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Chapter 5 – Lucy’s First Time

“Very well. I’m going to lie down now.”

Seeing the determination in Lucy’s eyes, I then laid my back on the bed.

After that, she climbed on top of me, straddling my body and lowering her rear over my lower abdomen.

“Nmmh……this is so embarrassing. But I need to get past this!”

Lucy said as she braced herself, then put her hands on my meat rod.

Seeing how she is already used to touching the male genitals, even though she was surprised at first, showed that she has grown a lot in such a short time.

Lucy lifted her hips a little and brought her private parts up to my waist.

Then, she slowly lowered her hips and started to insert herself.

“Nnnh……it’s hitting it……!?”

The tip of my meat rod was the first to enter her insides.

But as expected, it became harder to go deep from there because she was squeezing tight.

“Haaa, ugh, fuuu…….”

Lucy also started to be in a bit of pain, but she didn’t care and continued to insert further.

After a while, the tip crossed in and successfully entered the difficult parts.

That moment gave Lucy a momentary rest. However, as if a safety line had come off, the rest of the shaft got plunged inside her vagina at once.

“Haaann, kuh! Ahhh, so sudden……!”

What happened here was that when she rested her body earlier, it also created an opening for my rod to slip through.

The culprit of it was the plentiful gush of love juices that served as lubrication. In other words, the careful caresses I had on her earlier backfired.

But whether she was lucky or unlucky, because of this, my meat bar broke through Lucy’s virgin membranes and reached her cervix without any effort.

“Kuuh! It, it hurts……but, with this, I’m not a virgin anymore.”

Lucy looked down at me, then to our joining parts, and then she smiled bitterly. That expression, however, was still being contorted by the pain of losing her precious thing.

Despite that, it seems that it indeed brought some changes in her.

I think she’s now less negative than she was when we first met.

“Alright. From here, start shaking your hips. It will hurt a lot at first, but you’ll enjoy the pleasure eventually.”

“That, I think it’s too much for me in this state……but I’ll do my best!”

Lucy hesitated out of embarrassment, but halfway through, she shook her head and abandoned that common sense.

After a while, she began to move her hips, together with a strong feeling that she would change.

“Haaa, haaa, mmm, mmmh.”

She was moving as slow as a turtle, and it seemed to be the best she could do as of the moment.

To assist her, I thrust my hips up from below.

“Hyaaauuu! Don’t do it so fast! Yuushin, stop iiit!”

Lucy screamed at it and started moving her hips away.

But I didn’t let her do it.

Instead, I grabbed her hips to prevent her from escaping and thrust my hips further.

“Ahhn, ahhnn! Noo! It’s reaching all the way to the depths!”

Now she’s shaking her hips while screaming sweetly, to which my excitement also increased.

“I didn’t expect you to get this wild on your first time. You have quite the talent, Lady Finlay.”

While saying that with a faint smile, I reached for her big tits that spilled out grandly from above her clothes.

Because they were swaying every time she moved her hips, I’ve always wanted to play with them as much as I could.

Sure, I had touched them for a bit while I was doing foreplay on her, but I was focused on making Lucy feel good that time so I hadn’t any time to enjoy them myself.

As I rubbed these mounds again, I was surprised at how taut and soft they were.

Their firmness, also their softness from within, I couldn’t help but be amazed. They were so plump and fresh I couldn’t get tired of touching them.

“Hyauuu! Both my chest and my crotch at the same time……!”

Lucy is feeling a lot of pressure from the thrusts from below. And now she’s getting it from her breasts being played.

Sweat is starting to pour from her entire body, and I noticed that her shaking is becoming lewder and lewder as well.

She was no longer the same girl who looked like she could be easily frightened by anything.

“How do you feel, Lucy? Do you feel good?”

“Haaa …… haaa …… yeah. The pain is gone now, and I’m feeling better and better……”

“That’s good, then. Coz you’ll feel a lot better from here on.”

After I told Lucy that, I started moving my hips as hard as I could.

“Aahh, ahhhhnn! This is…… my body is getting hotter and hotter inside!”

Lucy, in response, panted, her breaths already becoming loud gasps.

Matching her breathing, I thrust my hips more from below.

These combined movements connected us more deeply, causing great pleasure to rush through both of us in return.

By this time, I was also nearing the end of my patience with the entangling movements inside Lucy.

““I can’t take it anymore. I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

“I’m nearing my end too. Let’s both cum together!”

I held Lucy by the waist, then pressed my meat rod firmly towards her cervix.

The next moment, Lucy reached her limit, and my pent-up desires also exploded like an eruption.

“Ahhhh, so hot! And it’s filling me up in my belly……no, I’m cumming again!”

Lucy climaxed once again after my injection, her body wobbling and shaking all over.

Her back also arched as she enjoyed the pleasure rising inside her.

Then, after the tremors of our climaxes subsided, she collapsed directly on top of me.

“Ngh, haaa, haaa…….”

But though her climax has passed, Lucy’s body still seemed to be on fire, and I could feel her ragged breathing just a few inches away.

To this, I started patting Lucy’s head until she finally calmed down.

“Fuuu……Yuushin, did I do well as I was supposed to?”

When she finally calmed down, she looks at me underneath, asking this.

“It’s not really important whether you did well or not as you’re supposed to, but a matter of did your heart feel something while you’re doing it.”

“That……I don’t know…….. I can’t really feel it yet.”

Lucy looked worried as she said this.

For her, it was a challenge that she had even risked her own innocence for, so she would be in great shock if she found out that she had failed.

“If that’s the case, then we’ll just have to see the results on the battlefield. I have a responsibility too, so please let me accompany your unit by then.”

This was a natural approach, if I say so myself.

I didn’t want to head into a dangerous battlefield on my own, but as I am currently a soldier, I have to be there either way. But this time, I will be near my commander, so I should be relatively safe.

“I understand. In that case, I’ll make you my temporary adjutant. At least for now.”

When I heard those words, I inwardly did a fist-pump on my head.

Now I won’t have to fight as common fodder on the next battlefield.

If her timid personality did change after the battle, I would aim straight for the official position as her adjutant. But if it’s not, I would have no choice but to make her a letter of introduction to another unit by any means possible……but let’s trust her for now.

With that in mind, I fell asleep while holding her body in my arms.

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