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Chapter 20 – And Back to Another World

In the end, Yoichi wasn’t able to understand Misato.

Why did she want to be with him so badly? What was the purpose of accompanying him all the way to this faraway place? All the more, helping him find a room and buying all those furniture and appliances?

He had so many questions, but either way, he felt that the short time he spent with her was very fulfilling.

They had spent a very special time together as if they were lovers, even rivaling newlyweds for that matter.

However, at the very end, Misato disappeared without saying a word.

Was it just a whim of a prostitute?

Yoichi wanted to know what she was thinking and where she was now, and he could just use [Appraisal+] to solve it all.

But he felt that if he did this, it would ruin all the special moments she gave to him that day.

As Yoichi was lost in his thoughts, the doorbell rang.

“Wait, it’s already nighttime?”

Before he knew it, the sun was already down, and it was getting pitch black in the room.

Yoichi staggered to his feet and opened the front door.

“Oh, thank goodness you’re still here. I kind of expected you’ve already moved out, though.”

The one on the other side of the door……was Karin.

She was dressed in her usual business suit, telling Yoichi that she had come straight to his place from work.

“Sorry for the intrusion……were you sleeping?”

Karin said apologetically, seeing that the room on his behind was still pitch-black.

“Ah, no, I already woke up. I was just in a daze.”

However, to that response, Karin furrowed her brows instead, as if she sensed something was wrong with Yoichi.

“Uhm……can I go in?”

“Ah, yes. Of course.”

Karin went inside. As Yoichi followed her into the dark room, it suddenly became bright.

“I turned on the lights. Or shouldn’t I?”

As if she had done it by muscle memory, Karin had already turned on the lights as she went in.

“Oh, no, it’s okay. Thanks.”

“Yoichi……are you sure you’re okay? I mean, your room… it looks emptier than the last time.”

“Hmm? Yeah, about that, I’m moving. Next week.”

“Is that so? Well, I’m glad I got here before you did.”

Karin then began looking around the room nostalgically.

As for why she was staring like this, it was because the room was the one Yoichi had rented since he went to college.

And since it was also around the time he was dating Karin, she and Yoichi had practically spent half of their days together in this room.

“Ah, yeah, why the visit?”

At Yoichi’s question, Karin held up the paper bag in her hand.

“Souvenirs. Mentaiko.”


It was then when Yoichi remembered that Karin had said something like bringing food next time when he ’met’ her in the southern town.

Then, as if she had her dose of nostalgia already filled, Karin sat down on the mattress that occupied the majority of the room. While at it, she also urged Yoichi to sit next to her.

Then again, as it was a small room of six tatami mat size in the first place, with a semi-double mattress, a small table, and a TV, there was hardly any space to hang out but the only bed in the room.

“You’ve changed your bed, haven’t you?”

“Yeah, about five years ago?”

Karin patted the mattress lightly. Then, she gave the paper bag to Yoichi, who sat beside her due to her urging.

“How do you eat the mentaiko?”

Taking the cod roe from Karin’s hand, Yoichi asked in return, still in his indifferent tone.

“You can eat it as it is as an appetizer or a side dish, or you can put it on rice. You can also take it out and mix it with butter to make a paste that goes well with everything, or just spread it on bread or toss it with pasta. But, in the end, it’s all yours.”

Karin also answered Yoichi’s question indifferently, but unlike Yoichi, who was absentminded the whole time, she was on full alert, fully observing the man of his condition.

“Oh……I see.”

But seeing his response is still somewhat distracted, Karin couldn’t hold her worries anymore and finally decided to check up on Yoichi’s state straightaway.

“Hey, Yoichi. What’s wrong? If you’re okay with me, I’ll at least listen to your problems,” Karin expressed as she looked into the face of his ‘ex’ with full concern.

“Uh, actually, it’s…….”

And then, without holding back for some reason, Yoichi began to talk about this interaction with Misato as if he was confessing in a matter-of-fact way, after placing the mentaiko aside.

It was a bit of an indelicate and inconsiderate move, considering that the other person is her ’ex’ (though it was still unclear if they really had broken up or not). Still, as Yoichi’s mind was unstable for the moment, he just let them all out, regardless of Karin’s future feelings for the matter.

Despite this, Karin did not show any unpleasant expressions and just listened to Yoichi’s story until the end.

“And that’s why I’ve been in a daze all morning ――mmph!?”

When Yoichi had finished talking, Karin, who was obediently listening like a good child until now, suddenly kissed him on the lips.

“Chupp, chupahh, chuup…….If you don’t like it, just tell me……I can go home and pretend that all of this never happened.”

She told him those words, then went and seized his lips again.

The next thing Yoichi knew, Karin was already flicking his tongue with her own tongue.

However, Yoichi couldn’t dare to bring himself to refuse, only accepting what she was doing on him.

Still continuing the kisses and seeing that Yoichi showed no refusal to it, Karin put her hands on Yoichi’s jersey pants next.

Then, without warning, she shifted them down, both his jersey and trunks at the same time.

As for Yoichi, he still didn’t put up any resistance.

Rather, he even raised his hips a little on the mattress to make it easier for Karin to take his jersey off.

He got so excited by the kiss that he was already into it before he knew it, and his junior that was floppy was already erect and exposed.


Karin stopped the kissing and stood up. Then, she unhooked her skirt from below.

After her skirt fell on the floor, she quickly undid her panties next.

But despite her bottom now fully undressed, Yoichi was barely able to see everything.

As for the reason, the hem of Karin’s office blouse is still blocking the view.

But as if sensing this, Karin posed astride in front of Yoichi next.

And after making sure she revealed everything and making sure Yoichi was watching, she began putting her hands on her crotch.


With a slight moan, Karin fingered her private parts by herself until they got a little wet.

Then, she got up and aimed her orifice just above Yoichi’s crotch, and at a slow pace, she began lowering her hips at the center, also accepting the man’s erectness in the middle of it.


After a few muffled gasps, Karin successfully sucked the meat stick all the way to the root, where she then went face-to-face with Yoichi.

Then, with her arms wrapping around his neck, Karin restarted their kisses by entwining their tongues once more.

She also started moving her hips from there.

“Mmmuu…… mmmm…… mlemm…… mhuu……”

Being subjected to Karin’s advances the whole time, Yoichi could only focus at the top half of her body with her clothes on, unable to see the undressed portion below.

Despite this, he felt that the sensations he was having were more than enough. After all, he didn’t even have to do anything, as Karin was already doing all the work.

Karin did not tighten her vagina just yet, but her way of wrapping his member softly was already comforting to Yoichi. Gentle, yet full of passion within.

Again, Yoichi didn’t need to do anything. No initiative, no actions, not even lifting a finger. He just left her to her devices alone.

Time flowed by sweetly and calmly.

Their tongues were still intertwined, but there was no intensity, just gentle movements of their joined bodies.

Karin’s hips didn’t move any faster, nor did her strokes get any harder. Instead, she only slightly stimulated Yoichi’s enveloped rod as if it was caressing a timid child.

There was no change in their position either, and the slow intercourse continued as if they were already contented in only confirming each other’s warmth through the coldness of the night.

“Mmmm, mmmm……hum, lemm, chup……”

Their ragged breathing, the sound of their tongues intertwining, and the sound of their mucous membranes rubbing against each other echoed through the small room.

But soon, the pleasure that they had slowly built up started to break free as the both of them neared the end of their climax.

It wasn’t a while when the torrent of pleasure washed them both.

With a huge throb, a large amount of semen was released from the tip of Yoichi’s meat stick.

After that, the meat stick pulsed repeatedly, and each time, Yoichi felt he was being paralyzed of his consciousness by the electric shocks of pleasure being sent through his brain.

Karin’s body also jerked upwards as she received the release of semen into her vagina.

She also stiffened from the pulsations, and she twitched and convulsed every time she felt the rush of semen, but she never let go and even hugged Yoichi tighter the entire time.

The climax that seemed to last forever eventually came to an end, but the two of them stayed connected for a while, with their tongues still intertwined.

“Sorry about this. I forced you to go along with me.”

Nevertheless, Karin was the first to release, saying apologetically right after. Then, she unbound herself from Yoichi and stooped down to get her fallen skirt.

“What do you mean?”

Yoichi looked back at Karin, who was now fixing her skirt up.

“When I was looking at your face, you see, I suddenly felt the urge to do it. Sorry about that,” she explained no further, only smiling shyly with a hint of regret.

“No, that was――”

“I know. I’ll go now.”

Yoichi tried to say something back, but his following words were stopped by Karin, who then started walking towards the entrance without even looking back.


“Send me your new address……or not. Well, I’m okay with either way. I don’t want to disturb you after all.”

After saying that, Karin left the room.

For a while, Yoichi stared blankly at the door that Karin had walked out of.

“Haaa…… I’m the worst.”

Yoichi was not that insensitive. He knew about Karin’s thoughts.

Despite this, he still rambled on to her about a different woman.

Though he hadn’t really thought about it as the words naturally flowed out of his mouth, he continued to play naïve, thinking that Karin would listen to him without the slightest hint of complaint.

And she actually did.

Moreover, he was even comforted after everything that had happened.

She said it was okay either way, but Yoichi knew it was definitely an act for him not to worry about her.

“I’m really……the lowest…….”

For once, Yoichi wanted to have a place to vent.

To release the bewildering emotions which were swirling in his chest right now.

He needed to vent.


“Come on out, you stupid bear!!”

After the rest of the equipment he ordered arrived in his house, Yoichi put them on and immediately activated [Return+] for a ‘test run’.

Right now, Yoichi is marching through the forest of Jana, armed with a submachine gun in his hands.

Before this, he used [Appraisal+] to narrow down the target he was looking for, and after a few minutes trip off the beaten path, he finally found an arrow pointing towards his target.

Yoichi made a run for it, until he came to where he is now.

He spotted the figure immediately.

He had come this far on the spur of the moment, but when he saw its viscous form, “it” still made his skin crawl.

The “One-Eyed Bear” was looking at Yoichi with its lone eye.

Standing on its two hind legs, it was looking down on the man as if he was only a mere pebble on the side of the road.

Yoichi emptied his lungs. He took a deep breath of the forest air.

He repeated these breaths again, deeper and deeper every instance.

And he felt his mind calmer after each breath.

For some reason, the One-Eyed Bear remained motionless. Yoichi used this chance to drop to his haunches and aim his submachine gun towards the bear.

“This is revenge, motherfucker.”

He muttered softly, then pulled the trigger.

Buratatatatatatata! The bullets came flying onto the beast after a set of light gunfire.

Most of the bullets hit the target, and the One-Eyed Bear looked mildly frightened, but the small caliber bullets were, as expected, far insufficient to break through its hard fur.

When the magazine ran empty, Yoichi activated his [Infinite Storage+] and switched to another spare submachine gun that was already preloaded. He continued to shower the poor monster with bullets without a break.

As for the bear, it just defended with its paws on the tip of its nose, as if it was scared to be hit in the face.

But only with this defensive move, One-Eyed Bear was able to take hundreds of bullets from Yoichi and still stood firm even after the man exhausted a bit of his ammo.

Yoichi already expected that a submachine gun would not work against the one-eyed bear.

It’s just that he wanted to shower this creature with bullets.

“Still, despite wasting a load on this guy, he almost took no damage at all…….”

Yoichi leaked out a dumbfounded voice. After all, he just witnessed the sight of the One-Eyed Bear still standing even in the aftermath of his onslaught.

It might have caused some minor bruising here and there, but all in all, it showed to him this was already the limit a submachine gun could do against the C-rank monster.

For comparison, the submachine gun Yoichi was using would have already dealt a considerable damage against an ordinary bear.

But the one in front of him is ‘a monster,’ and a bona fide one at that.

Perhaps an assault rifle won’t be enough to defeat it.

Since he assumed he couldn’t take them down with an assault rifle anyway, Yoichi used a submachine gun to vent instead, as it also used handgun bullets that were the easiest to replenish.

Up to this point, Yoichi’s actions were only to relieve his stress, with the poor monster as his target dummy to pent all his anger.

He thought about escaping with [Return+] if the monster were to rush at him, but since the opponent seemed to have decided to wait and see, he used this chance to unload a hundred rounds at it once more.

After his mind had calmed somewhat, Yoichi stowed away his submachine gun and took out an anti-materiel rifle next.

Yoichi held the massive rifle in its waistband. It was not a practical stance at all, all the more for a caliber that big, but Yoichi had something he wanted to try out now that he got the advantage.

Yoichi activated [Appraisal+] to measure his distance to the monster.

About 50 meters.

It was not a distance one could miss as long as they have a good arm and aim, but it’s also not a distance where you can hit while hip firing a gun that huge either.

But this time, Yoichi’s [Appraisal+] showed its additional capabilities.

The target ……its heart with the magic stone.

“The rifle’s 12.7x99mm NATO rounds are sure to penetrate the thickest muscle and bone of the one-eyed bear and destroy its heart and eventually its magic stone,” [Appraisal+] indicated.

After Yoichi confirmed this, he aimed at the heart and then corrected the angle of the gun he was holding from there.

At what angle should he pull the trigger to make the bullet fly as aimed?

The answer was, of course, shown in the feature of the [Appraisal+].

This was no news to Yoichi, as from his continuous use of the skill, he found out that he could also use it to make it act as a tactical computer.

“Eat lead, you bastard! Whoa!”

Together with a shout, Yoichi pulled the trigger.

However, the recoil was far greater than what he had anticipated, so Yoichi’s line of fire shifted slightly.

But as it was already indicated in the [Appraisal+]’s calculations, there wasn’t a fatal misalignment in the outcome.

And because the distance to the target was short, the bullet did not miss by much. Technically, that is.

The bullet that was fired in the short distance of the One-Eyed Bear……hit it right to where its neck is.

The One-Eyed Bear’s head slumped down afterwards, and it fell on its back with a thud.

But it was only after confirming its death by [Appraisal+] that Yoichi checked the corpse up close.

Upon examining, Yoichi found out that the bear’s head was literally only hanging intact by the skin of its neck, lying unnaturally beside the rest of the carcass.

And the eyes of the One-Eyed Bear had already lost their light as it looked at Yoichi with a wary expression.

“I’m sorry. I was just taking it out on you.”

Perhaps the discharge was too overwhelming, Yoichi felt as if the pent-up emotions in his chest had also dissipated together with the shot.

Yoichi stored the corpse of the One-Eyed Bear in the [Infinite Storage+], but he did not go home. Instead, he walked throughout the forest, testing his other guns as he hunted along.

He first tested the other pistols he hadn’t touched yet.

So far, he had the respective calibers available: .38, .44, .45, and .50 caliber pistols. After getting used to shooting with these pistols, he also tested dual-wielding them, but he found out that it wasn’t easy to use as he had imagined, so he dumped the idea and decided to stick to a single pistol in the end.

He also decided that the most realistic scenario was to switch between the .38 and .44 caliber pistols depending on the opponent.

If only thinking about power, a .45 or .50 caliber pistol or even an assault rifle would already be a sufficient choice. Still, since Yoichi had a very limited supply of their bullets at the moment on these guns, he rejected the notion. Not to mention, he also found it difficult to secure ammunition for these calibers in Japan.

If only considering the availability of ammunition, the .30 caliber was by far the easiest to obtain if he just ignored the concerns about its power.

There were also two other choices besides the .30 calibers in terms of ease in obtaining ammo. These were the .38 caliber which is next easiest to obtain, and the .44 calibers, which were, for some reason, also surprisingly easier to obtain despite their higher firepower.

Incidentally, most of the .44 caliber bullets were magnum bullets, which are already powerful on their own.

At first, Yoichi struggled with the recoil of the large-caliber guns, but by getting used to the smaller caliber ones he had in stash first, he was eventually able to shoot a .50 caliber pistol with one hand after half a day had passed.

By the way, the recoil of the .50 caliber pistol was said to be so strong that it was believed it could dislocate the wrist or shoulder of an amateur if he were to shoot it with one hand.

The fact that Yoichi was able to shoot it single-handedly in just half a day could only be attributed to the effects of [Healthy Body+] he has in his person.

But there was just one thing that bothered him a bit. Among the weapons he had stashed, there also included US-made assault rifles and other big guns for military use.

According to his appraisal, the specifications of these assault rifles differed on the modes they were fired. Between the military version and the commercial version, only the military version had a full-auto function.

So where on earth did the people in the southern town get these latest American-made military weapons?

(I don’t really want to know…)

As long as he used [Appraisal+], Yoichi would be able to check the acquisition route of each item up to the very bullet, but he didn’t dare to do that, even though he already had the reason to do so.

But since he had already started this, he continued with his combat training in this other world, and by the time he had tried out all his weapons somewhat, three days had already passed in his world.

Either way, Yoichi had become quite accustomed to killing monsters with only his guns.

Again, this would be a difficult feat for someone who hadn’t had proper training, much more without formal schooling. Still, with Yoichi’s [Appraisal+] and [Healthy Body+] assisting him constantly, this allowed him to overcome these shortcomings and weaknesses and even made him acquire such expertise for a short amount of time.

The skills also taught him how to anticipate his target’s actions, exploit their weaknesses, and adapt his own body in case of a sudden change of environment.

Yoichi also practiced using an assault rifle at medium range and a sniper rifle at long range to adapt himself to killing high-profile monsters.

Of course, he did not forget to give a shot the highest caliber ones as well.

Indeed, there would be fewer opportunities to use an anti-materiel rifle or heavy machine gun than the pistols. They were bulkier and needed proper setups beforehand, much more to the fact that Yoichi had the fewest ammunition for them than the rest of his guns. Nevertheless, he also thought it wouldn’t hurt to test them one time, given this rare chance.

Incidentally, when he used the heavy machine gun at full auto, the one-eyed bear got turned into minced meat in just a few seconds.

The heavy machine gun model in his hand was said to be so accurate that it can also be used as an anti-materiel rifle, but it was still undeniably too big for a beginner like Yoichi to use.

He had chosen a vast open area for test firing this, but Yoichi still found them too much to handle alone, even with his additional skills.

(In the first place, what were the people in the southern town thinking when they were carrying such deadly weapons?)

As for the grenade launchers, rockets, and hand grenades, as he didn’t know what kind of damage they would do in the forest, much more to himself in case an accident or a ricochet happens, he chose to keep them to himself instead of using them in the meantime.

(Yes, let’s just stick to guns as long as it’s necessary……as for ammunition, I’ll have to get a secure supply sooner or later.)

As mentioned earlier, it was relatively easy for Yoichi to secure ammunition for the .38 and .44 caliber guns as these were the calibers the common police always use, but Yoichi was not content with it. He still desired to secure ammunition for his assault rifles so he could also use them without hesitation.

As for the shotgun shells, although they were not difficult to obtain, they were legally restricted.

Being able to get it legally would mean that they would be traced, which would mean that they would also become conspicuous. For this reason, the people in the underworld did not have the chance to get much of them, and it was even more for Yoichi, who also wanted to keep a low profile even though he could legally buy one. This was also why he didn’t use the shotgun that much.

As for the ammunition for the other types of guns, Yoichi thought it would be good to take it from overseas anti-social organizations or other armed groups just to be safe, but unfortunately, Yoichi didn’t have a passport.

He had planned on obtaining a passport in the past, but since he had no desired destination back then, he didn’t bother getting one until the end. It was even more now that he had gotten a better “passport” in his hand with an even more exciting destination on it.

(For now, let’s just immerse ourselves in an adventure to this new world……well, it’s not that I have a clear goal on what I will do there anyway.)

Despite this train of thoughts, Yoichi still couldn’t help but hope for the main protagonists’ scenarios to unfold to him in that other world. Battles with monsters, encounters with otherworldly people, and contact with unknown societies, etc., anything that will make his trip to this different world lively and exciting.

(It’s kind of uncool, though. It was like I was searching for my lost self.)

Yoichi smiled self-mockingly as if to chide himself, but he still couldn’t suppress the excitement in his heart at the prospects this whole new world would give him.


The next day, Yoichi went around several department stores and other home depots he could reach with his skills, and from there, he bought everything he could find helpful for his otherworld survival.

Although he had spent an entire day at home improvement stores before this, there were always a few things that he would miss or new ideas that would come late to his mind, eventually making a second trip to be a necessity.

Despite the bulkiness of his orders, however, Yoichi made all his purchases in cash, and he also refrained any delivery service.

After all, Yoichi thought it would be dangerous to have the National Tax Bureau take notice of him because he was suddenly spending so much money on some unrelated goods.

(Even winning the lottery won’t suffice as a reason for them later on. I think.)

Because of this, Yoichi no longer used any card payment, whether for delivery or shopping online, unlike before. In addition, anything that could identify him personally, he refrained from doing it as much as possible.

After that, he continued to buy everything he could think of, all in cash, and in his spare time, he went to the other world to train.

After a few more training days, Yoichi had become accustomed to defeating D-ranked monsters using only a .44 caliber, some even with smaller pistols of his.

However, the pistol’s power was inevitably insufficient against C-ranked demons such as the One-Eyed Bear, so he still needed to switch to an assault rifle to take it down.

And even with an assault rifle, Yoichi knew that he couldn’t just shoot at them in point-blank; he had to train his skills first and shoot them at their weak points from a relative distance, or else he would give them a chance to attack back.

The game was already set if he just used his anti-materiel rifle. Still, he wanted to save his bullets on the big guns as much as possible, as their bullets are very difficult to obtain in proportion to their firepower.

Fortunately, the number of C-ranked monsters was small, so using the assault rifle in single-shot mode was already enough for Yoichi to get by.

Of course, he also didn’t forget to practice using the [Infinite Storage+] to quickly swap weapons, eventually making him learn the ability to quick-swap to different types and calibers of guns depending on the situation and reload quickly as if he had unlocked the sleight of hand……somewhat.

So far, whether he was lucky or unlucky, Yoichi hasn’t encountered any monsters of B-rank or higher yet.

“But if I do, I might have to use my anti-materiel rifle next.”

Putting aside Yoichi’s dilemma for the moment, because of someone’s assiduous scouring of ammunition, there was currently a bit of an uproar in the underworld around a particular area in the south.

(Well, the least they can do is file a complaint for theft……well, as if they can do that anyway.)

The old Yoichi would have worried shitless about these scenarios, like possibly getting hunted by these anti-social groups to get back at him. But whether it was his broken heart or his [Healthy Body+], whichever became the factor, it was undeniable now that Yoichi has grown into a strong and confident man.

After he had judged that his training was sufficient and he was all set to go forward in this otherworld, the day also came for Yoichi to move out from his small 6-tatami mat room.

Yoichi hired a company to dispose of all the furniture, appliances, cooking utensils, and dishes in his old place.

However, there was one thing he couldn’t bear to throw away just yet.

It was the bedding – the very one that still has Misato’s scent in it.

(When the time comes, I’ll be ready to throw this away.)

He spoke to his mind as he stared at the interface of his [Storage+] in which the item was indicated to be stored, also adjusting its settings so that the system won’t use its maintenance and cleaning function on it.

(Even at this moment, I’m still such a wuss.)


When Yoichi came to his new unit, he found out that the furniture and appliances he bought the other day were already neatly arranged in the new place.

He just remembered that he had already consulted this with the apartment concierge, and although there was an additional fee, they took care of it without any problem, saying it was on the house.

(I picked all this together with Misato…….)

Entering each room and loitering around to observe the rest of the unit, Yoichi reminisced the short days he spent with the girl in glasses.

While thinking of Misato, he also remembered Karin, who had comforted him the other day, making his heart ache even more.

Yoichi had been sitting at the dining table in his new room, staring at his smartphone.

He had been wondering for more than half a day whether he should contact Karin or not, but in the end, he sent her a short message with only his new address.

He didn’t have the courage to cut the ties with Karin – a string of which he should have cut already, but for some reason, he just couldn’t do. He still couldn’t let go.

“Really, I’m so pathetic….’

Yoichi sneered to himself in self-mockery.

The next day, he woke up in his new, unfamiliar bed.

He got up and walked in front of the large mirror in the corner of his new bedroom.

Yoichi didn’t feel the need for this mirror, actually. But when Misato insisted, he eventually decided to buy it.

He took off his underwear, stripped naked, and stood in front of the mirror again.

(Ooh, I’m getting ripped.)

Perhaps it was because he had spent so much time running around the forest, finding prey and shooting them with his gun, Yoichi’s body had become quite muscly.

His pectoral muscles were now moderately thick, his abdominal muscles were now nicely sculpted, and his arms and legs had now grown a size larger.

He also felt that his penis, which was hanging down from his crotch right now, had gotten bigger, but since he has heard that the size of the penis look completely different when you look at it from below than when you look at it in a mirror, he thought that it was just his imagination.

(Yep……I feel good now, but I don’t want to become any more macho.)

Little did Yoichi know, this remark of his will significantly impact the effects of his [Healthy Body+] in the future.

Muscle strength is increased in proportion to the enlargement of muscle fibers.

The larger the cross-sectional area of a muscle fiber is, the greater the muscle strength, but from now on, Yoichi’s muscles will grow not by the thickness of muscle fibers but by the change in quality.

Simply put, this meant that Yoichi will now start to increase his muscle strength while at the same time maintain his desired body shape.

It was no longer a human-like development at this point.

After satisfying himself with a couple of bodybuilder-like poses in front of the mirror, Yoichi finally put on his underwear and ate five of the convenience store lunches he had bought beforehand.

Then, after brushing his teeth at the sink and preparing his appearance, he put on his equipment and all the necessary things to explore the other world.

Of the items he had purchased previously, he had disassembled the stainless-steel mesh on its top and bottom first as they had severely impeded his movement. He then sewed them to the back of the robe he also bought for additional thickness and protection.

He wore the military vest and protectors as is.

As for the helmet, he kept it his [Infinite Storage+] so that he could wear it at any time.

Yoichi stood in front of the mirror once again.

“Yep, this will definitely catch attention on its own.“

To solve this, he took out the robe with the added mesh in it and draped it over his combat uniform, making sure it hid everything on his body that would surely stand out.

He went over to the entrance and put on his high-cut safety shoes last.

Yoichi took a few deep breaths, which set his mind for a new adventure to the other world.

Then, he activated [Return+].

≪To be Continued.≫

About the Author

Author: Hochi

I’m very pleased to announce the release of “What, Failure to Transition……Success!?” Thank you for purchasing the second volume.

I hope you have enjoyed this second book, which has been greatly revised from the Nocturne Novels version and features the original Osiris paperback heroine, Karin. What happened to Misato? What about Yoichi’s life in another world? And how will his reunion with Karin affect Yoichi in the future?

I hope you will continue to read this story while looking forward to those questions. Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank saraki for breathing new life into the story with their wonderful illustrations, and Osiris Bunko for their efforts in making the book available.

Thank you very much.

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