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Chapter 11 – Onwards to the Town at the South

From the depths of the forest, a bear-shaped demon rushed towards Yoichi’s vicinity.

As for the size, it’s about as big as a polar bear.


One-Eyed Bear

Status: Hungry

Subjugation Rank: C

Demon Stone: 1 kilogram

Subjugation Proof Location: Left Front Leg

Remarks: A ferocious bear-shaped demon. The blow of its paw is powerful enough to knock down a large tree, and it has the power to close a distance of about 10 meters in an instant. Its strong fur can repel the slashes of steel blades, and its tough muscles can repel the thrusts of spears. Its fur is excellent for armor, its flesh for meat, and its left paw is valued as a delicacy. All of them are completely blind in one eye or the other for some reason.


Up to this date, all the demons Yoichi encountered were only rank G-F.

The Forest Hound rank was E at the highest when in packs of four, and here all of a sudden a C-ranked monster suddenly appears and pounces over the D-ranked ones he was targeting – which are the goblins in this current case.

(Well, let’s give it a shot, and if it looks bad, just run away.)

The distance between the bear and Yoichi was about 10 meters.

It was a little far from the range of his pistol, and what’s more, the other side can close the distance in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the one-eyed bear took only one look at Yoichi without taking any particular stance, then stood up with two wobbly back legs.

(Well, if the target is this big……)

It was a little far away, but Yoichi figured that if even if he fired wildly, he would still hit the wide-open chest area and stomach, which were exposed and unprotected, so he fired three shots at the chest first, followed by three shots at the stomach.

Yoichi’s shooting ability had improved considerably from his past training and experience in actual combat, so all six of his shots hit the target.

The bullets that hit it seemed to have given it some impact, as the one-eyed bear became a little frightened, but none of the shots penetrated its fur, resulting in a pathetic result of only six bruises.

However, while it seemed that no damage had been done, the One-Eyed Bear bent down and came to its feet after that.

This time, Yoichi pulled the trigger, aiming for the head.

As to his expectations, in its head, which was not protected by muscles, he seemed to have dealt considerable damage, and One-Eyed Bear jerked back with each bullet shot.

He replaced the gun that had run out of ammunition after the three last shots and continued pulling the trigger.

However, after the fourth shot, the bear protected its head by covering it with its paws, ending with him hardly doing any damage once again.

(Yeah, this is impossible.)

Deciding that further combat was pointless, Yoichi activated [Return+] and returned to his apartment before the One-eyed Bear could do anything to him.

“Haaaaa……so that is another world, huh.”

Yoichi had thought that he could get by at anything now that he has a gun, but he hadn’t expected to encounter a monster that was this resistant to bullets this early in time.

Yoichi was impressed with the different world, but he was also shocked by the reality that even a .30 caliber pistol would probably not be enough to kill a bear in that world. Whatever the case, he still needs to acquire a more powerful weapon.

He did some research on the net for the time being and found that an assault rifle seemed to be a good idea.

(But, is there such a thing lying around in Japan……Ah, there’s such thing! As always, this [Appraisal+] is terrifying!)

He did a quick search on the famous Russian assault rifle and found out that there is apparently a group in the south that possesses it.

(Okay, let’s get on with the good stuff. But first, let’s get something to eat first)

Since it was still early afternoon, even if he didn’t move now, Yoichi could still have time to do it in the evening.

For the time being, Yoichi went to a nearby restaurant.

The said restaurant is located between his house and the station, and as it’s a little closer to the station, he usually stopped by there to eat after work.

As he usually comes in the evening, he felt refreshed upon seeing his usual hangout in a different atmosphere.

Its billing is based on the usual meal ticket system, which was the usual for a restaurant chain that serves standard Japanese dishes.

Yoichi bought a ticket for a set meal of boiled fish stewed in miso, then walked inside the restaurant, where the lunch rush had already passed, and with a few empty seats beginning to appear.

“Please take any seat you like.”

While busily clearing away the dishes left on the tables and counters, a female waitress took a glance at Yoichi and greeted him.

Expecting that the restaurant would not be any more crowded at this time of the day, Yoichi took a seat at a newly vacant table for four.

“Sorry to keep you waiting~.”

It wasn’t until about a minute that a young waitress with long chestnut-colored hair in a ponytail, which was either curly or permed, visited Yoichi’s table.

(I’ve never seen her before.)

“Here you go. Tuna cooked in miso set meal. Thank you for the patronage~.”

After confirming Yoichi’s order with a soft, slightly prolonged tone, the waitress picked up the meal ticket on the table and tore it along the perforations.

Is it a sad man’s nature that when a female waitress appears at a restaurant or any other place, he is always tempted to check her out?

Though it’s not to the extent of……’licking’ the entire body, Yoichi glanced at the new staff as he sipped his cold drink that came with the set.

With a height of fewer than 150 centimeters, the waitress looked a bit young, and though she’s not that beautiful, her face could still pass as being cute.

Dressed in a clean white shirt with a black sarong apron wrapped around her waist, her youthful appearance gave off an honest and cheerful vibe.

However, the most notable thing about her is her breasts.

She had breasts that were so assertive from the inside that it looked as if the buttons of her white shirt would come off at any time.

They did not match her short stature and youthful appearance at all, and greatly swayed with every movement of her step as she went here and there.

(Is this what they call big-tittied loli? Well, she’s far from being a lolita considering she’s already way past that age, so……)

The waitress bent down to put the part of the ticket stub back to Yoichi’s table, but as a man drawn to breasts, Yoichi couldn’t help but stare at the bulge as he opened his eyes wide.


Contrary to his expectations, the female waitress only giggled at Yoichi’s appearance.

(She isn’t uncomfortable with being stared at?)

It is said that women always notice when a man’s gaze moves to their chests. Yoichi was sure that the waitress had seen his gaze going to her chest just now, but the other party didn’t show any signs of discomfort and just smiled.

(……are you aiming at me?)

“If your chest is so big that you feel like you can’t get the buttons off, why not just go and upsize your shirt?” Yoichi had also thought about this, but he could also not erase the possibility that she is wearing it this way because she also intends to be seen like this.

Looking at the surroundings more carefully, Yoichi was able to see that many of the male customers also have their eyes drawn to the waitress’s big breasts.

Some of them may have come here just for her alone.

Also, there is no way that a company with chain stores nationwide would order a single part-timer to dress indecently for the sake of sales, so she must be doing this of her own free will.

Yoichi tried to distract himself with silly thoughts such as planning to ask her, “Why don’t you just order a larger uniform?” but the strange sense of defeat and guilt he felt when his eyes were caught gazing at her breasts and the fact that she just laughed it off didn’t go away, so he could only speak of an alternative at that point.

“Uh, um, can I order an extra?”

He said to the waitress to break the awkward air, but what came back was a figure of the big-busted loli tilting her head with a gentle expression.

Yoichi immediately felt a subtle sense of immorality, pushing away his earlier feelings of defeat and guilt.

“Uhmm, but our rice refills are free on your meal, sir?”

“Ah, right. I forgot.”

It was awkward silence once again.

His meal indeed came with free rice refills, but Yoichi had never used the free refill system before, so he has completely forgotten about it.

Moreover, if he had waited a little longer, the young waitress would have told him about this free service.

“The rice cooker is over there, sir. Please, feel free to use it.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Then, enjoy your meal, sir, while I get the rest—”

With that, the big-boobed loli went to the back of the store to get the rest of his orders.

Yoichi began to eat his tuna-miso stew set meal; his eyes still transfixed on the breasts of the waitress each time she bends down to place the tray on the table containing the rest of his meal.

Gradually, he paid lesser and lesser attention to the waitress and more and more to his food. He was surprised at how much food he was taking, and for the first time in the restaurant, Yoichi got another helping of rice.

“Sir customer has a big appetite, isn’t he?”

“Yeah. Sorry about that.”

“Ah, that’s not what I meant. I’m just saying that it looked amazing on you.”

“It’s not that often I’m like this. I just had an urge to eat larger portions lately……”

“Mm-hmm. A man who knows how to eat a lot~…… isn’t that wonderful?”

Yoichi was a little taken aback when he heard her say that with an upward glance.

“Please don’t hesitate to ask for more~.”

The big-boobed loli waitress told him that with a soft smile and then left, as she had other work to do.

In the end, Yoichi had five more cups of rice.

“Thank you very much for your patronage!”

As Yoichi finished my meal and was about to leave the restaurant, he heard the greeting of the waitress from the back.

He turned around and saw that she was in the middle of carrying the dishes from another table to the back of the restaurant, with only her face turned toward the man.

Feeling a little disappointed, Yoichi left the restaurant, wishing he could have seen those twin hills one last time.

(Still, isn’t that too many carbs?)

Yoichi felt as if he had been coaxed by the big-boobed loli waitress to eat more than he should have, but considering the abnormally increased calorie requirements of his new basal metabolism, it was not a mistake for him to consume a lot.

Yoichi rubbed his belly, which had become a little heavy from being so full, and started walking towards the station alone.

(Now, what to do about transportation……)

The place where the weapons were found is quite far away from the station and town where he is.

While it would be okay for him to take a cab, it would be suspicious if he went there directly because he isn’t a local. The same also goes if he rents a car, as that would probably draw their attention more.

It would be better if he had a motorcycle, but it would still take a few more days for it to get delivered to his place.

Yoichi has a motorcycle license, so he might as well procure a motorcycle that he can use in the other world, but that can wait for another time as he hasn’t even found a proper path outside the forest yet.

(I guess I’ll just take a cab to the halfway point and ride a bike the rest of the way.)

Conveniently, there’s a large bicycle store in the neighborhood, so from there, Yoichi bought a 50,000 yen mountain bike and asked the store mechanic to adjust it for him, saying that he would ride it back to his home.

After leaving the store, Yoichi rode his bike to the train station and then stored it in the [Infinite Storage+] in a secluded place.


Yoichi took the bullet train to his destination.

On the way, he bought lunch boxes and snacks whenever a cart passes by, and he spent his money here and there, but even with that, he still had enough money in his ‘pocket.’

It’s not something that should be squandered, considering the amount of goods that he might be paying in the future, but Yoichi thought he could manage that as long as he could find some treasures in the other world that will earn him money.

(After all, it’s now possible to make money by selling magic stones and other monster materials, right?)

When Yoichi appraised some of the materials he got from the training the other day, he was able to confirm that it had a reference purchasing price upon checking it through.

In other words, they could also be bought and sold from somewhere else.

Yoichi could have done a little more research on the social system of the other world, but while there were quite also a few things that he was curious about, he didn’t dare to look into it much because knowing too much about it would have ruined his enjoyment of his adventure.

Yoichi does not like being spoiled too much.

(One of my strengths is that I can stay here if the water doesn’t suit me or I need a safe place to sleep.)

In Yoichi’s case, as the world itself is different, there were many things that could still happen without him knowing.

However, as long as he has [Return+], he can come back to Japan at any time, so he still has a way to avoid the problems of daily life there.

(Well, if possible, I’d like to enjoy my daily life in another world to my fullest too.)

Even if he intends to return to Japan frequently, Yoichi knew that he still has to prepare the foundation for living on the other side.

(I guess I’ll figure it out once I get there.)

And even if he couldn’t acquire good fortune in the other world, Yoichi could still come up with exploits using his skills on earth, like the lottery exploit he had the other day.

He didn’t have a good idea at the moment, nor a goal to start, but he figured that for the time being, he should just go with the flow and let fate do its part.


By the time Yoichi arrived at the Shinkansen station nearest to his destination, it was already dark.

Since the location he wanted to go to is still in the town next to the town at the north, Yoichi decided that it should be a good idea to start going off the beaten path once he arrived at that next town, so that if he were to accomplish his goal tonight, he could just activate the [Return+] to go back home.

However, while he was walking away from the conventional line in the train station while deep in these thoughts, Yoichi’s smartphone vibrated.

It seemed to be an incoming call, but Yoichi froze when he saw the name on the display.

Karin Motomiya.

Remembering what happened the other day, he was sure that he hadn’t exchanged any contact information with Karin.

Yoichi had realized this fact very late, and it was already after he and Karin parted ways, but he was in no hurry because he knew that if something happened, he could still search for her using [Appraisal+].

The only thing that puzzled him was the fact that a phone number that he hadn’t even asked has already been registered on his smartphone, and that the evidence is already being shown on his screen.

(No, wait……her number hasn’t changed?)

While Yoichi doesn’t remember getting Karin’s phone number anew, He also doesn’t remember deleting it before.

In this day and age, it’s unusual for a phone number to remain unchanged for more than a decade, but it’s not impossible, since Yoichi himself is in the same way.

“Ah, hello?”

[Uhm, excuse me. Is this Yoichi Todou’s phone number?]

“……what are you getting so formal about?”

[Ah, Yoichi!? Thank goodness, the number hasn’t changed.]

“Well, yeah.”

“But in this day and age, isn’t it unusual to not change your phone number for over 10 years?”

“I could say the same to you.”

[Eh? Right, we’re the same……]

“And, what is it?”

[Ah, yeah. You see, Yoichi, you’re okay with spicy food, right?]

“I guess. What’s up?”

[Nothing much. It’s just that I’m in the south on a business trip, so I thought I’d buy a mentaiko[1] as a souvenir.]

“Mentaiko……? Where are you now?”

The two briefly explained their current locations to each other.

Of course, for Yoichi, he also explained that he was also there for ‘work’ reasons, as the weapons he’ll be acquiring will be used as tools of the trade for exploring other worlds, so technically, he isn’t lying.

[Ahaha~, what a coincidence! Hey, wanna eat together?]

Yoichi wanted to finish his business at once, but he didn’t want to turn down Karin’s invitation.

And since he isn’t in a particular hurry, he decided to meet up with Karin just outside the station first.


“Sorry to keep you waiting~.”

Less than five minutes after Yoichi got off the train, Karin showed up.

She was a little out of breath, maybe for trying not to keep the man waiting.

“Nope, I just got here as well.”

“Really? Thank goodness.”

Karin held her chest lightly, trying to catch her breath. The chest of her coat, which was closed up to her neck, rose and fell with her breathing, but eventually calmed down after a bit.

“So, what do you want to eat?”

Me? Let’s see……ramen or motsunabe might be good. We’re in the south, after all.”[2]

“Still as clichéd as ever. Let’s go with the nabé.”

Yoichi couldn’t help but chuckle, recalling that it was also typical of Karin to give this immediate answer when given a choice like this.

“What’s with the chuckle? Don’t tell me you prefer ramen now?”

“Nope, I’m fine with motsubabe.”

“Is that so?”

After a curt reply, Karin put her hand on Yoichi’s arm.


“What, got a complaint?”

“Not that. It’s……”

“Then we’re good. Let’s go, let’s go!”

Towed by the arm, Yoichi walked throughout the town with Karin in this way.


”Nchuuu……nchuu, lerolero.”

As soon as they entered the hotel room, Karin hugged Yoichi and kissed him passionately.

Yoichi accepted what was being done to him and twirled his tongue around hers as well.

After having a nabé at a local hot pot restaurant, Yoichi walked Karin all the way to the hotel room she’s currently staying in, and from that point, they sort of got into that kind of mood.

Karin is staying in a single room at an inexpensive business hotel not far from the station, and if he were to take the elevator from the first floor, Yoichi could go to the guests’ room without being noticed by the front desk on the second floor.

However, being already 35 years old, and because staying in a hotel without paying for the room is a shameful thing to do, Yoichi still stopped by the front desk to get another single room before going to Karin’s room.

Yoichi and Karin kissed for about five minutes before beginning to take off each other’s clothes.

Soon as they moved to the bed, Yoichi rolled onto it as if he was being pushed down.

It’s because he was indeed being pushed down.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I can’t take it anymore.“

Karin is still wearing her underwear, but she had already stripped the man down to his last piece.

She quickly went on top, and after shifting her panties to the side to expose her private parts, she immediately aimed it at the tip of Yoichi’s member, which was already pointing up to the ceiling.

Karin’s was already wet, so wet that Yoichi could already feel her love juices dripping down his tip and onto his shaft.

“Ah, the rubber――”

But before Yoichi could even finish, Karin had already lowered her hips.


She went straight – all the way to the base of the man.

“Hey, I still haven’t put on a rubber……”

“Nn……it’s alright, after all……”

Karin’s breathing immediately went ragged as Yoichi’s thing got inserted to the root. Little by little, her wet insides writhed as if to match her breathing, continuously stimulating Yoichi’s object as a result.

“No, this isn’t alright.”


Karin just responded with enticing laughter before bending forward a little and pressing onto Yoichi’s shoulders even firmer than before.


Slowly lifting her hips, Karin then put a little weight on her hand that rested on her partner’s shoulder. Of course, it didn’t feel too heavy for Yoichi, perhaps because Karin was stepping on it a little to distribute the weight as well, but this caused Karin’s hot and wet walls to softly envelop the man’s member, rubbing it slimily and creating a pleasurable sensation for the each of the two.

And just as the glans was about to emerge from the vulva, Karin immediately sank her hips, covering the love juice-soaked meat stick in her hot flesh once again.

(Guu……I knew it, doing it raw is dangerous in a lot of ways.)

This was the second time Yoichi had had raw sex with Karin, and it was the second time in his life as well.

The last time, he was so confused and surprised that he ended up not knowing what was going on, and that lasted until the whole thing was already over.

This time is also the same, as he could not avoid being confused at the sudden start of live penetration, but he now had more mental space to himself compared to the previous case.

“Ahaaann……Yoichi’s raw penis, ever since that time, I’ve always wanted to have it in me……”

With a look of ecstasy on her face, Karin let out a few words to herself, not stopping the movement of her hips.

“Yoichi, does my pussy……feel good?”

As she slowly moved her hips up and down, Karin looked into Yoichi’s face and asked.

“Yeah……it feels really, really good. That’s why before that happens……”

“Ehehe……I’m glad……me too. I feel really, really good……”

Yoichi still felt a little guilty about the live penetration, so he tried to urge Karin to change her mind, but the other party just cut him off and continued the act.

“I’m going to make you feel even better,” Karin spoke, her up and down movements gradually getting faster. Soon, a nasty slurping sound began to escape from her now ripe opening underneath.

“Nnnnn, Haaa, haannn……!!”

The office lady’s mucous membranes tangled up and down, stimulating Yoichi’s penis in a merciless way. But despite the intense contrast of being wrapped softly and rubbed violently, Yoichi still managed to endure.

Karin, bending down to look into her partner’s face once again, saw her partner trying desperately to hold back. This made her reveal a teasing smile on her lips as if a succubus who had come up with something evil.

All of a sudden, the insides that had been enveloping the meat stick of her man began to tighten like a vise.

“Oooh……” Yoichi couldn’t help but let out a yelp in response.

The sensation of the walls that had been wrapping against him increased in pressure, but even with that, Karin’s up and down motion continued non-stop, increasing the tightness in each of her strokes.

“Hey, this is bad……”

If Yoichi really tried to resist, it would have been easy to push Karin away. However, the pleasure he felt was just too good to deny.

Unable to come up with a solid decision to reject her outright, Yoichi eventually accepted Karin’s actions and let her do what she wants.

The combination of the sticky, tangling sensation and the tightening, rubbing stimulation gave Yoichi an incredible pleasure. Eventually, something started to rise up from deep inside his balls.

A few minutes after insertion, Yoichi’s limit came.

“Nfuuh……you can let it out inside.”

Although Yoichi did not raise his hips as a last resistance, he still was unable to refuse Karin and ejaculated directly into her vagina.


At the moment of ejaculation, Karin dropped her hips vigorously and continued to tighten Yoichi’s rigid, yet pulsating penis.


The man just let out a pathetic squeal in return.

“Fufufu……Yoichi, you’re still so quick to cum when things get tight. That part of you hasn’t changed at all.”

“Guh, shut it.”

“Still, now that you already did it inside, it doesn’t matter now how many times we do it at this point, isn’t it? Nfuuu.”

As she said this, Karin raised her hips and pulled out the foreign object that was just inside her.

A trickle of semen spilled out of her hole after she pulled out.

“The night is still long. Let’s do it again once this one revives.” She lightly stroked the object, which has already wilted and hanging loosely underneath.


However, this action made Yoichi’s hips quiver.

As he has just had his ejaculation, his son is still sensitive.

“Nfu. Since we’re here, let’s get you cleaned up while waiting……haamu.”

Karin headed down, burying her face in the man’s crotch. She then took the flaccid manhood straight into her mouth in one go.

“Jupu, lero……zuchuuu……”

Carefully licking it whole, she scraped off the semen and love juices that still remained in their previous actions.

(Oh, man, this is bad ……)


Yoichi’s son got bigger and bigger inside Karin’s in turn, which surprised the latter by a lot.

With her eyes opened wide, Karin returned her gaze to Yoichi.

However, as if it was his turn, Yoichi smiled a little nastily in return. He then raised his lower body and lightly pressed it down on Karin’s head.


With Yoichi’s cock being forced in her mouth, Karin made a disgruntled sound in surprise, but she eventually gave in and began to move her tongue furiously while sucking on the meat stick instead.

And since it was only a light push on her head, she could have resisted anytime, but in the end, Karin seemed to have decided to listen to Yoichi’s request, and let her head be played by the man.

For Yoichi, Karin’s blowjob is poorer compared to that of a prostitute. However, that feeling of being inexperienced also induced something in him as a man.


Entwining her tongue with Yoichi’s to stimulate him, Karin squeezed with her mouth as hard as possible. Because of this, Yoichi’s mood to cum increased, making the force of his hand that was pressing down on Karin’s head to become stronger.


At first, it was only the tip part that was being contained in the middle of her mouth, being stimulated in the back muscles and ligaments, but in that instant, the meat stick reached deeper with Yoichi’s lunge.

The bellend now became wrapped around the walls between the base of her tongue and the back of her throat, while the base of his meat rod is now being stimulated by her lips.

But even while making a painful, slightly muffled sound as the back of her throat got violated, Karin still did her best to move her tongue, which had now become difficult to move, to serve Yoichi.

Karin even got tears in her eyes after a while, yet she still continued to serve him, enduring the feeling of vomiting as she got poked repeatedly in the throat. Soon, the suffocating feeling was replaced with a blurry and hazy feeling.

As for Yoichi, being continued to receive Karin’s ministrations in this way, he eventually reached his limit, pushing himself further into the back of Karin’s throat.


For the second time, Yoichi finally ejaculated.

Karin’s eyes widened, but afterward, whenever Yoichi’s meat stick pulsed, she gulped and drank his seed right away.


After drinking up all the released semen, Karin narrowed her cheeks and gave one last suck, as if to slurp every last bit of his seed, before finally releasing the penis in her mouth.

“Nnn, mou~…… why did you let it out in my mouth……”

“S-sorry about that. Or rather, I think I pushed it into your throat by a lot. Are you okay?”

“Un……it was hard at first, but gradually, it got fine.”

“Still, sorry about that. I got a little carried away.”

“It’s not like I hated it that much, but now that you already came twice, I guess there’s no more for me tonight……”

Even when he was still dating Karin, Yoichi was already known as a premature ejaculator.

He could make two shots if she took his time, but he had never been able to make more than three in his life as he was already down for the count after that.

Because of this experience, Karin’s mouth, which was agape at first, quickly turned resentful as she stared back at Yoichi with a pout.

(Still, doesn’t that mean that she wants to do it more with me?)

The way she spoke those words was no different from telling him straight away that she wanted more sex with the male in front of her. Her expression as well, that frustration upon knowing that it will be their last round, it was telling him that she still wanted to do it with Yoichi in its true meaning.

Upon knowing this fact, Yoichi felt blood gathering in his lower body once again.

“Who said it was over after two times?”

Yoichi spoke to Karin in a theatrical tone as if imitating some kind of character.

“Eh, No way……”

It was then, right in front of Karin’s eyes, Yoichi’s son rose up and poked hers from below.


“You know the saying, men will look different if you haven’t seen them in three days?”

“Well, yeah, but you usually become weak before we even get to the third one!”

“What, got a complaint?”

Karin looked a little surprised, but she soon smiled and hugged Yoichi.

“Nope. I like it……”

Karin rested her head on Yoichi’s chest for a while, then pulled her body away a little and looked up. She then stared at Yoichi with moist eyes, as if she was anticipating something more.

“Hey, touch my tits……”

Yoichi realized that after all that happened, he still hadn’t taken off her bra.

Translator Notes:

[1]. Mentaiko (Seasoned cod roe). It is basically (though “basically” is an understatement) a pollock roe marinated with spices (Chili sauce) and is used in Korean, Russian, and Japanese cuisine, sometimes in French as well as they are good topping to pasta, ramens, and potato salads. Mentaiko is the spicy kind, while Tarako is the plain, salted kind, but as roes, they are very highly appreciated yet difficult to find, so procuring one is very expensive.↰

[2]. Motsunabe (Japanese offal hotpot). It’s basically a hotpot (Nabé) you commonly see in Japanese cuisine, but the ‘main ingredient’ of this is pork or beef offal (basically innards, intestines, etc. or ox tripes) then added with garlic chives, cabbage, miso, etc., then completed with Champon noodles.↰

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