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Chapter 2 – Sheltering the Princess Knight

A woman, who looked like a “princess knight” to those other ‘cultured people’, was breathing hard in front of Yoichi.

Her eyes were hollow, but the rest of her expression remained tense.

(This is bad……still, what’s with those breasts, those hips, those……)

Yoichi felt pity about the woman, but he also couldn’t help but retort to the incredible proportions he’s witnessing.

Of course, as a healthy man, he couldn’t take his eyes off her glamorous body either.

The princess knight’s shoulders and neck were covered with armor, but the part of her breastplate was removed and set aside.

As if it was torn by a sharp tool, the dress she was wearing underneath it was also opened from the front.

Not only that, the black undergarment which seemed to be a brassiere was cruelly ripped apart as well, exposing her breasts in full.

They were huge. Incredibly huge even for Yoichi’s statistics.

(F……no, G……wait, this bulge, even though she’s lying on her back……possibly a gem beyond H even!?)

Yoichi immediately made judgments upon observing the woman’s chest.

Despite her bulge being extraordinary, it maintained its wonderful shape even while lying down, so Yoichi could only help but stare at them in awe.

Her nipples, which were slightly turned outward were already erect, and the beautiful color of pink could be seen inside them.

(If I remember correctly, it was that guy named Gember who applied the aphrodisiac on her.)

The princess knight herself has not been appraised by Yoichi, but he was still able to deduct her condition from the actions of the men that were on her previously.

(It is very likely that she is now in her peak drugged state, having been coated with that powerful aphrodisiac.)

Her eyes were vacant, her face was pale, and her chest was rising and falling due to her ragged breathing.

And every slight movement of hers is causing those soft breasts to sway and change shape within each breath.

(More importantly, the lower part of her body is also very sore.)

As the waistband of the knight’s black panties was cut beforehand, it exposed her private parts to Yoichi in full.

From there, he was able to see her soft, silvery pubic hair. It tangled with the overflowing love juices and has already formed several bundles that shone brightly as they reflected the sun’s light.

Her crack was also peeking out from underneath, and from there, Yoichi could see the pink, wet mucous membranes clearly, twitching and throbbing as they see fit.

The vaginal opening was slightly open as if seeking something, but this act was already enough to get any man to be attracted to it, like a flower overflowing with nectar to a hungry bee.

(No, no, no, no, no……!!)

Yoichi shook his head as if to shake off his desires.

Deciding that he probably wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation if he saw her breasts or private parts even for one more second, he took a bath towel out of the [Infinite Storage+] and draped it over the princess knight so that her breasts and secret parts were covered.


When the towel made contact with her nipples, however, the princess knight let out an involuntary gasp.

“Um, are you okay?”

The other party’s unexpected reaction made Yoichi worry, so he called out to her in reflex.

But as if she had realized that Yoichi’s actions bore no hostility, immediately afterward, the princess knight’s expression relaxed slightly.


She managed to answer despite the hard breathing, but that was all the best she could do.

(Nope, she’s not okay at all, this one.)

Having checked the behavior of the men beforehand, Yoichi already had a pretty good idea of the situation. However, he felt that he still needed to deal with it as soon as possible, so while saying sorry in his mind, he [appraised] the condition of the woman in front of him.


Conditions: Full-Body Restraint / Quadriplegia / Mana sealed / Aphrodisia / Contraception


In addition to the Full-Body Restraint that deprived her of her physical freedom, the carefully applied Quadriplegia deprived her of the sensation in her limbs, and her usage of magic was sealed by the Mana Seal.

(I think they called it a scroll or something? So it’s is like those grimoires in games?)

Although Yoichi hadn’t seen the actual scroll, he had confirmed through [Appraisal+] that the men earlier had used a similar sort of thing, thus leaving him no doubts that it was the one that caused her present abnormal condition.

(Now, how should I deal with it?)


[Full-body restraint]

Can be lifted by the passage of time or by a high-level mage’s [Dispel].


(Hmmm……since it’s impossible for me to lift the spell on my own, I guess I’ll have to wait. Still……it has 20 hours for it to be lifted on its own, huh.)

This information was confirmed by Yoichi using his [Appraisal+].

The remaining time for the abnormal effects to wear off was calculated after taking into account the princess knight’s condition and her innate abilities and resistances.



Paralysis of all four limbs. Can be lifted by the passage of time or by a high-level mage’s [Dispel].


(It’s the same here. But this one takes another 40 to 60 hours to recover. Let’s see, after about 40 hours, senses gradually start to return, and after about 60 hours, it’ll be fully recovered.)

The same result was obtained for the [Mana Seal], with only about 20 hours remaining before it could be lifted.



State induced when an incubus’ aphrodisiac is absorbed through the vaginal mucosa. It can be recovered by waiting for the aphrodisiac to decompose and discharge it from the body over time or by detoxification.


(Incubus, huh……Now this is getting fantasy-like.)

[Incubus Aphrodisiac]

An aphrodisiac created by alchemizing the semen of an incubus as its main ingredient. It has a powerful aphrodisiac effect on women only.

(Nope, I can’t find “Contraception” included in its effects. Was it self-inflicted?)

There must be a lot going on for a woman to be in a place like this, dressed in a unique-looking armor and out for a stroll.


Still breathing hard, the princess knight calls out to Yoichi.

“What is it?”

“…….forgive me for the trouble, but……can you help me?”

“Don’t worry, I’m not so devilish as to abandon you here like this.”

“I……see……as an advance payment…….”

“Advance payment?”

“……you can do whatever you want with me……right here.”


Yoichi almost lost his reason when the beautiful woman told him he could do as he pleased on her body, a glamorous one at that, but he managed to hold his ground.

“There’s no need to pay me like that. Really. Also, can we just wait for the effects to wear off?”

“That’s no good! I can’t……stand it anymore……please…….”

Earlier, the princess knight still had the expression of a determined warrior, but when she had discovered she was finally saved, her tension greatly eased.

She looked at Yoichi once again, not that of a woman in need of help any more, but that of a woman seeking a man’s loving.

“I know you’re not happy with me, but please……please…….”

“There’s no way I couldn’t be happy!”

Yoichi would have already pounced on her if it were a normal situation, but this is an abnormal situation.

If he were to do something on her in such a state, he’d be bound to regret it for later.

Of course, it’s not like Yoichi didn’t like the idea of being paid physically for saving someone’s life, but for a woman who’s not in the right state of mind as her, he thought it would be better to ask later after she has fully recovered.

“Please…… I’m going crazy…….”

The princess knight’s breathing became even more ragged, her eyes moistened, and drool dripped from her mouth.

(For now, let’s try washing off the aphrodisiac first.)

And so, Yoichi took out his portable shower from the [Infinite Storage+].

After pumping the lever to increase the pressure inside, he flipped up the bath towel he had draped on her earlier.

Then, after making sure that her private area was fully exposed, he pulled the lever over the crack.


The princess knight, stimulated by the shower, gasped loudly and curved her waist upwards.

“Aaaaahhh, no, I’m cummiiinnngg!”

With her arms and legs stretched out languidly, the princess knight’s body turned over and convulsed.

Her paralyzed limbs were completely immobile, yet her torso was still able to respond to stimuli, although it wasn’t to the point where she could not move it at will.

Yoichi then took out the foam cleanser and applied some of it in his hand. Washing the area around the crack and the vaginal pleats, he tried his best to suppress his reason from flying off the window as he stared at the obscene sight of the patient in his arms.

“Ngiihhh……! Aaahaahaaahaaa, Oh, no, not again, I’m cummiinngg!!”

Every time Yoichi’s hand moved, the princess knight’s hips jerked and shuddered. She climaxed many times from the stimulation that it was as if she’s competing with the shower. Yoichi felt excited, but also felt somewhat apologetic.

(But damn, this girl is so hot.)

Even though he could already feel the juices coming out of the tip of his penis, which had been hard ever since he first saw the princess knight, Yoichi kept on washing the woman’s vagina without letting his lust get the better of him. While he also knows that it’s not ideal to use a foam cleanser to wash a woman’s private parts, Yoichi insisted in his mind that this is an exemption, that it was an emergency situation.

“Aaahaaahh……is coming! It’s coming…….”

A clear liquid spurted out from between the princess knight’s legs, indicating her climaxing for the second time. Soon as her body trembled, the clear liquid flew out and sprayed in the other direction of the shower water that washed her secret area.

Some of it was so intense even splashed onto Yoichi’s face.

(No way, did she just squirt?)

Picking up the liquid that dripped on his face, Yoichi found that it was like plain water, but with a hint of viscosity.

After the squirting was over, the princess knight finally calmed down.

(It seems that it’s becoming effective. I just need to continue making her eject fluids out of her body, and she will be good.)

Finding his patient relaxing upon discharging love fluids for a bit, Yoichi took out a sports drink and gave it to the princess knight to drink.

He then held the head of the princess knight, who was lying limp on her back, probably exhausted from the repeated climaxes, up and aimed the lip of the bottle into her mouth.

“Come on, drink up.”

The princess knight half-opened her eyes. Then, finding that she had managed to stay conscious, Yoichi poured the sports drink from the plastic bottle directly in between her lips.

As soon as the contents entered her mouth, the princess knight’s eyes widened, and she looked surprised, but she immediately began to gulp the liquid down.

It may have been her first drink of such a taste.

Yoichi thought at first, with his layman knowledge, that it should be a little better if the influence of the aphrodisiac is lowered by drinking enough water and discharging the rest through pee.

Also, seeing the princess knight was sweating profusely, he thought she might be thirsty as well, so he decided to resupply her electrolytes first by drinking plenty.

As a result, she downed two 500ml bottles of sports drink in one go, but it was all within the expectations of Yoichi.

Still, while Yoichi was giving her the drink, he also couldn’t help but notice the princess knight shaking her hips and convulsing several times.

“Now, what should I do next?”

If possible, Yoichi wants to provide her a safe place to rest here.

However, even if he pitched a tent in the forest, the monsters’ threat still exists.

Yoichi could manage to stay alert, but he would be neglecting his nursing duties that the woman needed the most right now if he did.


Yoichi, who had just come up with a great idea, put the armor that belonged to the princess knight that was lying nearby in the [Infinite Storage+] and then picked her up in a princess hug.

After registering his current location at Home Point 4, Yoichi then activated [Return +], all while still carrying the princess knight.

“It worked!”

Just like that, Yoichi succeeded in [returning] to his apartment with the princess knight in tow.

Quickly, Yoichi walked up to his bedroom while still in his outdoor shoes and laid his ‘patient’ on the bed.

“This is……?”

The princess knight muttered. She was still breathing hard, but she seemed to have regained some of her ability to think.

“My place. Don’t worry about it too much.”

The princess knight looked puzzled at first, but eventually stopped thinking about it.

“Now then. Let’s get you out of that armor. Can I?”

After confirming that the princess knight had nodded in assent, Yoichi first tried to remove the shoulder armor, but since it was his first time, he was baffled on what to do first.

(Can’t it be stored just like this?)

In his mind, Yoichi made a mental note, and all of a sudden, the armor on the knight’s shoulders was put into the [Infinite Storage+].

“Oh, that’s convenient.”

Mouthing those words without thinking, he stowed the rest of the armor in this way as well.

As a result of his verification, Yoichi found out that other people’s equipment (those that they are currently wearing) could not be stored without direct contact, even within the effective range of 10 meters.

But this also means that, as long as he touches it, he can store weapons, armor, and even underwear of his opponent at will.

As such, the innerwear and dress that had been torn off were stored intact as well, leaving the princess knight now completely naked in front of him.

 (This is no longer an illusion.)

Dumbfounded by the extraordinary effects of his skill, Yoichi took out several bath towels from the [Infinite Storage+].

The outfit the princess knight was wearing was quite indecent, but now that she was completely naked, her magnificent proportions were completely revealed to him.

Because of this, Yoichi had to fight his lust again.

Trying his best to calm himself down, Yoichi lifted the princess knight up by the waist and placed several bath towels under her buttocks.

From there, he was able to feel the woman’s hot and soft skin, damp with sweat, on his hands.

He then put several towels on top of each other to cover the lower part of her crotch, and then lowered the waist that had been holding her up on it.

“That……if you feel like letting it out, you don’t have to hold back.”

“What do you…….”

The princess knight, who later somehow understood what Yoichi meant, became flabbergasted by his words and looked straight at him in protest.

Apparently, drinking a lot of sports drinks and sweating profusely had helped her regain a bit of her judgment somehow.

“That’s not what I mean. The sooner you get it out, the sooner the aphrodisiac wears off.”


Realizing what he really meant, she then averted her gaze with an expression of disapproval.

Soon, beads of sweat appeared again on the skin of the princess knight who was lying down without strength.

(I’d better wipe her sweat off, too.)

Yoichi took out a new bath towel from the [Infinite Storage+] and proceeded to wipe the princess knight’s body.

The princess knight looked like she wanted to say something, but she stopped midway and allowed him to do as he wanted.

(Somehow, this reminds me of Misato.)

Yoichi remembered the first night he met the sweet call girl, where he wiped her body after she came down with the flu as well as how he gave her a sports drink afterward.

Remembering those events, it helped Yoichi to calm down a bit.

(Either way, she still has an absurdly good body……)

The princess knight’s body was slender despite the magnificent armor she was wearing, and while she had well-toned muscles, she also had a good amount of fat that had not lost its softness that was unique to women.

Although she looked slender at first glance, her breasts were on the bigger side, so Yoichi could only try his best not to latch into them as he wiped her cleavage and lower tits.


When the towel touched her nipples, the princess knight’s body trembled once more. This sight of hers stirred Yoichi’s lust as well, but he endured it until he wiped away the rest of her sweat.

Recalling his situation with Misato calmed Yoichi down a bit, but the attractive limbs of the princess knight and her obscene reactions were causing him to lose his reason again.

At this moment, Yoichi’s groin was already painfully erect.

Meanwhile, because of the copious amounts of love juices she was secreting, the towel under the princess knight’s buttocks was already drenched.

“Hiuuu……! Nnn, aaahhh……!!”

Yoichi tried to manage the fluids by wiping her directly with another dry towel, but as soon as the fabric touched her, the princess knight gasped again.

Yoichi, too, tried to ignore it and continued his wiping, but her love juices just flowed nonstop.

(This, isn’t this too much for a vaginal discharge?)

At this point in time, Yoichi was already at the limit of his reasoning. Knowing that he couldn’t take it any longer, he ignored the rest of the sweat that appeared on the princess knight and covered her with another layer of towel and also a slightly thicker comforter on top of it.

“It may be hot, but it will go away faster if you sweat a lot……probably.”

The princess knight nodded silently at Yoichi’s words.

“Also, you’ll be safe here. Don’t worry about anything and rest.”

“Thank you……and, I’m sorry…….”

Yoichi covered the princess knight’s body with a blanket for the final touch. Then, he gave her another batch of sports drink while at it.

And just like that, the princess knight drank another two 500mL bottles in one go once again.

(Seriously, how thirsty is she?)

“Fuuaahh……Really……thank you……so much…….”

The princess knight smiled slightly, then lost consciousness afterward as if she had finally run out of energy.

From there, she began to doze off peacefully.

That smile, followed by the peaceful look on her face, they made Yoichi feel like his heart had skipped a beat. Of course, it would have been better if it had only been a flutter, but the blood pumped out by that same heart was being concentrated in his groin as well.

From there, Yoichi felt his hardening penis becoming more bloodshot than before.

(Still, as an advance payment, huh……she definitely said it……)

Remembering the princess knight’s words that as gratitude, he could do whatever he wanted with her body, Yoichi couldn’t help but get thirsty as well.

It was a woman that, no matter how he looked at her, she was beautiful at every angle.

He also remembered the stunning limbs hidden beyond the covers.

(Wouldn’t it be foolishness to ignore such a good woman when she says it’s okay to do it?)

“Nhaaa!! nnnmm……fuu…….”

Without realizing it, Yoichi’s hands had already reached for her breast.

At the slightest touch, the princess knight curved her body upwards and gasped briefly, but soon resumed to breathe in her sleep.

Despite that, Yoichi continued, flipping the covers he had just draped on her earlier.

This move exposed her beautiful crotch before him once again.

(If it’s this wet…….)

A pearly white crack hidden behind a thin layer of silvery pubic hair.

Folds of her labia which were almost white.

Pale pink flesh and the pink mucous membrane twitching behind that crack.

A vulva slowly gaping as if seeking something, opening slightly further in.

And finally, having already escaped the constraints of the foreskin that hid them, a clitoris, all swelled up.

All of them were soaked with her love juices, as if they are seeking to invite Yoichi.

If she was this wet, wouldn’t she be able to accept his member without any resistance? Yoichi, who did not yet know if the princess knight was a virgin or not, was already thinking about such things.

(I mean, how many more times do I have to wipe her down……at least, I have to pull out on her at least once, right?)

The bath towel he had placed below her butt had already soaked up a lot of sweat and was already unable to catch the dripping love juices, even already forming a puddle.

At this rate, Yoichi would have to wipe her once again and change the towels several more times.

With the princess knight’s body and crotch exposed each time, Yoichi was not confident anymore that he’ll be able to control his reasoning like before.

He looked down on his crotch, and from there, he could already see a stain on his pants, probably from the liquid coming from the tip of his already warped meat stick.

(I’ve reached my limit…… I’m sorry, but just one……!)

Yoichi slowly reached out towards the crotch of the princess knight.


But just as his fingertips were about to touch the secret area, the door chime rang.


With the sudden commotion, Yoichi came to his senses, pulled the covers back over the princess knight’s head, and hurriedly left the bedroom.

Then, he launched the application on his smartphone that was linked to the entrance cam.


On the screen of his smartphone, he saw Karin’s face at the entrance of his unit.


Tapping “Answer” on the app, Yoichi responded in the calmest voice possible.

[Ah, Yoichi? I-it’s Karin.]

“Yes. What’s up?”

[Well, ……, you gave me your address before, so I came, but……is now a bad timing?]

Perhaps sensing something from Yoichi’s tone of voice, Karin responded with a slightly apologetic tone.

“Ah, no, not really…….”

Yoichi pondered as he looked at the bedroom door.

(Indeed, the timing is not so good.)

[Uhm, I’ll come back another day if it’s not convenient…….]

(Should I ask her to come back another time? Also, if I were to make her leave here, what would I do after that?)

The door chime that Karin rang earlier brought Yoichi back to his senses and saved him from crossing the line, but what will he do after he drove Karin away?

[Sorry that I came without notice. I’ll……I’ll call you in advance next time.]


Yoichi quickly prompted to stop her, but at this point, Yoichi wasn’t aware of what he was doing anymore.

And now that he had stopped her from leaving, there was no way he could ask her to leave once more.

“F-for now……please come in.”

[I-is it……okay?]


In the end, Yoichi let Karin through.

After unlocking the auto-lock at the entrance of his unit, however, Yoichi remembered that his crotch was wet with his own juices, so he quickly changed his pants and underwear before Karin arrived at his room.

In addition, there were also the love juices dripped by the princess knight which has stained the floor from the entrance all the way to the bedroom, so he had to wipe those off as well.


Just in time he was finished, the doorbell of his unit rang, and from there, Yoichi welcomed Karin inside.

“Come on in.”

“Un……Also, s-sorry for the sudden visit.”

Karin, standing in the doorway, looked up at Yoichi with her eyebrows lowered apologetically.

“No, you came at a good timing, really.”

“Good timing……?”

“Oh, no, it's nothing. Come, let’s go in.”

“Yeah. Sorry to bother you again……!”

On the moment she entered the place, however, Karin raised her eyebrows for a bit as if realizing something. Yoichi didn’t notice this small detail.

“Would you like some tea, or should I make coffee instead?”

“J-just tea is fine.”

Yoichi took out two bottles of tea from the refrigerator and sat down next to Karin on the sofa in the living room.

“T-thank you. By the way, it’s a really beautiful room. Are you sure you’re okay with the rent?”

“The first thing you do is to worry about the rent?”

“Of course, I’ll be worried. After all, a guy who has been living in that room for a long time has suddenly switched into this incredibly nice place.”

“Well, things are going well at work. And since I feel like it’s going to be okay for the time being, I took the plunge.”

“Is that so……?”

They were having an idle conversation on the outside, but both parties were restless on the inside.

Karin was scurrying around the room, but whenever her gaze occasionally crossed Yoichi’s, she hurriedly turns her head away.

As for Yoichi, he was also restless, worried about the presence of the princess knight in his bedroom being found, but other than that, he was also able to feel Karin’s restlessness for some reason, which for him didn’t seem to make sense.

“You see, Yoichi…….”

The two of them continued chatting for a while, but when they started talking less and less, Karin suddenly changed her tone.

“I’m totally fine with leaving, you know, if I’m intruding on you.”

This time, Karin looked straight at Yoichi, her cheeks reddish, and her eyes seemed to be more moist than usual.

“W-what’s wrong? Bringing that up all of a sudden…….”

You know……Yoichi, you may haven’t realized it, but…….”

From there, Karin cut off her words and looked away from Yoichi, but even from that, he could tell that her face was redder than before.

“It smells, you know.”


“Un. It’s……hard to……how should I put it, but that smell……its similar to a woman’s naughty smell……when having sex.”


With Karin mentioning it, Yoichi remembered that the princess knight is sweating a lot, moreover even secreting love juices all over the place.

Women are more sensitive to such scents, so as such, Karin was able to notice right away the presence of this scent that filled the room from the moment she entered Yoichi’s place.

“T-that, well……by any chance, is she there……?”

When Karin pointed at the bedroom door and said that, Yoichi decided to finally give up.


When Karin received that reply, she stood up hurriedly.

“O-okay, bye! I’m going home!”

But immediately after that, Yoichi grabbed Karin, who already had tears in the corners of her eyes, as quickly as he could.


“I-it’s okay! I’m not really blaming you or anything. I’ll just back off on my own, so――”

“That’s why I’m telling you to wait!”


Karin shrank back, frightened at Yoichi’s voice which came back yelling at her.

“Ah, sorry……for raising my voice like that.”

“It’s okay.”

Feeling Karin’s slightly stiffened body relax, Yoichi let go of her wrist.

“As for that earlier……there’s a bit of issue I’m facing, actually. If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask Karin to help me.”

Yoichi realized that if he let Karin go right here and right now, it would be bad for plenty of reasons.

First of which is that Karin will misunderstand him.

The two of them were not exactly lovers at all, more of a convenient physical relationship, but even though it’s like that, and even though he understands that this was all a selfish move from him, Yoichi doesn’t want her to misunderstand and hurt herself.

Secondly, if he were to let Karin go now, he would be alone with the princess knight again.

It was thanks to Karin’s well-timed visit earlier that he was able to avoid crossing the line, but Yoichi doesn’t think he could do it again.

The princess knight would not complain if he were to do it, but to Yoichi, he would be guaranteed to feel a certain amount of guilt afterward, so he wanted to avoid it as much as possible.

Therefore, being in a state where he could lose his cool at any time due to these factors, he thought that it would be best to rely on Karin instead.

“In the meantime, it would be quicker to explain once you’ve taken a look. Come.”

After exhaling in resignation and with a bit of relief mixed in, Yoichi urged Karin to go into the bedroom with him.

“Muu……what……the hell……?”

The moment he opened the door to his bedroom, however, the stench that filled the room wafted out, making Karin’s expression grim.

(I see. With the scent filling this room up, I somehow understand now what Karin is trying to say.)

“It’s this girl.”

“……So beautiful.”

Karin, who had been frowning since earlier, finally relaxed her expression upon seeing the woman’s face on the bed.

After all, the princess knight sleeping on the bed was so beautiful that even a person of the same sex could not help but admire her.

“So, what’s wrong with her?”

Yoichi explained that he had saved her from being attacked by thugs, that she was not in a proper state due to the effects of drugs – aphrodisiacs, he explained – and that he could not rely on the police because there would be several complicated consequences it will bring.

“Haah……Why do you have to……be such a pain in the ass?”

His explanation was full of holes, but Karin didn’t particularly pursue Yoichi any further.

Rather, it was Yoichi who had a preconceived notion that Karin would be able to overlook the situation, even if it was unreasonable to some extent.

“So, I’m just supposed to take care of her?”

“Are you really okay doing it?”

“Whether it’s for the good or the bad, if I leave her alone with you, you’re going to attack her for sure!”


Yoichi was seen through.

“Damn it……and? What do you want me to do?”

“Well, firstly, we need to get the drugs out of her system, so I was thinking about making her sweat and stuff, and constantly wiping them off while at it.”

“I see.”

After that, Yoichi prepared another batch of bath towels and sports drinks and entrusted them to Karin.

“I’ll take care of the rest. You get out of here.”


Right after making the man leave the room, Karin turned over the sheets that were draped over the princess knight and proceeded to wipe her body.

Revealing her large breasts, she started by wiping her cleavage and lifted each one of them to wipe away the sweat that has accumulated on the lower tits.

However, each time Karin gently wipes something, the princess knight’s body would shake and shudder.

Meanwhile, imagining such a scenario in the bedroom, Yoichi outside started fiddling with his smartphone to distract himself, but his crotch remained hard as he passed the time.

After 20 minutes or so, the door of the bedroom was finally opened. From there, it revealed Karin, staggering slightly and with the obscene smell all over her body.

“Ooh. Thanks for the hard work.”



Feeling that something was odd with Karin’s response, Yoichi hurriedly got up from the couch.

But by the time he walked towards her ――.


“Karin ran up to Yoichi and suddenly put her lips on his.

“Nchuu……mlemlem……chuuu, nhmmm…….”

And almost as soon as their lips met, Karin wrapped her hands around Yoichi’s head, holding it secure as if to block his escape route, and then began devouring his tongue.

And since Yoichi was already excited way back from the time he saved the princess knight, as well as adding his strange imagination earlier, he accepted Karin despite some confusion in his mind.

Karin continued to entwine her tongue with Yoichi’s for a while, licking around his mouth. As she did so, she let go of one of her hands that was holding his head and put that same hand on Yoichi’s waist.

In one go, she pulled down the jersey and underpants of her partner at the same time.


From there,  it was Karin who pulled away first.

“Haa……mou, I can’t……anymore…….”

With an upturned face and still breathing hard, she begged unto Yoichi.

Karin then wrapped one of her legs around Yoichi and attached his now exposed meat stick directly in between her crotch – in other words, directly under her skirt.

From there, Yoichi felt a moist, wet cloth draping on the tip of his meat stick.

“I’m already set, you know? You can put it in.”

Karin lightly shifted the skirt she was wearing upwards, but only enough to reveal her wet panties underneath. After that, she also slid the very same panties to the side.

With the last obstacle finally removed, Karin’s precious treasure finally came to view. It was already wet and sticky, showing that it was fully prepared for the act.


The next thing that happened was Karin’s urn accepting Yoichi’s rod without any resistance.

Wrapped in sticky mucous membranes, Yoichi’s meat stick was lunged and sucked all the way up to the root.

“Auuummm!  Aahh……”

After its tip almost touched the innermost part, Karin’s insides tightened, and shortly after, her knees gave away.

“Oi, are you okay?”

Yoichi hurriedly took her body in his arms and called out to her, but the only response he got was her eyes half-whitened, drool coming out of her half-open mouth, and quivering of her hips with occasional short gasps.

But even while her whole body seemed to have relaxed, her vagina, in contrast, was squeezing Yoichi tightly, with the surface of her wet folds moving in and out constantly.

That’s why even though she had just inserted it, Yoichi was already feeling a tremendous sensation that was almost enough to reach his climax.

“Nhaaaa……haaa……I’m sorry I came when you put it in me…….”

Karin soon recovered.

At the same time as she regained her senses, her arms wrapping around Yoichi’s neck became a little stronger, but conversely, the tightness of her vagina weakened in return.

“But Yoichi……I still haven’t……had enough…….”

This time, Karin spoke in a pleading tone, gently applying more force on Yoichi’s underneath.

“Please, Yoichi. Ram that raw cock of yours and cum all over my slutty pussy――nhiiiiiuuuh!!”

Karin hasn’t yet finished her sentence, but Yoichi had already thrust his hip as hard as he could. Grabbing Karin’s hips firmly, he proceeded pounding her violently.

That act was repeated again and again.

“If you scream that loud, the girl inside will hear you.”

The two were now mingling a short distance away from the bedroom door, with the princess knight just asleep on the other side of the wall.

Perhaps Yoichi’s words had triggered something on her, Karin immediately closed her mouth and shrunk back in return.

“Mmmm……mmmm……mmmm! Ahh! No! I’m going to scream!!”

But after a few pistons, Karin wasn’t able to bear it, and in a short time, she was already arching her back and moaning loudly.

“Ah ah ah ah ahhh! The way it’s rubbing me, it feels so good……!!”

“Yeah, me too. Karin’s insides felt good as well.”

“Nmmmh! Yes, there, fuck me, all the way to the back!”

Being thrusted up and down, Karin’s tight skirt which was raised only halfway earlier was now shifted all the way up, exposing her crotch in full.

Her love juices leaked repeatedly on each thrust, soaking and reaching even to the panties she had already shifted aside.

Soon, the thin piece of fabric was no longer able to absorb them, and the rest of the fluids trickled down Karin’s legs and ended up soaking the floor.

“Mmmm……no…… I’m going to cum……I just came, yet I’m going to cum again!!”

“Karin, I as well…….”

“It’s fine! Just let it out, all of them in my belly……!”



For the last time, Yoichi pushed his rod as far as he could go, where the tip of it hit the cervix of Karin.

From there, he spat out a powerful stream of semen.

“Oooooh……so much is coming out…….”

Yoichi’s penis pulsed as Karin commented, throbbing inside the womb of his partner twice, thrice, four times.

And whenever he did so, Karin’s vaginal canal tightened as well, accompanied by delirious moaning within each time.

Unknown if it was due to him enduring it for quite a while, or that he has accumulated a lot seeing the glamorous figure of the princess knight, Yoichi came inside Karin for quite a long while. But because the amount released was too much, Karin was unable to contain the rest of the load well.

As such, the rest of the semen naturally flowed back from her insides to the outside of her vulva. Soon, white mucus could be seen oozing out from their joining parts.

“Aaahn……Yoichi’s seed……it’s coming out…….”

Seeing the wasted semen dripping from her own crotch, Karin was filled with a bit of regret.

But after that, they stayed still, hugging each other for a while.

Soon, Karin regained her senses, and tried to stand up on her own.

Yoichi dropped her slowly in response and then pulled out his meat stick from inside of her.


As soon as the meat stick was removed, Karin gasped briefly, and at the same time, a stream of semen oozed out of her gaping hole and dripped some on the floor.

“Sorry,. The floor…….”

“No problem. More importantly, what’s up with you all of a sudden?”

Perhaps she had cooled down a bit after climaxing twice, Karin turned her head away from Yoichi, feeling a little embarrassed.

“You see……when I was taking care of her……I was kind of, you know……gotten horny. Maybe it was the smell……?”

“Now that you said it, that might be the case.”

Though he said it like that, Yoichi thought it was possible that the aphrodisiac the princess knight took has also gotten mixed from the smell as vapor. Along with her sweat and love juices, they accumulated inside Karin, making her intoxicated with it over time.

Hence, it didn’t surprise Yoichi that Karin also went into a horny state when she breathed in that aphrodisiac-infused air.

Karin, who still had her arms wrapped around Yoichi’s neck, hugged him tighter and buried her face in his chest.

“What should I do now……I think I’m drugged as well. Can you take care of me a few more times?”

After saying that much, Karin looked up and turned her moist eyes to Yoichi.

“I’m in the mood for sex again……how about it, Yoichi?”

The words and expressions she showed before Yoichi made his penis harden once more.

As a response,

“Kyaaa!? Eh, Yoichi? What are you……?”

Karin let out a bewildered squeal as Yoichi suddenly lifted her up by her thighs. After that, he put her in a position where she was suspended in the air then resumed their connection below.

A suspended congress position.

“Whenever you want, I’m always ready. Just tell me if you feel like it, and I’ll do you like this!”

Yoichi thrust his rod hard back again inside Karin’s vagina, which was still exposed with her panties and office skirt in place.


This made her let out a screaming moan in turn, but Yoichi didn’t care about it and just thrusted his hips again and again.

“Hiuuuu! Nn, nnnnn……! Is it……really, okay? So you’ll do it, no matter how many times……?”

While Yoichi was thrusting hard into her, Karin squirms and asks in confusion.

“Of course. If it’s with Karin, I’ll do it as many times as you want. Therefore, don’t hesitate to tell me if you want to do it.”

“Ahhhhh! I’m so happy……! In that case, let’s have one moreee!!”

In the end, each time Karin leaves the room after taking care of the princess knight, the two would take the chance to make love on each other. This process repeated many times until Karin reached her limit that day.

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