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Interlude 1 – Graff and Meryl

Translator Note:

Before we begin, I have to inform you that the following chapter is from the Web version of the novel. The scenes in this chapter might or might have not happened in the same way in the Light Novel version, so please take note. As for why I have translated this, well, the LN version (at least as of Book 3 of the LN) did not include this scene for some reason, even though the novel stated that it “happened”, so…enjoy.

My body is crumbling.

Starting from fingertips of my hands and the toes of my feet, I am starting to crumble away.

There was no pain, yet my body was disappearing like a crumbling mud doll.


Graff woke up with a scream.

“My body, my body!!”

Hurriedly raising his upper body on the bed, he flapped his limbs and flailed in a half-crazed frenzy, as if checking to see if his limbs were still safe.

Suddenly, he felt something warm wrap around his body.

“It’s goin’ tuh be okay, Graff. There ain’t a scratch on yew.”

When he came to his senses, he found himself being gently hugged by a woman with a countryside accent.

It was none other than Meryl.

Once he had calmed down a bit, he brought his hand into view and moved his fingers.

His legs and feet were still under the covers, but he bent his knees lightly and moved his ankles to make sure he could feel them up close.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he found his limbs attached without any problems.

“Yew okay now, Graff? Graff?”

When Graff finally calmed down his mind, Meryl broke the embrace. Still, she looked closer at Graff’s face to ensure he was alright.

It was here she noticed that Graff was still staring at her own face and seemed to be in a daze, as if something was off.

“Ah, sorry ’bout that. Ah took mah make-up off jus’ now, so….”

Meryl then took her glasses from the side table and put them on.


It was then when Graff remembered that Meryl had recently been wearing makeup that didn’t suit her. And that it has been a while since he saw her natural face.

“Where is everyone?”

After snapping to his senses and realizing that they are the only ones in the room, he asked Meryl back.

The room they were currently in was large room intended for parties, with one king-sized bed, two single-sized beds, and simple furnishings for the tenants to use.

There were only a few personal items in the room, but Graff noticed that they were even fewer than usual.

When Meryl caught Graff’s gaze, she looked away a little apologetically.

“Everyone……they left.”

“…I see.”

Graff then remembered what had happened yesterday.

He wished he could forget about it, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

He had been defeated helplessly, pissed his pants, and begged for his life.

It was no wonder he was abandoned.

“Don’t worry. Ah ain’t gonna leave you behind, Graff. Nuh matter what.”


Graff and Meryl were childhood friends that came from the same hometown.

Graff had always been inspired to become a famous adventurer, so he learned martial arts from the adults in the village and the occasional adventurers passing by. And despite the adults’ worries, he hunted monsters in the vicinity in secret and called it as training.

As for Meryl, she was always following Graff around, often assisting him in his training because she too possessed magical talent in her person.

As they entered puberty, they naturally became a team.

And when Graff came of age at 15, they left the village and visited the frontier.

Of course, their parents and other adults were against this idea, but they ignored them and still left the village.

Once they arrived in Meilgrad, their activities went better than expected.

Of course, they were expecting a certain amount of hardship for they are two country bumpkins going to a big city. But to their surprise, they found out that many people in this remote area were also in a similar situation, or even worse.

For Graff and Meryl, who had already gained some experience in combating monsters, adventuring in the frontier was a godsend. After all, you can train your skills and earn money simultaneously by selling your kills.

In the meantime, Graff had also begun to receive a fair amount of attention, being approached by beautiful women left and right that they would never see in the countryside even if they stayed there in their lifetime.

These included prostitutes, shopkeepers, and even daughters of well-off people on the streets.

After playing with fire to a lesser extent, Graff eventually made a connection with some female adventurers and formed a party with them.

However, It was also around this time that he gradually began to alienate Meryl.

I don’t like your rustic, simple face, so you should learn to wear makeup.

Take off your glasses because they’re tacky.

If you have trouble seeing things, use magic to enhance your vision.

You should dress more like a woman.

If you can’t erase that countryside accent, don’t speak in public anymore.

It wouldn’t matter much if it was only him, but Graff’s attitude was also began to get supplemented by the other party members, and as such, Meryl was often disrespected by all of them.

Even so, Meryl still tried her best to help Graff and did her best to meet his needs.

“…Meryl, I’m sorry.”


“I’ve been a horrible person.”

“It’s muh fault fer bein’ so sloppy. You’ve done nothin’ wrong, Graff.”

Meryl smiled brightly as if all of it were nothing to her at all.

Why don’t you just go back to the countryside?

There were many times when Graff had felt that way about Meryl.

Not only had he thought it, but he had even told her this directly, but she stubbornly refused to leave his side each time.

What would have happened if Meryl hadn’t been there?

A rematch? Outside the arena? Outrageous!

But if Meryl hadn’t been there, the other members might have pushed him further, and he would have no choice but to settle for a rematch.

If that had happened, he would have lost his life.

The scene of that time came to his mind again.

That feeling of despair as his own body was destroyed in front of his eyes.


A chill rose from his core, and he began to shiver and shake in small increments.

“It’s okay, Graff, it’s okay. Ah’m here fer yew.”

Meryl hugged him gently again and rubbed his back as if caring for a child.


But the fear still lingered, and the trembling did not abate.

“Me…ryl……I think I’m a lost cause now…….”

“That’s not true.”

At that moment, Graff felt something warm between his legs.

He was about to look over there when he realized that they were now hugging naked.

“Why am I……naked?”

“Sorry ‘bout that. Your underwear got dirty, so….”

“Then why are you also naked?”

“‘cuz……Won’t it be embarrassin’ fer yew tuh find out that yew’re thuh only one naked upon wakin’ up?”

Meryl whispered softly but kept her hands on Graff’s thighs.


“Graff, even after all that horror, yew’re still so cheerful over here.”

Graff noticed that his own penis was tense.

“Since Graff is still healthy over here, Ah think yew’ll be fine.”

“Ah, that’s…you see….”

“Graff’s has been big since then, right? An’ yew’re a bigger feller now.”

This was a function of the organism’s last-ditch attempt to preserve its offspring when it sensed that its life was in danger, but fortunately or unfortunately, the two had no knowledge of this phenomenon.

Meryl adjusted her posture a little and placed Graff’s object on her own precious place.

Meryl was already ‘ready’, so Graf’s manhood was immediately enveloped by the nubile vaginal flesh as she slowly lowered her hips.


An exhaled gasp escaped from Meryl’s mouth.

As for Graff, he felt himself being gently enveloped by something soft and warm.

Meryl’s vaginal pressure was not that high.

Compared to the other party members, Graff didn’t like her rather ’loose’ genitals.

But now, when she was gently wrapped like this, for some reason, he felt an indescribable sense of happiness welling up from deep within his body.

The fear that had assaulted him earlier was beginning to get replaced by this feeling of this bliss.

Graff’s penis slowly made its way into her vagina, which was already drenched with love juices, and eventually, it was completely wrapped up to his root.

At the same time, Graff was overcome by a feeling of pleasure in his lower abdomen that he had never felt before, and he ejaculated right away into Meryl’s.

“Nhaaaa!? Mmmm……Graff……already came?”

It was a biological instinct, and it had nothing to do with the two of them.

Still, the amount of semen released was unlike anything the two had experienced before, as the ejaculation seemed to go on forever.

“Aahhh……Graff, yer’re pumping too much in my pussy…….”

Meryl also felt an instinctive pleasure from the strong pulsing of the penis and the stimulation of the semen as it continued to assault her cervix.

“Sorry, Meryl……but I just can’t stop!”

In the end, Graf’s semen filled Meryl’s vagina, and white mucus began to slowly flow out of their joining parts. 

The ejaculation didn’t stop for about a minute, leaving the area between their legs covered in fluids when it ended.

“Did it feel good?”

Meryl asked sweetly after the ejaculation had stopped.


And Graff answered in a mosquito-like voice as he closed his eyes.

“Fufufu. If Graff felt good ’bout it, then Ah’m already happy.”



“You look prettier without makeup.”

“G-Graff? Tha’s a little….”

“……I’m planning back to the countryside.”

“…out’a place. What?”

Knowing the reply had reached her partner, Graff smiled slightly and began to swoon in his sleep.

As for Meryl, who was left hanging, she watched his sleeping face with a peaceful expression.


Meryl watched Graff’s sleeping face for a while with his cock inside her vagina, but it wasn’t later when she felt it start to lose its hardness, so she raised her hips and pulled it out.

As she did, semen spilled out of her vulva in a stream.

“…Still, now that Ah noticed, isn’t this here a bit too much?”

Meryl muttered in a slightly dumbfounded tone while smiling at Graff, who was now breathing in his sleep. Then she started cleaning the fluids on each other’s bodies with [Cleaning] spell.

After she finished everything, she got out of bed.

Then, as if this has given her a renewed determination, Meryl prepared herself.

Instead of the revealing tube top and short culottes she had been wearing lately, this time, she put on a modestly designed shirt and a skirt that went below her knees.

She also didn’t bother applying any makeup anymore and just put her glasses back on.

“I’ll be back soon, Graff.”

After lightly patting the head of Graf, who showed no signs of waking up, Meryl wrote a note that she was going to the Adventurer’s Guild and that she would be back soon, and Graff would be able to see her there just in case he woke up early, and left it by his bedside.

Then, she went on the back of the wardrobe that had been assigned to her, where from there, she pulled out a plainly designed but reasonably well-tailored robe and draped it on.

After putting on the robe, she put her hand on her chest and exhaled deeply. Then she left the room.

The robe was the first thing that Graff had bought for Meryl when she first started as an adventurer in this town.

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