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Chapter 16 – Service within Service

After the shower and the kiss, Yoichi laid himself on the bed, still with the towel on. Akari was looking unfocused, but she still straddled Yoichi on his knees and then unwrapped the bath towel that was wound around his waist.

Yoichi’s panting son came into view. Normally, Akari would have said something flattering at this point, like praising her customer’s girth to boost his partner’s confidence and whatnot, but she just dropped her hips in silence.

Akari’s precious spot hit the back of Yoichi’s rod.

The crack was already wet and sticky. But what’s more noticeable is Akari’s body was so hot that Yoichi immediately felt it from the back of his rod.

Akari then began to move her hips back and forth.


At the sight of the dark-haired woman, completely naked and wearing only her glasses and moving her hips in unison, Yoichi felt indescribably sensational.

Akari’s breasts were hanging down from her slender body, swaying in time with her every movement, but thanks to their moderate size, they didn’t lose their shape too much.

Yoichi reached for the said breasts.

“Anh ……, nn……, haa ……, ahh ……, ahh …….”

When he touched the said breasts, the responses became louder.

Even so, the movement of Akari’s hips did not stop, continuing to stimulate the underside of the meat stick as it is.

After about five minutes of intercrural action, Akari’s movements became a little more aggressive.

Her hips moved forwards and forwards, until the meat stick came off the crack.

Being freed from her body weight, Yoichi’s rod rose up at a slight angle.

Akari’s hips then moved backward to align herself back.

“Mm-hmm. ……”

But it was then when Yoichi then felt something odd envelop his rod.

(Hmm ……?)

Akari frowned for a moment, but after that, she kept moving as before without any change in her actions.

She was still using the same movements, but for Yoichi, the soft, enveloping feeling is now completely different than what he had earlier.

“Uhm……penetration is not in the “menu,” isn’t it?”

“Hnn……mm……penetration……is not……nmmm……”

Yet, even with this, Akari continued to move her hips without any apparent change in expression.

“No? but aren’t you doing it now?”

“It’s not …… it’s just……your imagination……”

Yoichi’s penis is now experiencing a feeling as if the whole thing were being wrapped in warm and soft flesh.

It was in great contrast to his earlier feeling, which was mainly only being stimulated on his back muscles. Moreover, it was making a nastier sound as well.

However, since she said it wasn’t in, it must not be in. Yoichi didn’t pry further and just decided to enjoy the situation to the fullest.

“Haa …… haa ……, does it feel good?”

“It feels like I’m almost inside your vagina, Akari. It’s so good.”

“I’m sorry, but insertion……is forbidden……after all……”

“I know. It’s just my imagination.”

“Yes, it’s just…… your imagination……mmm.”

These actions continued for a while.

Gradually, Akari’s breathing became more and more ragged.

However, even though she seemed to be feeling it, Akari’s expression was somewhat blank. Probably because of the flu.

“Akari, are you okay?”

“Haaa, haaa……yesh, I’m okay……after all, it’s not really inside……”

“No, I didn’t mean that. You look a little tired.”


Akari insisted, but Yoichi could see that her face was already red and pale. Even her eyes were already moist with tears.

And if he looked at her closely, he would see that her whole body was wet with cold sweat.

“Akari, I think I’m already fine. Why don’t we take a break?” 

“Haaa, haaa, no, no need, it’s fine, it’s fine.”

Seeing that her words didn’t seem to make sense anymore, Yoichi decided to lift his body up from their cowgirl position. Then, he wrapped his arms around Akari’s back and lightly pressed on her shoulders in a hug.

However, as if an animal trapped in fear, Akari’s response was to move more violently.

“H-hey, Akari?!”

“Haaa, haaa……it’s work, so I have to ……make you feel good……until the end……”

“W-wait, you don’t have to…….too hot!?”

While he was trying his best to keep Akari in his arms, Yoichi noticed that the temperature of her insides, even the back he was embracing, was incredibly high. To this, he put a lot of pressure this time and hugged Akari tighter as if he were trying to put her down.

“Auuu…….!? Uhm……what are you……?”

Thankfully, Yoichi’s desperate tries bore fruit, resulting in Akari’s body now in perfect contact with his.

Akari’s body was slender but still has a feminine softness. Therefore, when Yoichi hugged her tight, her small but shapely breasts were easily crushed in between, changing their shape into flattened buns.

Yoichi felt the warmth of Akari’s body once again through the sweat that oozed from her soft skin.

“Just a little bit more, sir……and I’ll make you cum. Definitely.”

Akari, who had been hugged by Yoichi and had her profile tightly pressed against his chest, raised her head slightly. Then, as if she had realized something, she rolled her somewhat vacant eyes towards Yoichi’s face.

“Or……do you not want it with me? Perhaps, my body is not to mister customer’s liking?”

But even as Akari told him this while catching her breath, Yoichi still found it difficult to recognize any emotion on her face.

“No, not at all. I just wanted this fun to last longer. I’d like to stay connected with you more, Akari.”

“That……connected, no……we’re not…….”

“Oh, sorry about that. I want to say that I want to overlap my body with Akari more.”

“Is that…so……”

It was at this point when Akari lowered her head. Her body, which had been stiff for a while, finally relaxed as if she were entrusting herself to Yoichi.

“…… I guess that’s it for today.”

(If I could, I would have finished one round, but I shouldn’t force a woman with the flu to do it……well, even with our bodies overlapping like this is not bad, actually.)

“Still, I shouldn’t leave it like this forever.”

Akari was sweating all over. Therefore Yoichi thought it was necessary to wipe off her sweat as soon as possible and let her warm herself first.

With that in mind, he was about to stop the play, but all of a sudden, Akari slowly began to move her hips.

“Ooh……wait, Akari!?”

Yoichi called out to Akari, letting out a yelp at the unexpectedly pleasant sensation that came over him.

“Still……I have to finish……”

Akari’s body is now languidly resting against Yoichi’s, but even in that state, she still managed to move her hips and please him. 

Her strokes were slow and short, but this direct contact between their mucous membranes was already more than enough to stimulate Yoichi’s object.

“No, really. Take it easy. Okay?”

“But……I have to……work…until the end……”

Akari’s eyes were already out of focus, but she still continued moving her hips.

“Come on! Really, let’s not push it anymore, okay? I’m not going to complain or anything.”

At those words, Akari’s hips finally stopped moving.

Then, she angled her face upward, with her chin resting on Yoichi’s chest.

The upturned eyes that had come out of the lenses of her glasses caught Yoichi’s own.

“Haaa……haaa……but……I want it…….”


“Please……let me finish……please…….”

When she said that, Akari reverted her gaze and started moving her hips again.

“I guess I had no choice then.”

(I guess this won’t stop her until finish it.)

With that realization, Yoichi made up his mind and grabbed Akari’s ass.


“Okay, Akari. If you want it, then I’ll have you take it all.”

“Yes! Aaaahhiii!!”

Then, he began a series of upward thrusts. But this time, Yoichi’s moves were relentless, not allowing any rest to the other party.

“Mmmmmmmm! Haaaa haaa, haaa……nnn!”

Akari’s inner areas were repeatedly rammed as a result, and the love juices secreted by the new stimulation made squishy sounds all around.

It was an alluring sight, and yet, Yoichi ignored this all, focusing all of his attention on his crotch instead, prioritizing reaching his own pleasure over Akari’s wellbeing.

“Akari, I’m……too…….”

He thrusted and thrusted and thrusted. After a few minutes, Yoichi reached his limit.

“Aaaah, aaaah……please feel free……let it out……!!”

“Are you sure? If I do…….”

“It’sh……okay……we’re not doing insertion after all……aaah, mmmmph!”

Akari, still trying to serve him despite already having a limp body, was so wholesome that Yoichi couldn’t bear it any longer and immediately took her to an abrupt kiss.

With his left hand still in her hips, he held her by the chin with his right hand, turned her face toward him, then bent himself over to take her lips.

Yoichi flicked his tongue furiously, and Akari also responded with her own, although seemingly a little weak.


Their lips and tongues intertwined in this way, and soon, Yoichi reached his peak.


Whenever Yoichi’s thing pulsed, Akari’s body trembled, and a muffled gasp escaped from her lips.

After the ejaculation was over, Yoichi released Akari’s lips.


Akari rested her body against Yoichi’s again and continued breathing raggedly.

Yoichi could feel the body heat of Akari’s breasts against his chest. It was as hot as if it was on fire.

“isn’t it……dangerous? Wait, it is!”

He quickly checked Akari’s temperature on [Appraisal+] and was surprised to find out that her body temperature was already over 39 degrees Celsius.

“Hey Akari, are you still there?”

“Haaa……haaa……I’m sorry…… just a little…… break…….”

“Of course. Take all the break you need. In fact, I was originally planning to sleep together after doing it once.”

“Is that…so……then……sorry……….”

“It is me who should apologize. Also, thank you for doing it with me until the last minute.” 

“Did you feel……good?”

“Yeah. It was great.”

“I see……thank……goodness…….”

Akari seemed to smile slightly as she said this.

With Akari still in his embrace, Yoichi lied down on his back, then rolled over to put Akari in bed. Then, after fixing her position on the bed’s center, he unclasped his grasp and slowly moved away from her.


With Akari now resting obediently, Yoichi got up and grabbed a box of tissues. Then with it, he carefully wiped away the semen and love juice from her private parts.


The sound of Akari’s voice occasionally made his son react badly, but he tried his best to hold back.

Yoichi wiped Akari’s genitals a few times, then he wiped his own. And when they were mostly clean, he pulled out the extra bath towel that he had ordered beforehand.

As Akari seemed to be sweating a lot, Yoichi took this opportunity to put out his extra bathrobe as well.

After wiping her down, he lifted her up, put the robe on her, then laid her down once again.

(I’m glad I ordered an extra bathrobe.)

The front of the robe was lightly layered, but its size was sufficient enough to cover Akari’s breasts.

Akari was left to her own devices, but all throughout, her moist eyes were slightly open and didn’t move away from Yoichi.

Yoichi already noticed this, and was even almost touched by this expression, added to that the way her chest rose and fell with each ragged breath, it felt really arousing for the man.

“Haa…… haa…… I’m really……sorry……”

“It’s okay. Just take a rest.”

Yoichi then took out his smartphone from his pocket and called the store. He explained where he was, what Akari was doing with him, and her current condition.

[So you’re saying she went down in the middle of the service?]

“Oh, no, no, no, no, I already got plenty of service.”

[But it’s been less than an hour since the 180-minute course. I’m sorry, but if she’s unable to continue the course anymore, I’ll refund you the amount……]

“No need, no need. I was originally planning on sleeping with her for the remaining two hours anyway.”

[……Is that so?]

“And just to confirm, on what time does Akari get off today?”

“Uh, sir……that’s a bit private…….”

“Oh, no, I just wanted to extend my stay until that time.”

[What? Oh, I see…… she’ll be done at 3:00am……]

“Oh, that’s a lie, isn’t it? You don’t have to hide it. It’s usually until morning, right?”

[Oh, no…… I mean…….]

“Like I said, don’t worry. For me, just being able to be with her is enough of a service.”

[I see. Can we speak to her?]


Yoichi went to Akari’s bedside and tapped her lightly on the shoulder.

As Akari was still conscious, she was able to respond immediately.

“This is the guy from the store.”

Akari nodded lightly in response and took the phone.

“Yes?…… yes …… yes …… what?”

Akari looked at Yoichi in surprise for a moment. 

“……yes, I understand……no, it’s okay……I’m sorry, thank you very much……uhm…….”

After reaching an agreement, Akari returned the phone call to Yoichi.

[We’re very sorry for the inconvenience, and as per our deal, we will be going to start a new 180-minute session at 3:00am. After that, Akari will not need to return to the store to report back, and will go straight home. She’ll be free right after. Again, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience.]

“No, I’m fine with an extension, you know?”

[E-excuse me?]

“I said I’m fine with the extension. There’s no need to renew our contract like that.”

[B-but if we do that, you’ll be paying more……]

“It’s fine.”

[I see. T-then, thank you very much once again. The staff will be with you shortly.]

“By the way, can you do me a favor get me some sports drinks as well?”

[Ah, yes, certainly……again. Thank you for using her time.]

After hanging up the phone, Yoichi took the chair set up far away, put it next to the bed, and sat down.

By the way, a new customer pays 45,000 yen for 180 minutes, and an extension is 10,000 yen for 30 minutes, which means Yoichi splurged a total of 60,000 yen for 180 minutes, 15,000 yen more than the usual.

“You can rest now, Akari.”

Akari’s eyes, which were moist yet fixed on Yoichi, quivered slightly.



“You can call me……Misato…….”


When Yoichi called her that, Aka—Misato’s mouth lightly relaxed and even gave a slight nod.

“Then, Misato, you don’t need to push yourself, just rest.”

Misato nodded lightly and closed her eyelids quickly.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at Yoichi’s door.

Misato was still conscious and opened her eyes thinly at the sound, but Yoichi didn’t care and got up and went to the door.

“We apologize for the wait, sir.”

The same middle-aged male staff member as when they started their course showed up with a convenience store bag in his hand.

“Oh, here you go then.”

After receiving the convenience store bag, Yoichi handed the staff 50,000 yen.

“You can keep the change. Good night.”

“Thank you, sir.”

The staff silently bowed, keeping in that position until he closed the door.

Inside the convenience store bag were four 500mL bottles of sports drinks and some jelly drinks as well.

(And I thought these staff were thoughtless.)

Misato’s eyes were already closed, but she seemed to be trying to maintain consciousness. Yoichi didn’t bother with it, but she was sweating a lot, so Yoichi peeled off the covers, lifted her up, and took off her robe. 

After that, he wiped her whole body with a towel, then took off his own robe and put it on Misato instead. Then he put on Misato’s sweat-dampened bathrobe.

Yoichi thought of putting the robe and towels on his infinite storage for an instant clean, but he held back as Misato was still conscious and might still be watching.

(Besides, Misato’s sweat-soaked bathrobe is more of a reward.)

After finishing his wiping, Yoichi laid Misato on her back again, pulled the covers over her, then picked up the sports drink and opened the lid.

“Again……I’m very…… sorry.”

As she said this, Yoichi put his hand on her back and raised her upward, then put the plastic bottle with the lid open towards her mouth.

“Can you drink?”

Misato nodded lightly at Yoichi’s question and drank the sports drink little by little.

Yoichi’s biggest fear for her right now is dehydration.

As long as he took care of that, she should be fine for the night. If the symptoms didn’t go away by tomorrow, he would take her to the hospital. Fortunately, the brand of a flu medicine Yoichi knows has a 48-hour limit, so he still had plenty of time.

Yoichi took five minutes to make sure that Misato had downed the entire bottle of the sports drink and then laid her down on the bed.

“Get some sleep today.”

“……I’m sorry……”

The still-dazed Misato spoke in a muffled voice.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. After all, I don’t dislike playing nurse, especially to a beautiful girl like you. Just think of it as a part of our service and get some rest.”

Hearing these words, Misato smiled faintly, then finally closed her eyes.

Soon after, Yoichi began to hear the sound of sleep.

Yoichi had been watching her for a while, but after confirming with [Appraisal+] that Misato was completely asleep, he removed the glasses from her face and placed them on the side table. After that, he drank a bottle of sports drink and a bag of jelly drink.

(I really think it would be better to let her sleep alone and relax……)

As Misato was lying on a single-sized bed, it will be a bit cramped if two people lie down on it side by side.

This would be a reward for him in normal circumstances, but in the current situation where Yoichi wants to give the sick Misato a good night’s rest, he couldn’t help but feel self-conscious.

(But now that I’ve told her that I’ll sleep with her until the course ends, if I’m not next to her when she wakes up, I’ll be making her feel uncomfortable.)

Yoichi hesitated for a while but eventually gave up and crawled in next to Misato, ending up falling asleep shortly after.

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