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Chapter 11 – The Beginning of Life in Another World

“Thank you for your hard work on the course. Also, our assessment of the loot you submitted to us has also been completed.”

Time quickly passed since the talks with Meryl, so it didn’t take long when Yoichi finished the adventurer orientation.

The training was just a detailed explanation of the Adventurer’s Guild system, but it still took a reasonable amount energy, and by the time it was over, Yoichi came back all out of juice.

(It seems that even with [Healthy Body+], it doesn’t get rid of the fatigue that you’ll get in sitting in the classroom for a long time.)

“Well, then, Mr. Yoichi, here is the reward for all the monster materials you sent to us today.” The receptionist from earlier informed him afterward.

As for the amount, it was almost close to two platinum coins, of which was paid in a mixture of one platinum coin and several gold, silver, and copper coins.

 (Despite all their technological advancements, they still haven’t developed fiat money.)

Yoichi thought as he observed all the pile of commodity money in front of him.

(How do you put this……it is really out of place.)

“Mr. Yoichi, please submit your guild card so we can start your rank-up process.”

“I’ve ranked up?”

Adventurer rank is increased by the positive evaluations given by completing quests at the guild.

There are various types of quests, but in Meilgrad, they were often requests to find and defeat monsters.

This is something that many guilds do as well. However, in Meilgrad, the requests for subjugations of such abominations were too many to count that it overshadowed everything else.

Meilgrad is a remote area surrounded by wilderness. As such, few goods and people are coming and going, making many parts of the city self-sufficient, though not entirely so.

For this reason, monster materials became an essential resource for them.

But it wasn’t only that. Doing such quests would also clear out the monsters that get in the way of the development of a specific area.

In other words, even if you don’t take the trouble to accept the requests, as long as you kill the target monsters and deliver the carcass to them, the guild will provide you credits that would pile up and, if sufficient enough, promote you to a higher rank.

As for the “target monsters”, they are basically almost all the monsters that have been identified inside the Jana Forest.

“From today onwards, Mr. Yoichi is now rank E.”

“I’m suddenly up two ranks?”

“If we base it on the rating, you have enough credits to be promoted to D-Rank. However, you’ll have to take a preliminary exam first to receive such a promotion. If you like, we could arrange you for one right now.”


Yoichi looked at Alana with confusion, and the other just nodded silently.

“In that case, I’ll take it.”

“Very well. You’re in luck, sir, as there is still an opening in the next rank-up exam. I will arrange it for you now.”

“By the way, what do you do for the rank-up exam?”

“You will be tasked to accept a quest prepared for the test. But this time, you will be accompanied by an examiner, who will then evaluate your various behaviors throughout the journey.”

“I see.”

“I’ll let you know when the schedule is set, so please come to the guild every couple of days.”

“Got it.”

As for the adventurer rank, for example, if you have achievements as a knight, soldier, mercenary, etc., you can start at the highest rank of E, but of course, it will still depend on your reputation and past achievements.

Also, there already existed one or two people in Meilgrad who started out at G-Rank then moved up two ranks on the same day, so Yoichi’s case is not particularly unusual.

But considering it was only a tiny percentage of the total, it is still a very rare occurrence nonetheless, making Yoichi’s promotion a remarkable feat.

For reference, half of the adventurers in Meilgrad are F to H ranks. Of the remaining half, about half, or about 25% of the total, are E ranks, with D to C ranks making up most of the remaining 25%.

B-rank adventurers account for less than 1% of the total, and only three A-rank adventurers belong to Meilgrad.

However, there is a reason why there are so few A-rank adventurers.

Most B-rank adventurers, including Alana, had to take an exam in the royal capital in order to attain A-rank, but that was too much trouble for them, so they kept theirs at B-rank instead.

Ranks do not equate to stronger adventurers either. In fact, it is said that no one among the three A-rank adventurers in Meilgrad could beat the princess knight in any fight.

“Thank you for the good work, Mr. Yoichi.”

“Yeah, thanks, Alana. Still, that was one exhausting course.”

“Well, shall we go home for today?”

“Yeah, sure. It’s still pretty early, but it won’t hurt taking it easy at home.”

“Indeed. Let’s go, then?”

“Yes, just let me get the money and ――”

There was still some time before sunset, but Yoichi was already not in the mood to do anything today.

However, looking at the nearly 100 coins piled up on the counter, Yoichi suddenly thought.

(Crap, I forgot. The only wallet I have is supposed to be used for paper money!)

Yoichi had stored his favorite wallet in the [Infinite Storage+], but it was mainly for storing banknotes and cards, so the area for the coins was not that big.

Then again, even if it was a coin purse from the other side of the world, Yoichi would still doubt there exists a modern purse that could hold a hundred coins this heavy.

(Not to mention, each coin is about the size of a 500-yen coin……)

Then, he remembered what Alana was doing a while back.

(So that’s how it was. It wasn’t a bag; it was a purse!)

Before this, Alana had paid for the breakfast and lunch of the two of them, and he remembered she was carrying a medium-sized pouch bag.

It resembled a drawstring bag.

While Yoichi was absent-mindedly thinking about this…

“If you like, mister, we could provide you a leather bag for a fee or a jute bag for free.”

As if she had sensed something from Yoichi’s pause, the receptionist made a suggestion.

Yoichi decided to take her up on her offer, and for one silver coin, he bought a rather nice leather bag that could hold up to 300 coins.

“Oof, it’s heavy.”

The 100 or so coins in the leather drawstring carried much weight, but to Yoichi, he found it comfortable for some reason.

It was like he had finally experienced one of his childhood dreams when playing RPGs in his younger days.

Yoichi had spent his childhood playing video games. A huge portion of that.

As such, he had already enjoyed hundreds of games, from masterpieces to horrible wastes, but one genre got set in his mind in particular.

And that is Role-playing games.

At that time, he would buy such games by taking away a part of his small allowance or trade them with his classmates, and more often than not, there were chances that he couldn’t get them, so the number of times he was in tears was also uncountable.

As such, in those times, he developed something he always looked forward to when he was a child.

“I wish there were similar monsters around. That way, I could get money by defeating them like in a game.”

Now, as he felt the weight of the “money” on his hands, Yoichi remembered this childhood line he spoke in the past.

(I just made money. By defeating monsters, no less.)

Can I finally say that one of my dreams has come true?

Yoichi felt something welling up from deep within his body.

When Yoichi found out that he could go to another world, he had been thinking about what he would do there.

For example, he could take advantage of the difference in civilization to get involved in internal affairs, or he could look for things that are inexpensive in the original world but expensive in the other world, or vice versa, and make money through something like inter-world trade.

(If possible, it would be nice if I could earn money by doing things that are not dangerous and live a leisurely and comfortable life here.)

The reason why he acquired a large number of weapons was only for self-defense. Not for conquering a kingdom or being a global threat whatsoever.

And the reason why he registered in the Adventurers’ Guild was this – a stable and profitable income, also to serve as an official commemoration for his settlement in this world.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Killing monsters, delivering them, then receiving money for them.

It was a simple system, yet, oddly, it gave a strange feeling in Yoichi’s heart.

At first, he thought it was just a side effect of living in this strange world.

However, memories kept coming back, the dreams he had when he was a child, and the innocent joy it brought to him as if he had finally achieved something he had long forgotten.

“What’s the matter, Mr. Yoichi? Let’s go.”

“Ah, yeah.”

At Alana’s beckoning, Yoichi came back to his senses and followed suit.

But when he got out of the guild building, he couldn’t help but be blinded by the rays of the other world sun, which shone brightly in the cloudless blue winter sky.

(This is it. I really am in another world now.)

Yoichi squinted his eyes on the scenery. Then he walked throughout the city with Alana, his heart beating faster than usual.


After returning to the inn, the two teleported straight back to Grand Court in Yoichi’s world and decided to spend the day at leisure without doing anything.

They both changed into casual clothes and were relaxing with the TV on when suddenly, Yoichi’s intercom rang.


However, upon observing further, he found out that the sound was not coming from the entrance on the first floor but from the intercom of this room when it was pressed directly from the front door.

Yoichi then remembered he hadn’t informed Karin of the password for the smart lock yet.


Feeling that he had to rush for some reason, Yoichi ran and unlocked the front door and turned the doorknob without checking who is it on the door camera monitor.

And when he opened the door, as he had expected, there was indeed a person standing outside.

However, it was not Karin.

It was a woman with a short bob-cut and a gray cardigan, one head smaller than him. And she was looking up at Yoichi with moist eyes behind the half-rimmed glasses of hers.

“Eh? Misato?”

“When Misato saw Yoichi’s face, she suddenly hugged him tight.

Then, she spoke.

“Please take responsibility.”

<To be continued>

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