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Chapter 17 – A ‘Private’ Live-in Partner

The following day, Yoichi woke up when he felt something hot between his legs.

He looked downwards, only to see that his futon was unnaturally raised up like a hill. He peeled it off, and from there, it revealed the call girl he was treating last night – Akari, who also introduced herself as Misato – sucking his cock inside her mouth.

Misato was wearing the glasses that Yoichi had taken off last night, and her bathrobe was pulled down right in the front, revealing her shapely breasts.

“Good morning.”

Misato looked at Yoichi and greeted him, raising her body and bowing lightly.

“Next is……”

“Wha- what are you doing, Misato?”


Misato was about to bend down to take Yoichi’s thing in her mouth again, but she immediately halted herself at Yoichi’s question. Then, she flicked her head forward and stared at her customer as if an animal in wary.

“How do you know my name” her eyes were telling him.

“You told me to call you that yesterday, remember?”

“Is that so……I see.”

Hearing Yoichi’s words, she dropped her gaze as if a little relieved.

“No, that’s not the time for that! Misato, how are you feeling?”

“I feel well……I think?”

“Feel well……so the flu is cured?”

“I think it’s just a cold…… or was I just a little fatigued?”

Misato hasn’t realized that she had the flu yesterday. Recognizing this fact, Yoichi immediately took another look at the [Appraisal+], only to sigh in relief after finding out that Misato’s overall condition was “good.”

He also checked his own condition, and upon seeing that his status was also “good,” he completely relaxed.

(As of now, there seem to be no signs of infection on my side. Come to think of it, Misato’s reaction is not surprising. If it goes away in a day, you’d definitely think it wasn’t even the flu. Still, are there really influenza’s that are gone in less than a day? Or did having sex with her also affected her with my [Healthy Body+]?)

(My semen is a universal medicine! Drink it in your mouth down there, and it will cure any disease! The hell, what kind of an erotic game is that! Yeah, I don’t think so! No ……it can’t be, right?)

Yoichi was monologuing several stupid ideas in his head, but considering the huge possibility it provided to him, he also couldn’t deny the thought.

(In the end, what’s important is Misato is okay now.)

“Is that so? Then it’s good. That being said, what exactly are you doing?”

“A repayment for yesterday.”

“No, that thing I did yesterday was something I liked to do, so don’t worry about ‘servicing’ me to repay it.”

At these words, however, Misato gave a slightly dissatisfied look.

“Then don’t worry about this as well, because I like to do it too.”

Misato resumed sucking Yoichi’s cock once more, showing she’s unable to give up on this matter.

This made Yoichi panic a bit.

“All right! All right, just hold on a second.”

Misato was stopped again, but because it was the second time, frustration is starting to show on her face.

“Just to confirm, this no longer a part of your job, right?”

He pointed out, glancing at his watch. It was already past eight in the morning.

The extension is until six o’clock, which meant that the course was already over as what Yoichi and the bar owner had agreed. Misato hesitated for a moment, then looked Yoichi straight in the eye and opened her mouth.

“This is a private deal, then. Just between you and me.”

“Between you and me, huh……I see. But I don’t want to be always at the receiving end. At the very least, let me make you feel good as well. Since it’s a private deal.”

Yoichi suggested.

(At least with this, her burden will become less. She’s been in sickness after all.)

“Feel good……together?”

“Yep. You can bring your ass to me.”

“B-but I still……want to serve you.”

“……Fine. We can suck at each other then.”


Misato then shifted her body, ending up in a six-nine position as Yoichi urged her to do.

Misato is now on top of Yoichi, sucking on his cock, and Yoichi is looking up at Misato’s genitals from below.

(Misato’s private parts are beautiful indeed, now that I’m seeing them up close.)

The smooth crotch aligned at Yoichi’s face showed no signs of having been shaved, either treated by hair removal, or she’s just naturally hairless.

The crack that appeared between her white skin was vibrant as well, and it possessed a healthy and tight shape that it was hard to believe that the person had been using it professionally.

Enjoying the feel of Misato’s entwining lips between his own legs, Yoichi ran his tongue over the moist crack.


Misato’s hips jerked up a bit, swaying each time Yoichi’s tongue traces her carved fissure. And after licking around her private area, Yoichi then raked his tongue down the crack and dug deep into it.

He licked around her inner linings for a while before eventually extending it towards her inner core.


Misato let out a short gasp, but she also didn’t lose to the man. She didn’t stop her mouth from moving, and instead persistently stimulated Yoichi’s member deeper into her throat.


Yoichi, in return, slowly stimulated her vulva and gently peeled off the skin covering her clit.

He continued to stimulate that bare pubic mound, and soon, the sensation reached the point that it was enough to stop Misato’s mouth from moving from time to time. In the end, she opened her mouth wide, and then,

“Nhaaaaaa, no morweeee……!!”

Misato released Yoichi’s thing inside her mouth, her hips twitching for a while.

Misato had climaxed.


After calming down a bit from the pleasure, Misato immediately resumed slurping Yoichi’s thing.

This time, as if in retaliation, she sucked it hard.

“Guuh……It’s coming…”

Yoichi reached his limit next. And when Misato heard Yoichi’s words, she attacked even harder.

Eventually, he ending up cumming – this time in Misato’s mouth.

“Nmmm!? Mm, gulp, gup……”


Misato continued to hold the ‘thing’ inside until Yoichi had finished ejaculating, and swallowed all the white stuff that was released without leaving a drop.


After that, Misato got off of Yoichi and sat on the bed, and with her face turned to  him,

“……Thank you for the meal.”

She bowed politely.

“…… Um, are you okay? Does it taste good.”

“Yes, it tastes fine……to the point that I’m quite surprised.”

“To the point that you’re surprised? Don’t you……usually ‘drink’ this stuff?”

“I don’t. This is my first time.”

“First time? I see……well, sorry about that.”

“No need, sir. I do it because I like to do it.”

Yoichi couldn’t help but feel strangely charmed in the way Misato spoke that line so matter-of-factly.

In fact, this made him want to cuddle her out of cuteness, but the way the robe of hers was pulled down in front of him made him feel lustful instead.

It was so sensational that it made his son squirm away.

“Ah, it’s erect again.”


Upon seeing it, Misato sat down in front. She then spread her shapely legs in an M-shape, and did the same with her genitals with her fingers. Her pink layer of inside skin could already be seen behind the light brown folds.

Both the folds and the insides were covered with love juices, making them glisten and reflect the pale sunlight shining through the lace curtains of the window.

The clitoris, which had been fully stimulated by Yoichi’s tongue, had already pushed aside its foreskin and was now fully exposed, and perhaps because it was also spread by Misato’s hand, the slightly open vaginal opening was slowly leaking out its juice.

“Please, put it in.”


Misato stared at Yoichi for a moment, then averted her gaze slightly, as if she couldn’t take the shame any longer.

Her cheeks were still red, but not because she was sick.

Upon seeing this, Yoichi took immediate action.

He pushed Misato down and covered her from above, and quickly, he placed the tip of his member against her private parts.


The moment their genitals came into close contact, Misato’s body jerked and a short moan escaped her lips.

(She’s more responsive than yesterday.)

Yoichi couldn’t help but wonder if it was because she had recovered from her flu that she’s reacting this way.

“I’ll insert it now. May I?”

“Yes……this is a private affair, after all.”

Yoichi slowly advanced his hips and pushed his meat stick into Misato’s dripping pussy.

The head of his dick split the orifice of Misato, which is yet to fully open, and stretched it wide as it entered inside.

He felt a slight resistance at first, but soon as the bellend was completely engulfed by the vaginal opening, it quickly became smoother, making Yoichi’s penis slide deeper in to the canal at a faster rate.


Misato moaned loudly, a big change compared to her lazy responses last night.

(Is this the real reactions of Misato? Was it because of her illness that her reactions were really dull last night?) Yoichi couldn’t help but ask in his mind.

“……Are you okay? I got it all in.”

Yoichi immediately noticed that what he was feeling now was slightly different compared from before.

(It’s like I’m being loosely wrapped inside, but how should I put it, the way her wet insides entangle with mine today……compared to yesterday, in which she was just mindlessly accepting it, this is a lot better.)

Yoichi’s hunch was right. As of the moment, Misato’s insides were now actively trying to stimulate his receptive object in full force.

Misato, who had firmly accepted Yoichi’s penis, looked at him with tears in the corners of her eyes.

“Haaa……haaa……it’s fine, sir.”

“I’m not “imagining things” anymore, Am I?”

Yesterday’s blunt attitude was not bad, but for Yoichi, it was still better to have a firm acknowledgment of his own acceptance by the other party.

“In that case, I’ll be moving now.”

“Yes, please move.”

With that as a signal, Yoichi began to move his hips, making squishing sounds as he pushed himself deep.

“hnnnnnn, aaaaaah……”

Misato’s gasps were still short, but the volume of her voice and the expression on her face made her seem like a different person from yesterday.

”Aahaaaaahh, noo……nnn, hnnaaaaahhh! No, no morreee. I’m, I’m becoming weird……!!”

Each time Yoichi moved his hips, Misato’s reaction intensifies, and as if allured by that, Yoichi became more intense as well.

Misato hugged Yoichi, and Yoichi hugged Misato in return. As they hugged each other tightly and moved their hips violently, the strength of their arms that clung to to each other becoming stronger and stronger each time.

Misato’s insides tightened due to that as well.

“No! Aah! Something, something’s coming!!”

Caught by Misato who’s becoming increasingly turbulent every second, Yoichi soon began to reach his limit.

“Can’t……I’m cumming……”

“Please……do it inside, do it insiidee!”

Misato’s insides tightened even more, and from there, Yoichi ejaculated as if he were being squeezed by hand.

“Nhuuuuu!! Haaaaaa……so hot……”

While Yoichi was ejaculating, Yoichi noticed that Misato was clinging tightly to his body, as if she was frightened of something.

Meanwhile, her insides continued to clamp around Yoichi’s thing.

(This……is not good……but……)

Yoichi, right now, was experiencing a strange feeling of guilt and pleasure at the same time – A feeling he hasn’t felt for a long time ever since his ‘parting’ with Karin.

After his ejaculation came to an end, Misato then released him from her embrace.

This also made her pussy relax in turn, giving Yoichi the chance to finally pull himself out.

After doing the deed, he checked up on Misato right away, but what he saw in his partner’s expression was not as he was expecting.

“What……is this……feeling……”

Misato has her mouth open and in a daze, her eyes unable to focus on anything.


Yoichi repeated what he had heard.

“Yes. It feels like something is rising up from the core of my body, and I feel like……my head is gonna go crazy.”

“Well, you came, right?”


At those words, Misato looked at Yoichi, a little taken aback.

“No, I mean, you already came lightly during our foreplay, right?”

“Oh……that, too, is the first time I’ve felt……”

“First time?”

“Yes. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to ‘cum’ before. So, this is what it feels like……”

“I see.”

Certainly, Yoichi has heard about issues of women having difficulties in climaxing. They say that it is difficult for them to grasp the real sensation of coming because it doesn’t happen in a similar fashion as the ejaculation in men.

However, he still couldn’t help but be surprised inside – that Misato, who must already have a fair amount of experience as a prostitute, has never been able to cum, not even once?

Was it because of a defect on her body? A deficiency? Honestly, Yoichi didn’t know, but he also didn’t want to probe more about it.

All he wanted right now was to have pleasure……as well as to forget the pain he’s feeling inside.

“I see. Then that makes me the first man who was able to make Miss Misato cum. It’s an honor.”

When he said that, Misato turned away, a little embarrassed, but he could still see in those lips of hers a cute, bashful, yet refreshing smile, enough to tug his heartstrings a little bit.

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Chris Gill

This title makes me start to wonder who the woman is on the cover. At first I thought it was the girl from the Brothel, then I thought it was Karin, now I think it is Misato..... I hope soon he starts doing more over in the other world and he should probably do another scratch off round of lottery soon.


From my understanding, the girl on the cover was Rina (girl from the brothel) based on the way she is dressed with the kimino