.

“But, you know…”

Yoichi saw no problem in taking Misato to the other world since he had the ability to do so. However, as a mere ordinary person, Misato had to be cautious as she had no knowledge of what kind of danger she would face. After all, she would be heading to a completely foreign environment.

“Then how about this. I will protect Miss Misato even at the cost of my life. Is that enough to grant her wish, Mr. Yoichi? This is also to make up for my blunder earlier.”

Yoichi understood this, and honestly, he wanted to listen to Alana’s words.

However, though it might be possible to give Misato a gun to use, Yoichi was still skeptical if she were able to use it properly.

He needed preparations.

“In the meantime, let’s postpone Misato’s trip to the other world a little more……By the way, Alana.”

“What is it?”

“Are those communication tools easy to come by?”

“They’re a little pricey, but you can get them at the tool store or at the guild.”

“Then we’ll start by getting that for now.”

Not wanting to make Misato wait too long and not wanting to bother changing, Yoichi and Alana put on only their robes over their jerseys.

“Wait for us. We’ll be right back.”

After they held hands, Misato’s eyes widened as the two figures disappeared out of thin air.

While she waited, Misato changed into the casual loungewear from the paper bag Yoichi gave and tried to immerse herself in the world of wenovels as usual.


But then she remembered that before she came here, she had smashed the smartphone she had been using, so in the end, Misato spent her time in a daze without doing anything.

In the past, she could just sit around and do nothing, and time would fly by, but now she felt like time was passing by in an unusually long time.

Within half an hour, Yoichi and Alana finally arrived, but for Misato, it felt like an eternity had passed, and she almost cried at the scene of them appearing before her safely.

Sorry, we made you wait……hm?”

From Yoichi’s point of view, it was only half an hour, so it was only to his puzzlement to see that Misato was unexpectedly very happy in seeing their return, as if she hadn’t seen them for a long time.

“Is there a problem, Misato?”

“No, I’m fine. I’m just…happy that you were back.”

She shook her head lightly, returning to her usual expressionless face.

“What we got was a piercing-type earring, though. Is that okay?”

Communication magic tools came in different shapes like jewelry, but as piercing types do not interfere with actions and are hard to remove, it was the most popular. For this reason, Alana is using this type.

For the time being, Yoichi had chosen to purchase an earring-type one and a necklace-type one for emergencies.

But upon seeing that Misato’s earlobes weren’t pierced, he immediately stood up and went to the door……

“Uhm, I’ll go buy a safety piercer. I’ll be right back……after I suit up.”[1]

……before going back again. After all, he realized he was still wearing the robe and casual clothes underneath.

After changing his bottom into denim while keeping the jersey on top, Yoichi finally went outside.

“Sorry to bother you, but I’m gonna ask you to look after the house while I’m gone.”

“Mm. Leave it to us.”


As he had already handed over the magic tool to Misato, she could now talk to Alana.

Yoichi went to a nearby discount store by himself, and while at it, he also loitered around, thinking that it would be better for him to get used to the new place since he was going to live here. It was also to give the other two people time to converse with each other.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. Here you go.”

Yoichi returned home after buying the piercer in about half an hour. However, when he came back, he found out that Misato and Alana were giving him some sort of feverish stares.

Although he was curious about what the two of them had been talking about, he felt it was somewhat uncouth to ask, so he decided to put the earrings in Miisato’s ears first.


At the moment of piercing her earlobe, Misato’s face twisted a little in pain, but that was it. After that, she was able to get the piercing in without any further trouble.

The magic tools that Yoichi had purchased were of the highest quality.

The earrings cost five gold coins, and the necklace cost eight gold coins.

Although he bought them as a gift for Misato, it was not that he chose them because he wanted to impress her with their expensiveness.

The accuracy of each item varies with its price, yes, but Yoichi is more concerned about its performance, and most of all, its power source.

Because as long as it is a magic tool, it must have magic power or mana as its power source.

However, there is no mana in Yoichi and Misato’s world.

Still, being the case, Alana’s earrings were working without problems.

When this was examined by Yoichi’s [Appraisal+], he found out that the piercing post (the needle part of the earring that goes through the ear) was made of mithril, while the body was made of orichalcum, a top-quality product with a mechanism that provides the supply of its power from its owner.

Mithril is a high conductor of mana, and orichalcum has the property of storing mana akin to a battery. This magic tool was powered by the user’s magic power, which is stored in the body of the orichalcum through a mithril piercing post which served as wires that are in contact with the body of the user.

There also existed other metals that could pass or accumulate magic power, but they were less efficient and consumed more magic power in the process, so they were omitted.

Misato doesn’t have magic power because she is a resident of this world.

——In fact, she does have it due to the changes brought by Yoichi’s [Healthy Body+], but neither Yoichi nor Misato knew this yet.

The mana stored in the earring-type piercing can be used for over a month, while the necklace type containing a large amount of orichalcum can be used for half a year.

But as the magic tools have no mana on them when they were bought, Yoichi had Alana store some mana in them for them to be readily used.


Yoichi and Misato are currently naked and facing each other on the bed in the bedroom.

As for the reason, “It’s been a while since you’ve seen each other, hasn’t it? Then don’t hesitate to spend some time with her tonight,” Alana spoke to them, then offered to sleep on the couch of the living room, leaving Yoichi and Misato alone.

Yoichi hadn’t seen Misato for about a month, but he still found her beautiful even with that amount of time.

(Alana is also beautiful, but Misato has a different kind of beauty altogether.)

For example, Alana’s silver hair, which looked like fine silk threads, was so beautiful that it could almost be classified as artistic, but Misato’s glossy black hair, which could be referred to as “the wet feather color of a Japanese crow,” also possessed a simple beauty that a Japanese like Yoichi would never get tired of seeing.

Yoichi had a hard time choosing between the eye-catching beauty of the Western-style, complete with its large eyes and sharp nose, and the simple yet elegant Japanese style, combined with cute eyes and calming looks.

Though Misato’s skin was not as white as white porcelain, it was still white and smooth, and though her breasts and hips were not as huge as Alana’s, they were still well-shaped and just the right fit for his fingers.

There was also the hairless crotch where you can directly see the crack, as well as the moderately fleshy thighs that stretch out slenderly all the way to the bottom.

The healthy, toned body of Alana’s was great, but it was also hard to ignore this slender body of Misato, which he was afraid he would break if he held it too hard.


When she saw her man staring at her naked body with only her glasses on, Misato’s cheeks tinted slightly red, and she looked away from Yoichi.

(No, no, what are you doing, Yoichi! Now is not the time to compare the two women in your head! Oh crap, She must have definitely found out!)

Seeing this action, Yoichi regained his senses. After all, Misato had also just witnessed Alana’s figure, which didn’t need to strip herself to know that her body was more than wonderful in every perspective. It was obvious that Misato would look away.

-Or so this was what was going on in Yoichi’s mind, to which he reflected a little by shaking his head lightly.

As for Misato,

(Uu, He’s staring at me. He’s staring at my body for real. What should I do… it’s the first time I felt something like this……)

She was not in any means matching with Yoichi’s thoughts, just embarrassed in the fact that she had finally become conscious on the stare of a man.

Soon after, Misato’s gaze, which she had averted earlier, returned.

At the same time, Yoichi, after shaking his head lightly to release his thoughts, also turned toward Misato, and their gazes intersected.

(Yeah, I knew it. I have trully fallen for this woman.)

(I knew it. I have totally fallen for this man.)

As soon as their eyes met again, Yoichi’s heart skipped a beat, and his crotch was filled with blood as he caught sight of Misato’s naked body.

Misato was also the same, with her heart pounding hard and her crotch feeling itchy for the man.

Yoichi tried to say something to Misato at first, but he couldn’t think of anything good to say, so he started by silently hugging her and kissing her instead.

“Nn…… hamu…… mlemm…….”

Immediately after meeting their lips, they both sought each other’s tongues and twined them together.

The two of them kissed each other hard from there, not caring about the saliva that leaked out from the edges of their mouths.

After a few minutes of intense kissing, Yoichi placed his hand on Misato’s chest.


The moment the hand made contact, Misato’s body jolted.

The breasts were not large, but they were well-shaped and soft.

They were just barely fitting on his hand, but to Yoichi, these are what makes them more endearing.

Yoichi grasped the soft bulges and closed his hands, his fingers sinking gently into the soft flesh.

(Not only were they soft, but they also returned the right amount of firmness to bounce back between my palms and fingers.)

With these thoughts, Yoichi continued to squeeze those soft, lovely breasts, occasionally stimulating the nipples with his fingertips.


When he lightly pinched the light brown protrusion in the center of the gentle swelling, Misato’s body trembled once again, where she gave a short gasp.


But Yoichi was unperturbed. Instead, he traced her small nipple even more, to which Misato wiggled her hips in return as if she was becoming restless. The movement of their intertwined tongues also became more intense in response as if seeking stronger stimulation from the each of them.


Of course, these seeking movements would fade away once Misato didn’t get a strong stimulation for a bit of time. Knowing this, Yoichi did this repeatedly and in a constant timing, in order for the party to not lose the heat.


Soon, after touching and pinching the nipples repeatedly, Misato slumped her back in the end, her lips parting wide. Yoichi used this chance to hug her and run his tongue along her neck.


At this point, Misato’s whole body had become very sensitive, that the mere movement of Yoichi’s tongue over her skin was already enough to send a current of pleasure through her spine.

It was as if her whole body was transformed into an erogenous zone.


This time, Yoichi traced his tongue over her left areolae, making Misato exhale short gasps and give him a frustrated look.

While licking her left breast, though, he stopped and grasped the other one with his other hand.


As if it was intended to surprise her, Yoichi also pinched her right nipple, just as Misato’s concentration was on her left breast where her areola was being licked.

And as expected, Misato’s body jolted once again.

But he didn’t stop from there. This time, he switched sides and stimulated the right nipple with his tongue.

“Nhiiiii!! Aaah, aahhh!”

Misato jerked back and tried to escape by lightly pushing Yoichi’s head away, only for the latter to wrap his right arm around her back to hold himself in position. Then he continued to attack both her nipples with his left hand and tongue.

“Aaah, ahhh……no…….mmmhhh!”

With each movement of Yoichi’s tongue and fingers, Misato would gasp, shaking slightly and occasionally jerking her body up and down.

Only after attacking her breasts for a while did Yoichi remove his left hand from her breast, where this time he reached downwards, all the way to her precious area. From there, he gently touched her crotch. Of course, he did not remove his mouth that kept on licking the now-hardened nipples.


It was only a light touch on her already sopping wet slit, but it already caused Misato to let out a screaming gasp and her body to jerk back.

The crack was already puckered open, and when Yoichi pushed his finger a little bit inside, it quickly caused the already bare mucous membranes, swelling and covered in love juices, to wrap around the inserted finger.

Still keeping his tongue occupied on her nipples, Yoichi put another finger, then another, into the shallow part of her vagina and began to wiggle them around.

“Ahaaa……mmhh mh mmmhh! No, no more. I’m gonna……feel strange!!”

Misato at this point couldn’t take the pleasure anymore and tried to escape by pushing Yoichi’s shoulders. But unlike before, this time, she couldn’t muster any strength. All she had accomplished was putting a little pressure on the arm that was wrapping her back, and that’s it.

“Ahhh! Yoichi…… I’m coming……!!” Realizing it was futile, instead of pushing, Misato pulled Yoichi towards her instead as if she was surrendering.

She gave him a tight embrace on his head, as if wanting to suffocate her lover that was loving her chest non-stop.


However, on the next, she let out a short gasp and curved backward, her body stiffening.

After that, her body relaxed, only to which Yoichi stopped his assaults and slowly laid down her body from her back.


Misato looked at Yoichi, her eyes moist and a little dizzy.

“Yoichi……put it in already ――ngghh!”

But contrary to her request, Yoichi buried his face in her crotch and began licking her vagina instead.

“Aaahahhhh!! Aaahh, yaaaaa……uuuuhhh!!”

As Yoichi crawled his tongue around her pubic mound, Misato began to moan madly. She twisted and writhed in agony, occasionally bouncing her body up and down.

“Ohhhh, no! I’m going to cum again!”

Misato’s body stretched backward once again, her whole body stiffening as she gripped the bedsheet tightly with both hands.

After a few short spasms, she lost her strength and slumped down on the bed on her back.

“Haaa, nhhh……Yoichi……I can’t take it anymore……”

With tears spilling from her moist eyes and drool dripping from her half-open mouth, Misato stared blankly into the ceiling, her eyes unfocused.

“Here I go, Misato.”

To Misato’s dazed response, Yoichi finally placed his penis against her vagina.


…toward Misato’s vagina, which had been wet from the start, and now fully drenched after Yoichi’s intense foreplay. Not only that, it was so sensitive now that just a light touch of his tip was enough to get her love juices flowing.


The moment the tip hit her vulva, Misato gasped briefly, and her body trembled.

Yoichi intended to just let the penis touch her, but to his surprise, the fully wet and open vulva accepted the glans halfway without any resistance.

“Kuhi…This is bad……”

Yoichi couldn’t help but let out a squeal at how easily the tip went in and the feel of the wet insides of Misato that followed after it.

It was then when Yoichi’s eyes caught the sight of Misato’s figure, together with the eyes that he thought had been empty a while ago.


This time, tears were spilling down Misato’s beautiful face, which made Yoichi’s heart ache sadly for some reason. It ached even more when she saw the woman stretching out her arms as if she wanted to cling to him as her final hope.

He doesn’t understand what she has been through.

(However, no matter what happens, I will protect Misato from this day onwards.)

With that renewed resolve, Yoichi overlapped Misato.

He wrapped his arms around her back and hugged her, and Misato also wrapped her arms around Yoichi’s back and hugged him tightly.

Then they locked lips again.


After their tongues played with each other, Yoichi slowly moved his hips forward, raking his penis through the flesh of the vagina until it slowly made its way to the back.

But throughout this process, love juices and sticky wet membranes quickly wrapped and coated his member, making the pleasure transmitted from his penis to increase with every millimeter even though he wasn’t being constricted.

(Oh man……this……this is totally different from what I felt before……)

Enduring a near-recumbency, Yoichi slowly moved deeper into Misato.


Yoichi’s and Misato’s lips finally parted as Yoichi’s member slid and reached the end, to which Misato also moaned loudly in return.

The arm around Yoichi’s back tightened, together with the vagina that encased the penis underneath.

(You’ve got to be kidding me……Misato was softer here before, but now……)

Based on what he had experienced before, Misato’s insides were supposed to feel more like a gentle envelopment, a gentle caress.

No, the soft and gentle feeling was still there, but Yoichi felt it had tightened more than before and was added a unique stimulus that invited him to go deeper.

(Not good, I just plugged it in, and now I’m…)

It was the first time in almost a month that Misato had accepted the object of a man. What’s more, it was the object of the man she had been longing for, so this female instinct of hers was running in full throttle, providing a great deal of influence in her vagina to not let go.

As such, even though it was just a simple penetration, she assaulted Yoichi a huge rush of pleasureable sensation that was enough for Yoichi to feel overwhelmed in his body.


For the first time since their joining, Yoichi finally let out a moan from being pleased in his tip.

Then, he felt a throbbing sensation underneath.


It was his penis throbbing as it spew out white liquid, and it was so pleasing that it accompanied a matching voice involuntarily escaping in his mouth.


Misato also let out a short cry of pleasure as she shuddered every time Yoichi’s cock shot his semen to her insides.

After the ejaculation was over, they continued to stare at each other, although a little dazed.

“Ahh, sorry. I just……so suddenly……”

When Yoichi suddenly came back to himself, he blurted out apologetically, but to this, Misato just smiled slightly and shook her head.

“I……just came……as well……”

It was something he already knew without being told, but when she said it out loud, and in this manner, it induced a feeling of depravity to Yoichi, the person whom it was being spoken to.

“Ahh……it’s gotten……hard again……”

Naturally, Yoichi’s meat stick regained its hardness once more.

“May I?”


Misato answered this question before looking away, a little embarrassed. Even so, Yoichi began to move his hips again.

“Anh, more……”

After that, the vulva and the meat stick would rub against each other, and the semen that was accumulated in Misato’s vagina would overflow from their joining parts.

Yoichi moved slowly at first, but gradually his speed became faster, and his strokes became larger.

But as if that wasn’t enough, Misato moved her own hips as well, violently seeking even more pleasure from Yoichi.

“Ahh ahh ahh, ahhh!! Cumming……I’m going to cum again!!”

“Then cum. Me too. I’m almost there!”

“Ahhn, ahhh……together, let’s do this together, please!”


“Aaahhhh!! I’m cummiiiinnggg!!!!”

Misato dug her nails deep at Yoichi’s back.

Meanwhile, Yoichi shot another batch of his semen into Misato’s depths, feeling comfort along with the dull pain from his back.

“Aahh, ahhh……again……so hot……and it’s so much……”

Yoichi’s rod pulsated inside Misato’s vagina once more, and each time it did so, a powerful stream would rush into her cervix.

“Mmmhh……I’m so happy……”

Misato’s body relaxed languidly as an ecstatic expression appeared on her face.


After a few minutes of embracing each other, Yoichi withdrew his body, along with his rod, from her vagina. Upon that withdrawal, the semen that was clogged in was instantly poured out of the unplugged hole.


Misato, who was lying limp before, raised her body. She was still breathing hard on her shoulders.

Then she looked down at her crotch. After smiling contentedly at the sight of Yoichi’s semen flooding out of her, she looked at the man who was the cause.


But only after saying that single word, Misato turned her slightly worried gaze to the bedroom door.


Yoichi looked in that direction as well. Then, realizing what she was referring to was behind that door, he turned her gaze back to Misato.

Misato also returned her gaze back to Yoichi.

From the expression on her face, he could somehow guess what she was asking.

“Are you sure?”

Misato just nodded at Yoichi’s words.

Translator Notes:

[1]. Safety piercers look like this. Spring actuated.↰

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Chris Gill

Oh when Yoichi told Misato the whole truth I almost cried. So happy it wasn't another story where the MC just comes up with lie after lie. I seriously wish I could binge read this story.


Is there supposed to be an image at “ahhh……no…….mmmhhh“? Its hyperlinked but doesn’t work


Nope, there should be no illustrations in this chapter. The "Link" has been fixed. Thanks for the heads-up. Though I couldn't help but wonder why is it even there in the first place.